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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is wrong with me? Or is the test too hard?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25020points) May 21st, 2018

I did a free Athabasca University preparedness English test , and I had to skip parts of the test because I couldn’t focus. I got a overall mark of 53%. The test is for non natives of English. It said that I should improve my English before taking any future university courses. Is it my medications that is blocking me? Naturally I got 100% in vocabulary and a 0% in reading comprehension. I will ask my doctor on the 24th about it. The link to the test is What grade did you get? I finished the 3 hour exam in 20 minutes.

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11 Answers

imrainmaker's avatar

Certainly you would need to focus to answer comprehension type questions. It can be effect of medicines also which you should get cleared with your doctor. Don’t lose heart and study hard. Try to do yoga if you have any issues with concentration as it should help you immensely.

Jeruba's avatar

Have you had trouble with test anxiety before? Some people freeze up and can’t do their best. Others kind of enjoy standardized tests and breeze through them—not that they get everything right (relaxation doesn’t confer knowledge you didn’t have), but they get as much right as they’re capable of.

Even if this test wasn’t an accurate measure of your command of English, though, it might be a good predictor of your academic performance at this stage in your career. If you have difficulty concentrating and lack focus, you’re going to have a hard time in a conventional educational setting.

Better see what your doctor says.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Jeruba Yes I’ve had test anxiety for five years now. I get upset and guess and breeze through the rest of the exam and I run out. Reading comprehension is hard for me with Wall-o- text answers on Fluther too.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Try thinking of the tests as fluther questions.
Give serious answers for most, to really be a help for jellies. Throw in a couple of absurd answers just to keep yourself amused.
In the long run, if you try to look at it that way, you should get a better score, even if you sacrifice a few for humor.

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Patty_Melt @all I redid the test at night and used sunglasses. I ended up getting a 70%. 17% higher than without.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Curiouser and curiouser.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Turns out that I have IBS and could possibly trigger my test taking anxiety. I am diagnosed by a doctor. I will go on a low FODMPS diet and see if I can take my exams over and see if dealing with my IBS can help my grades. IBS is (Irritable bowel syndrome) 10 – 20% of the world has it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update test done in 30 minutes
Your Results
Section Your
GRAMMAR: Part A 90%
GRAMMAR: Part B 70%
GRAMMAR: Part C 90%
READING: Vocabulary 100%
READING: Comprehension 50%
WRITING: Sentence Completion 50%
WRITING: Transitions 60%
WRITING: Definitions 50%
WRITING: Sequencing 40%
WRITING: Sentence Descriptors 30%
Overall Score 63%
Based on your scores, we recommend that you take either ENGL 140 (English Grammar) or ENGL 145 (Reading and Writing for Academic Purposes). Students with scores below 80 in ANY of the three Grammar sections should start with ENGL 140.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I improved by 10% overall.

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