Social Question

snowberry's avatar

Who wants to play TJBM #85?

Asked by snowberry (28022points) May 21st, 2018

The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me is a cheese addict.”
The response might be:
“False! Cheese killed my family!”
“True! I live on cheese.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me likes sleeping.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Tradition now suggests that a Jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.

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416 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Oh jeez.
TJBM will start this off

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I’m too shy.

TJBM will start this off.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Oh right like I really believe @Dutchess_III is shy….ROFLMAO!!!

TJBM will start this off

Patty_Melt's avatar

Okay, I will.
Here is my strange animal story.
I was at my grandmas house and there was some kind of gathering, maybe party, maybe harvest share. That is when all these farmer friends get together, do one farm, and all the wives pitch in together to fix meals for them all. Then they move on to the next guy’s fields.
Anyway, whatever was going on, all the grownups were fully absorbed and I wandered off on my own. I was two maybe three. I heard a noise and looked to see a huge chicken coming at me with feathers puffed out to the max. It had spurs about three inches long, and I knew he was dangerous. I ran, and my closest help was an old log cabin. It had no door, and wasn’t used, just still there. I scrambled up the side of it and hung on tight.
That rooster stayed there, pacing, and putting up such a fuss, people came out to see what the.
Grandma shooed that mean old bird away and peeled me off the side of the cabin. I was so scared about that bird I flailed like a wet cat about being brought down.
TJBM will continue the true but crazy animal tails.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

For a long time, I shared life with a super-friendly, orange-and-white tabby cat who was missing a back leg. I lost him in the usual way – the passing of time and his old age.

A few years later, hubby and I were visiting the island of St. Martin. A stray cat, extremely sweet and friendly, and clearly looking for a home, showed up at our villa door. He looked exactly like my previous cat and had the same, fun personality. Here’s where the story gets strange and crazy – he was also missing the same back leg! It was like meeting a ghost. The little guy kept coming back, several times every day, as if he belonged in my life and needed to be with me.

Yes, you already know the ending. I adopted and named him Martin. We’re still together after 12.5 years.

TJBM has a sweet story about losing a beloved animal companion, only to meet a new one that filled the void.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Sadly no pet could replace my beloved Milu. He was the most compassionate pet I’ve had. All other pets only cared if they had food in their mouth. Now we have settled down with fish. There are so many of them that they don’t even know who’s who, let alone bonding with their owners.

TJBM will move on to another topic.

snowberry's avatar

My topic is…unusual plants and animals of Texas!

Whenever I move somewhere, I study up about all the plants and animals that live there. I’ve always done this, and I’ve lived all over the country, but Texas blew me away. Here in Texas we have huge plants that look like they were dropped here from outer space.

Then one day I found 10 inch walking sticks! But if that weren’t amazing enough, the day I found my first walking sticks, they were mating! Walking sticks mate end-to end, so thats 20 inches of insect, folks!

TJBM will tell us the most interesting plant or animal they know of.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ew! Walking sticks gross me out. And yet, her I sit, waiting for possibly a thousand praying mantis babies to venture from their oothicas.
In my book they are completely different.
I grabbed a walking stick once, climbing a tree. I nearly fell.
I am into carnivores. The plant I find most interesting is the Venus fly trap.
TJBM is having a midnight snack. (which is…)

Mimishu1995's avatar

Walnut milk! It’s a new product and I just wanted to try it out. It was good, but now my stomach is so full I can’t take anything anymore :(

TJBM is heading off to bed.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Just woke up.

TJBM is waiting for an important package in the mail.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I am expecting a package today; but, it’s not that important.Still, it is one that I’m looking forward to receiving!!! Being a true Southerner, I love my grits. I know a lot of people don’t share my excitement when it comes to grits; but when I eat them, I don’t get hungry the rest of the day which helps me to eat less. I’ve recently joined the Instant Pot craze & discovered how easy it is to prepare grits for one person in it. On the stove top you need to cook for 4 in order to feed one. In searching for the recipe on youtube, the poster recommended her favorite brand of grits that are locally ground near me but not sold in my local grocery stores. I enjoy the ones I have but decided to branch out & try this brand. What had shocked me is that I had never heard of them & I’ve lived here almost all of my life. I found them on Amazon & they are due to arrive around 4–5:00 this afternoon. Now I’m excited to try these new grits in my Instant Pot. Actually, my Instant Pot is really a Cosori but they serve the same function…electric pressure cooker. Well I will save my EPC journey for another post.

TJBM is having a GREAT day!!!

Patty_Melt's avatar

YES! And no.
My day was awful, foggy brain, no sleep, pain, but then my babies started hatching!
I have ten praying mantis oothicas (mantis egg sack). They stayed in the fridge until near time for them to hatch.
It has been about three weeks.
This morning there were about a dozen out when I first noticed them. I looked up during a phone call, and there they were, climbing up the mesh I had hung there for them.
TJBM has a funny postman story to share.

KNOWITALL's avatar

So my neighbors dog is very protective, and one day the postman leaned over the fence to hand the neighbor lady a package, so the dog bites him. (That’s the only postman story I have, funny or not.)

TJBM will tell us what they’re doing for Memorial Day.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My life is so exciting that I plan to stay home. I’ll be sitting at my computer hoping someone from Fluther is sharing their day!!! Who knows, might be a good day to prepare some of my new grits!!! laughing

TJBM has bigger Memorial Day plans than I do

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. I have none at the moment.

TJBM thinks they might be on the mend.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Nope. Have a diagnostic appointment this summer, and feeling like I won’t be around for them to check out.
TJBM knows what is SPS.

LadyMarissa's avatar

SPS is also known as Stiff Person Syndrome. Only 1 or 2 people out of every million are known to have it. It’s a neuromuscular disease that Johns Hopkins University has an SPS Center where they are doing a studies to see if they can come up with a cure. They have put together a team of experts in neurology, immunology, ophthalmology, neuromuscular disease, & other specialties in hope of being able to eradicate this disease. There is also a pediatric group for the little ones with the disease. If you need to contact Johns Hopkins you can call Outside of Maryland (toll free) 410–464-6713. Maybe you can get into one of their studies so you’re on top of all the info discovered ay the SPS Center. I pray there is another SPS of which I’ve never heard.

TJBM as something to say that’s better than the info I just shared.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You just shared great. Share with everyone you know. A big big problem for sufferers is lack of information.
SPS is probably much more common than anyone knows. It is so little known, most of the medical community either has no knowledge of it, or thinks it is some myth. Because of that, the average time from noticed symptoms to diagnosis is SEVEN YEARS.
Even after diagnosis, patients have to hope there is qualified care within reach.
It is an unpleasant subject, but it needs to be recognized and dealt with.
It is a torturous condition, far worse than waterboarding, yet, social security won’t even recognize the patients as disabled unless there are other conditions present also.
Lots of people out there who believe they have fibromyalgia, ALS, palsy, and many other conditions end up discovering they have SPS.
So, everyone, please pass the word, and help people to get the right help.
I personally believe that the condition is far less rare than believed and what actually is rare, is treatment, recognition, and training.
The speech portion of this thread is now over.

TJBM would like to now have some African solstice tea, lightly sweet, and some pretty little cakes.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve never tried African Solstice Tea so I don’t know whether I’d like it or not

I understand the importance of sharing info on rare diseases as my Mom died from PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy). At the time of her death, there were only 5 people in the US who had this disease & 3 of them lived in the same county. She had been going to the doctor every month for 20 years trying to get some help & her doctor kept giving her cough meds because coughing was one of her symptoms. PSP is a particularly mean combination of Parkinson, Alzheimers, Huntingtons, & Lou Gehrigs. According to her last doctor, she had had it for over 20 years & because it was so rare that her original doctor had never heard of it. Over the 20 years, her throat, lungs, & body was gradually being paralyzed. Her eye doctor had noticed her eyes weren’t working properly but he also had never heard of this disease so he didn’t know what to do about it. She was facing a torturous death of suffocation; so, I felt blessed when she crossed over while sleeping Actor Dudley Moore also died of this disease but they only announced that he died from Pneumonia at the time of his death. Now they are finally admitting that the Pneumonia was a byproduct of the PSP.

TJBM has happier information to share.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Man. I didn’t even know he passed.

I am so sorry you had to watch your mom suffer.

Happier, hmm, my praying mantis babies are all over the place. Well not like in food, or anything, but definitely spreading out. They are so hungry. Poor babies. A couple of them climbed on my arm today and asked me to please take them to hunting.
I am in the process of gathering containers. I have several clear plastic containers of a suitable size. I will have to load one baby in each, take them outside, take off the lid, turn it open side down. That will give them feeding ground, protect them from birds, and after they have a day or two to eat, I will bring them back in, and take some others out.
Some will not survive, there are so many, but I am certain their survival rate will be much higher this way.
Also, perhaps they will accept that moving them is favorable, which will keep their stress down.
Oh! I just noticed one smartie sitting on the rim of my lampshade so he can get what heads for the light! He is safe. It is an led bulb, so it doesn’t get hot.
TJBM is a-skeered of praying mantids.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t know that I’m skeered of the Mantis; but they look so strange, they do tend to make me feel a bit weird. We don’t have a lot of them here; so, I do tend to freak a little when I see one staring into my eyes!!!

TJBM has a wonderful breakfast planned for themself.

snowberry's avatar

I wish.

TJBM is independently wealthy (or wishes they were). What do you do with all that money?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yeah, that’s what I’m working on now. I want to be independently wealthy so that I can focus on writing without having to worry about money. Writing isn’t something that can make money overnight :( So I’m trying to find a way to back it up.

TJBM has a dream they try to work on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^At the moment, getting the floors vacuumed and the kitchen clean.

TJBM has a heartache for so many kids…..

LadyMarissa's avatar

It breaks my heart to see all the children who have never know love from their parents!!!They don’t know how to love anyone else because they’ve never been truly loved!!!

TJBM is cooking a delicious dinner tonight. What we having???

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m a southern girl, so fried chicken, mashed potatoes and probably fresh asparagus, my honey’s favorite meal. :)

TJBM is so funny, gonna tell us a good joke!

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG! Can I come eat at your house?

Well….well…well….that’s a deep subject.

TJBM will tell another dumb joke.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM knock knock.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^^^who’s there?

TJBM continues

Mimishu1995's avatar

Hands up!
TJBM continues.

snowberry's avatar

Hands up who?

TJBM says…

snowberry's avatar

(Hint-search for “hands up jokes” and you’ll get lots of ideas)

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve got my hands up; but I’m innocent. i didn’t do it, I didn’t do nothing!!!

TJBM is going to tell us about their great day…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shit. Didn’t get up until 6 p.m. And it’s not the first time.

TJBM is wondering what the hell is wrong with @Dutchess_III.

LadyMarissa's avatar

That’s what I’ve been asking myself all day. Now that you’re here, you OK???

TJBM is going to fill us in on all those details…

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m OK. I’ll let you know when ever I find out.

TJBM has plans for this weekend and will share them with us!

LadyMarissa's avatar

A .dear friend of mine’s daughter sells at a local flea market on Saturdays. She’s a bit of a scatterbrain & I’ve been helping to raise her for the last 28 years. We worry that somebody will try to rob her & she might get hurt. I was raised that there’s safety in numbers; so, I go sit with her hoping to be a bit of protection & an extra eye for shoplifters.. I’ve been her pseudo Mother for the last 28 years & although she’s old enough to take care of herself. my Mother instincts just won’t let me not be there IF she needs me!!! That plus I enjoy talking to all our customers & it gives me a good reason to be outside in the sunshine. Holiday weekends are often her busiest days; so, I plan on being there tomorrow even IF I’m just in the way!!!

Now, Sunday is my day of rest & I do my best to take care of me on Sunday!!! Oh yes, my friend’s teenage son is having a birthday party Sunday evening so I plan on attending that. His Gramps cooks some really delicious food & I enjoy eating it!!! :)

I don’t have any plans for Monday aka Memorial Day; so, I just plan to drop in & out of Fluther to see who else is having a day like mine!!!

Hopefully, TJBM has a more exciting holiday weekend planned…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have a very exciting plan that I am so excited to experience! It’s going to be a great weekend, and I’m going to learn a lot and have a lot of fun! so here is my plans:
Saturday: Do nothing
Sunday: Do nothing
Monday: Do nothing and work.
TJBM LOVES to do nothing! (Especially after a whole week of doing something)

LadyMarissa's avatar

Being retired, after doing nothing all week I look forward to my busy Saturday. By Sunday I’m looking to being lazy again!!! I volunteer my time at several different local services; so I never know when my do nothing day is going to be turned upside down & become really busy!!!

TJBM loves chocolate & is going to tell us about their favorite…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Especially Recess peanut butter cups. I could eat them all day. Honestly.
I also like Hershey’s Symphony bars and KitKats as well.
If I’m going to eat candy, 9 times out of 10 it will be chocolate.
TJBM will share their favorite candy, that may not be as popular or as well known as some others. (for me, a mallow cup comes to mind, kind of like recess but with marshmallow..)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Zagnut! I like those especially in summer, because I don’t have to worry about melting.
TJBM lets chocolate melt right out of their hand, down their wrist, and then licks it all off.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Since one hand is paralyzed, I seldom allow my good hand to become as messy as @Patty_Melt describes. Still, I love my Chocolate Covered Raisins & they will melt pretty fast; so, it’s feasible that you could catch me licking my fingers during the summer months!!! IF I allowed it to run down to my elbow, I’d have to take a shower in order to get all the chocolate off…plus I’d have to clean the faucet handles!!!

TJBM has a kind heart & has something nice to say about another member…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I think @LadyMarissa Your answers are very thoughtful, you have a very good sense of humor and honestly, I think you are a very sweet lady! I haven’t seen around much until recently, partly because I haven’t been super active until recent but I am grateful you are apart of this site :)
TJBM Will continue the positivity! :)

LadyMarissa's avatar

Thank you @SergeantQueen. I’ve only been here about 4 maybe 5 weeks & it took me a while to figure out the best way to fit in here & to learn the individual personalities. I’ve met some wonderful people here so far with only a few cranks & I can even appreciate the cranks as after a while I can understand where they’re coming from even when I can’t agree with them.I don’t like arguing with people opting to agree to disagree. Although it might not always sound like it, I do my best to respect others opinions even when I don’t agree with it. I try to never waste an opportunity to learn something new;so, even when I poo poo an idea, it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about what was said & how I can blend it into my thought process.

To me, the most joyous thing in the world is the laughter of a child; so I do my best to keep things lighthearted where people can have fun & even laugh every now & then!!! Laughter is the best medicine & can cure the common illnesses!!!

Enough about me…I have to get up early in the morning; so, I’m off to bed. Dream sweet everyone & I talk to all you wonderful people tomorrow!!!

TJBM has their own ideas & feel the need to share them here…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Of course I do but I don’t get the subject so I’m just going to act like I’m the first post.

TJBM has had to be involved in helping a senior transition from his or her private home into assisted living or the equivalent.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t know if I should share here… I’m feeling rather down right now. It’s my birthday and I feel like I’m wasting my life. I’ve been working on my comic since December and so far I’m only at page 27. I also have a feeling it sucks too much to continue. I have always wanted to be an artist as a child. But am I stupid to keep that dream to adulthood? Should I just give up my dream altogether and grow up?

I also feel like a massive fraud. Maybe I’m just a loser who just gets a year older, and I need to stop dreaming and start getting real.

TJBM has something else to say.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m not a person who can draw, but I play music. I play certain solos and sometimes I go through phases of practicing them where I’m like “I totally got this, this is easy” and those are days where all the notes are coming out right, my reed is good, I’m in a generally good mood, etc. I’ve found that days where I’m getting super frustrated in my music, are days where I am not in a good mood. I then take a break and come back when I’m in a better mood.
Take a break from art, but do not quit.
It is not a stupid dream.
It may take time to get there, and it will take many failures to succeed. That’s true for everything but mainly art because it’s so subjective and everyone has their own views.
Dr. Suess, JK Rowling, music Artists like the Beatles, all got rejected. Some way more than others but they kept it up.
You got this Mimi. Happy Birthday.
TJBM has encouragement.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I don’t think you are a loser if you are attempting to use your talent to support yourself. A lot of talented people never are able to do that but trying is not simple or stupid or dishonest. If you can’t earn money with your art learn to do something that gives you income and let your art become your hobby or labor of love and sell what you can when you can. Happy birthday!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Since TJAM did not include a JBH, I will offer some encouragement of my own.
Mimi (I keep wanting to say Mimsi), virtually all artists of every genre have doubts at times. We have good reason for that.
With most jobs, people have specific tasks to perform, and either they do it well or not.
With art, it is wide open. The limits are only within the individual artist.
That leaves a lot of room for self doubt.
If their particular art is not doing well on the market, we wonder if it is not good enough, or if everybody else is stupid, or if the right person to appreciate the work simply hasn’t seen it yet.
TJBM will tell a funny little thing they can do with their body parts.

snowberry's avatar

Once I smashed my baby toe. It swelled up big and round and turned a beautiful blue. It looked just like a real blueberry! Every time I looked at it I cracked up!

TJBM is planning a trip. Where?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t plan trips because it has become way too much work for me to do so!!!

I’d love to wish @Mimishu1995 a heartfelt HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That & my birthday gift for you is permission to STOP bullying yourself!!! 27 pages sounds like a LOT of work to me. With my artistic ability, I’d still be on Page 1. We ALL have days where we don’t feel good enough; however, the trick is to IGNORE that voice & listen closely for the one telling you how GREAT you are!!! JK Rowling is a prime example as to WHY you should NEVER give up. She had written book after book & was rejected repeatedly. Her husband had left her along with her young daughter, & she had become homeless…living in her car.. Then she wrote Harry Potter & the rest is history. Just think what we would have missed had she listened to her negative voice & given up before our dear ole Harry!!! Thank God, she kept on plugging at it!!! In JK’s own words what it was like to beat up on herself. Take her advice ”you’ll get there”!!! Your time is NOT being wasted…that is…UNLESS you give up & throw in the towel now!!! IF you give up now, you’ll ALWAYS wonder what could have been??? It’s supposed to be hard…that’s why it’s called WORK!!!

You have a SPECIAL talent that I’d kill to be blessed with; so PLEASE do NOT stop!!! Walk away from it for a day or two, enjoy your weekend, don’t let your project enter your mind. Then, on Tuesday pick it back up & look at it with NEW eyes!!!

Another thought…have you tried relaxation exercises or listening to your favorite music???

TJBM is having an exciting day & is going to tell usall about it!!!

snowberry's avatar

My days are mostly all the same. I’m fine with that.

TJBM still plays in mud.

LadyMarissa's avatar

OMG NOOOOO…I never played in the mud because it meant that I had to get dirty!!! I was always a little girly-girl who wore girly dresses with black patent leather shoes & white lace socks.I was always the perfect little lady just waiting to grow up!!!

TJBM had a delicious dinner

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thank you everyone! I think I was really stressed out when I worked on my comic. I encountered some unpleasant things that day. It was uncalled for, especially when it was right on my birthday. Then it affected my work too.

Working on my comic already brings my mood to some extreme places, so when I’m down I’m really down. I think I’ll take your advice and walk away and enjoy my birthday for a while, then get back to it.

And I had cakes for dinner! Well not really, but my family made up for being unable to celebrate outside. The cakes made my stomach full though.

TJBM can cook well.

snowberry's avatar

I wish.

TJBM is used to doing things in the dark.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I am, despite my parents’ warning about eye damage. They freak out when I do something without enough light. I used to read an article about how lack of light doesn’t cause permanent damage to the eyes. It made sense, considering how people in ancient time had to do things in the dark but still had good eye sight. I only do it when I really have to though.

TJBM does something other people are afraid of.

snowberry's avatar

All the time. They think I’m brave or nuts, depending. It makes for interesting conversation.

TJBM was small for their age growing up.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I was, and I hated the size discrimination! I got picked to push the goody cart when I was on a kiddie show. I was so excited! I could only be there one time ever, and I got that coveted job. It was kind of like those hot dog carts people push around, but loaded with chips and candy for the kids to munch on during the cartoon.
I gripped the handlebar, and the hostess of the show came up behind me and also gripped it. I told her I didn’t need help. She gave me a tone as she said oh it is heavier than you think. I knew my parents would be real mad if I had a fit on TV, so I went with it, but I was mortified. My big chance got water dumped all over it.
I couldn’t leave it be, though. When the show was over, I went and pushed the cart back where it belonged.
Only the people in the studio saw, but I heard lots of surprised comments, so I got mine.
TJBM has a thing from their childhood which still bugs them when they think of it.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. I was an only child. I had an aunt and uncle who picked me to spend a summer with them at their cabin on Flathead Lake in Montana. They had a neighbor girl who led a rather bleak life, and to encourage her, they brought her along. I was close enough to her age, that we could be playmates. We had been there several weeks. We swam in the lake, learned to water ski, and explored the woods around the cabin.

One day the little girl and I were outside on the deck idly talking while we waited for lunch. The next thing I knew she went inside, and my aunt came storming out, grabbed me hard by the arm, and I suddenly found myself in more trouble than I’d ever been before. She demanded to know what I’d said, on and on. The only thing was that I had no idea what I’d said that had offended the girl, and I was not about to try to reconstruct a conversation for two unpredictable and mean spirited people!

I ended up being shut up in a room by myself for an hour or so. After another long searching talk with me, my aunt finally let me out of prison. I begged to go back home, but was forced to spend the last couple of weeks there.

My aunt still had hopes that I’d build a friendship with that girl. After their treatment of me, I had absolutely no interest.

After all these years I still think about that summer, and I am still not sure what was going on with that kid. I bet she grew up inventing problems for herself everywhere she went. What a miserable life! I hope she eventually sorted it all out.

TJBM will tell a fun memory from their childhood.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m sorry Snow. The chance of kids like that changing is 50/50. They either learn self-control or grow up like my boss, thinking the world revolves around them.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had a great childhood but can’t think of one specific fun memory to share.

@snowberry I bet that she’s still a tattletale brat that you wouldn’t want as a friend!!!

TJBM has a happy story to share…

snowberry's avatar

One of my favorites! My daughter has shared this with dentists who didn’t even speak English very well and they thought it was hysterical!

TJBM loves Tim Conway skits too! Please share your favorite of Tim Conway, or another funny video.

LadyMarissa's avatar

OMG, I love Tim Conway!!! I’m fortunate in that my local cable company has added the MeTV channel & Carol Burnett comes on every night at the same time as my local late news. The news depresses me & Carol with her crew lifts my spirits. When I die, I hope the last thing I see is Lyle Wagner smiling as I go!!!

Oops, got off topic, sorry. The shows that are showing right now all have Tim in them. Carol said in an interview that she loved working with him because he always pushed the comedy envelope. Then I began to notice that anytime Tim & Harvey Korman were in the same skit that Harvey would always lose it about half way through the skit.Tm’s “little old man” skits always crack me up!!!

TJBM has a favorite commedian & wants to share who it is…

snowberry's avatar

Right now I am enjoying barbershop comedy. Here’s a new favorite!

TJBM will continue in the comedy theme.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t know what that means but I Love Lucy. I saw someone mention Tim Conway and I was never a fan until I saw him in the movie, Dear God.

TJBM will add something about his or her comedy likes and dislikes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ernie Kovacs as Percy Dovetonsils please notice the lady in the picture behind him.

TJBM will continue the humor cavalcade !

LadyMarissa's avatar

Although he was most definitely a person of acquired taste, Don Rickles used to tickle me. He helped me to develop part of my personality & most of my sarcasm. He could say the most by saying the least & then cutting his eyes!!!

WHY stop now, TJBM also has a favorite tickler of the funny bone…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Why does the chicken cross the road?

TJBM continues.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Because the hen house was having a two for one sale.
TJBM has their own answer for that one.

snowberry's avatar

I never did get those silly chicken jokes, so I searched the net for answers. Take your pick.

Q: Why did the chicken run across the road?
A: There was a car coming.
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road halfway?
A: She wanted to lay it on the line.
Q: Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?
A: She wanted to stretch her legs.
Q: Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?
A: She was afraid someone would caesar!
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To prove to the possum it could actually be done!

TJBM has a really old thing at their house.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yeah, ME!
TJBM will explain the reason they last crossed the road.

snowberry's avatar

To get my mail.

TJBM lives where it gets cold at least part of the year. Tell us about it. It’s supposed to get above 100 F (38 C) all week where I live.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yikes! Over 70 is hot for me the past several years. I don’t know if it has to do with SPS, menopause, or just no reason.

Right now I’m feeling awful, really awful. Every day it is getting harder to think of a reason to have a tomorrow.
I try to keep cheerful and optimistic, but my supply is just about gone.
I am wishing for cooler weather, so I won’t have to run the AC.
Snow happened this year, but in manageable amounts.
I lived in Reno when a few years back it snowed on June 1st! That was so funny! Snow in a desert town so late in the year.
People in Michigan were basking that day.
TJBM will see Lucas the spider on YT, and come back to comment.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Lucas Tribute
As was posted in the video “You only like cute spiders. OPEN your mind man.”

I’m sorry; but, my mind will NOT open that far!!! Lucas is cute as a button; however, he does NOT change my outlook on spiders!!! I see it as being similar to seeing a baby. Never met a baby I couldn’t love. Then he grows up to be a serial killer…I’ve never loved a serial killer & I have NO desire to change my thought process!!!

IF finding spiders cute is part of the future, I’m ready to go now!!!

TJBM loves music.& wants to enlighten us…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Lately I’m obsessed with minimalist slow piano music. The 3 Gymnopedie of Erik Satie is the prime example. Satie also produced a collection of 3 Gnossienne. There are more but the 3 Gymnopeide and Gnossienne are the best one. There is also a Pavane pour une Infante Defunte that I found out recently.

I haven’t shared my music taste to anyone until now as you see it here. People will likely think I’m weird for liking sad existential music like that yeah, the pieces provoke existential feeling in me too :P But I like them nonetheless. Not to mention they suit my artistic mood too.

@Patty scary as spiders look, I like them for their helpfulness to the nature. At least they eat my arch-enemy cockroach for me :)

TJBM has a strange liking they aren’t willing to share to people irl.

snowberry's avatar

I can’t think of anything.

TJBM is a big ice cream freak.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Big freak, yup, that’s me.
Oh, and ice cream too, yes I love it.
Mimi, true enough, but I was talking a specific spider. Lucas is a talking spider, and one very hot trend on YT.
TJBM misses that sweet naivete of youth.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I do miss when I never met a stranger that I couldn’t trust. Now I’m getting to where I’m afraid to open my front door when I’m not expecting company. All my friends & family know that they MUST call first to tell me that they’re coming to visit or they won’t be able to get into my yard or IF they climb the fence, I won’t open the door unannounced. I keep locks on my gates so anybody entering my yard must climb the fence first. I don’t like the idea of living in a fortress but we’ve had numerous home invasions with death over the last year or so. I don’t like the idea of keeping a gun because I don’t think that I could live with myself if I ever killed anyone even If it wasn’t my fault!!! I do keep a stun gun hanging on my front door just in case I need it. I also keep a stun gun by my bed for much the same reason. I can live with keeping them incapacitated until the cops arrive!!!

@Mimishu1995 I don’t think you’re crazy for liking the music that speaks to your soul!!! I love music in general with Blues being my favorite. My husband was a HUGE Blues fan & I learned to appreciate it with him & once he passed, it helps me to feel closer to him even though he’s no longer here. On my sad days, I often go to youtube & pull up a favorite song to listen to. Then I link hop to other songs recommended on that page. I’ve discovered some amazing artists & songs that filled my heart with happiness!!! I’ve also hopped to some amazing artists with songs that made me cry. I sometimes find that crying over something that doesn’t necessarily make me sad will lift my spirits!!!

I love me some Breyer’s Chocolate ice cream. I won’t allow myself to keep it in my freezer because I’ll eat it too fast!!! I also love their strawberry, peach & black cherry. So, in place of keeping a carton in my freezer, I opt to wait until the craving is so out of control & I go to my local convenience store & buy a pint. That fills my craving & I don’t have a huge carton tempting me when I’m trying to be good!!!

TJBM had a really good Memorial Day…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I didn’t. The whole weekend stunk for me.
I have a doctor’s appointment pretty soon I am not looking forward to.
TJBM is feeling a need to break free of the city limits.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I broke free of the city limits 20 years ago!!! (laughing)

I live just about 150–200 feet outside the city limits. There’s one row of houses behind me that are still inside the city limits.. Most of the homes here have at lease ¼ acre of land that goes with them. It’s approximately 2 blocks off the main drag for the city & I’m on a circle with only a few houses & very little traffic. I’m blessed to have woods up behind the house across the street from me; so, it’s almost like living in the country with the luxuries of being in the city!!! I can drive 2.5 miles in any direction & have all the modern luxuries & then return home to almost peace & quiet. Except for the 9 dogs within 3 houses, I don’t get a lot of disruptive noise!!!

It’s not really a city. I guess it’s more a town. Our population is maybe 4,000 citizens & our modern luxuries are a Walmart, a few retail stores, a couple convenience stores, 2 Subways & several decent restaurants. The next decent size city is about 45 miles away.

TJBM has some exciting plans coming up soon…

snowberry's avatar

I have friends out of town who have a large ranch. We have often been invited to their home and it’s always such a lovely visit. Which reminds me we have never invited them over.

TJBM has seen Long Term Delivery.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I hope you have a very pleasant visit no matter whose home it is in!!!

I’d love to meet the LTD driver in the video. In the last 20 years, I’ve only had ONE that was anywhere that efficient & he received a $100 Christmas card every year because I appreciated him!!! He ALWAYS went above & beyond what the rules said he was required to do!!! I cried when they transferred him to a different route. The young lady taking over the route is as polite as she can be; but she doesn’t put her whole heart into her job. I think she has some medical issues as she’s out of work frequently. One of her fill-in carriers hates his/her job. Everytime my reg carrier is off work, I get crazy stuff like “unable to deliver, hold mail request on file”. I don’t travel so I’m at home & this person leaves the mail at the PO just to make sure it’s not delivered. One particular package was a birthday present. With my disability I have a difficult time getting to the desk where I can pick up the package. When I complained about the erroneous reason for not delivering, the clerk behind the counter said “I understand, you’re not my first complaint today”. I’m hoping to catch the carrier who is doing this so I can get a name. Then I can file a complaint. Without the name, it will be charged against my regular carrier & I don’t want to do that!!!

TJBM is having a good week so far…

snowberry's avatar

Yep! Very very busy!

TJBM has had a doctor tell them to lose- or gain- weight.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I used to have the most WONDERFUL doctor!!! He was as wide as he was tall; so he NEVER used the words “you need to lose weight”. That’s the main reason I went to him. Once I commented that I needed to lose weight. He responded “IF YOU feel it is time, it is time. I’m NOT going to say that.”

TJBM got rained on today…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. Last night.

TJBM would love more rain.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’d love to send you some rain. We’ve had over 5” in the last 24 hours. The interstate was flooded last night with sections completely closed down & traffic being rerouted through local roads in order to get back onto a safer section of roadway. NC is having mudslides & 2 of a news station’s employees died when during the rain a tree uprooted falling on their vehicle killing both of them immediately.

I have a kiddie pool I use for watering my dogs. It’s about 10” deep. Saturday it was bone dry & today it is running over…I’ve added nothing to it!!!

TJBM will be going on a vacation soon…

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I wish that were true! I just returned from a week’s visit with my brother in Portland OR. We had the most wonderful time together, and I fell in love with that city.

TJBM never confuses there, their, and they’re.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I know when to use each but can’t say that I never mix them up. Sometimes my fingers dont type what my brain is thinking. Sometimes I catch it & sometimes I don’t!!!

My husband was from Toledo Oregon. We were planning on visiting family in that area when he died. He had shown me some beautiful pictures from around that area!!!

TJBM is thinking about going to bed…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Oh come on! The morning has just started.

TJBM appreciates their ancestors and their legacy.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Sure, especially thieves and robbers. ;)

TJBM lives in an area that rarely experiences extreme weather conditions.

LadyMarissa's avatar

We rarely have to deal with the extreme when it comes to our weather here; however, when we do, it is to the outer fringes of extreme!!! I’ve lived in my house for 20 years & we’ve had very little rain. So, little that we’ve been in a drought status for the last 10 years or so. Since 8:00 pm Sunday we’ve had over 10 inches of rain. Good thing…NO MORE DROUGHT!!!

TJBM loves their life…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I do but I miss a big piece of it that I lost.

TJBM has caught a few nice size fish in his or her day.

snowberry's avatar

I’m not a fisherman.

TJBM has grandparents who are still alive.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I wish my grandparents were still alive so I could listen to some of their stories with MORE attention that I paid as a child!!!

I was an avid fishergirl up & until I became a teen & at that point I became way too cool to fish as I found reeling in boys to be much more exciting!!!

TJBM has a secret they need to share…

snowberry's avatar

Yes! I like bugs! And snakes. And all sorts of critters. I am not fond of some of them, such as cockroaches and bedbugs, but I find their habits fascinating. I suppose it’s one of the things that makes me appear a tad eccentric.

TJBM has an unusual hobby.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Uh, helloooo, praying mantis hatchery here.
TJBM can’t control theirself around cake, and must poke with their finger at least once.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Fingers were invented before the fork!!! Living alone, I seldom bake a cake & I don’t buy the premade cakes because they go bad before I can eat them. Happily I discovered the 3–2-1 Cake that I can make in my microwave.It’s not as good as a baked homemade cake; but good enough for a snack on any given evening!!! It’s easier to check it by poking it with my finger to make sure it’s done & it’s even easier to eat with my fingers!!!

TJBM is anticipating a very interesting weekend…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I am.

TJBM has been invited to participate in a focus group.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM is a chip off the old block. Who’s the block?

LadyMarissa's avatar

It depends on who you ask who my old block is. My Mom said I was just like my Dad, My Dad said I was just like my Mom’s sister. My husband said I was just like my Mom. I think I’m just like ME!!! I did have strong influences from all 3 mention above; however, I moved away from home when I was young enough that the major portion of my personaslity was developed by taking care of myself once I was living on my own!!!

TJBM is having a really good day…

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, but the swelling has gone down a little in my feet.
TJBM knows how close I am.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Close to what?
TJBM knows the answer.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m hoping for tomorrow.
TJBM has fun plans for tomorrow.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My thinking is that ANY day that I wake up & see daylight is going to be a fun day. I woke up to sunshine today; so it’s going to be a GREAT day!!! We’ve had so much rain over the last month or so that I’m THRILLED to see the sun with NO rain clouds trying to hide it!!!

Down side, my grass is so high that I need to cut it; but it’s in the 90’s with high humidity now so not sure when I’ll be able to get it done!!!

TJBM doesn’t like cutting grass either…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m about to go out and ride around the yard, we’ve had rain too.

TJBM has it hazy, hot and humid too,

Patty_Melt's avatar

Right now I’m thinking I should plant a nice crop of sand, throw one of those blue plastic Kissie pools on it, and have a beach party while I watch all my neighbors trying to cut all those fat mushy blades of grass.
TJBM wants to stick their feet in a kiddie pool, and pertend ther Huck Finn.

LadyMarissa's avatar

raspberry to Miss Patty & her pool as I’m cutting my fat blades of grass!!!

Actually, I have a kiddie pool for my dogs. It’s completely full of rain water. It’s so heavy, I’m having a problem lifting it enough to empty it so I can refill it with fresh water. Not being a quitter, I’ll be sitting with my feet in the pool cooling my jets right behind cutting my grass!!!

TJBM has something better to do than worry about cutting grass…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I just realized my stupid phone turned kiddie into Kissie. Oh dear, and in the front yard too! :-O

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO problem. I read typo. As a matter of fact, I think I invented it!!! ;)

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes, how to survive the upcoming test…
TJBM has a topic for us to write about.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Surprise me.

TJBM has taken advantage of some of the home blood tests now available to keep tabs on health concerns themselves.

snowberry's avatar


Mimi, here’s a topic. Bugs! What unusual bugs do you have in Vietnam? To get you started, here’s a link. Lots of the comments are really quite funny.

Vietnamese spiders

TJBM will tell us a bug story.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Living in the warm, humid climate of the Southeast US, we get some odd looking critters like the earwig. My research shows that they’re not specific to the Southeast but also love living in the NYC area. They look like a cross between a cockroach & a scorpion. Most of my research says they are harmless mainly eating plants; however, I’ve been running into a bunch of pest control sites lately that tells me they somewhat dangerous to the point of coming into our homes in order to lay their eggs in our ears. That kind of freaks me out. My common sense is telling me that is what the ad is designed to do so I’ll call them & pay them to rid me of my demons!!! The one thing I’ve noticed is that they love to hide in my dogs’ food bowls & I’ve not noticed much damage to any to my plants in my yard. Still, I’m going to continue my research into this subject.

TJBM has some beautiful butterflies in their area…

snowberry's avatar

I haven’t seen very many, and there are lots of butterfly bushes around. They love those.

Now that’s interesting about the cockroaches. But I couldn’t find any reference about roaches laying eggs in the ears. That sounds like hype because they always lay their eggs in a protected area near a food source, A human ear would not be protected at all. My daughter lives in Japan and she certainly would know about cockroaches laying eggs in ears.

This link says that the invading cockroaches are Japanese and among other things they can walk on ice. I’m not buying that one either, but when I lived in Utah there was a species of moths that only came out in the winter when the snow was on the ground. I could be wrong.

TJBM is not interested in bugs.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not the cockroach kind. Bleh!
TJBM has had one of those stupid candy necklaces at least once in their life. Is that the craziest candy you ever had?

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I didn’t even know what it was.

But speaking of childhood, I have a feeling my childhood was somehow lacking compared to others. When talking about childhood memory with others I don’t know things that were common in their childhood like certain games or activities. I have a friend who is well-versed of childhood activities. She is genuinely surprised that I don’t know the things she know. My childhood consisted of books, cartoons and drawing, something that would follow me until now.

TJBM had an inactive childhood like me.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I had a very active childhood, but mostly secluded.
I climbed trees more than monkeys. I had kittens and chickens to chase.
There were cows to watch, and in winter I helped my dad put hay out for them. He drove the tractor, and pulled an old flat wooden wagon loaded with bales. I would be allowed to hang on to his pocket knife to cut the twine which bound those bales. Pop pop! Two twines cut, and the bale falls apart in segments. I tossed the segments as my dad drove slow across the pasture. It was important to drop the hay on the go. It gave the cattle a chance to eat without fighting a crowd. Also, they are accustomed to eating on the stroll, grazing. If we piled all the hay in one spot they wouldn’t be getting any exercise.
I gathered eggs, helped with the gardening, made sandwiches and brownies for the hired hands.
I wasn’t often with other children, but I was quite active.
TJBM has been in the middle of nowhere and had to “go”.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! I was driving and got lost. I commented to a friend that from where my car was sitting, I could see at least 3 houses. I had to “go” so bad I hurt, and I was sure every one of those houses had at least one toilet in them. But it was late at night, and it in those parts you didn’t ring a stranger’s doorbell to ask to use their toilet, not even in the daylight, let alone at night!

I didn’t wet myself, and finally made it to a gas station with a public rest room.

TJBM has an unusual sleeping arrangement or habit.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM has been misguided by GPS.

snowberry's avatar

Absolutely! One time while living in Delaware, I tried to get to a local grocery store. It had been established for 20 years, long before the invention of GPS devices. Yet the thing could not figure out how to get me to my destination.

Another time, after I scrapped the first device (it was a Magellan), I was in downtown Wilmington, DE, and tried to get home to Newark. My GPS insisted that I cross the river to New Jersey just to get home. I had no other map available, so I finally followed its asinine directions. I had to pay $10 for that toll bridge. Grrr!

TJBM will finish this story:

It was the beginning of the end…

Patty_Melt's avatar

… my rear end. Sure, it was firm and round back in the day, but forty years of brownies, soda pop, and cheeseburgers later, the end is now more like a scenic overlook, with enough parking space for two dozen rv’s.
And, when I call food delivery or cabs, I have to tell them to not follow GPS, because they will end up looking for me a mile away.
TJBM has had food delivered lately.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, it’s been a long time. I think about it and then remember that I just feel better when I eat my simple whole pure foods at home.

TJBM has had food delivered and refused to accept when it arrived.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. I have never ordered food at home anyway. I prefer to order on the spot. Quicker and no fuss.
Awww Patty, I was about to write my story.
TJBM is @snowberry.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! How did you know?

TJBM will fix me breakfast. I’m allergic to eggs, dairy, all grains except for corn, sugar, almonds, sunflower, vinegar, mushrooms, and cane sugar. What will you fix me for breakfast?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’ll fix you this. I just have to buy a package of corn and stir fry the corn. I can add some onions and meat hope you aren’t allegic to onions and meat. And that’s it, it tastes good and gets on well with your stomach :)

TJBM will hear my story inspired by @snowberry.

snowberry's avatar

Mimi, we are all here and waiting. Please tell your story.

It was the beginning of the end… Thunder crashed. Lighting flashed, branches tossed in the wind…


It was the beginning of the end. I brooded as I sipped my coffee…

TJBM is breathlessly waiting to hear Mimi’s story.

snowberry's avatar

Ok breathe, dear. ;D

Mimishu1995's avatar

It was the beginning of the end

… of his harsh winter.

He was sitting in front of the desk, with the diary open. He was turning to the old pages and reading his old entries. He wanted to look at them before he wrote his entry for today.

He giggled as he read the pages. He could hardly believe it was his writing. So much sadness and bitterness for everything, the prison, the wardens, justice, God, his release, his friends who kept reminding him of how lucky he was, himself…

He thought the old entries were not written by him, but of an angsty teen with too much hormone to spare.

But it wad no denying that the teen was once him. Until recently, he had been living a life of a ghost. Everything scared him. He hated all kinds of human interaction. He felt like everyone was against him. All he wanted was to become invisible, to disappear from this world forever.

All of that for one reason: people just could not stop talking about his release. He had never considered it a blessing. He just wanted to forget it like a bad nightmare. Imagine having your nightmare coming to the front page! There was nothing fascinating or funny about his release. He hated that people did not understand what it felt to always fry the eyes open for unexpected danger, to make friends one minute then see them die the next, to not being able to tell a friend and an enemy apart, to never know when you would be the next to die.
And to be strapped onto the guillotine while the blade slowly lifted up. At that moment, he just wished the blade would fall down quickly so that all his pain would end. He despised that journalist who wasted his time to find the real killer.

Although all of his hatred had a good reason, he had always felt that he was being overdramatic toward people around him. He refused to talk to anyone. He turned into a monster in their eyes. He shouted at them, threatening to hit them. After each outburst he beat himself up for being a horrible person. And then another day passed and he once again failed to control his impulse to hurt someone when he heard a slightest hint of his prison time. The cycle of anger and self-hatred went on and on.

Then he met that person who said the exact thing he wanted to hear.

“Your suffering served a great purpose.”

He turned to a page on his diary. He thought he found the page. Yes, it was around this time that the tone of the diary started to change. He did not trust therapists, he turned to one and he failed to help him. He only went for this second therapist because he wanted to please his girlfriend. He had little hope for things to change.

But things did change, for the better.

On that fateful day, he was crying uncontrollably in front of the therapist. He told the therapist everything about his prison time and he did not want to do it. The therapist just quietly gave him a newspaper he read the other day. He pointed to an article about how all police departments in the entire country were being investigated about how they handled criminal cases. He then explained to him that because of his wrongful conviction, the public was aware that there was something wrong with the police system. Soon they would have to fix the system, and there would be no more unjust death. He had potentially saved hundred of people in his prison.

The therapist then said something that would forever ingrain in his mind: “You see? Everything happens for a reason. Your suffering served a great purpose.”

As he lay in bed that night, he realized that he was the only prisoner and warden of his own prison. And as the warden, he had all the choice to imprison himself forever or earn a release. He worked hard to get out. He stopped bullying himself. He opened up to people. He tried not to get angry.

After all, his purpose in life was to stop injustice.

He was amazed that as he changed, his world changed with him. He was surprised that most people who asked about his release were genuinely concerned about him. He got his old friends back. He felt more energetic waking up in the morning. Everything he saw suddenly became bright and vivid, even the blooming little flower outside his door. Food started to taste like real food. And he slept better, no longer interrupted by nightmare.

He was starting to earn his true prison release.

He had just eaten breakfast. It was the third breakfast he made for himself since his release. Before that he had no breakfast, and he was eating old bread for meals because he could not stand fresh food, being too used to prison food. It tasted good and healthy. Food would taste good now and then, but the good taste was short-lived, and before long he was vomiting for eating fresh food. It had been three days since he had eaten real food without vomiting, so he was quite sure it was going to stay like that forever.

His last diary entry was a poem about his first homemade breakfast. He remembered being so smitten by the breakfast that he wrote a poem about it. It was both ridiculous and powerful at the same time. He was sure he was the only one understand the powerful part, and he did not mind at all.

He felt that he was reaching the beginning of the end of his winter.

He turned to a blank page, ready to write his entry. He had so many things in his mind that he did not know where to begin. Finally, he wrote one sentence that he thought would sum up everything he was thinking and feeling:

Even the harshest winter is followed by spring.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Welllllll, wow.
I have one critique, and one accolade.
My critique is, I can tell this was written by someone who’s first language is not English.
The accolade is, this is deep, and introspective enough to reach inside a soul and stir it like a simmering pot of chili.
I am impressed.
TJBM has some additional comments about this passage.

snowberry's avatar

Wow Mimi! That’s a powerful message. I loved the character development. Very good!

TJBM has more to say.

LadyMarissa's avatar

What more can I say. I’m gobsmacked. What powerful writing!!! I’m not much of a reader but I was drawn in & just when I was about to stop reading, I was drawn in further!!! What insight. I’m wondering who Mimi knows who has lived through such in order for her to have such insight into an incarcerated soul. It took me back to a time when my Granddad was a prison guard. One of his favorite prisoners would serve his time, be out for a week or two, do something illegal & be back in before the month was over. Gramps would ask him WHY??? His response was “Life is tough out there. In here I know how to survive. Out there I’m drowning.” This went on for years…until he died in prison. I always chalked him up as “just another nut job”; however, I now see his thinking in an all new light…he wasn’t a nut, he was more sane than the nuts on the outside!!!

TJBM woke up in a GREAT mood day & wants to share their happiness…

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes! The weather’s gorgeous, so Sadie and I began with a nice walk. Since then, the day’s been filled with pleasantries. I even had an opportunity to help some dear friends, a blind couple who needed to be driven for some errands.

TJBM is fed up with the national anthem and all the kerfuffle, yet TJBM still can’t get enough of Jimi Hendrix’s version.

LadyMarissa's avatar

You’re reading my mind!!! I’m so tired of hearing people whine & Jimi did a passionate rendition of our National Anthem!!! I wish I could play any musical instrument with the style & grace that Jimi did!!!

TJBM loves music almost as much as I do even though Jimi might not be one of their favorites…

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I do l love music, and I wore my Hendrix t-shirt to the gym today. That shirt makes me instantly cool, and complete strangers say nice comments about it.

TJBM watched the Stanley Cup finals.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF it’s associated with the word “sports” I avoid it like the plague!!! For those who love it…ENJOY!!!

TJBM is either ending their day or starting their day with a bang…

snowberry's avatar

No, it’s been a quiet day, and I hope tomorrow will be as well.

TJBM is headed to bed. I am. Good night!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Nooooo! I still want to play ~

@LadyMarissa actually I don’t know any prisoner personally. The man is constructed from several source. First, there used to be a public outcry about several wrongful convictions in my country. Most of them dated back to the 90s and most were caused by incompetent police detectives and law system. At that time I started to wonder what happened to all of those prisoners, how horrible their life had become, because they all seemed too unconvincingly happy on TV. Second, I got my description of the man’s destructive behavior from an account of a death-row prisoner. And third, the therapist section is based on the doctor who invented a therapy treatment called “logotherapy”. Basically his philosophy is that you can’t escape suffering, but you can think of it as a special purpose life gives you. The rest is my imagination’s work.

When I wrote it I was just putting everything together. I didn’t know it resonate with you guys so much :)

TJBM is bored.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Kinda, yeah, but I enjoyed reading about your sources and inspiration almost as much as the story.
Bad cops can be found in every part of the world to some degree. It is so important that we be able to trust law enforcement personnel, and when we can’t it is tragic.
Well done Mimi. You put together a very thought provoking piece.
You might consider contacting someone who did live through a wrongful conviction, and see about telling their story.
TJBM has tried to eat gelatin with their fingers, just to see if they could.

snowberry's avatar

As a kid, and yes, I could. My tongue took care of the rest. ;D

TJBM is drinking coffee. Do you like it black or do you put something in it? Tell us all about your favorite cup of coffee. Or tea. Or any comforting drink.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t drink coffee because I can’t stand the smell nor the taste!!! Although I know it’s not good for me, I get my morning caffeine from drinking Coca~Cola.Sometimes in the evening when I’m going into relax mode, I will have a nice hot cup of Chamomile Tea with honey. Chamomile is very soothing & will help me to relax enough to go to sleep. better. Chamomile Tea is also good for young ladies who are having cramping every month & it is good for upset stomachs in the kids & us old folks!!!

TJBM knows some pther home remedies that actually work…

snowberry's avatar

Oh, lots. Ginger is excellent for nausea and upset tummies.

Garlic has long been used as an immune support but don’t bother with supplements from the store. Their effectiveness is a fraction of using it fresh. What you do is peel it and chop it up fine. Then let it sit for about 10 minutes or so before you eat it. Letting it sit seems to activate it somehow and make it more useful to the immune system.

You can eat it raw with your meal. If you choose to take it like medicine like I do, make sure you eat a few bites of food first because raw garlic on an empty stomach will make you throw up every time.

To reduce dreaded garlic breath you can flatten a piece of bread and roll bread around it to make little balls that you can take like pills. Take it with ice water and you will minimize garlic breath.

TGBM will tell us some more home remedies that work.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m also a HUGE Essential Oil enthusiast. I make my own version of Thieves Oil which is really good at warding off the Flu, colds, & other illnesses especially respitory.

I’ve recently been dabbling with Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. There are a LOT of promises which are attached to HPT so I’m still testing the waters. So far, it’s cleared up my allergies for this season, helped to clear up some lung problems, & it appears to be slowing down my Crohns.symptoms. My Oxygen count was really low & since I’ve started the HPT it’s gone way up. So far I’ve had NO negative side effects so I’m continuing with my experiment.

TJBM wants to change the subject…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I want to know more about Thieves Oil and HPT. maybe you can message me when you feel up to going into it.
TJBM is in a party mood.
Party on Wayne.

snowberry's avatar

No, in a packing mood. Daughter is leaving soon.

TJBM has found a litter of wild animals before.

LadyMarissa's avatar

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Snowberry )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I have a rabbit that insists on having her litter in the corner of my backyard. NOT the safest place to birth them because I have 2 Black Labs who would love to make them a snack. So far all it has done was taught those baby bunnies how to run for cover!!! BTW, it might not be the same Momma but they always nest in the same spot. I don’t know why they like my yard as I don’t have a garden or any kind of food for them to eat. I just know that watching baby bunnies grow has been a lot of fun!!! I have to hold my breath every time my dogs see them hopping through my yard because the race is on & I’m always afraid one of the bunnies will screw up & not win!!!

TJBM is just getting ready to go to bed unless she’s the one who is just waking up… :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh, I’m up for a while yet. There’s a nifty party going over in meta, and I’m having a good time.
My front yard sprouts baby bunnies every spring. It isn’t level, and much as I would like to make it smooth, I am not up to the task. Bunnies like to drop their babies in a shallow dip, so vegetation easily hides them from view of predators. They abandon them in the daytime so predators won’t find the babies by watching mama. They visit at night to nurse and take count.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have any bunny finders around to rescue them in time for first mow. Only one survived. Used to be the little girls next door would round them up and put them into a box, then put them back after mowing is done. Doing that with successive generations, I guess mama expected the same for her bunch. I imagine this mama was one of the babies I held for a little while last spring. Poor thing. I ached for her when I saw her digging frantically through fresh cuttings for survivors. I was glad to see one made it.
TJBM a baby bird story to tell.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Nope, NO birds. I have 2 cats & 2 dogs who love to kill moving targets. Even the squirrels go around my property to get to the other side!!!

TJBM has some exciting news…

snowberry's avatar

My daughter is going to Africa! She’s leaving for training in a couple days, then gets on a plane next month. She’ll be gone for 2 years.

TJBM needs to get up early tomorrow morning.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Fortunately no. It’s not my work time or school time.

TJBM works better without stress. People around me seem to like having some kind of pressure to work. I just can’t do that.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I refuse to accept stress; so, I work hard at shaking off any stress that tries to cling on!!! I avoid the people who attempt to bring stress into my life. I’ve finally got myself to a place where I don’t “need” a lot of things in my life & stress is one of them!!! I had 6 close friends die within 4 weeks last year plus I had a stalker for almost 2 years; so, now I’m being very selective who I allow into my life.Any signs of drama & they’re outta here!!!

TJBM loves candy…

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh yes! Yes, I do! rapid head shaking.
TJBM finally got their stupid spellchecker to accept TJBM is a thing.
I even got mine to call itself an expletive.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. It’s one of the few things it does right.

TJBM hates Siri. And Alexis. And Cortana. And every other electronic invention that is programmed to act as if it’s human and fails miserably.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m NOT an Apple person so I have NO experience with Siri. I have Bixby (male Siri) capability on my phone but I am too lazy to learn how to use him. I’ve not grown so lazy that I can’t input what I want to say with my fingers!!! I turned off Cortana on my laptop. I do have an Echo which includes Alexa; however, it is turned off more than it’s turned on. I mainly use Alexa as a timer while pressure cooking so I’ll know when it’s time to eat!!! I have tons of music through Amazon & I often listen to my music while eating. I keep a piece of tape over my camera on my laptop just in case somebody knows how to hack into my camera. I don’t do anything exciting, I just don’t want them to watch me being boring!!!

TJBM doesn’t care for technology much more than I do…

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sputtered when I laughed.
I think if I had a Bixby (the male voice thing) I would probably test out whether I could make it blush. I would have no other use for it.
TJBM wants more medication.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Don’t know that I want “more” medication; however, I wouldn’t turn down some “better” medication!!!

I’ve tried making Alexa blush; but she’s a stubborn old biddy. I once told her “I love you”. She responded “Thank you”. Pissed me off because it reminded me of my youth & the first guy I professed my love & that was his exact reaction!!! OUCH, it still hurts!!!

TJBM has a funny love story to share…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Don’t know if it’s funny but…

In one lesson, the horrible teacher was trying to tell us how lifestyle influences language. She gave an example. She told us a story of her time studying in Australia. She was at a school. There was a feast there and she was around some native Australians. Suddenly a girl passed by and the Australians cried “cool!” in front of her. She then concluded to the class that “cool” meant sexually attractive, and gave us a phrase “cool girl”.

I was extremely confused, being around the internet for too long. I always know “cool” is associated with personality and attitude, but this was the first time I ever heard that cool meant sexually attractive. So I did my research. All of my sources proved that I was right. Cool is a word to describe a chill or hippy personality or attitude. The phrase “cool girl” does exist, but it’s a very new phrase, coming from a novel called Gone Girl, which was published in 2012, and I doubt she was in Australia at that time. There is absolutely no sexual meaning associated to the word.

I’m guessing that the Australians actually meant to say that the girl’s clothes was quirky and eye-catching. But the teacher took it the wrong way, thinking that they were calling her sexy. And now she is using it as a crucial part of her lesson. The phrase “cool girl” is definitely her own invention.

And here I think the story would be funnier if the teacher was a man.

TJBM has another funny story.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My whole story posted twice. I edited one away, now both are gone.
All that typing!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m not going to type a story here and Patty failed to post a TJBM thingy.

TJBM is particularly worried about the safety of people in a specific part of the world, foreign to him or her.

snowberry's avatar

Worried, no. Concerned, absolutely!

TJBM isn’t in the mood to… what?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ugh. The city provides our trash bins, because nobody touches them. The trucks have a claw which extends, picks them up, and dumps them into the top of the truck. One driver thinks it is cute to set every single one back in such a way as they lean back in their open lid. Everybody should find humor with their job, I suppose.
Well these suckers are huge.
I leave the lid open on mine so I can throw trash over the rail and not face going down up the steps just to get the lid. By the way, I have tried reaching down with one crutch to flip the lid open, the whole dang thing landed on its side.
Well we had a lot of rain the past week, and turns out the gutter is clogged, and guess where all the rain from the roof spilled over.
Oh, yes, seventy gallons of stew out there. I bought tubing, and I have a big squeeze bottle of clean water for primer, but I have now put off for two days siphoning that sucker out.
Yeesh! After, I plan to drill a hole near the bottom.
TJBM is having a laugh trying to picture me, crutches, tubing, and soup.

LadyMarissa's avatar

THANK YOU @Patty_Melt. I’ve been in a real funk & you just gave me my first laugh in several days!!! I’m sorry my fit of laughter came at your expense!!! I had purchased a battery operated siphon pump off Amazon years ago to transfer gas into my lawn mower. It worked so well that I bought a 2nd one for any water problems I might run into. Once you get that sucker emptied, push it over on its side & take a drill & put several holes in the bottom. That way, the next time this happens & it WILL happen again, the water can drain out the bottom almost as fast as it runs in the top!!!

TJBM will get a laugh when I admit that while responding, I meant to type siphon & my fingers have a mind of their own & typed “symphon”. When I did the right click to auto correct, my first option word was “nymphos”. Since most things happen for a reason, any nymphos here???

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I couldn’t say.

TJBM has a father to call tomorrow.

LadyMarissa's avatar

WRONG!!! My Dad died 7 years ago, so. I DON’T celebrate Father’s Day & since Mom died 10 years ago, I also DON’T celebrate Mother’s Day!!!

TJBM has had a lazy Sunday that they ENJOYED….

snowberry's avatar

I did enjoy it. We got back from camping, I cleaned up, put stuff away, and vegged out, talking to a sweet friend.

TJBM isn’t afraid of cockroaches.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m not afraid, until when they spread their wings and fly <run away fast>
TJBM has an animal they are afraid of.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Honey badgers.
I have never seen one IRL, but if I did, I would be scared.
TJBM has a special daddy memory to share.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM is going to blow off work tomorrow to take care of some personal business, which includes rest.

snowberry's avatar

I’m retired. I’m my own boss, and my boss says when it gets light, get some stuff done before it gets too hot. THEN you get to veg out.

TJBM rescues or lknows someone who ikes to rescue animals. Tell us about it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m not a professional rescuer but I never turn away a needy animal.I was a dispatcher for a local trucking company. I came into work one morning & there was a gray cat laying in my chair like he belonged to me. We hit it off immediately & I began slipping him some food when the boss wasn’t looking. That afternoon just before time to go home, he disappeared & I assumed he had decided to go back home. Well, for the next 2 days it was the exact same thing…he’s waiting for me in the morning & disappeared when time comes to go home.

My boss then told me that I either had to take him or stop feeding him; so, when time come to go home that day he was still there & I looked at him & said “IF you’re still here when I go home tomorrow, I’m taking you home with me.” I come in the next morning to NO cat. I anxiously waited for him to show up all day…nothing. Time comes to go home & he’s no where to be seen. I get my stuff together to go home. I walk out to my car & there laid my cat on the hood of my car. I opened the door & put my stuff inside. I looked at him & said “You going with me or not?” He meowed & jumped in my car. When I got in he was rubbing all over my arm while purring loudly. After I got him home, I started feeling guilty because he was so friendly that I felt that he belonged to somebody. I took pics & posted flyers all over the area around work that IF anybody knew who he belonged to that they give them my phone number. Nobody ever called & he was a GREAT cat for 18 years.

I currently have 2 Black Labs. My male’s mother belonged to a girl that I worked with & she was suddenly faced with 15 puppies & not enough people interested in taking any off her hands. My husband had just passed away & I was really lonely. I adopted one of the puppies & he turned out to be a very loving dog. About the time he turned 1, he began digging up my yard. Since I “had” to work & didn’t have the luxury of staying home with him, I began to ask around to find him a playmate. My doctor told me about a female Black Lab that was going to be put down on Monday & this was on a Friday. She asked me if I was interested in taking the dog for the weekend to see how well she’d get along with my dog. IF it didn’t work out, they’d pick the dog up on Monday morning for her to meet her fate. She & her hubs went by after they got off work to pick up the dog & they brought her over to my house. When they first got her out of the car, the 2 dogs were barking at each other. We put her inside my fenced in yard & they did the obligatory butt sniff & they took off running side by side around the house over & over again.They came back to the front yard & did the jumping at each other while butting noses like most puppies do when playing. Then they curled up together to take a nap.I assured my doctor that unless something drastically changed over the weekend that she ewasn’t going to be returning this dog to be put down!!! They played together all weekend & I had NO new holes in my yard after the weekend. Now 11 years later, they are like husband & wife taking care of each other!!!

My male lab is the ONLY dog that I’ve taken in that wasn’t a rescue in the last 49 years.Same for my cats.

TJBM has a special fur baby…

Dutchess_III's avatar

ALL animals are a rescue to a certain extent.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Is me! Surprised?
TJBM never has, but always wanted to…

LadyMarissa's avatar

Sorry sweetie…IF I “wanted to” I usually tried it atleast once….twice IF I enjoyed it!!! :)

TJBM has a funny story about the craziest thing they ever did…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I do, but it’s not for here.

TJBM has grown out of a food allergy.

snowberry's avatar

No. Instead I’ve acquired quite a few. But mosquito bites don’t swell up and itch like the dickens anymore. That’s a significant trade off, but I’m not sure it’s worth it.

TJBM has found a new favorite saying. Here’s mine.

There are only two tools you need in life.
WD-40 and duct tape.
If it doesn’t move and should, use WD-40.
If it moves and shouldn’t, use duct tape.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, it is a cool saying. :-D
TJBM has noticed @snowberry‘s lurve total is about to get weird.
dueces are wild

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t consider ALL 2’s weird; but, it is an interesting milestone!!! Now I won’t be able to participate on Fluther out of fear that I’ll miss the rollover to 22222.If @snowberry feels she’s being stalked, it will just me watching her lurve total for the BIG event!!! My dad always insisted that we watch for the odometer rollover in our car; so it’s an OCD thing for me!!!

TJBM thinks we’re ALL crazy…

Mimishu1995's avatar

I always thought I was the only crazy one, as people kept telling me so. It led to a life of self-hatred and doubt. Now I can take some comfort that “normal” is a relative term.

TJBM has a story of themselves turning into a better person.

snowberry's avatar

My earliest memories are wanting to die. God has healed the hurts of my past, and although I can remember those things, it doesn’t hurt anymore. I’ve even managed to find some bright spots and funny memories from my childhood. It’s been a long hard road but I’m glad to be alive! My future is bright.

TJBM has jewelry they wear in unusual ways. My mother used to have a jeweled pin shaped like a bumblebee. She would never wear it on her lapel, but would instead wear it on the tip of her shoulder. She said if she were a bumblebee that’s where she would land!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am really liking your mom.

I feel that once I purchase jewelry, other accessories, clothes; what I do with them is my business.
When I was a teenager I would use a sewing needle to drill a hole in each thumbnail, and wear small earrings on my nails.
Nowadays there are nail decals.
I have butterflies with magnets in their tummies. Sometimes I put a couple of them on my crutches.
Rules for adornments exist for those who have no creativity of their own.
TJBM has plenty of creativity, as evidenced by…

LadyMarissa's avatar

I wish I had some creativity. I’m here to watch @snowberry trip over to ALL 2’s & then I’m going to bed.

TJBM will be @snowberry

Mimishu1995's avatar

Looks like it will take @snowberry a while. Hope you’re ok with me here.

TJBM is ok with that.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yay! Mimi is here! I am okay with that.
TJBM will tell a happy story to get my mind off the mud slinging I just came from.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Awwww @Patty_Melt Who’s been slinging mud at you…Do I need to have a heart to heart with the culprits???

@Mimishu1995 I didn’t mind you filling in for @snowberry.

I’ve got to be up at 6:00 am to let the roofers onto my property; so, I guess I’ll be missing the rollover :(…got to get to bed or I won’t wake up in the morning. Niterz all!!!!!!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Here’s a story to lift up your faith in humanity.

I was a translation for a Philippian therapist for a family of an autistic boy. He got a very cold mother who is always busy and treats him like a stranger in the house. The mother just throws money out for the therapist and nannies and teachers to take care of him. She expects them to magically make him better, and if something wrong happen it’s their fault. The boy literally has no mother.

But the boy has two very lovely teachers who truly care. They make the best of their time with him. They are really patient with him and rarely scold him. They take care of him as if they are family members. At least the boy isn’t alone in the world.

It’s so ironic that two strangers make better parents than family members.

TJBM just woke up.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, I was an early riser today.

TJBM has recently upgraded some sports equipment… golf clubs and bag, or perhaps a new racket.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m in a real bad way for sports. In fact, I fell to the floor this morning trying to get out of bed, and really hurt myself. I couldn’t get myself off the floor, so I was there for a while, a crying lump.
BUT, Xbox is my sport, and I recently got a shiny bright cover for my controller. :-)
TJBM doesn’t smoke Camels, but still would rather fight than switch.

snowberry's avatar

Camels stink so much, who would want to actually smoke one!?!? —and they spit too—

TJBM is putting off the inevitable, which is…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Which is…..IDK. So much needs to be done, but it’s not inevitable stuff.

TJBM is procrastinating on something.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yep. It’s 1:30 pm, and I haven’t done any client work today. It’s time to get disciplined and get to it.

TJBM is an avid fan of Les Mills Bodypump. (I go 3X per week, and I’m looking for a kindred spirit.)

LadyMarissa's avatar

Would love to join you but half my body is paralyzed & I don’t think my doctor would clear me for this one!!! Since I can only use the right half of my body, most gyms won’t even consider letting me join.

TJBM likes listening to some smooth jazz…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I do sometimes. I’m a long-time Dave Grusin fan.

TJBM is trying to say good night and go upstairs to bed

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM will come here and play!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Dream sweet @Mimishu1995

I’m not having a very productive morning & I’m moving very s-l-o-w. I’ve learned to just deal with it because tomorrow will be a new & better day!!!

TJBM is having a relatively good day…

snowberry's avatar

I’m getting a lot done. I hope I can keep up the momentum.

TJBM has an unusual habit.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Recently I start to categorize books based on zodiac signs. I have a collection of zodiac sign bookmarks and I assign a bookmark to the theme of the book. For example, currently I’m reading a book called “Road to Responsibility”. It’s a book about how to teach students to take responsibility. I assign it for the Capricorn bookmark. Capricorn rules over Saturn, and Saturn is all about owning your responsibility. It’s something hard to come to term with, but you have to do it in the end, or Saturn will restrict your ability to achieve in life. This is also a theme of the book, teaching students to take responsibility for themselves no matter how hard or absurd it sounds, because in the end no one will own their responsibility for them.

Or I just read a book call “The Stranger” by Albert Camus. It’s about a man who is so indifferent to the world that he is accused of being a psychopath for not weeping at his mom’s funeral. I think Pisces goes very well with the book. Pisces rules Neptune, a planet of elusiveness and ambiguity. Pisces just flows in life and lets life take its course. It is especially true to the main character of the book. He has no emotion to whatever comes to him. When his mom dies, he just treats it as something that happens in life. No one has the same opinion about him, some adore him for his lack of drama, some hate him for his coolness. In the end he is like a painting, no one knows for sure how to feel about him, which is also the unpredictability of Neptune and Pisces.

TJBM has another unusual habit.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not anymore.
When I was in the Navy I had duty nights every week. For the safety of our equipment, and security of the area, people had to be keeping track of everything day and night. During the day, we all did our usual work. After hours, whomever had duty that night split up who gets which shift. During their shift they had to check gauges to make sure nothing was broken down, check mooring lines so boats weren’t bashing into each other, make sure supply lockers are locked.
Anyway, most of the evening you spend hanging around when it isn’t your turn.
I learned how to catch those little crabs. It is so easy. I’d get two, put them close together, and poke one with a stick. That makes him mad, but the stick is gone, so he attacks the other crab.
Nobody ever really got hurt. Mostly they held hands, claws, and danced. If there was youtube back then I could have posted it and made a bundle.
TJBM has a favorite snack that is kind of strange.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Beets. I love them.

TJBM is watching a good series on Netflix or similar content provider.

snowberry's avatar

Mostly hubs like to watch earth moving equipment push dirt around on YouTube. Me, I don’t care.

TJBM remembers stuff nobody else does.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It used to bug mom how much I remembered. I could also remember stuff that hadn’t happened yet. She thought it indicated I was a demon.
She actually told my brother I was one of Satan’s minions. So, nowadays when people call me a Trump deplorable, kinda lame by comparison.
I can remember the day JFK was killed, and I was in a droopy wet diaper watching my mom cry. I remember a blue nightie that touched the floor when I got it, and I wore it until I had shirts that long, and I was only eight then. I still remember picking it out. I had to have been two. I loved it because of the dainty white bow on the front.
I think that stuff bugged mom, because she had stuff she wanted me to not remember.
TJBM has remembered something that hadn’t happened yet.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I do good to remember my name many days. My BFF remembers things that just never happened & in such detail she often makes me think that I forgot what she’s remembering. Then when I get in touch with family & friends who were there, they bring me back to reality & help me to know that I’m NOT the crazy one!!! LoL

We’re in the midst of terrible thunderstorms with high winds & hail. TJBM is having good weather…

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes! It’s sunny and lovely. I so enjoy walking Sadie during this kind of weather.

TJBM has at least one major kitchen appliance in Harvest Gold.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Gosh no.
TJBM has back ups in case technology goes caddywompus.
I have recorded over a thousand movies from TV. My daughter thinks I’m stupid because I should have Netflix. On DVD, I know I have them, they won’t get more expensive to see, and Enron proved nothing is forever.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

All of my case files are paper. I keep some stuff on DVD but I always also have a paper copy. I swear, when the lights go out my life will not stop.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM? Nudge nudge

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM is tired of Americans acting like enemies to each other. Or maybe I should say, being enemies to each other.

I sure as hell am!

Patty_Melt's avatar

So so so tired of it.
TJBM has ridden some animal more exotic than a horse or mule.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! It was a camel. And when I was small, a big dog.

TJBM has a funny story to tell.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not at the moment (I’m tired).

TJBM is smart enough to be asleep at 2:30 am. :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

If only. Spasms have my sleep more disrupted than ever.
TJBM likes to dance.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve always loved to dance!!! I took tap & ballet when I was only 2 years old. I danced daily until I had my stroke at 40. Since then, my body no longer cooperates by keeping a beat & I look awkward while trying to dance!!! Still, behind closed doors, when it’s only me knowing how awkward I look, I do my best to dance my little heart out as I don’t care how I look & just love the feeling of being FREE for the length of the song!!!

TJBM has a secret of their own that they only enjoy behind closed doors…

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’ll tell you, but first I will have to kill you… behind closed doors…

TJBM is interested in something strange.

LadyMarissa's avatar

The strangest thing I know is life itself; & YES, life interests me greatly!!! By the end of each day it has worn me down to a nub…then I awaken the next morning all excited to discover what wonders I’ll get to see during the course of my day!!!

TJBM is smiling right now…

snowberry's avatar

Yes! My daughter just arrived!

TJBM is getting up early tomorrow morning.

LadyMarissa's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How did you know about my unwelcomed early morning??? I have a doctor’s appointment where I have to be there by 11:00 & I don’t always move very fast in the wee hours of the morning; so, I get up earlier than normal & then take my time getting started so I won’t be late!!!

TJBM doesn’t enjoy the doctor any more than I do…

snowberry's avatar

Absolutely not. Unless it’s my naturopath. She thinks I’m hilarious. It’s so much fun sometimes I think it’s worth the money just to hear her laugh. But we do still get the job accomplished.

TJBM has someone in their life who adores them.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Looks like it’s you :D I also have some Fluther friends that adore me. Recently I got a new type of people too: a few students.

AndI’ve noticed that people are divided into two extremes when it comes to how they feel about me. They either think I’m stupid or I’m admirable. I really don’t know why.

TJBM notices something strange about themselves.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t know that it’s strange; but others don’t always understand my need to defend the underdog. Actually, I don’t always understand it either. I just know that it’s been part of who I am since I first started school & met my first bully. I’ve never been able to stand bullies & try to defend those they are being bullied.

@Mimishu1995 I don’t find you stupid!!!

TJBM is enjoying their life…

snowberry's avatar


TJBM is a pie fanatic and will tell us what’s your favorite!

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Nah. I do love homemade lemon icebox pie though.

TJBM takes Vitamin D and will share with us why.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes, every day, because I tend to have a deficiency. I have no idea why, given that I spend plenty of time outside, but it is what it is. My OB/GYN orders a blood test every year and always tells me to stay with the supplement – strong bones as I age.

TJBM saw Paul McCartney on James Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke” and was charmed.

LadyMarissa's avatar

:) I’m not a big Corden fan but I kept hearing about the vid with Paul so I watched it this morning. It was a very delightful way to start my day!!! As I said before about having to get up early this morning, watching James & Paul playing together did get me up & at em first thing this morning. I really wish that I could start out my day this happy every day!!!

TJBM started out with a happy morning too…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Sure. I had to help my brother move furniture for my mother. I was a little late and someone else helped before I got there…........oh darn!

TJBM does a lot of ironing.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t iron!!! With my inability to use my left hand, I have found it extremely challenging to iron properly one handed. Instead, I’ve purchased a hand held steamer so I can hang my clothes & run down them with the steamer. It only takes a couple of minutes to get all the wrinkles out. IF there is any dampness left behind. I take my blow dryer & do a quick run over to dry everything. Works pretty well!!!

TJBM has a funny joke to share…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I do, but I won’t.

TJBM has been a contestant on a TV game show.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The closest I’ve come is living in Reno when the wheel of fortune bus came to town to shop for contestants.
It was a disaster.
They held it outdoors. My daughter was a toddler. I stood in line with her about three hours.
Everyone filled out a drawing ticket.
Once people were seated, and the slips all dumped in a barrel, they spun the barrel and drew names. Three people would go on stage and do a lame round of wheel. They won prizes like free dinner at Harrahs, and wheel beer cozies.
Then three more names got drawn.
It was a windy day. One of the times they spun the drum the door wasn’t latched. It flapped open, and probably fifty of the drawing slips blew into the crowd. I was so disgusted with the whole fiasco.
TJBM can tell of something which is/was not the thrill as anticipated.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Going to a screening. I don’t know what I expected but I felt disappointed, especially since I didn’t like the film.

TJBM is interested in the World Cup.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. Not even a little bit.

TJBM has a certain comfort food nobody understands.

Patty_Melt's avatar

S.O.S. I loved stuff on a shingle even before I joined the Navy. My daughter doesn’t get why people would eat that when they could spend the same $ on something else.
TJBM is stressed over something coming up soon, but not yet.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m stressed out over a lot of things lately. I applied for a teaching position in a college a few months ago just for kicks. They didn’t answer for so long so I thought they rejected me and went on putting things into my schedule, mainly requests from my boss at my center. And just a few days ago they called me! Now I’m kind of stressed out because I’m not sure how I could balance my time at the school and the other things I put into my schedule. Not to mention my Master class too.

Then there is my experimental private French class. There is a girl who applied for it through the introduction of my friend who also takes part in the class. I thought she was just trying to get over her exam, then she came and said she is a French major! She just wants to pass her exams at school because she is so far behind her classmates though. But I kind of feel like it’s a bit too much for my plate. I plan to teach her whatever I know then send her to my old teacher when I can no longer handle her demand. Now I’m just afraid that she will think of me as a fraud when it’s time to say “sorry, I can no longer help you, I’ll send you to someone else instead”. I’ve been honest with her that I’m not a French major and I only got to know French a year ago, but I’m still really worried.

TJBM knows a good way to relieve stress.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My way of dealing with stress is to fix what I have the ability to fix. Then whatever I can’t fix, I release from my worry!!! Sometimes, by letting go of the worry, I suddenly see the clear fix to the problem which keeps it one less thing that gives me stress!!!

TJBM is looking forward to a great day tomorrow…

Patty_Melt's avatar

OMG Mimi! What awesome news!

I hope tomorrow will be a great day. It has that potential, if I can manage to keep up with my part in things.

I’m so lonely and isolated, I actually placed an ad for a friend. It would be nice if that doesn’t bomb.

TJBM has so many friends, they can spare one to send to me.

snowberry's avatar

How about me?

TJBM knows how to make an amazing breakfast that will please everyone.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Are you kidding? I can’t even write a two word post that will please everyone! How is my cooking going to placate them?

How about you? I wish you could come over. I need somebody I can go shopping with, cruise my chair down by the river and drown some worms, go to the fair and see all the 4H exhibits. I need time out if the house.
I got an answer to my ad, and it is really weird. It looks like someone from Hyderabad wrote it. It rambles on quite a bit about truely nothing.
TJBM thinks today’s techno kids are too big for their britches and it should be mandatory to turn them out on their own when they are twelve for say, a year, to let some of that steam out of their entitled little minds.

snowberry's avatar

LOL! Doing that would be a holiday for the parents for maybe a few hours, until they got their entitled little minds together and created a mess nobody could clean up! How about a straitjacket instead?

TJBM just said goodbye to a family member.

LadyMarissa's avatar

OMG snow, I didn’t realize that she was leaving so soon!!! I don’t have that problem anymore as all my immediate family has passed on except for the brother who doesn’t talk to me unless he “has to” & I try not to think about him!!!

TJBM has some really good family members…

snowberry's avatar


For those who don’t know, one of my daughters is going to be working on the African Mercy, (the largest civilian hospital ship in the world) for two years. She will be stationed in Guinea, Africa for the next 10 months and then on to Senegal. The Mercy ships are unique in that they require each member of the team from the captain to the deckhand to the surgeon to pay their own way. Some people use their savings while others rely on donations,

For us it’s actually been a series of goodbyes, with each goodbye getting a little more remote, and a little more poignant. (It also doesn’t help that I keep getting the dates mixed up.)

In the last six months she has managed to say goodbye to all of her siblings except one. At the last minute that sister came, and we all spent last weekend with her at the training center.

When training is finished in about two weeks they will all leave together for the ship.

People often ask me if I am sad that she’s going to be gone for so long with no chance of seeing her. My daughter has been working toward this goal since she was 15. It would be cruel for me to be sad because she has a chance to live her dream.

TJBM Will share with us a unique alternative remedy that actually works.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve been keeping this one to myself because most of my friends feel more comfortable going to the medical community rather than trying the alternative route. As I’ve said before, I don’t trust most of the people in the medical field & have had much more luck in taking care of myself!!!

I recently heard about Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy & it intrigued me. This is where you cleanse your body by drinking Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide that has been diluted with Distilled Water. HP releases natural Oxygen into your system & is supposed to improve your health. Many promoting this Therapy will promise outrageous results. Personally, I don’t believe that HPT is a catch-all, cure-all cure. Still, IF it could help half of what some claim it does, it sounded amazing!!!

Before telling any of my friends about this treatment, I decided to become my own guinea pig. So, I bought a bottle of 35% Food Grade HP to see for myself what it could do. I bought a bottle of distilled water to use as my dilution medium. I mixed as recommended & added to a spray bottle. HP doesn’t taste very good & it was also recommended that it be sprayed onto the throat to bypass the taste. this way takes longer as the detox part is lessened by spraying instead of drinking. I started out doing 4 pumps of the spray onto the back of my throat & did this 3 times before Noon. Within the first 24 hours I felt soooo much better!!! I felt as though as I had been holding an oxygen mask over my face. My Oxygen levels had been hovering around 93 with an occasional drop to 92. Since starting my HPT, my Oxygen level has increased to 98 with an occasional jump to 99 & on occasion I have hit 100 for a brief second.

I had been showing some symptoms of Crohn’s before the HPT & now those symptoms are all but gone!!! Every Spring I suffer with horendous allergies; yet, this year I had NO allergies at all. I never even opened the allergy sprays that I had bought to alleviate my runny nose. My lungs feel a thousand times better & I’m NO longer having to remember to take a deep breath before I run out of Oxygen!!! I’ve also noticed that when I get a nick in my finger, the blood is no longer a thick deep red color…instead, it is a bright red color like it should be for healthy blood!!!

I cannot swear that the HPT is what has either cured or helped me with my problems. What I can tell you is that I had all the various problems until I started the HPT; so, I’m still using it every morning. I still don’t plan on the full fledged detox because I still don’t care for the taste. I am going to continue with spraying my throat until I feel that it isn’t helping.

Another thing that makes me feel that it may be working is that the government is trying to weaken the percentage that we can buy so it will cost more to use it. Every time I’ve found an alternative cure that works, the government pulls it from the shelves. I have absolutely NO doubt that the big pharma companies aren’t paying the powers that be to pull it from the market. That just makes me feel more secure that it’s more than likely working!!!

TJBM tries various alternative treatments themself…

snowberry's avatar



l i k e s

t o

s p a c e

t h I n g s

o u t !

Mimishu1995's avatar

N o
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s o
t i m e
c o n s u m i n g
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m e s s
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l i k e s
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w a s t e
t i m e

Tropical_Willie's avatar

TJBM is “Waiting for Godot”

Patty_Melt's avatar

No? I think my prune juice took care of that.
TJBM knows what a Godot is, and whether we should wait for one

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t know what that is.

TJBM has had or fears may need a transplant in the future.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not an organ, but plasma transfers could be in my future.
You okay, Molly?
TJBM can sneeze hard enough to knock a coffee cup off a table.
Why can’t everyone pick the same one day to mow?!

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve never sneezed hard enough to knock a coffee cup off a table. It might be because I don’t drink coffee & don’t keep a cup on my table. Still, I have sneezed hard enough that I cracked a couple of ribs. Boy did that hurt!!!

BTW @Patty_Melt just to enlighten you…Waiting for Godot was a play written by Samuel Beckett that was introduced to the public way back in 1953. My Mom loved it; but, I found it very boring!!!

WHY should we all cut our grass on the same day when we can disrupt our neighbors lives by having someone cut every day of the week??? ;)…In my neighborhood there are 2 disabled females & 9 healthy males. Neither of us have the resources to pay what others charge to do our work; so, we struggle through doing it ourselves. If you watch the neighborhood, the healthy male neighbors don’t cut their grass until the day after me & my friend get out & cut ours. We don’t call each other to schedule it but it seems we always choose the same day to cut. There will be NO male seen all day until we finish our cuttings. POOF, the guy next door gets out & cuts his just before it gets dark. One of the 4 next door cuts theirs the next day & so does the guy across the street. She always says that our yards look so much better than theirs that we’ve shamed them into cutting!!!

TJBM doesn’t like cutting grass any more than I do…

snowberry's avatar

At this point in the season, my grass doesn’t grow except to send up seed heads. A few minutes with the weed whop takes care of it. The biggest problem is getting out there before it’s too hot to even run the weed whop.

TJBM has noticed all the weird spam questions, and sometimes isn’t sure whether they’re spam or not.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve seen a lot of weird Q’s with weird links that I see as spam; however, I’m not always sure that Fluther sees them as spam. Some of the more blatant ones I have reported & then I feel guilty because I don’t like reporting others & I sure don’t see it as my place to judge others!!!

TJBM has some new & interesting ideas…

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have been toying with this idea for some time… I want to write a story about an ex-convict who has depression and is pushed away by everyone. I still can’t decide which is the best way to narrate the story. Recently I’m thinking of telling the story from several people’s point of view. The people will look at the man and form their own opinion about him. But that’s just an idea.

One thing I know is that I’ve done too much research on depression lately just for the story. I may catch depression from my research material ~

TJBM appreciates a little creativity.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I love your creativity!!! Assuming the story you posted on here not long ago is some of which you’re speaking, I can’t wait for the book!!!

IF it will make you feel any better, you don’t “catch” depression…instead you “get” depression!!! I have discovered through my journey with depression that it is possible to also “reject” depression!!! It’s NOT always easy to do, but it can be done!!!

TJBM enjoyed Mimi’s story as much as I did…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m not familiar with.

TJBM has had a fun day with lots of laughter.

snowberry's avatar

I wish.

TJBM Will share with us their favorite salad.

LadyMarissa's avatar

During the summer, my favorite is cucumber & tomato with onion marinated overnight in vinegar. Yes, it’s an acquired taste kind of thing. It’s very fresh tasting as most of the ingredients come straight out of the garden. Also, we eat a lot of BBQ’d spare ribs & the vinegar assists in cleansing the palate so whatever follows taste soooo good!!!

TJBM had a special 4th of July…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes, we had a great day.

TJBM feels like his or her extended family places too much responsibility on him or her.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Not at all. I learned how to say NO a long time ago & have NO qualms saying it!!!

TJBM loves their family & they are very close…

snowberry's avatar

Some of them. Others not so much.

TJBM lives with somebody who tries to take the whole house with them when they pack for a trip .

LadyMarissa's avatar

I live alone; but,I am the guilty party when it comes to packing!!! I tend to overthink when I’m going to be gone for any length of time. It might be extremely hot, it might just be hot, it might just be cool, or it might be downright cold & I tend to pack accordingly. Also, that covers me just in case something happens to where I can’t get back home when anticipated!!!

TJBM is a lite packer when packing for a trip…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

False. I love car trips so I don’t have to discriminate at all. I just fill up the car and go. I hate to fly for every kind of reason; this is but one.

TJBM has stopped eating or drinking something altogether and, now, wonders how he or she ever enjoyed it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not yet, but my Doc keeps harping on the subject.
Actually, having been a very restrictive picky eater as a child, I am actually adding things to my menu.
Thirty years old before I enjoyed eating a salad. Turns out I didn’t hate lettuce, it was my mom’s choice of salad dressing which made me gag.
TJBM has discovered that things they believed as a child stayed with them well into adult years before they realized it was never so.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Onions were my poison as a child that I didn’t know that I liked until I was almost 30. Now I love them & dare say I can’t get enough of them!!!

Broccoli is another food that I just couldn’t eat. While in rehab after my stroke, they put broccoli in everything. I lifted up my chocolate pudding one day…yep broccoli hiding under the pudding!!! I’m not sure whether my taste buds changed or IF they just wore me down, but now I love broccoli!!!

TJBM has another view on “learning to like”...

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t say learning to like because I don’t think it works like that for me. I like or I don’t. There were things that I was not exposed to as a child which I assumed I didn’t like, but when I had the opportunity to try them I did like most of them. I thought mushrooms were just gross nasty looking little umbrellas. I have loved them since I first had them.

TJBM is dreading what they had to get done over the weekend. (I sure am)

snowberry's avatar

That was last week. Now I’m paying the price. But at least it’s over.

TJBM has a secret cleaning trick. Here’s mine. Instead of using spray window cleaner, put a drop or two of dish detergent in a pan of water and wash your windows with that. It will work better than the window cleaner, and cost nothing.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Vinegar applied with a crumpled up newspaper cleans good & doesn’t streak. I think the newspaper is the reason it doesn’t streak!!! I can get a gallon of vinegar for $2 at Dollar General.

TJBM has another idea…

snowberry's avatar

When washing sliding glass doors, wipe the doors horizontally on one side and vertically on the other. That way you can tell which side still has streaks.

TJBM has more cleaning tips.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Hire somebody to clean up behind you!!! ;)

TJBM has ac better idea…

snowberry's avatar

Don’t use cleaning products with perfume (fragrance) in it. But just because it says it’s fragrance free doesn’t mean it is. These days they are using chemicals that essentially are anesthetic for the nose. Buy only cleaning chemicals that tell you all the ingredients and you can pronounce them or make your own.

Why bother? I am allergic to many fragrances. Many days I am housebound. If you’re not careful the same fate could happen to you.

TJBM understands what I just said and believes it!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes, I fully understand. Even most fragrance-free toiletries and cosmetics are scented; without some sort of neutralizing fragrance, the items have rancid or otherwise “off” smells and be unappealing.

TJBM is looking forward to the MLB Home Run Derby and All-Star Game.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m a football and basketball fan. I do watch some SEC baseball but don’t follow pro MLB at all.

TJBM has hit an animal with his or her car.

snowberry's avatar

Yes. Not fun.

TJBM has made their own eating utensils before.

AshLeigh's avatar

I haven’t, but now I kind of want to try.
TJBM recently kicked a bad habit.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t think I have any bad habits.

TJBM has played kick ball since elementary school.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve NEVER played kick ball & am getting way too old to even think about trying it now!!!

TJBM doesn’t do sports either…

snowberry's avatar

When I lived in Utah, I used to teach skiing. Where I am now it’s too hot for snow, but in cool dry weather I enjoy hiking.

TJBM has an oddball radio station they have discovered and enjoy. Tell us!

Patty_Melt's avatar

No, but when I was Navy, I listened to a popular station that picked up a very controversial DJ.
When I left the area, I missed him. He was unbelievably politically incorrect. OMG, he was so out of line, but also so funny.
He was known as the Greaseman.
He told stories which bashed everyone, any age, any color, any gender, they were all his victims.
Almost a decade later I was in LA. I snapped on a radio, started a station search, and there he was. I knew that voice on the first syllable I heard.
He wasn’t funny anymore. Youth let me laugh at most everything. Getting older, well, I got older.

TJBM would agree to be dumb again, in trade for shaving off a few of those painful changes of age.

snowberry's avatar

Naw, I paid too dearly for my stupidity, and I’ve lived through too much pain to go back and do it again. I’ll keep the gray hair and the age that comes with it.

TJBM has a refrigerator that needs cleaning.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, I keep it clean almost to the point of fanaticism. Almost.

TJBM has sworn off discount stores.

LadyMarissa's avatar

NEVER!!! I love my discount stores & they love me!!!

TJBM hates shopping in general…

snowberry's avatar

What I hate is all the nasty fragrances that people are obsessed with wearing. But that’s okay because I am really learning to enjoy the asthma attacks they give me. (yeah, right!)

TJBM is happy about…

Mimishu1995's avatar

…the fact that I already found what I want to do with my life. I want to be an artist and I want to work hard for it. I make use of every single free time I have to continue with the art. My art teaches me to value time. From working on my art, I learn to reduce the amount of “useless time” because I have to calculate what I can do in my limited free time, whether I draw or continue reading my research material. I see people around me, especially people around my age, play games on their phones or star at Facebook, take selfies as if they never have enough of them, talk about mundane things… I could have joined them but my art tells me I have a much bigger purpose in life and my time is too valuable to be wasted. It looks as if they are playing around while I’m working.

What I’m not so happy though, is that I’m still in the middle of settling down financially and that few people appreciate what I’m doing. People see me drawing and say “you draw so well, what are you going to do with it?” but if I say I want to publish they are like “oh don’t be silly, it’s just a fun hobby, not something you can make money from.” In people’s eyes I’m just playing around with a paper and a pencil and not working. I’m at the age when people are expected to be looking for a decent job. Sure, I’m working on it, but I also have my art. Because people don’t have a personal purpose to work on, they don’t understand what it’s like to both work and create, they don’t understand the struggle of balancing the two. Now I look unmotivated in their eyes. I find it insulting that I have to work twice as hard as everyone and I’m looked down on as lazy.

TJBM remembers their time when they were my age.

snowberry's avatar

Mimi, are there any writers’ or artists’ clubs (sometimes they’re called guilds) in Vietnam? We have lots here. You need to spend some time with other writers or artists. I’d bet you have several to choose from in your big city. For many years I was in a storytelling guild. We had the best times!

I sure do remember when I was your age. I had a bunch of little kids, and was just starting to homeschool.

TJBM has a lot of patience.

Patty_Melt's avatar

In some things I have a great deal of patience. In others my patience has burned out and now is non existent.
Being forced to be slow, terribly slow for many years, I am more patient than most about lines and waiting rooms, and stoplights.
Enduring the pain, and physical distortion I have, for so many years, has left me with no more patience about making progress in diagnosis and treatment.
TJBM has quit something recently not because it is bad, but just because they have lost interest.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Sure, our interests change from time to time. I used to love to sew and make my own clothing but I no longer have any interest in that whatsoever.

TJBM avoids high school reunions like the plague.

snowberry's avatar

I tried to go once but they couldn’t figure out how to get back to me in time. I figured it was just as well.

TJBM is up and at ‘em early this morning.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

7:30…....normal is 8:30–9:00

TJBM lives where thunderstorms are almost a daily occurrence during summer.

snowberry's avatar

They are not uncommon but they are certainly not an almost daily occurrence.

TJBM has something unusual about their life. Tell us.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ménage à trois. After bootcamp I was sent to a school. When I got my orders to regular duty I partied all night. On my way to barracks a guy we had all been panting over offered me a ride. Shoot, yes. His best friend was with him. Once in the car they made a suggestion, and I heard myself say okay, like a Valley girl.
Oh my gosh! The rest has to be left for the imagination.
Never did that again, but I hang on to that one time like a commemorative plate.
TJBM is convinced the earth is flat.

snowberry's avatar

Go to the flatland parts of the Midwest, and you’ll be inclined to think so! ;)

TJBM isn’t at home right now.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not now obviously. I’m at work. But I’m alone so I can come here :)

TJBM has a good joke.

AshLeigh's avatar

I am a joke.
TJBM will tell us what they ate for breakfast.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

It’s not very interesting at midnight, however, it was a banana with almond butter.

Mimishu1995's avatar

TJBM forgets things once in a while :P

LadyMarissa's avatar

I forget things ALL the time!!!

TJBM has a memory like a steel trap & never forgets anything…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What ! Steel clap? i forget to take the teapot off the stove.

TJBM knows where their local library is and has library card.

snowberry's avatar

Yes! It’s time for a visit.

TJBM eats strange combinations of foods. Tell us.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not strange to me.

TJBM likes gravy but uses another name for it, which is….......

LadyMarissa's avatar

I visit my library frequently & the girls behind the counter know me by my name. When I plan to learn something new, I get every book the library has on the subject then start to read. The books that I really like & I feel will make a good reference book for my journey, I purchase through Amazon for my Kindle. The books that don’t hold my interest go back to the library & I see them as money NOT wasted!!!

@Tropical_Willie “memory like a steel trap” is a Southern reference to having a really good memory & seldom forget anything!!!

TJBM is feeling really good this morning…

snowberry's avatar

So far, so good!

TJBM just said goodbye to…?

LadyMarissa's avatar

My nephew was recently sent to the Middle East. I refused to say “goodbye” insisting on saying “until I see you again” as I sincerely hope that I will see him again!!!

TJBM loves someone dearly…

snowberry's avatar

Many someones!

TJBM has a pet that requires a lot of…?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I have 2 Black Labs & a black cat who ALL require a lot of LOVE which I gladly give them…Plus, they return it ten fold!!!

TJBM has heard of Imagine Dragons…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Had to google. Is it a rock band? I’m not really into rock so…

TJBM takes enjoyment from unusual things. I take pleasure from writing stories here, though I don’t have the chance to do it often :D

LadyMarissa's avatar

I derive a huge amount of enjoyment helping others to find their happy place!!! Most recently, my passion has been with helping children find balance in their lives!!!

I’m not really into Rock either as Blues & Jazz are my passion!!! A friend suggested that I give Imagine Dragons a try with an open mind. Some of what I listened to today was excellent & some wasn’t to my liking. I tend to love music in general & am always looking to broaden my horizon!!!

TJBM has a passion different from mine…

snowberry's avatar

Clean funny stuff. James Veitch is my new favorite. He and I have the same sense of humor! Love it! In case you’ve never heard of him here’s a link.

TJBM has more delightful fun to share!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh that was funny! He made my eyes tear.
I just shared a big long childhood happy in the hijack thread. You can go there and see it if you like. You can go to my answers on my profile page. Just click the see all.

I have done the buy rubber ducks from China thing he mentioned. I got some with glowing lights on them, and two dozen tiny ones of various colors. My daughter’s theater class has this arrangement with the other school theater groups around here. They have to pick some one kind of item to be their signature item. Every play they do has to have one of item visable on stage. Her school chose rubber ducks. So I got the minis for her to hand around to her group. She never took them. Every so often I stumble upon one or a group around the house.
TJBM has to go real bad, and will brb.

LadyMarissa's avatar


TJM is laughing…

Mimishu1995's avatar


TJBM is @LadyMarissa and will give us some advice on how to balance life.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No and she failed to acknowledge the last ‘tjbm’ post when she was actually tjbm.

TJBM checks the codes on produce to avoid GMOs.

snowberry's avatar

I didn’t know you could do that. As I mentioned in another question, a lot of the results you might find in research is actually corrupted with smoke and mirrors, personal agendas, and politics. GMO issues are no exception.

Take this article for example.’s-gmo-global-conspiracy—debunked The author equates gene splicing with selective breeding. Of course they are not the same thing at all, but now that it’s in print, it becomes “fact”!

I knew that any code that starts with 9 is organic, and therefore is automatically non-GMO. Because of the above mentioned confusion, whenever possible and whenever my budget allows, I always try to buy organic. I do read produce labels, but I cannot ever remember seeing one begin with 8.

TJBM is a big time sports fan.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

You bet I am, particularly SEC college sports.

I have seen several produce offerings with codes beginning with 8.

TJBM is also a sports fan.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes! A lifelong sports fan, especially baseball.

TJBM bites his/her fingernails and really doesn’t worry or care about the habit.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No, I’ve never.

TJBM wears dentures and loves them.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Yes, I have dentures. To say that I love them is a stretch. They are better than NO teeth at all but are very uncomfortable!!! I wish that I could have afforded the individual implants but those cost MORE than my house so wishing was the best that I could do!!!

TJBM had a wonderful Saturday…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not really. I was hardly at home on Saturday. I went to work, then took an exam, then went to work again and didn’t return home until 10 p.m. I was exhausted.

TJBM is looking forward to a better week.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am wishing for a better week, but doubtful that I will get one.
TJBM is a bitch, and proud of it.

snowberry's avatar

Not sure about that one, but when they were growing up, my children insisted that I was the meanest mother in the world. I told them that I had a doctorate in meanness and nastiness! I’m proud of my degree!

TJBM loses sense of time when they concentrate hard.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes. Particularly when I draw. Once I was at a conference that began at 8 and I drew in a corner. I didn’t realize it was 12 and when people started leaving I thought “why are they leaving so soon?”

TJBM is passionate about something.

Patty_Melt's avatar


TJBM has a special children’s show, movie, holiday feature, which they still love, and probably always will.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

The “Eloise” books. When I was a little girl, I had an Eloise doll that I loved. I still have the books and read them every now and then.

TJBM will tell us about the worth purchase he/she has ever made.

MollyMcGuire's avatar


TJBM who goes to bed each night and is sleeping within a couple of minutes knows how fortunate that is. (I, too, am this way)

LadyMarissa's avatar

NOT me!!! I’ll be falling asleep sitting up…get up & go to bed where I can sleep comfortably. My :eyes go wide open & I’m still wide awake at 5:00am & I get up at 7:00am.

TJBM sleeps a lot better than I do…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I sleep deep (meds) except when the pain is bad enough to wake me up, and when I have to roll over, which I have to do frequently so my weight doesn’t interfere with circulation. I’m not sure that is better, but it does involve several hours of being unaware of myself.

I don’t dream in the present anymore. It is so unlikely me doing anything fun, cool, exciting ever again, most of my dreams are now of me being between twenty and thirty years old.

TJBM will tell whether they ever dream themselves a different age.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had my stroke when I was 40 & my brain still thinks that I’m 38. Apparently, my last fun year was when I was 38!!!

TJBM doesn’t remember any of their dreams…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I rarely remember dreams. Sometimes when something wakes me I know I was dreaming but can’t remember what about. I fall asleep quickly and sleep very soundly.

TJBM feels guilty about something that he or she has not shared with anyone.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yes, I do. I’m going through a lot right now and have a lot on my mind and I am not acting very rationally 24/7. I tend to act out and do dumb stuff under stress so I am trying to keep myself calm.
TJBM will share some advice on how to handle impulses.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Stay on a routine. Routine is comforting and stabilizing and will help with impulse control.

TJBM recently threw something away that he or she now needs. (So did I)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh god, I hope not!
My neurologist gave me a prescription for massage therapy with specific stretches and massage types. I looked for it all day. If I threw it out, I am sunk.
TJBM knows why pancakes are the food choice of seven out of ten jellies on fluther.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Well, no I don’t know that. I like pancakes but out of all of the food available to us they wouldn’t come in at #1.

TJBM has never changed his/her avatar since joining F.

snowberry's avatar

Once, to my present pic. Lots of people don’t look to see what it actually is. I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so!

TJBM enjoys finding and reading out-of-print books.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’m not much if a reader as reading tends to cause me to fall asleep!!! I hated having to do book reports in school because I’d read a few pages & fall fast asleep. It would sometimes take me weeks to finish a book so I could complete the assignment.

TJBM is looking forward to today…

Patty_Melt's avatar

No. I would prefer a drug induced coma. The days of hard on and off all body rigidity have every joint and muscle in my body weak as a fresh hatched chick, and searing with pain.
If I go through rigidity again today, I might as well pop like one of those zits that goes on it’s own, and be done.
TJBM can open both eyes today.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

[@Patty_Melt I don’t know from what disorder you suffer but your infrequent descriptions of some of your days make me want to just say to you I’m sorry. I don’t know why some of us live pain-free lives and some of us wake up each morning wondering not if there will be pain today, but how severe it will be. Anyway, I notice. ]

Yes but when my alarm went off this morning both of them tried to stay closed.

TJBM thinks some past ways of doing things are better than the modern ways, and is still doing them the old fashioned way.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes. Doing certain things on paper. I still, and always will, carry a small calendar book for all my plans. I can’t survive without a written to-do list for each day; there’s great satisfaction in crossing-off completed items.

TJBM watches the new “Gong Show” and, like me, laughs uncontrollably throughout.

Mimishu1995's avatar

What is it?
TJBM is really bored and wants something to stimulate the mind.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The Gong Show is a revival of an old show from the 70’S.
Ordinary, or, not so ordinary people come on stage and perform. It includes singers, comedians, dancing, animal acts, and just strange ideas people come up with.
Three judges, celebrities who are old news, score the acts, and at the end of the show there is a prize.
If an act really stinks, any of the judges might hit the big gong that hangs behind them.
Some people have real stupid acts on purpose, so they can just be seen on TV even though they have no talent at all.

The clouds are just starting to clear from my mind.

TJBM is having some fruit. What kind?

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Popcorn popped in a hot air machine with shaved salt. Delish!

TJBM wears what is comfortable without thought of fashion.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m just me & I don’t give a rat’s butt what others think of me!!! I wear NO makeup except for lipstick because lipstick makes ME feel better about ME!!!

When I had my stroke, I lost use of my left arm so i find it extremely difficult to wear pants mainly because getting them down when in a hurry to get to the bathroom was often a FAIL & getting them back up almost impossible. So, I switched over to maxi length skirts with elastic waists. It’s almost impossible to get my legs in a position so I can fully shave them; so, the long skirts covers my ankles & when I can’t bend over nor get my legs up to fully shave them, my skirts HIDE the evidence!!! I’m always saying that IF my legs bothers anyone else bad enough, I’m more than happy to hand them the razor!!! ;) I shower daily so my hairy legs are clean & bacteria free…I just can’t reach ALL the necessary areas to be fully clean shaven!!! Then, when I’m having a good day, the razor comes out & my legs are bare once again!!! Yes, I continue to wear my long skirts so nobody will know whether or not my legs are hairy!!!

TJBM read an interesting book lately…

LadyMarissa's avatar

@MollyMcGuire IF you go to the very beginning of this thread, then go down about 12–14 responses, you’ll be able to see what @Patty_Melt deals with daily. She gave the name & I explained the effects. It’s quite scary!!!

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m currently busy writing a book. I HOPE it is interesting to others. I am very excited by it. No hints. If it finds a market I will let you know.
TJBM has a story they can share about something funny they did, saw, or experienced.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have a long line on my right palm, so long it lies at both side of the palm. My classmate told me that it’s the sign that I would continue to learn until I get my doctorate. A doctorate degree is a seemingly impossible goal for them so they are sure only someone with special power can do it.

What they don’t know is that what they said is even funnier if you put it in my context. My reading list could make them vomit. To research for my story, I have to do research on depression and end up reading things that sound like research thesis. Actually they are just regular non-fiction books, but they require some basic knowledge about psychology, which I have already acquired by spending too much time on the internet. I wonder if they knew…

This may not be so funny, but I just want to keep the game from dying.

TJBM is here!

snowberry's avatar

I just dropped in! Helloooo!

TJBM has a long to-do list.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My to-do list had gotten so long that I deleted it & decided to start over!!! LoL

TJBM is having an interesting Sunday…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

So far it has been nice. I have a conference call at five that I wish I had not scheduled. Other than that I expect the whole day to be very pleasant.

TJBM is horrified at the lack of command people have of their language.

snowberry's avatar

Absolutely. But half of the mistakes that show up when I dictate speak to text is a result of my own lack of proper diction. The rest of it I think is designed by the people who make the apps to be as insulting as possible.

And then lots of times I will read over the message and it will say exactly what I want to say, and as soon as I hit send it changes it up to something completely ridiculous or insulting. What’s up with that?!?

TJBM is going to be dealing with medical people soon.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yes, well, not soon enough.

TJBM is a certified…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I’m certified in CPR, was ABA certified paralegal (prior to graduating law school), plus a couple of others that I don’t advertise.

Prayers for your expected medical thing that is upcoming. @Patty_Melt.

TJBM prefers sticky notes that aren’t yellow. ;) I really love the neon colored ones.

snowberry's avatar

Absotutely! I just bought rainbow ones!

TJBM wanted to run away to the circus when he was a kid.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I wanted to run away, but I don’t remember having a destination in mind. I had a fight with my mom. She said I stormed out of the room. She came looking for me later, and found me in the front hall sitting on a rug. She accused, “I thought you were going to run away.” I pouted and told her I couldn’t get my magic carpet started.
Like mother, like daughter. Right now my daughter is hiding from me. I got into w panic because I couldn’t get any contact with her at all, and I couldn’t find anyone who has. She finally contacted me a while ago.

TJBM has an amusing story about something he/she has in common with a parent, or offspring.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I don’t really have too much in common with my mother but my older child is a lot like me. To her father, many of our interactions are entertaining because of that fact.

TJBM has stopped using salt in the kitchen but offers it at the table.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I use very little salt, maybe a full tablespoon per year.
Most of my foods these days are heat and eat prepared foods.
TJBM has a song they like to sing when doing tasks.

snowberry's avatar

Not really. I’m not musically inclined. But I can play the radio- IF it has only two knobs!

TJBM loves corn on the cob.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Better make that plural, hard to stop at one!
TJBM has recently cradled someone to offer comfort.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Actually it has been a while.

TJBM has recently been shocked to discover something is real, not fake….the opposite is more often the case.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Sadly, I discovered it was fake NOT real!!!

TJBM understands what I’m saying…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t.
I don’t understand why you dodged the specific intent of the wording.
TJBM needs a home with different features.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Not really. I’ve had knee replacement and my new house is two-story. I don’t foresee further knee problems and I prefer sleeping upstairs where no one can walk up to my bedroom windows. Sleeping on ground level creeps me. I saw where you said you fell today. There may be some available accommodations for your home that would make life better for you.

TJBM loves to eat and has prepared some good camp stew.

snowberry's avatar

I can make some really good stupid I’m not sure what camp stew is. Does it mean throwing everything you’ve got into the pot?

TJBM is taking a trip.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@snowberry No, it’s chicken, beef, and pork that has been barbequed (with sauce) cooked with lima beans, corn, green beens, and onions into a stew. It’s a southern thing but it’s a dinner to which my kids always looked forward. When we go out for barbeque we still order a cup of it to go with our meal (if it’s on the menu).

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I went up north for a couple of weeks but came home early to take care of something I couldn’t delegate. I’m going to visit my daughter in about a month; she’s a couple of states away.

TJBM got a very good report about something recently.

snowberry's avatar

This is so frustrating. I hate when I check spelling before I hit send and then it changes it up and insults myself and everybody else. Why is that?

And no, I’ve never made “good stupid”!

Hmmm, a good report. Not yet but it’s coming! ;D

TJBM doesn’t like cold cereal.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I love Cheerios; however, I prefer to eat them straight out of the box with NO milk on them to make them all soggy. Kinda like potato chips, I can’t eat just one!!!

TJBM isn’t feeling cranky today…

Patty_Melt's avatar

Boy, did you land that one wrong. Too weak, bruised and stiff after my fall to walk around the house, I couldn’t get anything to eat, and I have a load in the washer still from before I fell. Now it has to be rewashed. Eck!

@snowberry, Don’t sell yourself short. I think you make stupid exceptionally well! LOLRL
TJBM gets cranky when they are hungry.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Nah. I am at home most days so I usually eat something before I get really hungry. When I’m out I sometimes get very hungry before I get back home. I walk in and grab a banana…..that’s my go to quick-I’m-hungry food.

TJBM is not a twitterer.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I have a Twitter account; but, I’m NOT a twitterer!!! I seldom even check it & I send a tweet maybe twice a year. I don’t have a FB account & really don’t plan on getting one. I work very hard at being & staying a very private person & every time I start to waiver on my disdain for FB, something really stupid happens there & I’m glad that I’m not affected by it!!!

TJBM loves both…

Mimishu1995's avatar

Never use Twitter, and I’m not a fan of FB. The only reason why I use FB is because I need to keep in touch with people. I don’t get involved with things outside that. I just don’t have the will and the charisma to post selfies and pseudo-intellect status all days.

TJBM will share about their quarter-life crisis with me. I think I’m suffering from one right now and sometimes I’m just overwhelmed with anxiety.

snowberry's avatar

Aw, Mimi! I’m way past your age, but I have been in lots of fearful and anxiety producing situations. The one thing that I remember from all those times is that they passed and I survived! Very few of the horrible things that I was so frightened about happened, and of the really bad things that happened, a lot of really great things happened too! I think it never turns out as bad as we think it’s going to be.

And here’s something silly to cheer you up!

snowberry's avatar

Oops, TJAM (which is me, of course) forgot to do TJBM!

TJBM has an itch they can’t reach.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No. I don’t think I’ve ever had one I couldn’t reach with a back scratcher. :)

TJBM has an itch so severe that must use cortisone or some other help.

snowberry's avatar

Cortisone doesn’t help. A good friend with fingernails does wonders though!

TJBM sleeps soundly.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Absolutely. I sleep through hurricanes and tornadoes.

TJBM has never taken a chemical sleep aid. (I haven’t)

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have. Sleep deprivation hallucinating sort of made the decision for me.
I had a super good day at the state fair today.
TJBM knows I deserved a good day.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

You deserve lots of good days. You are someone I sense I would like being around. That doesn’t happen that often for me. Not many of us can separate how we feel and legality. I can. You can. Did you ever think about law school? When I was in school and working full time I never slept and suffered from sleep paralysis and hallucinations. It was so so scary until my neurologist friend, in whom I confided, explained that it was not demonic possession. Then I could just lie there in bed and let it all play out without fear. It all stopped when I finished school and started sleeping again.

TJBM is caught up on paperwork (for a change). I wish I was. :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Wow. That is a compliment I feel physically. Thank you!
I won my first attempted debate in high school, and my opponent was the only 4.0 student, and I mean consistently over years. It was exciting, and I thought law was my future, until I learned what a dirty business it is, toss a client under the bus to get a better deal for someone else. That sort of thing.
As I have been studying neurological conditions, and rare cases to find what is tearing me to bits, I am fascinated. I am wishing I had been given a better understanding of various careers when I was younger. Neurology is an adventure that never ends.

In regards to paperwork, I am never done, but I am closer right now than two weeks ago.

TJBM feels a new kind of wind blowing across the plains.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes, indeed. “The Plains” have a very special meaning for me. :)

@Patty_Melt So, are you without a diagnosis for what seems a living situation with real challenges?

TJBM enjoys renewing wooden pieces.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oh, man! I used to love working old wood into fresh, appealing pieces. My hands are now less dependable. I fatigue rapidly. I am unable to carry things out of the house and back in. I currently have about seven pieces in use now I would love to sand down, reshape some nicks and gouges, and refinish.
I get great pleasure from taking an old painted piece, stripping it down and bringing to light the features of the hidden wood.
I had a talent with wood, though I never made a study of it.

My diagnosis is forthcoming. It is a long process. My symptoms have kept doctors puzzled for years. We are now on the right track, and I am seeing a doctor who specializes not just in neurology, but specific and rare conditions within the field.
I am committed to finding cause and cure, even if it results in pain that drives me to madness. A condition which causes years of ongoing pain, fear, embarrassment, loss of function should not be treated only with neurological Robitussin.

TJBM has been on a cruise ship, and will share the good and bad of it with us.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I have not and will not…..unless they take my advice and have a non-cruise experience for people who want to enjoy the ship but not leave the shore. :) Everyone I hear talking about how wonderful cruises are are talking about the ship. OK, I’d like to enjoy the ship. I will never float out to sea though. I don’t like flying either. I accept my limitations that come with being a no-winged no-finned human. :)

I pray for you and your search for answers @Patty_Melt

TJBM is familiar with Ted Talks.

snowberry's avatar

Yep. TJBM isn’t all that and a bag of chips, and knows it!

TJBM likes the paleo diet.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Well, indirectly. I’m a vegan who subsists on whole grains, legumes, and other complex carbohydrates. But, my husband has lost 25 lbs/11 kg, and counting, on a low-carb eating regimen. He’s looking spectacular and, yes, I’m liking that diet.

TJBM is a regular patron of his/her local public library and frequently borrows books.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes. I can walk over there easily. The library is across the canal on which my house sits.
I don’t borrow books because I like to buy hardback editions. I make notes in them and never like to part with them.

TJBM likes country music.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Actually, I love Country music as well as Blues & Jazz. The truth is that I love music in general; so, there aren’t many forms of music that I don’t love or atleast like!!!

TJBM is also a music fan…

LadyMarissa's avatar

So NO jellies are a music fan!!!
What does TJBM enjoy???

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Major league baseball, and already enjoying the playoffs.

TJBM never remembers to buy postage stamps.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No, always have ten or more (use the forever stamp).

TJBM it still waiting for fall weather (Northern Hemisphere), it still 14 degree F above normal during the day.

snowberry's avatar

It’s at least been cool this week. A few days of actually had to wear a light jacket. That’s wonderful.

TJBM whites cold weather better than hot.

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM has had an unpleasant verbal confrontation lately.

snowberry's avatar

Thankfully not. But I’ve sure had my share of them!

TJBM is a good swimmer. What’s your favorite water activity?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not a good swimmer, but a great floater. Maybe it involves having big canvas, but I float exceptionally well.
Back when all my parts moved well, I could tread using only my feet, or only my hands.
In the Navy it was declared that I had Jesus shoes because the one time during my enlistment that I went in, I popped right back up without my head or shoulders getting wet.
It was actually lightning quick reflexes, and knowing just what to do.
I like to sail, and fish. I am not big on speedboats. If I were to pilot a fishing trawler I would be happier than with a speedboat. Fast is just not what I enjoy with water.
I would love love an underwater biodome.
TJBM will tell us how long they could live in an underwater biodome and still be happy.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not sure what you mean…
TJBM has just done something big!

snowberry's avatar

It’s a big deal for my friend who I just dropped off at the hospital for surgery to have her hearing restored.

Mimi, here is a biodome in Montreal, Canada. It’s an awesome place!

TJBM has a particular food they dislike intensely. Tell us.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Coffee. It smells bad and tastes worse. But, I do love tea and drink it every day.

TJBM lacks a sweet tooth but enjoys greasy/salty foods.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I do not lack a sweet tooth! And I love well placed fat. And salt.

TJBM will tell us what their favorite candy is.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have such a sweet tooth. My favorites are kitkats.
TJBM sleeps on the right side of the bed.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The whole bed is mine, so there is no wrong side.
TJBM knows a good thing when they see it.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I sure hope I do, although I doubt I’m always very good at knowing. I do a lot of guessing a lot of the time.

TJBM often forgets what they’re about to say, especially when its oh so good!!

snowberry's avatar

Every once in a while it’s spot on! That makes it all worth it.

TJBM has trouble sleeping.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I do.
TJBM has worn a wig somewhere public.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

You know, I actually think I have. I was around 9 and it was a bright purple wig that I’d just bought with my pocket money. I loved it and didn’t have a care in the world what anybody else said.
The wig it pretty ratty now, but I’ve got to admit, if it was in better nick, I probably would wear it out again.

TJBM has a possession that they love even though it’s a bit conventionally ‘weird’ that they would love to tell us about!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I have a vintage PeeWee’s Playhouse dollhouse, complete with all the characters. The dollhouse takes up entire bookcase shelf, where I keep it open with the little characters posed and arranged.

On another shelf, I have a larger PeeWee doll sitting in proportionate Chairy.

I truly do love these weird items.

TJBM prefers dark, bitter, heavy beers, the types that almost need to be chewed.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t like beer at all!

tjbm uses no caps. ever!,

Mimishu1995's avatar

tjbm has a strange job.

snowberry's avatar

Not really, and the “job” I have is really volunteer.

TJBM is in it for the money! what is it?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well, I would say writing, because that is the only thing I can do that might ever pay off. Except I’m not making any money so far, and if I ever do it is still only part of the reason I do it. I like being a story teller. I like it very much. If people enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy telling them, I should be one wealthy, old, useless battle axe.
TJBM knows why it somehow got started that humans be called battle axes.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I haven’t the faintest clue and now I’m intrigued! Could it be because we’re pretty used to battle? Or maybe someone once made an observation of an army that was really good and likened them to battle axes…

TJBM Has a fun fact about the origin of a phrase, or can answer Patty’s question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys…..I’ve lost TJBM thread! Is this the most recent one?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Can I make a new one?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think this is the current TJBM!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Don’t we get to 1,000 before we start a new TJBM?

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM also yays

snowberry's avatar

Do horses talk? Neiggh! They don’t!

TJBM thinks that planning a trip is about as much fun as going on one.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Back before google, there was Rand McNally. There was something about those large pages, and tracing along colored paths with my finger, imagining this city at night, and the many lights designating homes, and late functioning businesses.
Following those paper pages brings me the smells. Approaching some cities one is greeted by the pungency of industrial manufacturing.
Other cities open welcoming embrace with scents of bakeries, and large colorful invites to various attractions.
Now one only need punch up some numbers and letters in a device, and one is led along as if in a mine cart. “left turn half a mile, five hundred miles to destination.” For me the romance of an adventure starts with those paper pages, transferring to index cards the information which will lead me to new sights. I feel an energy as I imagine the passing miles, and many homes of people I will never meet, but maybe they will notice my passage briefly.

TJBM has a favorite city they like to visit when traveling, or maybe some secluded place which calls to them.

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