Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Will there, or even can there ever be a successful comic book movie, that is not an action movie?

Asked by ragingloli (52408points) May 15th, 2018

It always seems to devolve into a big fight at the end.

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9 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Are there any comic books that aren’t action stories? Let’s start there.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

My knowledge of comics, and even this comic is low, but how about Love and Rockets?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Some manga-based animes are not action movies.

France also has its fair share of non-action comic book adaptions too.

zenvelo's avatar

Like Casper the Ghost? Garfield? Richie Rich?

There was even an Archie movie called Riverdale.

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cookieman's avatar

Go check out “I Kill Giants”, in select theaters now. It’s from an acclaimed comic about a little girl coping with family issues.

And, there are oodles of very good, non-super hero, non-action comics our there.

Comic books are not a genre — they are a delivery vehicle.

Non-action comic book movies:
American Splendor
Art School Confidential
Ghost World
Scott Pilgrim
Road to Perdition
History of Violence
Josie and the Pussycats
The Mask

Now, were those all “successful”?

zenvelo's avatar

Oooh! @Mimishu1995 reminded me of one of my favorites which i thought was a good adaptation, Tintin

elbanditoroso's avatar

Betty and Veronica wiki article(comic_book)

Darth_Algar's avatar

Blue is the Warmest Color.

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