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Demosthenes's avatar

Are cynicism and naïveté mutually exclusive?

Asked by Demosthenes (15353points) May 22nd, 2018

If you’re not cynical, you’re naive; if you’re not naive, you’re cynical?

How cynical are you?

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7 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No, only a cynic would consider someone not cynical as naive.

There are a lot of people with a positive outlook on life that are not naive nor are they cynical. I am one, I am well aware of many base aspects of people and situations, but I also know that most of the world is generally positive and attempting as best they can to bring light to the world.

flutherother's avatar

I think they are mutually exclusive though you might say that someone who is cynical about the small town he lives in could still be naive about the wider world.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Sometimes they are actually two sides of the same coin.

Some people are cynical just for the sake of it. They think naiveness is all about gullibility, and in this cruel world it could mean doom, so they go for the total opposite of naiveness that is cynicism. Or they just adopt the mindset because they think it’s a mark of toughness, maturity.

Ironically, by trying to stay as far a way as possible from naiveness, they come closer to being naive than they can ever dream of.

People who stick to blind cynicism is not better than a naive person. They totally miss out the complexity of life and a chance to grow. Cynicism becomes nothing more than just a label for the ego to gnaw at.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I would posit that cynicism is a viewpoint that is base on experience – if you have never done anything or observed anything, you have no basis on which to be cynical. You have no anchor on which to compare cynically.

Naivete implies a lack of experience, an innocence.

Therefore they’re the opposite of each other.

Me? I’ve always been cynical but the older I get the more cynical I become.

janbb's avatar

Worldliness and naivete are opposites; not cynicism and naivete.

Demosthenes's avatar

I would say that I’m not cynical, though I am often pessimistic (and there’s a difference). It’s not that I assume most people have bad, greedy intentions, it’s just that I assume that many things won’t work out, regardless of the good in people. I hope for the best, and I trust that people have good intentions, but I often don’t expect much.

Soubresaut's avatar

Even if the concepts were somehow contradictory (though I don’t see that they are,) humans are experts at being walking contradictions, so I’m confident we’d still find ways to be both at the same time.

Anyway, I know that I’ve definitely been both simultaneously.

….Personally, so far, the more I see of the world (and I know I’ve got a long way to go, I’m still quite young), the less time I have for cynicism. There’s shit to get done.

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