Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

If humans had actual fur, would they have invented clothes?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) May 19th, 2018

Or would you all be running around naked right now?

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19 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Maybe not clothes, but definitely something with pockets.

kritiper's avatar

Probably something to support female mammalian protuberances and male junk.

flutherother's avatar

Look at the evidence. Has any animal with actual fur ever bothered to invent clothes.

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor Oh to be a marsupial now that smartphones are here!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Clothing is not just for warmth. It is a cultural thing. Probably tied, in part, to religion. You know, cover your genitals?

Jeruba's avatar

Also tribal identification. Very important to early survival: you have to be able to tell “us” from “them” at a distance.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Imagine braided belly hair lol

kritiper's avatar

Let us not forget things like brambles, burrs, stickers, and thorns.

Yellowdog's avatar

Even more strange is the fact that we need shoes. Evidently we have needed footwear for a very long time.

Clothing, shoes, architecture – I think is just a part of being human. Other creatures do things that we couldn’t do without a high degree of tedium and skill—making paper nests or weaving a bird’s nest or making a nest of leaves. Well, we humans do clothing, shoes, and housing that’s a little more than basic shelter.

Humans are far more vulnerable than other creatures. But we do more than protect ourseves

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Shoes are an asset. Well, footwear.

We have to walk, or stand on hard, man made surfaces more frequently, than our ancestors. And we live longer, so more hours, and miles, on our feet.

We have many actual improvements to our body, if we choose the right footwear, for the terrain we intend to traverse. That goes from hiking, to football, to slippery floors, and whatever else. Humans really up their game, with good footwear.

Similarly, clothing has followed a path of helping us greater adapt to our environment. We can even use it on other animals. My dog has very short hair. On her tummy, she’s practically bald. She has multiple shirts, sweaters, and hoodies. She really likes being warm. So she likes her clothes.

jonsblond's avatar

Another vote for pockets.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sorry, yes. Pockets are great too.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Humans didn’t need clothes until Eve partook of the apple then we became ashamed of our nakedness. There was no such thing as cold until that damn apple!!!

ragingloli's avatar

Nowhere does it say that it was an apple.
It actually was a banana.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Passion fruit

ragingloli's avatar

Daikon radish.

canidmajor's avatar

Coffee beans. Made her zippy.

Yellowdog's avatar

The word actually means “Bad fruit” and LOOKS like the word ‘Apple” (the word ‘Mal” is in it)

In the middle east, it is said to be a Pomegranate

rojo's avatar

I am. But besides that, I don’t think so. If we had the means of keeping warm without clothing, I doubt we would have expended energy in coming up with a method to do so.

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