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MrGrimm888's avatar

What does the US gain from affirming Jerusalem, as Israel's capital? (Details)

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) May 14th, 2018

Trump’s usual tactics, are to get something in return for something else. It’s tit, for tat.

What does the US get, in this “deal?”

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20 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Trump gets Jewish votes in the next election. And probably some extensive dollar contributions from people like Sheldon Adelman.

What does the US (country) get? Nothing. Nada.

(Actually, not true. American military hardware manufacturers, and ammunition makers, probably make money selling to Israel.)

ragingloli's avatar

Multiplied unrest, destabilisation and violence in the region, increased regional and global terrorism, serving up an excuse for continued and increased military involvement and further erosion of basic civil rights.
More money for the death merchants.
More power and influence for nazis, “militias”, radical christians, and other assorted scum.

flutherother's avatar

Trump relocated the US embassy because he thought it would be good for Trump rather than good for America or anybody else. Of all the ways Israel might have achieved its historic objective of having Jerusalem recognised as its capital this is surely the worst.

LadyMarissa's avatar

This has nothing to do with what the US will gain. The question should be what does Trump have to gain??? He knows he won’t be in office forever & he’s negotiating with every country in the world to position himself for the best possible negotiations benefit in the not too distant future!!!

Darth_Algar's avatar

A brewing shitstorm, that’s what.

kritiper's avatar

Thumbing the nose at those who don’t like it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Trump gets the Christian vote again in 2020.

LadyMarissa's avatar

See, even Trump supporters can’t answer your question. Having said that, I have absolutely NO problem with his decision. My problem is with a man who has control over my life & doesn’t give a rat’s butt how my life plays out. The question here had nothing to do with his decision & I replied what the US has to gain!!!

I know at least 10 Christians who won’t be voting for him…where’s there 10, there’s more!!! He admitted on National Prsayer Day that he doesn’t include himself as a Christian but he does have a Vice President who is.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What America gains is ridicule from the rest of the world on being Israel’s bitch.

Demosthenes's avatar

It seems to have mainly been about pleasing his base and keeping a campaign promise, as many of his actions have been.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF he keeps his campaign promises like he keeps his wedding vows, we’re in big trouble!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

p s s t @LadyMarissa we’re in deep trouble!

Hope you been shipping extra money to your offshore bank account in Grand Cayman, Eric and Donny Jr can explain.

notnotnotnot's avatar

What does the U.S. gain? Hmmm…I’d start with asking the senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, who supports the move. Or maybe we could ask Hillary Clinton.

Of course, what we get is what our $3.8 billion per year buys us: complicity in an occupation, oppression, and massacre of a people. But who cares what the U.S. gets. Israel’s creation and treatment of the large open-air prison called Gaza is simply a crime against humanity and we are paying for it.

Trump has very little to do with this. Trump is not changing course on Israel in any substantive way. If you have find murder to be immoral, don’t pretend this started with Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump made it official. I would say that he has everything to do with it… Such action implies that the US supports the actions of Israel, and essentially spits in the face of the victims…

notnotnotnot's avatar

@MrGrimm888: “Such action implies that the US supports the actions of Israel, and essentially spits in the face of the victims.”

Sure. But how is this different from Obama’s position? Or Chuck Schumer, who has been calling for this move for years? Or Hillary Clinton, who called for this very move?

Israel is able to get away with what it does precisely because of the US. The embassy move is not fundamentally out of character with US supporting the occupation. Turning everything into a “this is Trump” moment is as dangerous as it is inaccurate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t find it “inaccurate,” to hold one responsible for their actions. Trump did it. Not holding politicians accountable, that’s “dangerous.”

It’s obviously different, because now it’s official. If the US had not done this, it would not have hurt it’s position. The move seems inflammatory, and unnecessary. Not a surprise, as Trump is inflammatory, and divisive.

This is absolutely a “Trump moment.” Israel does what it does, because the US allows/funds them. I agree. But this was a public display of affection (PDA.) A true, official showing of America’s position, in a ongoing conflict. One in which it has painted itself as a arbitrator. This was strategically foolish, as it gives the US a bad look , to some, and should only hurt relations with Iran, and the Palestinians, amongst others.

Speaking of Iran, the timing of this Jerusalem thing, and pulling out of the Iranian nuke deal, was also either deliberate, or stupid. Not sure I prefer either.

I agree that it’s not out of character. Sadly…

The question essentially is “what does Trump gain?”

notnotnotnot's avatar

@MrGrimm888: “I don’t find it “inaccurate,” to hold one responsible for their actions. Trump did it. Not holding politicians accountable, that’s “dangerous.””

So, actually doing what many Democrats support and making a symbolic move is certainly on Trump. But I’ll repeat – if it’s in no way a change to US policy, making it seem as though it is does little to address the real issue.

@MrGrimm888: “It’s obviously different, because now it’s official. If the US had not done this, it would not have hurt it’s position. The move seems inflammatory, and unnecessary. Not a surprise, as Trump is inflammatory, and divisive.”

Everything the US does is inflammatory and divisive. I’m only saying that the “Trump is exceptional” narrative, which is popular among liberals, ignores how bad US foreign policy is.

@MrGrimm888: “This is absolutely a “Trump moment.” Israel does what it does, because the US allows/funds them. I agree. But this was a public display of affection (PDA.) A true, official showing of America’s position, in a ongoing conflict. One in which it has painted itself as a arbitrator. This was strategically foolish, as it gives the US a bad look , to some, and should only hurt relations with Iran, and the Palestinians, amongst others.”

This is exactly what I’m talking about. I can only read this paragraph as being supported by the (incorrect) belief that the US had (prior to Trump) been some kind of neutral party. This is preposterous.

But I must clarify: of course this will continue to hurt relations with Iran, the Palestinians, and others. Continue. There is absolutely nothing out of character here. The US is rogue state – and has always been. Trump didn’t start this or change things fundamentally.

@MrGrimm888: “Speaking of Iran, the timing of this Jerusalem thing, and pulling out of the Iranian nuke deal, was also either deliberate, or stupid. Not sure I prefer either.”

Iran is critical here, because the US is set to invade. Do you recall what set this in motion? Remember last year when the Senate voted 98–2 to impose new sanctions on Russia, NK, and Iran? Do you remember the hate Bernie Sanders received because he was one of the two who voted against it because he felt that it threatened the Iran Deal?

The Iran Deal (one of Obama’s only decent accomplishments) was abandoned by the Democrats and Trump followed through.

The result of painting Trump as reflecting a fundamental change in US domestic and foreign policy is that people really have no idea how bad US domestic and foreign policy has always been. Rather than being able to engage in institutional analysis and fight to effect real change, it has become about one person. And this is how the Republicans, which are truly evil pieces of shit, have been able to get so much done. They can redistribute wealth and get everything on their xmas list because of liberals, who happened to be the same people who gave us Trump and the Republicans to begin with.

I’m sure we agree with how bad things are. All I’m suggesting is that we consider that what Trump is doing is not radically different. We need to acknowledge this.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. I’ve known Trump, for a while. I listened to him on Howard Stern, several times years ago. Most of my opinions were formed then.

What’s radical, is Trump being so aggressive towards free press, and his general intentions, to apparently be a dictator…

America has already suffered greatly from Trump. His every move, seems to further damage our international credibility, and our diplomatic strength. I suppose Putin likes that…

Kraigmo's avatar

Trump’s boss and base is the Christian Taliban who tend to be Armageddonists. The United States will receive nothing positive from this.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The scorn and disgust of the rest of the world.

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