Social Question

chyna's avatar

Melania Trump underwent kidney surgery today and according to news reports president Trump stayed at the White House. Shouldn't he have gone to at least make the appearance of being a caring human?

Asked by chyna (51731points) May 14th, 2018

Why wouldn’t his staff really have pushed him into being with his wife during surgery, if, for nothing else, appearance sake? Does this just solidify your thoughts of him or do you feel he was too busy with presidential issues to be with his wife and should get a pass?

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39 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

I bet she requested that he not show up because she was feeling bad enough without his help!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a feeling she can’t stand the sight of him any more.

johnpowell's avatar

The news is saying he is planning a visit later today. Someone probably told him she should give the illusion of caring.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t think she ever could. She was planning a short marriage & a bountiful divorce. Then life stepped in & screwed it up!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Are we sure it really was kidney issues? How do we know he didn’t borrow some chemical stuff from his buddy Putin and mix it into her Cheerios?

flutherother's avatar

Maybe Trump should book himself in for heart surgery and get one installed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t understand why she just doesn’t file for a divorce.

chyna's avatar

She probably promised not to file until he was out of office in exchange for a boat load of money.

Jeruba's avatar

^^ Or maybe, if she has some idea of how much money he doesn’t have, she wants to stick it out until he gets some. Which is what he’s up to while the getting’s good.

I can’t imagine that he’d pay a lot to maintain appearances when a divorce would be nothing next to the scandals he’s already generated and none of his supporters care one bit about appearances any more. “Fake news” covers a multitude of sins.

I didn’t see him crying “fake news” when the media gave some favorable reports of his activities with respect to North Korea.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Fake News is covered by BOTH sides of the political spectrum!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Conservatives are far less likely to fact check, and much more likely to share fake stuff.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Oh yes, they’re sharing a fake president!!!

kritiper's avatar

The welfare of the many outweigh the minor medical consequences of the one.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s Trump, and Melania’s business.

I don’t see Trump as capable of seeing anyone as anything but a possession, or an enemy. I used to listen to his interviews with Howard Stern, many years ago. Howard gave him the freedom to really show his true colors. He’s a pretty terrible person. Obviously, not much has changed. I doubt he enjoys her being ill, but I don’t think he is really able to emotionally process his feelings. She seems to hate him too, so maybe she didn’t want him around.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Though I never miss an opportunity to dump on Trump, this is one occasion where I feel the usual openly visible abominations are missing. There’s just too little information from the severity of her condition, to the urgency of her husband’s obligations. I just heard on the radio that Trump was now at the hospital, so I hope his wife’s doing well.

LadyMarissa's avatar

She’s doing great. She’s on an extended vacation in a place where she is allowed to look out the window!!!

johnpowell's avatar

@LadyMarissa :: I laughed really hard. Then I had to google to find this.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It doesn’t take a “deep” analysis of her body language around Trump, to infer an obvious tension.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@johnpowell I believe that; but, I was referring to the First Lady of France who remarked after their visit here that our First Lady was being held a prisoner in the White House because she wasn’t allowed to open any windows.

If you think back to November 2016 as The Donald & Melania were stand at the voting booth voting, he looked over to verify that she was actually voting for him. She has all the appropriate social graces but the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen!!! Jr announced that she cried when it was announced that he had won the election but then retracted his statement after thinking about what he had said.

JLeslie's avatar

A lot of crap is happening in the world. Maybe it was difficult for him to be away from the WH?

I would want my husband at the hospital, but it wouldn’t bother me if he left during my surgery if he needed to, and the president can easily go back and forth.

We don’t know all of the details. I’m not going to guess about someone else’s marriage. Who knows how united they are or not. I don’t even care about that.

I remember when Al Gore was running for president and a reporter asked him what comes first family or the presidency/country (I don’t remember the exact wording). This was when there was so much family values schtick going on. A totally horrible question. The right answer is the country when you are president! That’s my opinion. That’s why the family makes a sacrifice. It’s a sacrifice. The needs of the many outweigh the few. The commitment is to the country more than anything in my opinion for those 4 years.

Spouses of soldiers go through all sorts of things alone when their spouse is away.

If Trump was out playing golf (was he? He might have been) then my answer would be that’s pretty obnoxious. I have no idea what he was doing.

zenvelo's avatar

He went off and played golf on Mother’s Day. Why would he change for a minor kidney problem?

JLeslie's avatar

For me, Mother’s day is different than an operation. Mostly because I’m afraud of operations. Not that I’m defending the guy.

As I sit here I’m not sure my husband stayed through my whole operation? I kind of remember he left for work. He was back by the time I had been moved out of recovery to a regular room.

That didn’t upset me, what upset me was when I went to the ER and was completely freaked out that they would do an endoscopy and he went to his motorcycle class. I was upset, because having an endoscopy was horrifying to me, because I’m fairly phobic about that procedure.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump is hardly the type for syrupy sentiments. In this I suppose he should be applauded in lacking the foresight to at least fake some sort of affection for his wife, who would probably react with open disgust at the attempt.

Yellowdog's avatar

Why is everybody guessing?

Twenty-three “answers” and nobody has a clue.

Trump missed his VERY great place of honor in Jerusalem today to be with his wife.
They wanted no press and kept it secret. Where-ever Trump goes, the press follows. Much of the Trump press has VERY bad manners.

Egad, most of you don’t have a CLUE on what’s going on with Trump or with the world.

filmfann's avatar

It is no one’s business about Melania Trump being treated for chlamydia.
We should all be respectful and not speculate on how she got it.

Yellowdog's avatar

She had a benign kidney tumor. The procedure was described on most news networks

stanleybmanly's avatar

are you talking about the same liberal networks we should never believe?

flutherother's avatar

I’m pleased to hear that Melanie was able to get prompt and effective medical treatment when she required it. All Americans should expect the same.

Yellowdog's avatar

They do. And I’m about as low as they get, economically.

MrGrimm888's avatar


When I was 22, I developed a DVT (blood clot.) I was told by the doctor, that it was potentially fatal. Definitely, if untreated. But, I had no insurance. The treatment was to hospitalize me. The hospital would NOT take me, without insurance. I had to scramble, and find several financial aid services. That was fun, because I was told that I could be dying. So. It took me two days, just to get into the hospital.

Long story short, I was hospitalized for over a week, and had to have blood tests every other day, for six months.
With my financial aid, I incurred a debt of over $70,000. As I said, I was 22 years old. At the time, I made around $10,000 a year.

To this day, I have suffered from this. I never had good credit, and have always had trouble getting a loan, or housing. This event, that had nothing to do with me, destroyed my life, before it really began. The ACA at least gave me a chance. Due to changes, I don’t even have that anymore. My state (SC) doesn’t take medicaid money, or something like that, so in my tax bracket, I am ineligible.

I know a guy, who had a horrific knee injury in high school. He had several surgeries, accumulating over $1 million in debt, at 16 years old! Yup. Life ruined…

If Melania was poor, she may still be awaiting care….

flutherother's avatar

^ Indeed. I’m sure most Americans would rather be defended against cancers, heart attacks and actual injury than Afghan tribesmen who never did and never could and never will do them any harm.

Yellowdog's avatar

I knew someone in Texas who had to install a gate because the drug cartels kept cutting his fence. Eventually his family was getting harassed by the drug cartels and had farm animals stolen or killed out of maliciousness. His neighbors were driven off over a seven or eight year period. He was eventually shot.

Not ALL illegals crossing the borders are bad, but many are. That’s reality.

I think that’s the issue more than Afgan tribesmen.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m sure she has been well cared for. It’s funny that you think you know what the president has and has not done. You know what he wants you to know.

Aster's avatar

He went to visit her today. She had a kidney embolization. Benign condition but she has to stay in the hospital for the rest of this week. Quite painful , I’ve heard.
If my husband were President I would not expect him to be with me in the hospital for a week but would definitely appreciate a couple of visits.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I went without any kind of health insurance for many years. I’m am just thankful no serious medical situations arose during those times, @Yellowdog.

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LadyMarissa's avatar

Melania called me today & asked me to request that everyone chill. She doesn’t want him visiting her any more than he wants to visit her. Visiting to impress his constituents is worse than not showing up at all!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Tell her I want her bread recipe.

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