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Kardamom's avatar

Is there one food item that you would eat every day, if it was actually good for you?

Asked by Kardamom (33565points) May 22nd, 2018 from iPhone

There are some foods I eat pretty much every day, but those things are relatively nutritionally sound.

I could see myself eating restaurant pizza (from lots of different places) every day, if it wasn’t so fattening. I would also eat cheese every day, but it’s also too fattening. And whole milk. Those are 3 things that I eat, but in moderation. If some magic spell was put on those 3 things, that made them super healthy, I could see myself eating/drinking them every day.

What do you avoid, or limit, that you would gladly eat every day, if it was magically good for you?

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17 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Smoked oysters and my grandpas home made beef stew.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Nothing. It’s one of those “familiarity breeds contempt” things. If I could have it every day, it wouldn’t be special. I would get bored with it and it would cease to be a favorite.

Variety is the key.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Oh oh egg nog. I would totaly have egg nog every day and beef long ribs. 3 Eggs and soldiers. Also cantaloupe halfs.

kritiper's avatar

Non-commercially raised roast pork. Roast moose is good, too! Eggs fried over-easy in a wash of bacon grease. Chocolate pudding. My grandmother’s mashed potatoes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I drink a lot of whole milk, every day. Here recently, that’s the only thing I can keep down. :(

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I would eat more cheese and candy if there were no health concerns.

I really like dry white cheddar (Trader Joe’s English Coastal Cheddar is the same price/lb as cheap Kraft cheddar!) and smoked Gouda but I buy them less than once per month.

For candy I would keep Gummi Bears and Swedish fish on hand if I didn’t worry about dental cavities.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Chocolate covered cherries!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Potatoes are my downfall. I’ve never met a potato that I didn’t love!!! If my doctor was to tell me tomorrow that I had to give up potatoes, I request that he be kind & put me permanently to sleep.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Oh yeah, potatoes. I forgot because I mostly stopped eating them years ago. Boiled potatoes with salt and pepper and butter are one of my favorite foods.

anniereborn's avatar

baked goods like cookies and donuts

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sour cream and bavarian doughnuts from tim Hortons.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Quite a list you got there.

Ice Cream Sandwhiches

JLeslie's avatar

Pizza or linguine with meat sauce and melted mozzarella. It’s almost a tie between the two.

Someone mentioned chocolate covered cherries and I love them! I was born on chocolate covered cherry day. I don’t know if I could eat them every day, but I’d love to be able to eat them a lot more than I do.

I love the ice cream sandwich answer also! I buy a box if them about twice a year. So yummy. Throwback to childhood.

ragingloli's avatar

Grilled chicken leg.

Aster's avatar

I guess Krispy Kreme cream filled donuts. Hard question.

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