General Question

janets's avatar

Has anyone thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer we had a boy that was missing for 3 years somewhere around here and they found him .i would not let her out of jail shell will just run?

Asked by janets (132points) August 17th, 2008
Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0

472 Answers

simone54's avatar

Of course. You can barrow it if you want.

trudacia's avatar

what the..?

wildflower's avatar

Mostly purple, but only on Wednesdays.

peedub's avatar

Never I’ve seen it 40 times. But hey, take it, I mean, who in the heck knows, right?

jrpowell's avatar

I want to hate this question, But for some reason I can’t.

trudacia's avatar

I looked under the frizzer and the pool shell that belonged to the boy was missing from the house.

jrpowell's avatar

@trudacia :: did you happen to find the key for my bike lock?

trudacia's avatar

The key is in the shell frizzer with the girl from jail. Duh!

Don’t you pay attention johnpowell?

SuperMouse's avatar

I have never given so much lurve for a single question. “Great Answers!” all around. As for it being a “Great Question!” Janets had me at “under the swimming pool.”

@JohnPowell, if your key, not unlike the boy around there, has been missing for three years and Trudacia couldn’t find it under the pool or the fizzer, you should write it off and buy a new lock. But whatever you do, don’t let the bike out, it will probably just run.

syz's avatar


poofandmook's avatar

I think I just soiled myself.

syz's avatar

(passes poof a towel)

benseven's avatar

Who’s shell and why will she run? And I thought it was a him?!

cak's avatar

I think we should work frizzer into regular use. Frizzer. Yep…I’m keeping that word.

It was a toss up between this question and the light period, question. I pick now to wake up enough to fluther…great timing, wouldn’t you say??

TheHaight's avatar

Oh fluther… How I love thee.

peedub's avatar

Ooh la la, I found a FRIZZER!

trudacia's avatar

@peedub, mystery solved. You found the shell girl from jail. Well done! Now find the boy from somewhere around here.

cyndyh's avatar

I thought a frizzer was one of those tiny tight curling irons. Maybe it’s perm chemicals. Maybe it’s the CO2 in your soda. (I know, that should be fizzer instead.)

I think a frizzer could be anything that makes chaos happen, people scatter, hair fluff. So, a frizzer under a pool can definitely make a boy go missing for 3 years.

trumi's avatar

You had a frizzer for three years? Mine always go bad after the second shell. I put the swimming pool on top of the jail, but the boy still ran away.

Tantigirl's avatar

My sign is Aquarius, so I’m thinking that maybe it was the sizzly bubbly thing instead of the frizzer… Has anyone else checked their sizzly bubbly thing?

stratman37's avatar


crunchaweezy's avatar

I wuv little kids evil laugh

send him to me

arnbev959's avatar

According to the 2nd law of thermodinamics, the boy in the frizzer couldnot successfuly become the same temperture of the sink (in this case the frizzer) because he would be continue to produce a sufficant amount of energy to increse the total heat enargy (and hence more entropy) in the sistem (the frizzer). This increased heat would everntually cause the air sourounding the frizzer to become lighter than the sourounding air, which would cause the pool to rize up and off the ground. However the bones would already have been crushed by the wight of the pool, so even if he was out of jail the bones would be crushed and would not be able to run away. That proves that your story is impossible. No way this could really have happened.

trumi's avatar

Puff puff pass, eh Pete?

cyndyh's avatar

Go, Pete. :^>

sndfreQ's avatar

I’m either in Fluther Bizzaro world, or I just caught a contact high through my iPhone off of pete’s wicked kush…amazing for a sunday evening! So that’s the hidden iPhone feature SJ was holding back!!

Tantigirl's avatar

As long as he doesn’t go burrowing into the sizzly bubbly thing, you don’t know what he’d catch then!!!

cyndyh's avatar

@Tantigirl: ... or what he might pass on to the rest of us in the sizzly bubbly thing.

arnbev959's avatar

No, no. He should burrow into the sizzly bubbly thing. That’s the entrance to the next dimension.

cyndyh's avatar

Oh, does it go to the same place the back of the wardrobe goes? Is that where socks disappear and extra hangers come from?

trumi's avatar

Socks disappear to Fraggle Rock, silly.

cyndyh's avatar

To maintain conservation of thingiebobbies the hangers have to show up when socks disappear, though. It’s thingiebobbie physics.

jholler's avatar

I think I peed myself.

cyndyh's avatar

…but you’re not sure? LOL!

arnbev959's avatar

maybe the swimming pool was leaking on him.

jholler's avatar

could have been…I’m a him, btw.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

JP answered this twice. I vote for a dick punch.

Tantigirl's avatar

I second that Sueanne, and then he should be thrown into the sizzly bubbly thing. At least the sizzly bubbly might ease the pain from the dick punch. And jholler, if you must pee yourself, please make sure the sizzly bubbly is not in the near vicinity!!!

shrubbery's avatar

* wipes tears of laughter away *
I was once a treehouse I lived in a cake but I never saw the way the orange slayed the rake I was only three years dead but it told the tale now come and listen little child to the safety rail.

jholler's avatar

…make a little birdhouse in your soul….

poofandmook's avatar

Help!! I’m stuck in the frizzer! I have a fish too close to my face and his eyes are mighty beady!!

Tantigirl's avatar

Uncle Harry’s pissing in the bath and the DVD doesn’t want the bike to be jealous that the frizzer is not going to marry poof’s fish for which the sizzly bubbly will be put in jail, and the garage will escape….

jlm11f's avatar

i would like to personally thank everyone who wrote on this thread for making my day. I can’t believe I avoided this Q when I first saw it, life’s biggest regret for sure.

delirium's avatar

This is one situation that urbandictionary can’t help.

Tantigirl's avatar

Hey delirium, is “sizzly bubbly” in there too?

delirium's avatar

Not yet…..

scamp's avatar

shell is there, and definition #2 explains alot.

PupnTaco's avatar

How did I miss this?

poofandmook's avatar

you’re slipping, Dave.

delirium's avatar

Open the pod bay door, dave….

PupnTaco's avatar

I’m afraid, Dave.

Oh wait, that’s me.

Janets, we need you! Come back!

poofandmook's avatar

tips Dave’s pod over

poofandmook's avatar

can we keep this thread forever and ever? pretty please?

robmandu's avatar


How come the querent’s lurve score is only 16 when this question has been GQ’d fifteen times?

I dig this Q, so I want janet’s lurve counted up appropriately, although that person has yet to return to Fluther (last visit 17AUG).

poofandmook's avatar

@Rob: Because she got one point for visiting and 15 for GQ and that’s it, I suppose.

It could turn into a vicious cycle though. Lurve goes up, questions increase, it’s not funny anymore… what if this is the diamond in the rough?

poofandmook's avatar

wait. You get 3 points for every GQ. Duh. Yeah, what’s up with that? LOL

jlm11f's avatar

Ok. don’t laugh but I seriously did not realize this Q was about an actual case . I thought it was just silly, but I actually understand what the asker is trying to say now (though she said it in a very amusing way).

robmandu's avatar

News on the story, from yesterday.

scamp's avatar

Altho the wording of this question is rather humorous, the story itself is very sad. It’s hard to imagine a Mother killing her own child.

Nimis's avatar

[peeks in real quick]

AstroChuck's avatar

I just got here. What’s up?

SuperMouse's avatar

@Astro, were you under the pool or in the frizzer?

Has anyone else noticed that this received 22 great questions?!

shadling21's avatar

I just found this. Amazing.

trumi's avatar

I think half my lurve came from this :D

simone54's avatar

This is best question ever.

richardhenry's avatar

I love that you can change the title to:

Run just will shell jail of out her let not would I? Him found they and here around somewhere years 3 for missing was boy we frizzer the in of house the at pool swimming under looking thought anyone has?

…and it makes exactly the same amount of sense. Good job Devi for managing to decipher this; MI5 will be contacting you.

jlm11f's avatar

Thanks Rich, I try my best. No contact yet :(

simone54's avatar


jlm11f's avatar

simone – maybe you can PM janets and ask for a new Q?

breedmitch's avatar

he he

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Ok. So when I got home today my mom called me and asked if we have any salmon left or should she get some more. To which I [accidentally] replied “I think we have some in the frizzer.”

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Who said FRIZZER? Fer crissakes I am trying to sleeeeeeep!

MrMontpetit's avatar

I’m actually having a similar problem, so i was in the doctor, and ive there a while. He says I can bipolar! I said back: I DON’T IN BIPOLAR YOU CAN NUT MY COW! ... then I waddles back up my seatbelt and flew home.

AstroChuck's avatar

What’s really sad is that janets’ last visit on fluther was the same day she(?) posted this question, so she(?) doesn’t know what a hit it has been, nor that she has the lurve record for most GAs.

cdwccrn's avatar

I had one. It fell up.

AstroChuck's avatar

edit: I meant most GQs.
I have the record for the answer the most GAs.

Jeruba's avatar

@AstroChuck, where do you get those stats?

AstroChuck's avatar

I asked Andrew about my 39 GAs. He told me it was the record. Which means-
AstroChuck = Fluther god!

shadling21's avatar

I just Googled “Casey Anthony” and figured out what this question was about. I thought it was pure gibberish! Well, it is, but at least now I understand the topic.

@AstroChuck – Does that mean that janets = Fluther god(dess)?

MrMontpetit's avatar

@shadling21 I know about Casey Anthony, but still think this question is giberish.

MrMontpetit's avatar

Actually, now that I read it again, I kinda understand it. Except the “at the house of in the frizzer”

I’m pretty sure he or she meant freezer, but she cant sentence good. :/

AstroChuck's avatar

Removed by self

trumi's avatar

She means “at the house or in the freezer

But if we analyze it it’s no more fun :(

shadling21's avatar

@trumi – Point taken. Analysis finished.

tonedef's avatar

After the majority of human knowledge and civilization are lost, other lifeforms or societies will find the frizzers on Fluther, and they will be analogous to the writings of Nostradamus.

girlofscience's avatar

I have this bookmarked for use whenever I have a bad day.

It’s still funny.

wundayatta's avatar


Are ya’ll sick, or is that just the frizzer?

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I never got to see JP punch his dick. Rats.

cyndyh's avatar

I don’t want to see dick punching or rats. Neither should have anything to do with the frizzer.

SuperMouse's avatar

@cyndyh are you saying the “frizzer” is sacred here on Fluther and should be treated as such? If you are then I am behind you 100%.

Another reason this question has more accolades than any other? Because nearly six months after posting it is still active. That is some staying power!

Tantigirl's avatar

Yeah but cyndyh, the frizzer may be a soothing place to be after dick punching.

and if SuperMouse is behind you, I’d be very worried lol

cyndyh's avatar

Frizzer Frazzer Frankin Munched
Dicks are not for to be punched

Didn’t yer momma ever tell you that?

The frizzer may be a soothing place after a dick punching, but that doesn’t mean dicks need to get punched before they get soothed, now, does it? And when we’re talking about dicks and punching and frizzers and rats and SuperMouses, I don’t want anyone behind me. Behave or it’s under the pool with you two. :^>

tonedef's avatar

Would it be in poor taste to actually talk about Caylee Anthony in this thread? I’m proud to say that a distributor in my hometown had plans for this.

funkdaddy's avatar

you’re killing my frizzer buzz… ;)

cyndyh's avatar

@tonedef: Wow, that’s an idea that hope just bombs.

tonedef's avatar

@cyndyh The idea for the doll actually got canned. Thank god. You’d have to have a frizzen heart to market that.

cyndyh's avatar

True, that.

MrMontpetit's avatar

frosted butts

ubersiren's avatar

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read. It’s almost as good as’s re:16 yr olds. Anyone know what I’m talking about?

Dutchess12's avatar

What are you talking about? Is there a news report you can link to? Also——what is a “frizzer”?

breedmitch's avatar

Ha! Now you’re a real jellyfish! Congrats.

Dutchess12's avatar

@breedmitch You talkin’ to me? Is being a jellyfish a good thing? That doesn’t look like a jellyfish up there to me…it looks like an octopus…I don’t wanna be an Octopus…but Please Not To Ask from would LOVE to be an octopus…I am so lost and confused and lonely!! :(

AstroChuck's avatar

@DutchCat- That’s Dr. J, and he’s 100% jellyfish! He’s definitely not an octopus.

(Dont call him that. It gets him upset!)

Dutchess12's avatar

@AstroChuck (Don’t call him what? A jellyfish or an octopus? I can’t figure out how to manipulate my fonts!)

Jeruba's avatar

@DutchCat, don’t be sad. You are welcome here. Relax and browse a little. And look at the very recent threads where we lost two of our regulars for a little while: here and here.

You’re doing fine. You’ll get it.

trumi's avatar

Can we start calling the (all 40 of them) “the Octopi”?

Dutchess12's avatar

@trumi (Why would you want to do that??? Please not to ask would be happy—she’s having an octopus themed wedding—but I don’t want to be a octopus!) PS..I’m experimenting with the font styling…can you help me out?

Dutchess12's avatar

HEY!! It worked!!!

breedmitch's avatar

@DutchCat: Check out this question, and then you’ll be part of the jellyfish inner circle…

Dog's avatar

I will never be able to go to the frizzer again without a smirk on my face.

Dr_C's avatar

so that’s where i parked my car

augustlan's avatar

I love that new people are finding their way to this thread.

AstroChuck's avatar

Poor janets.

Trustinglife's avatar

Poor Janets? You’re pitying someone who got 56 GQ’s?
Good thing this question didn’t get modded! (Don’t worry, I love the mods!)

robmandu's avatar

yah, poor janets with 56 GQs and yet only 22 lousy lurve points.

Trustinglife's avatar

Has anyone seen her? Maybe she’s in the frizzer?

arnbev959's avatar

Poor janets will forever be trapped in the frizzer.

augustlan's avatar

Or in the barrow, under the pool.

mangeons's avatar

Which is purple, but only on Wednesdays.

arnbev959's avatar

What the?

Trustinglife's avatar

We do realize we are messing with a historical landmark here with each additional post?

AstroChuck's avatar

I wonder if she has salt and pepper with her in the frizzer.

Dog's avatar

Of course she has salt and pepper- it matches the frizzer and the shell.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@Dog, I thought the shell will just run?

mangeons's avatar

The shell will run, Tali, but then it will get caught in the salt and pepper and start sneezing, which will then put her back in jail because she didn’t pay the sneezing tax, and put the pool on top of that, so she is caught in the frizzer forever with Trumi’s bicycle key, the boy from around here, and the salt and pepper!

Dr_C's avatar

@mangeons you are an artist or words…. a “Wordist” is you will

wundayatta's avatar

If her lurve isn’t going up, it’s because she deleted her account. Maybe she was someone else here’s alternate identity, or maybe she just couldn’t stand it. Given her linguistic facility and the response to that, I think she took off as fast as she got here.

jlm11f's avatar

@daloon – Her lurve isn’t going up because you can only get a limited amount of lurve for a Q/quip.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hurray! Devi’s old avatar is back!

richardhenry's avatar

All is right in the world again!

wundayatta's avatar

@PnL: so that would be seven GQs that generate lurve?

So she didn’t delete her account? She just disappeared?

richardhenry's avatar

@daloon Her account is open, but other than this question has no other activity.

Dog's avatar

It seems a shame she is not active. I would love to see a follow up question.

augustlan's avatar

Pfft. If you were her, would you ever post here again? I know I wouldn’t! I’m so glad she dropped by, though. :D

wundayatta's avatar

I dunno @augustlan. maybe if I was kind of oblivious or didn’t really care, I might post again. It would be kind of cool to be able to be that way. Maybe in another life.

cyndyh's avatar

We could start an internet-wide search.

Where’s janets? Do you know if she be under frizzer here o there? Did shell jus run?

mangeons's avatar

@cyndyh… I’m think the shell did jus run, but the boy from around here won’t tell me where shell went.

augustlan's avatar

@mangeons Avatar thief! Happy April Fool’s Day, indeed. Hmph!

mangeons's avatar

is sneaky

Trustinglife's avatar

Facebook has infiltrated Fluther.

mangeons's avatar

Nice avatar, @Trustinglife. Hehe. ^^

Trustinglife's avatar

You inspired me to do it!

sccrowell's avatar

okay, I hate to admit that I laughed so hard at someone misfortune. It is a terrible situation but gosh you all were funny! Here it is may 13,2009 and you’re still getting
G lurve! Thanx Augustlan for the link!!!

jonsblond's avatar

@sccrowell You and I are late for the party but it is a good laugh! I really enjoy it because my real name is Janet. :)

cyndyh's avatar

Now, I’ll think of you as jonsblondplanetjanet. :^>

essieness's avatar

@augustlan Yeah, thanks for the link. I’m just answering so I can follow and not forget about this gem… :)

Clair's avatar

I wonder if she ever knew how monumental it was…..

Dog's avatar

What? @janets is missing? Quick! Someone look under the pool or frizzer!

augustlan's avatar

She’s probably over there, behind the pancakes.

cyndyh's avatar

No, swimming in the pool of syrup. That’s my bet.

mangeons's avatar

Or swimming in the pool full of lime jello.

cyndyh's avatar

Does lime jello go with the pancakes?

mangeons's avatar

Ewh, no. Lime Jello is in the Pool, the pancakes are in the frizzer. Basic logic, @cyndyh!

cyndyh's avatar

I thought that’s why we had syrup in the pool so the pancakes could be dunked.

mangeons's avatar

There’s no syrup in the pool! The syrup goes in the jail, even though shell jus run. It’ll slow her down, the stickiness.

markyy's avatar

Is @poofandmook still in that frizzer? I sure hope someone remembered to punch a few holes in it.

funkdaddy's avatar

Awards really make this question even better. What question better exemplifies Sunken Treasure?

An enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a pastrami sandwich

Thank you @janets

funkdaddy's avatar

@markyy – not 100% on where to start so I apologize if this is oversimplified…

This question, due to being so dang-ol awesome, has a ton of “great questions”, so it earned the award titled “Sunken Treasure” that is given to questions with more than 14 GQs. Apparently that award has only been given to 41 questions as of right now, so pretty rare.

If you hover over the award badges here they each have a caption (in most browsers anyway), the caption for the Sunken Treasure award is…

An enigma wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in a pastrami sandwich

which I think describes the question perfectly. Also I think it’s funny that @janets (the person who asked the question) is essentially 1 for 1 lifetime and has now retired to the frizzer without realizing the awesomeness she unleashed. It’s like a scene out of Forrest Gump or something.

markyy's avatar

@funkdaddy Ah ok, well I understood that you were referring to an award, I just didn’t know a Sunken Treasure is so rare (although those 41 users could have 10 of them each) and this question qualified for the award (it might actually have the most GQ’s in the history of Fluther).

Allie's avatar

Oh my, I remember laughing so hard when I first read this. =]

Dog's avatar

@Allie The classics never get old do they :)

SuperMouse's avatar

@Dog and @Allie, even though this thread has over 150 response, my favorite is still by @wildflower very close to the top, “Mostly purple, but only on Wednesdays.” It makes almost as much sense as the question itself. @Dog is so right, the classics never go out of style…

mangeons's avatar

@SuperMouse That’s always been my favorite line too! <highfive>

cyn's avatar

frizzle my jizzle into a sizzle

Clair's avatar

@cyndihugs that sounds like that might not smell great.

Val123's avatar

@wildflower We don’t have Wednesdays in Kansas. Somebody put them all in the frizzer and buried it, and now we can’t find them.

Val123's avatar

(I’m gonna print this off and put it on my frizzer….)

cyn's avatar

@Clair I’m talking about hot-dogs.~ (:

Clair's avatar

Sometimes on Tuesdays if the weather is nice and there’s not alot of traffic. I don’t keep wieners in the frizzer anyways.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Val123 Great idea! I think I’ll adorn my frizzer with this, too!

J0E's avatar

Wow, what an extraordinarily odd question…

NewZen's avatar

Whatever happened to the asker of this brilliant question @janets? With 80 plus GA’s how does she only have 30 lurve?

filmfann's avatar

Makes ya wanna beef-top a mess of orcherd-berrys and a commando road crosser.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I told her to make a left at 92nd street but she ended up at Wal-Mart instead. Her GPS and Onstar began to argue and after that, all bets were off.

MissAnthrope's avatar

One of my favorite questions ever.

jsammons's avatar

I like popsicles too.

syz's avatar

I thought this question had been archived?

tinyfaery's avatar

Aww… I miss @trudacia.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@syz only for the article or something i thought. Same with WTFs proposal thread

wundayatta's avatar

@syz It seems that it has been given a second life. Perhaps they want new folks to experience the bestest question ever.

This question has a rather dark side. I think it’s a message from a killer who wants to get caught.

RedPowerLady's avatar

this is such a classic

breedmitch's avatar

I think it’s back open to give people the chance to be awarded the cake in the frizzed award. The cake question, however seems to be closed. We really shouldn’t question out deities.

Dr_C's avatar

I just got the cake in the frizzer award and i’m not sure why….

augustlan's avatar

Mmm. Cake in the frizzer.

Dog's avatar

Frizzen cake is really awesome- the frosting is like candy.

breedmitch's avatar

edit: “our” deities (damn iPhone)
unless there’s something bendrew wants to tell us

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Candy Frosting? I love frizzer cake!

Bluefreedom's avatar

The CIA has frizzers and swimming pools. The possibilities are endless…........

Dr_C's avatar

Before there were men who stared at goats there were jellies who stared at frizzer cake (and yes the CIA funded both)

aphilotus's avatar

Frizzer? I ‘ardly even know ‘er!

hearkat's avatar

@daloon: interesting theory! I wonder whether that has ever happened, where someone intentionally posted self-incriminating comments on the ‘net.

grumpyfish's avatar

My grandmother always called it a “frigidaire”, which got very confusing when we had a stove from frigidaire.

patg7590's avatar

I just wanted to be a part of history

zephyr826's avatar

What color shell the frizzer half?

cyndyh's avatar

I tink that’s “shale” and “haav”. Sheesh. Everone nose its pool-colored.

Val123's avatar

@NewZen OMG!!! Zen!!! you said, “Whatever happened to the asker of this brilliant question @janets?” I bet she’s in the frizzer!!!

Val123's avatar

(Moderator here) Alright people. Get back on topic before I toss you all into the Off Topic Tank.

patg7590's avatar

If @Val123 is a mod, I’m the Tooth Fairy.

cyndyh's avatar

The Tooth Fairy’s name is Steve. That’s not you, is it?

Val123's avatar

@patg7590 I KNEW you were real!!!!!!!!
@cyndyh The Tooth Fairy’s name is Steve?? Is he gay?

cyndyh's avatar

@Val123 : I think so, but you can never be sure these days. He’s friends with my favorite fairy—Steve the Clue Fairy. I used to think they were the same person, but not so. They do work together on rare occasions when the CF hits rather hard and the TF visits the following night.

Dog's avatar

As usual I pop into this thread and think WTF???
It is like our own little acid trip in here. ;)

Val123's avatar

@Dog Ya man! Frizzer acid, man!

cyndyh's avatar

You get that the same place you get the Word on the Street -right next door to the Coach Store where coaches go to buy their muscles.

Dog's avatar

Seriously. The award for finding this thread should have been called the “Down the Rabbit Hole Award” ;)

Jude's avatar

Oh hai!

Allie's avatar

@Dog Or under the rabbit hole.

filmfann's avatar

Can’t be inda frizzer checker cellarfer maggots.

El_Cadejo's avatar

this thread degraded to more random blah than it started at in the last couple days. Hmmmmm i wonder why…..

AstroChuck's avatar

Why? I haven’t seen any award and I’ve posted on this thread loooong ago.

Jude's avatar

Cake in yo frizzer. Highly entertaining thread. Too bad @janets never made another post.

Dr_C's avatar

This is the pilgrim award all over again :p

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@AstroChuck They were revoked! I will be sad if it involves the addition of cake to this thread. (i.e. look for cake in the frizzer, or some other trigger combination) We are deluding history. This is not an homage; this is sacrilege!

buckyboy28's avatar

@AstroChuck they were rescinded…

tinyfaery's avatar

Hey. Give it back.

asmonet's avatar

Sup, guys. Having a party?

Dr_C's avatar

@asmonet we were just waiting for your sexy ass to get here so we could get it started ;)

Dog's avatar

Hell yes! – Drink this and look for the white rabbit.

Dr_C's avatar

Pro tip: the white reabbit is in my pants

ratboy's avatar

She sells seashells on the poolside. Boy’s head all frizzy.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Oh now I understand.

EmpressPixie's avatar

You made it! We’ve been waiting for you.

Dog's avatar

@asmonet is here! The party shall now begin!
Doc- you keep that thang holstered ya hear?

cyndyh's avatar

Ok guys. I lost a lot of weight this past year. Good thing? Sure. But now I’m sitting in a pub writing my NaNoWriMo novel, having my second beer and reeeeeeally feeling it. Holy crap. Some of the stuff up there is starting to make some weird sort of sense. Did I mention it was only my second beer? I will look in the frizzer under the damned pool. I promise I will. Geeeeez.

casheroo's avatar

Wha? I want it back too.

Dr_C's avatar

@Dog you never let me have any fun! (pouts in corner)

RedPowerLady's avatar

Okay I’m not funny and don’t know how to party but I’m here. You can count me in as the wallflower.

cyndyh's avatar

Hey, you were funny to me even before the beer. Don’t let the snippy kids get you down. You write good quip, chick. I use the term “chick” in the friendliest possible way there. Lordy!!!!

cyndyh's avatar

What do you want back @casheroo?

grumpyfish's avatar

Wait, @cindyh are you sitting in a pub writing your NaNoWriMo novel, or is the weight you lost writing your novel? You need to remember to put that weight to work for you!

cyndyh's avatar

I did put the weight to work for me. After losing more than 50 pounds this past year, holy crap, apparently I am now a lightweight in the beer department. Seriously light weight. Damn.

I have been writing in coffeeshops. Then I thought it might be fun to have a few beers and do some writing. But holy crap. What was I saying? I guess it’s cheaper to get buzzed these days. I’m just glad I didn’t drive anywhere. Yay for lightrail and walking!!!!

It’s working, doctor! (said in my best Igor voice.)

ubersiren's avatar

Am I understanding correctly that if I commented on this post and the one that @breedmitch linked that I will get some sort of award?

Ok, I’ma waitin’.

jonsblond's avatar

janets took the username that I wanted. That’s why I had to go with jonsblond. :(

cyndyh's avatar

@ubersiren : no soup for you.

chyna's avatar

Is this the new chat room?

nxknxk's avatar

What’s going on in here? I’m suddenly missing my Cake in the Frizzer award!

EmpressPixie's avatar

Check your PMs. Tim stole it from you.

chyna's avatar

Tim is an indian giver. :(

nxknxk's avatar

Shucks, tim.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i say we put tim in the frizzer.

wundayatta's avatar

I have nothing to say. The rumors that I know what kind of cake it is are completely scurrilous; not to mention opaque. There will be no unsealing of liposuction here!

Now I’m going to get my laps in before the frizzer is closed.

MacBean's avatar

I liked the part where it said to retry what I did to get it before. ...I didn’t do anything! I must’ve been one of the people who shouldn’t actually have gotten it, I guess.

nxknxk's avatar

Yes, let’s put him with the cake in the CIA’s frizzer.
I guess though that I didn’t deserve it.

MissAusten's avatar

I lost mine too. :( But it’s always fun to revisit the frizzer.

ubersiren's avatar

I’m confused and sad.

MissAusten's avatar

I hit the cake question too, just for the heck of it, and still can’t get over how funny that was!

hearkat's avatar

Hmmmmm… I just hope they don’t take my Perfecto Fish away, too!

Clair's avatar

Maybe @janets is psychic and she knew this would happen, therefore Tim is already ‘the boy under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer…’ ..Good one @janets…we all thought you were loopy there for a minute. Now torture him till he gives us back our awards!

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

[Mod Says] Let’s stay on topic please.

Dog's avatar

Ha ha ha ha!!!!

@Clair Brilliant!

Clair's avatar

@Dog Thank you, thank you. You’re too kind.
And did anyone realize this is the tag on here? Which incidently has nothing to do with a swimming pool or frizzer…

nxknxk's avatar


Wow. Casey Anthony was born in the same city I’ve lived in most of my life. I don’t remember hearing about this story, though.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@Clair It was noticed. @PnL brought it up first. In hindsight, it’s pretty clear that Janets was suggesting that the little girl might yet be in some place that was overlooked (in the frizzer or under the pool,) because some child in her neighborhood, who had been missing for 3 years at the time of the post, was found in a similar place. The lattermost part of the question asked for opinions on releasing Casey Anthony from jail (or returning her to jail as the case was.)

EmpressPixie's avatar

@Clair: Actually, it really does. It was not uncommon with older fridge or freezer units for the owners to unplug them and abandon them, and then for exploring children to get locked inside them. Similarly, in above ground swimming pools, there is often an area that children can become trapped under. In both circumstances, the child involved usually dies. I think the now famous Janets was simply trying to start a discussion about it.

Clair's avatar

Interesting….@janets must have emotion and curiosity just like we do. Very interesting. Alright alright gang, back on topic here!

Dog's avatar

~No offense- but I liked the abstract twist of this thread better. :)

cyndyh's avatar

There’s a topic?????

SuperMouse's avatar

Since we were all given then lost our Cake in the Frizzer awards, who votes for changing his name to tim false man? All in favor say aye! Ok tim, I’m just kidding, but I want my award back.

El_Cadejo's avatar

i got mine back :)

RedPowerLady's avatar

@uberbatman show off! you could at least tell us what you bribed Tim with.

El_Cadejo's avatar

well i did obviously. with pancakes that is ;)

tinyfaery's avatar

Not me. :(

casheroo's avatar

I wonder if it has something to do with a different thread..

cyndyh's avatar

What the hell? I want a Looked in the Frizzer award, and I want it now!

RedPowerLady's avatar

okay i’ve commented on pancakes, cake, and frizzer, what am I missing? not that i care much about the award itself, i just hate figuring this out

cyndyh's avatar

I don’t really care about the award itself, but if it’s coming to me then it should bloody well be here by now. It’s the principle of the thingie.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@RedPowerLady you’re missing 2 :P

RedPowerLady's avatar

@uberbatman Argh. Now I’m really confused, hehe.

cyndyh's avatar

Ok, cool. It’s not just me.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Okay I figured out one more. It has to do with the government. Now what is the freaking last one??

Wait, wait that can’t be it. It is archived….
Does that mean I can never get the award? Or am I off track?
Now if I can never get the award that is okay with me as I can stop trying to figure out this riddle. Ick!

MissAusten's avatar

I got mine back, and this time I’m keeping it! You hear that, Tim?!?! It’s mine! :P

Clair's avatar

YAY! I got it back! And I can’t believe I did it before @RedPowerLady! I feel so cunning…

avvooooooo's avatar

@janets, I love this thread.

Nothing like swimming pools and frizzers. Not to mention cake!

Judi's avatar

So is this the place you go to get it back?

jsammons's avatar

Haha! I’ve got mine back too! In yo face Tim! You can’t oppress the people!

avvooooooo's avatar

Crap… I want some cake!

nxknxk's avatar

I feel like if @janets would return she could bestow the Frizzer award (and perhaps free cake or pancakes) upon the whole of the Fluther community.

Alas, she is gone.

Dog's avatar

I found it again….Thanks Tim!

Darwin's avatar

I already checked out all the pancakes, so now here we go with the frizzers.

avvooooooo's avatar

Pancakes would be good too…

casheroo's avatar

I thought the cake one was archived?

NewZen's avatar

What exactly is “jail shell will run?

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@NewZen a decontextualized piece of a disordered run-on

Darwin's avatar

@NewZen – It’s one of those new mobile jails. They move really fast, but they are just a shell of the former cells.

avvooooooo's avatar


Darwin's avatar

@casheroo – Don’t archived pancakes get stale?

Cartman's avatar

Can you hear the drums Fernando?

cyndyh's avatar

This question needs one more great question. Where’s the love for janets?

Dr_C's avatar

This thread deserves the “Energizer Bunny Award” it keeps going and going and going and going and going and…....

tandra88's avatar

I wish I could understand this question. Or at least put something sarcastic.

Cupcake's avatar

Maybe @janets is Cassey Anthony…

jsammons's avatar

I are lovering there question it is jurst teh berst!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Deep dish paranoia served up with a side of schizophrenia and Prozac for dessert. Nice.

erichw1504's avatar

Once, I had to put them in there but this I can’t think of a time that was the thing for it is. When I have one of the most memorable things that is the greatest forever. To this question though I would say always remember this is ever.

filmfann's avatar

@janets to the white courtesy phone ….@janets to the White courtesy phone…

zephyr826's avatar

the cake is a lie.

MissAnthrope's avatar

There is no cake in the champagne room.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Apply @erichw1504‘s logic to the OQ to prove @Cupcake‘s theory:

Has anyone thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer we had a boy that was missing for 3 years somewhere around here and they found him .i would not let her out of jail shell will just run?

Jude's avatar

Ain’t nothing cuter than a fat country baby eatin’ peaches off a hard wood floor..

spits tabacci

markyy's avatar

@Beta_Orionis You’re right, it’s a CIA encoded message!

Allie's avatar

We always find out.

patg7590's avatar

there is no cake

Dog's avatar

@patg7590 Yes there is. ;) It is just not where you think it is.

Cartman's avatar

@janets: Where the frizzer have you come Janets? We miss!

patg7590's avatar

@Dog this sucks, it took me long enough to figure it out the first time

Val123's avatar

All this talk about cakes and pancakes. Let’s talk about something else, like Tacos. O. Wait. That would be getting off topic.

avvooooooo's avatar

Mmmmmm… Tacos!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Tacos sound good. Can I get a couple of those? Both the indoor and outdoor type?

cyndyh's avatar

It tacos come after pancakes and before cake in the frizzer the CIA put under swimming pool.

Btq Shell dint run. Shes guilty. No pancakes. Boom gone jail. No boy party now.

Val123's avatar

But shell will.

cyndyh's avatar

Know shell not.

Val123's avatar

Thou shell not put your frizzer in the waserin mickshene.

Grisaille's avatar


It’s so beautiful

Cartman's avatar

How the shell is this thing working? I’m all frizzled out.

Dr_C's avatar

@Cartman don’t make me stick your ass under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer… that’s like fluther’s “House of the rising sun”

Cartman's avatar

In the end I shell overcome or I will drown myself in the swimming pool or I well run for da hills. Tru!

Cartman's avatar

@erichw1504 great! I knew I was feeling frizzled, at least my brain feels like it’s frying or burning with a sizzling noise.

Or I had a bain frizz

Val123's avatar

@erichw1504 OH! She was talking about HAIR! Now it all makes sense!...... ?

erichw1504's avatar

Cool! Now let’s talk about shells

cyndyh's avatar

Shell shell she shell by da she shore.

Grisaille's avatar

Shell, you say?

erichw1504's avatar

You shell like shelt.

Cartman's avatar

Shell yeah!

Val123's avatar

@Cartman LOL! You get the frizzer shell award for that one!

erichw1504's avatar

@Val123 That should be a new Fluther award: Frizzer shell!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

All hail the mighty FRIZZER.

bagelface's avatar

Smells like grilled cheese sammy in this thread.

shilolo's avatar

Divided sky, wind blows high.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Red sky in morning, sailors take warning?

avvooooooo's avatar

@bagelface Mmmmm… Grilled cheese!

I think… We have GAs and GQs… We should have GCs too! :D

Strauss's avatar

It was balloon boy after a time warp!

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@MacBean me too. Frizzer = hair product? What? The sad part about this is that that actually makes sense, but to me nothing but the fluther frizzer makes sense.

patg7590's avatar

Indian Giver, my award is now chopped liver

Val123's avatar

There is not such thing as GC, avvooooo. Now gimme a cookie.

hearkat's avatar

I am not good at riddles… “Cake in the Frizzer”?… I’m so confused!

bagelface's avatar

I want cake in frizzer!!!!!! How do am getting one?

jsammons's avatar

Here’s this question in how it would sound in bizarro world:

Has anyone looked in the freezer under the swimming pool? We had a boy missing here for 3 years and they found him. I wouldn’t let her out of jail, she’ll just run.

Crazy, it isn’t even the same question o.O

bagelface's avatar

The question mark at the end is like half the fun. Maybe 60%

jsammons's avatar

@bagelface Haha, this is true :P

patg7590's avatar

award cause want always never out i won’t figure often :/

Dog's avatar

Has aneone thot to hiding under the pants in or hell call in big cops without seeing what kin of dessert shell be in breakfast?

patg7590's avatar

off course he sailed he woodnt have thot too look thar she knowed when little boy flew the balloon?

Dog's avatar

u ned to now ther is no frizzer balloon to found. shineey is not behind tho police can

Dr_C's avatar

Think about hiding in the box of at the attic with frizzer cake for winning. I wouldn’t giv awarded for stoopid shell will bite slice. Pancake in the fancy pants will answer for in the thread of at the place with the campfire and the bloat. we had a Ballon boy selling helium for at the fair hell just hide?

Dr_C's avatar

That’s right… I went there

Dog's avatar

@Dr_C Awesome!

robmandu's avatar

lesson learned: don’t keep your cak in teh frizzer or shell eats it?

Val123's avatar

You people having frizzer attacks?
@robmandu No, you shouldn’t keep your cat or yak in the frizzer or the shell.

SuperMouse's avatar

@robmandu first shell eat it, then shell run.

erichw1504's avatar

Maybe shell run out of frizzers in her swimming pool while looking for the boy under the bed?

cyndyh's avatar

Long as shell run instead get runs. Cake runs not good?

erichw1504's avatar

All your frizzers are belong to us?

cyndyh's avatar

My frizzer under pool. You lift you keep.

btucci10's avatar

I’ve never enjoyed not understanding something this much before…. I laughed incredibly hard (you know the kind where it’s difficult to get a breath in between bouts of laughter and your face gets all red) for a good 5 minutes at this…

patg7590's avatar

@btucci10 when you realize what’s at stake, you’ll be back

erichw1504's avatar

This question takes so long for my computer to load now. I wonder how long it will take in a couple months.

cyndyh's avatar

@erichw1504 : A couple months and a bit.

Val123's avatar

@erichw1504 LOOONG time! The way to get around that is to have two instances of Fluther up, one specially earmarked for this page. It works. You’ll see.

bagelface's avatar

Alright,..who farted,...

Narl's avatar

Wow… this is hilarious. I feel like I’m in an alternate Fluther universe!

jsammons's avatar

@Narl Bizarro Fluther

YARNLADY's avatar

Cake in the frizzer? I hope so.

MissAusten's avatar

@Clair I’m going to use that link the next time someone asks what the difference is between Fluther and Yahoo Answers.

Val123's avatar

@Clair That was freakin’ hilarious! Someone should have told him he needed to keep his condoms in the frizzer until he was ready to use them.

markyy's avatar

November 8th, 2009. A black day, the day half the Fluther population deleted their accounts and joined Yahoo! Answers.

Clair's avatar

@MissAusten REALLY!
@Val123 HAHA!!! Duh! Keep frozen until use! Don’t all condoms say that nowadays???

janbb's avatar

Gonna take my cake out of the frizzer now…..

eponymoushipster's avatar

i asked her if i could stick my cake in her frizzer once, and she slapped me.

janbb's avatar

@eponymoushipster You’re supposed to be gone. hungryhungryhortense and I ate you all up on another thread.

janbb's avatar

It’s the question, “What foods do you enjoy, that others find repulsive?”

(Sorry for the diss, monkeyman.)

Dog's avatar

@eponymoushipster I am pretty sure it was not what you had hoped. ;)

SuperMouse's avatar

@eponymoushipster once I get the go ahead from mabl8tr, you can store you cake in my frizzer any time.

janbb's avatar

@Dog You are a sly….dog!

Narl's avatar

@eponymoushipster You can put your cake in my frizzer, too.

aprilsimnel's avatar


And suddenly, I want ice cream. And cake, please.

acidlogik's avatar

Cake? Here? Oh please?

wundayatta's avatar

Everyone talks about cake and ice cream, but no one says what kind, or who the chef is. I fail to see the point.

robmandu's avatar

< < < thinks it’s funny that people keep posting cake-related quips here in a vain attempt to win the Cake in the Frizzer award. Because that ain’t gonna work.

janbb's avatar

@robmandu And I was trying so hard! So what the hell is it?

YARNLADY's avatar

@daloon cake and ice cream don’t have points, silly, you must be thinking of Y!A.

Darwin's avatar

@YARNLADY – An ice cream cone does so have a point!

YARNLADY's avatar

@Darwin If ice cream cones had points, how could we set them down on the table?

janbb's avatar

@YARNLADYThat’s the wrong kind of cone. :-)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I am of the opinion that cake and ice cream are their own rewards!

Shuttle128's avatar

Figured I should make my mark here as this is history. Glad to finally see what the commotion is about.

Darwin's avatar

@YARNLADYThat’s not a cone. This is a cone.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I’m not really sure what you’re all talking about, but this and this are both cones, too.

Darwin's avatar

@toomuchcoffee911 – We are talking about ice cream cones. Your examples are indeed cones, but people very rarely put ice cream in them.

YARNLADY's avatar

@daloon To you with lurve. I will take my cake and ice cream plain and simple, thank you, no points necessary.

Darwin's avatar

That poor woman must be sooooo cold…

wundayatta's avatar

Everyone talks about jelly, jelly, jelly. Why no talk about peanut butter? You can’t have jelly without peanut butter. Well, unless you have cream cheese. Or English Muffins. Or cheese.

Ok, ok. I was wrong. Never mind.

acidlogik's avatar

Yes! I got my frizzen cake :D

Strauss's avatar

—When I was small I used to think it was an ice cream comb!

jlm11f's avatar

Sometimes cake and frizzer aren’t good enough. And they need a third partner.

That’s my hint to all of you having trouble with this one.

Judi's avatar

But if we have Cake in the frizzer, can we go to the pool whenwwere done?

NewZen's avatar


janbb's avatar

Should we abandon the cake in the frizzer and have pancakes this morning instead?

bagelface's avatar

Hold the salt and pepper imo.

fireside's avatar

Isn’t Cake in the Frizzer something you are supposed to eat on your one year wedding anniversary?

erichw1504's avatar

I think this question has jumped the frizzer.

Better yet, nuked the frizzer.

Val123's avatar

@robmandu There is no such thing as the Cake in the Frizzer award so of course it’ isn’t going to work!
@janbb Or waffles. I seriously do have waffles in the frizzer. Next to my shell.

fireside's avatar

Yeah, I figured out there was no way to get the Cake in the Frizzer award.
At least not as far as I can tell… : )

robmandu's avatar

@fireside, yah, anyone can get it. Like all of the Atlantis-level awards, you’re supposed to try and figure it out. Thing is, simply posting a quip mentioning “cake” in this discussion ain’t gonna do it. So try something else.

fireside's avatar

Hmm, ooh I guess I figured that it was no longer available due to what i found somewhere else.
I’ll have to check into it further.

First day back and I only made one guess.

(Not that I thought putting Cake in this thread would do it : ) )

patg7590's avatar

@robmandu i had that award once, then some mean old jelly beat me up and stole it. I doubt they’ll give me another…

robmandu's avatar

@patg7590, yah, that apparently was a programming bug where it had been awarded inadvertently. The award is still available to win. I was also in the same boat as you until I figured it out.

Val123's avatar

@robmandu But that’s almost like daring us to write a totally impossible question (like this one) that would get modded anyway! What else could it mean?

aprilsimnel's avatar

The pellet with the poison’s in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true!

What!? Danny?! Hello!? Huh??! Babby?

robmandu's avatar

@Val123, you might consider responding here.

erichw1504's avatar

Weird is more than just being weird. Anybody can plan weird; that’s easy. What’s hard is to be as weird as Bach. Making the weird, awesomely weird, that’s weird.

fireside's avatar

I wonder if Casey Anthony will run to shell beach in California?
I hear it’s beautiful

erichw1504's avatar

She needs a de-frizzer.

Darwin's avatar

@erichw1504 – Yeah, she does, but she also needs to do something about that fungus that is eating her eyebrows.

mangeons's avatar

I want an award. ;n;

asmonet's avatar

@erichw1504: Ha! That chick looks like a Nox.

Oh dear, it seems my nerd is showing.

erichw1504's avatar

@asmonet That deserves some nerd lurve.

asmonet's avatar

@erichw1504: Back at ya. ;)

Jude's avatar

could this be the last bit of the holy trinity?

troubleinharlem's avatar

I still don’t understand what she was asking.

YARNLADY's avatar

@troubleinharlem In reference to a news item about a missing child: Has anyone thought of looking under the swimming pool at the home of or in the frizzer freezer? We had a boy missing for three years somewhere around here and they found him. I would not let her out of jail, shell she’ll will just run.

casheroo's avatar

@troubleinharlem The question seems to be about the disappearance of Caylee Anthony

troubleinharlem's avatar

@YARNLADY ; some people were talking about a court date. Was the lady convicted?

YARNLADY's avatar

@troubleinharlem per the wikipedia provided by @casheroo “On October 14, 2008, Casey Anthony was indicted by a grand jury on charges of first-degree murder and was arrested for the fourth time. She is currently in the Orange County Jail awaiting her expected 2010 trial date.”

avvooooooo's avatar

@Val123 You can have a cookie… but you can have a grilled cheese instead. ;)

Don’t tell @markyy!

markyy's avatar

Snif.. Snif.. Smells like cheese in here… @avvooooooo! You didn’t think I would be stopped by that silly little restraining order, did you? I take my job as a stalker serious, now give me my damn gc!

avvooooooo's avatar

@markyy This moldy oldy GC that I’m willing to give to Val? Since it fell on the floor and all? I thought you wanted the GOOD one!

Have you seen my purple socks? Can’t find ‘em anywhere…

zephyr826's avatar

@avvooooooo I think I saw them in the back of the frizzer

markyy's avatar

@avvooooooo Why would you think I have them!! I don’t have them (the guards might have found them and took them away), besides orangy red is a much better color on you.

wildpotato's avatar

No, I never thought of that. I’d let almost everyone out of jail if I could. But not Cassey Anthony, he’s a rat bastard.

cyndyh's avatar

That’s “she’s a rat bastard”. Yeah, there’s definitely some weirdness there. Even if she was under the frizzer in the bottom of the pool I bet she wouldn’t be “all there” in any sense of the phrase. Yikes!

avvooooooo's avatar

@markyy Since you’ve been watching me and all, I was wondering if you saw where I put them. Or if you’d maybe snitched ‘em to get some dogs to follow my scent when I eluded you. Worth a shot! Stupid guards…

Are you talking about these?

markyy's avatar

@avvooooooo Crap, you already own a pair of orangy red socks? Now I have to go out and find you a new Christmas present.. Maybe I’ll buy you a new razor / Ladyshafe, looks like you could use one :p

avvooooooo's avatar

@markyy You should see my bikini line. ;)

Judi's avatar

alright you guys, get a room!

avvooooooo's avatar

@Judi One with a frizzer? Only if you get us some cake! :D

hearkat's avatar

(can we please archive this post now?)

Dr_C's avatar

Ok.. this post has been officially beat to death.. please let it rest in peace!

Val123's avatar

@Dr_C So, quit following it.

What I can’t figure out is HOW this got past the mods in the first place. To the point where there would be a general riot if it disappeared! I mean, I spent all day thinking of how to word a serious question, but it got modded anyways. Ah well. Life is good. When you’re in the frizzer. Under the pool. Eating grilled cheese and cookies. And cake. And texting Cassey. Wearing orangy-red socks.

markyy's avatar

@avvooooooo It is decided, a gift certificate it shall be (but please react surprised when you open it on Christmas day). I hope they charge by the foot as I’m kind of strapped for cash!

erichw1504's avatar

I would go frizzer crazy if this post was ever archived.

absalom's avatar

A toast for @janets, in this epic bread.

Facade's avatar

I wonder if I can get some free lurve…

seeing_red's avatar

This question should be the very first one for new jellies, like me, to see. I just spent half my life reading all of the answers! I lurve it.

anon's avatar

How do you get a turtle in the frizzer?

You can’t, shell just run!

This discussion has been archived.

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