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LadyMarissa's avatar

Why do people apply for jobs they aren't willing to perform & why are employers willing to hire them?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16302points) May 22nd, 2018

My local UPS station has hired a guy who is scared to death of dogs. I’m leery of strange dogs & can somewhat understand his fear; however, he refuses to deliver packages to recipients if he even sees a dog. My neighbor has a Great Dane that is in a fenced in yard & this driver refused to deliver my package because he could see a dog in my neighbor’s yard…BTW, my yard is fenced also. On another day, he refused to deliver my package even with me standing outside looking at him because a small dog had gotten out of her fence. I know he didn’t know this dog doesn’t bite; but he could have drove the truck down the street & I could have walked out to the truck to receive my package. This went on for 3 days before I called in a complaint & the supervisor put a different driver on my route the next day so I could get my package. I know it’s crazy, but there are 9 dogs on my block alone; so, I don’t understand why he was hired for this route. IF I owned a delivery company, the first question on the application would be “Are you afraid of dogs?” If yes, they’d go in the do not hire stack!!! This is only one example & there are many other examples of employers hiring people who only want to do “part” of the job. I might understand it IF the job market was oversaturated; but there are people willing to do the jobs as required that are overlooked for people unwilling to cover the job requirements. Can you help me understand the thought process???

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20 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Their jobs is not “to get biting by a dog”.
They don’t have to deliver if they feel in danger.

snowberry's avatar

Thats nuts @Tropical_Willie

By that reasoning, he’d better not go in a grocery store either because people bring their service dogs in. The man is emotionally crippled, but just because he’s emotionally compromised to the point of barely able to function, doesn’t mean he should be hired to do delivery work. He’s a liability to the company because he’s costing them money.

kritiper's avatar

In most instances of receiving unemployment, one has to apply to jobs to continue receiving benefits. Employers may have no choice except to hire them, as the jobs may be undesirable, and applications are scant for those jobs.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t expect him to get bitten in order to deliver my package. The Great Dane next door is only 6 months old & won’t even bite a flea on his back. He’s in a locked fence & too stupid to realize that he could jump it if he tried. I have 2 Black labs & to accommodate any delivery people scared of dogs, I’ve installed a parcel delivery locker outside my fence so they don’t even have to deal with the dogs.Out of the 9 dogs on my block, only ONE bites & he delivers to that house. I used to deliver packages for a local delivery company & when I approached a house with a large dog, I took a deep breath & did my best to show NO fear & I talked sweetly to it until I rang the front door bell. My job was to DELIVER the package NOT run from the dog & I was never bitten.

Plus, this is just ONE example. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard an employee say “it’s not my job man” when it IS part of their job description.

snowberry's avatar

There are lots of jobs that do not put a person in contact with ANY animals. He could just as easily apply for one of them. janitor and kitchen work come to mind, but I’m sure there are others.

Yellowdog's avatar

Being unwilling is one thing—but what about people who CANNOT do the things they said they could do, in those crushing interviews?

My sister works in a community college and just about everyone she hires, or has been placed under her, cannot do the jobs or applications they said they could in the interview, and firing them is impossible too, due to probationary periods and other restrictions. So, all of the sudden, you are stuck with people completely unable to do the jobs they were hired to do, and yu cannot hire anyone else

Mimishu1995's avatar

Maybe the man had no other choice when he applied for the job?

Finding employment is hard, especially when you are someone who has no idea what you are good at. You end up getting a job you don’t like or don’t have enough ability for because of various external reasons. I’ve seen a lot of people like that. Their mentality when they get a job is “I just need some money for my meal today. I don’t care what will happen next”.

Although I agree that the man is being too precious, even for someone with no direction in life.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Yellowdog If I misrepresent my qualifications to do a job, I will be let go during the 90 day probation period. I see misrepresenting a fear of dogs when the job requires daily contact with dogs to be as big a misrepresentation as if I claimed I had graduated from college when I had never graduated from high school.

When I worked as a delivery driver, I had a huge respect for growling dogs; but I love dogs in general & knew it wouldn’t affect my ability to get the job done. Had I had the fear of dogs this particular driver has, I would have NEVER applied for the job because it would have affected my ability to do my job I only ever had ONE dog who scared me enough I wouldn’t get out of my vehicle; so, I blew the horn until the recipient came to the door. It didn’t matter that I was scared of the dog, I got the package delivered & that was my job!!! In the example I quoted, I fault the local manager more than the driver. Once he learned of the phobia this particular driver has concerning dogs, he should have placed him on a route where there aren’t so many dogs.I don’t want the driver fired. He’s efficient & polite when he doesn’t see a dog; but seeing a dog in a fenced in yard should NOT prevent him from doing his job of delivering. My neighbor having a dog in a fenced in yard does not put his life in danger. Now, IF I knew that dog could clear the fence, I would feel completely different.

I’m surprised UPS corporate puts up with it. I’m sure this one driver cuts into their profits from wasted fuel alone when he has to drive the extra route the next day to deliver what he failed to deliver the day before due to his phobia. I’m sure I’m not the only one he doesn’t deliver to.

I have had friends fired because they contracted cancer & their employer decided they couldn’t do their job efficiently while being treated for the cure.Well, he’s NOT efficiently doing his job!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Mimishu1995 That’s why I fault the local manager more than the driver. He doesn’t have to give him a route where there are a lot of dogs. There are many routes with a limited number of dogs because most are indoor dogs & I’m sure he’d be good on those routes. I personally wouldn’t want to go through the anxiety of facing the dogs every day if I were him. He’s NOT new to the job as he has been with them for several years. In speaking with him, he sounds well educated. I do believe in 2 years time, that had I had the phobia that he has, that I could have found a job with NO dogs involved. IF for any reason I couldn’t, I would have asked to be placed on a different route to stop the anxiety. IF it was an occasional problem, I wouldn’t think so much about it either; but it is a frequent event & it seems to always happen when it’s a package that is important to me!!!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@LadyMarissa you reminded me of the horrible promotional event I ranted about earlier. The bitch in charge of it didn’t leave anyone a chance to choose a job suitable for their ability. She printed a shitton of papers and handed to everyone. Each person already had their job listed on the paper, no question asked. She absolutely didn’t consider anyone’s ability at all. It was a nightmare for me. I can’t work well in a highly noisy environment and I’m easy to make mistakes if too many contradicting information is handed to me, and yet I was the “tour guide”, someone who had to deal with noise and contradicting orders from everywhere. I almost fucked the whole day up.

Maybe the same thing happened to the man’s place. Either his boss didn’t know he fears dogs or he just gave him worm without any consideration.

flutherother's avatar

I think you’re being a bit unfair on the guy. His job is to deliver parcels and he should be able to do that without fear or the possible risk of injury. Customers should provide safe access if they want deliveries to their doorsteps.

StarFlag's avatar

This can be explain by the word “Skill mismatch” where employer has difficulties in finding the right candidate for the job. Same with individual people where they find looking hard for job that suit their skills.

chyna's avatar

Instead of a delivery driver they should put him in the warehouse to sort packages where he isn’t near animals. @flutheroher the OP said she has a delivery box outside of her fence but because there is a Great Dane next door, in a fence, he won’t deliver to her house. He’s got issues that precludes him from doing his job.

ragingloli's avatar

I think a postal worker not wanting to be mauled to death by a predatory animal is a bit different than refusing to bake a wedding cake because you find gays icky.
They could, of course, equip him with a taser or combat knife, just in case.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Because the employee wants to eat, put a roof over his head and provide for his family, and he is qualified enough to do said job, just his fear of dogs is preventing him from doing it properly.
You are right though he should have been honest about this fear when getting the job.
He should look for a different type PnD driving job where he won’t have to face dogs.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

If he had stated that he was so afraid of dogs, and the company still put him on the route with the most dogs, then that’s the companies issue, not him not doing his job. He doesn’t want to be attacked and even though the dogs are behind a fence, and to us are not a threat, to someone that scared of dogs, it’s terrifying. I think it’s a bit understandable although he should have tried to ask to be put on a different route instead of getting complaints against him (Although maybe he did ask and nothing changed until the complaints.)

If he didn’t say anything to the company, and never asked or requested to be on a route with no dogs, then it’s kinda his fault and he should have toughed through it or requested another route once he found out about the dogs, and been really adamant about it but I suppose that not everything can change just like that, and he could’ve been scared to speak up.

Should have been upfront.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

To me it’s like the job reqires you to lift 50 pounds but you take the job knowing you can only lift 20….some of you seem to be saying “Well he shouldn’t be required to injure himself on the job.” It’s his job to lift 50 pounds!

snowberry's avatar

^^ LOL Yup! Exactly! @Dutchess_lll

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve lived on this street for 20 years & we’ve NEVER had a dog bite anybody…including that mean bastid that lives behind me. I still wouldn’t take a job where I was traumatized daily by just looking at a dog. That is unhealthy both mentally & physically!!! As of the first of the month, the girl next door who owned the Great Dane has moved to a house about 15 miles away & her little escape artist has gone with her. It will be interesting to see IF his attitude changes once he can’t see those 2 dogs. I believe that when you take a job that you should damn well be prepared to do it to your best ability. Anybody can get hurt at anytime for any reason; so, I don’t see that as a valid argument to not do your job!!!

snowberry's avatar

^^ exactly!

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