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jonsblond's avatar

Can you suggest some movies to help me mentally beat this heat wave?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) May 27th, 2018

Something that takes place during the winter. Something similar to Fargo, The Shining or The Day After Tomorrow. I binged Jaws and its sequels today. (not winter, I know, but it helped) Hopefully you get what I’m looking for.

I’m going to binge movies in my bedroom on Memorial Day since our main living area has no air conditioning. I need suggestions!

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29 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

Titanic. If you are impatient skip to the sinking part. Everyone is freezing there ~

How about The Revenant? Lots and lots of snow there too.

jonsblond's avatar

The Revenant! Great suggestion. I forgot about that movie and I haven’t seen it yet. I’m glad I asked Fluther. Thank you.

MakeItSo1701's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

Well, there’s Ice Station Zebra. That’s the first one that came to mind. It’s pretty old (1968). Something set in the Alps or the Himalayas or the Andes ought to cool you off, too, but nothing is popping right to mind.

But here’s a whole list. Google “movies set in winter snow” and you’ll find a bunch more.

flutherother's avatar

Touching the Void is a very good film set in the snowy Peruvian Andes. The book it is based on is also well worth reading. Good luck with the heat! Get in some ice cream.

MrGrimm888's avatar

“The thing.” Both…


“Reindeer Games.”

“Die Hard 2.”

“Long Kiss Goodnight.”

ragingloli's avatar

Star Trek 6. Especially the ice planet sections.

janbb's avatar

Winter’s Bone is an amazing movie.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

“Iron Will”

“Snow Angels”

“Vertical Limit”

Patty_Melt's avatar

National Treasure starts out in the snow.
White Buffalo is low budget, but quite snowy.

canidmajor's avatar

The original Dr Zhivago (Omar Sharif and Julie Christie…sigh) should make you shiver a bit!

notnotnotnot's avatar

Fargo the tv show. You can stream all 3 seasons.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Blob. Wait for the ending.

seawulf575's avatar

White out.

rockfan's avatar

Anastasia (1997)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Happy Feet
The Shining
Snow Dogs
Encino Man

filmfann's avatar

The Empire Strikes Back
Ice Station Zebra
John Carpenter’s The Thing
Man In The Wilderness

janbb's avatar

Winter Lights by Bergman although it might get you down.

Frozen River with Melissa Leo is a great film.

flutherother's avatar

I liked First Snow. It will hold your interest. There isn’t much snow in it but it does have J K Simmonds.

janbb's avatar

@flutherother And he’s a cool guy!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Eight Below. A story about dogs surviving the winter at a South Pole research station. Heartwarming.

janbb's avatar

@elbanditoroso That was a lovely movie!

flutherother's avatar

@janbb Cool guy. OK. I get it. It took a while but I got there eventually.

janbb's avatar

—^^ oh – you dour Scotsmen!—

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The day after tomorrow.

Yellowdog's avatar

You can also google scenes like Train Stations on Winter nights, or look at internet images of snow, winter, and northern landscapes.

jonsblond's avatar

@Yellowdog nice suggestion

Thanks for the suggestions everyone! There are some I’ve seen and wouldn’t mind seeing again, some I want to see and some I’ve never heard of but I am intrigued.

I’m embarrassed to say I started my day with a marathon of beach/island house hunting on HGTV. I then moved on to a summer themed marathon of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Viceland. We’re experiencing August heat in late May so I’m sure I’ll have many chances to watch some of your suggestions.

Thanks again!

Darth_Algar's avatar

@janbb “Frozen River with Melissa Leo is a great film.”

This. And Melissa Leo is an often criminally overlooked actress.

(Full disclosure: I will admit to having a bit of a thing for Melissa Leo since her days as ‘Det. Kay Howard’ on Homicide: Life on the Street.)

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