@KNOWITALL “Every time one of us tries to explain, we get called names, it’s very rarely a respectful thread, which is why I’m so disappointed. I’ve been on this site before Trump, trust me, I can definately tell a huge difference. A negative one.”
– Yes, it’s amazing and distressing how polarized and hostile and non-communicating the conversations around US politics have become anywhere there’s disagreement. I see it on practically every online forum. It’s been quite dysfunctional for over ten years and getting worse, and got a lot worse since 2016.
“I guess my point to someone like you would be, if you can’t listen, how can anyone explain?”
– That is a very excellent and well-taken point!
“We don’t all fit in a little box, which is where we’re all being thrown lately, as racists, as anti this or that, or my least favorite, that if we support anything that Trump does, we’re all jerks just like he is.”
– Also a great and valid point. Hopefully we can all try better not to do that. I imagine we rarely think or notice that we’re doing that, if we are. I think it’s probably usually that we’re very upset about the situation and topic, and we can’t even quite believe or even keep track of the ways Trump seems terrible, and so it seems incomprehensible that anyone would support him and not find it imperative to acknowledge how bad he is, and that ends up short-circuiting how we word our reactions.
“One thing I can say for many conservatives in my area, which is very Red and pro-Trump, I heard all kinds of good things about Obama. My husband and I were on the ACA, I embraced the changes, as did many others that normally would be labelled conservative. All I’m saying is that we’re not all bad people and I don’t think that just because you don’t understand our values or mindset, means we should be called names or labelled as racists or any of the garbage going on on this site, or in the world in general. I’m just very disappointed that everyone is so busy talking or screaming that there’s no listening or thinking.”
– I certainly understand that. The part that’s hard to get, and that I think leads to some of the screaming, is how any reasonable person can support Trump given the things the media we get tends to show us about him.
“Over 40 million people voted for Trump, that’s a lot of people in the world to disparage. I’m not sure that’s the best strategy for 2020 either, all it does is alienate the conservative voters even more. For instance, everyone knows I’ve voted both parties. Do you think people can be coerced into voting Democrat in 2020 after four years of being called a racist by liberals, especially if they are not in any way, shape or form? This whole adverserial stance is really off-putting, and I’m afraid Dems are taking it too far.”
– I think the whole Dem versus Rep perspective is a farce that’s artificially fueled to suck up most of the political attention of the country, so we don’t notice that both parties are farcically full of corrupt folks who don’t represent the people and mainly support corporate interests. Almost all of the candidates the parties offer us to vote for one or the other are tools of the parties and corporations.
I think the best we can do without a popular takeover of the parties and/or a re-design of our voting system, is to at least call out the worst of the corruption and corporate tools and criminals, and vote for the least terrible candidates. Unfortunately they keep offering us terrible people.
Regardless of the future of the Democrats, I think it should be everyone’s place to speak out when they think a politician is clearly off-the-charts horrible in even one way. One would think it wouldn’t need to extend to also insulting everyone who supports Trump, but sadly it tends to seem like that makes sense when seeing what looks so off-the-charts awful to us.
“PS Some people who voted for Trump regret it. Don’t for a minute think that’s not the case, but there’s also a lot who are standing by their vote, for now. Many of us do not overlook his tweets or lies, or bimbo’s, or switching parties, or claiming religion then not, etc….we are watching. He’s scored some major points and lost some major points.”
– I know some (hopefully most) people who voted for Trump regret it to one degree or another. Of course, part of their “vote” was also about all the hatred for Hillary and/or the DNC rigging the primary for her. Sadly our voting system didn’t allow any viable expression of a “someone we actually like and want to be president” vote!