Does he still like me?
My best friend who lives in my home country ( Im away for school) confessed his feelings for me last year. However, he is in a relationship with another girl and he said he never told me about his feelings for me because he never thought I would want to be with a guy like him (he says hes not rich or that attractive) or if I would of wanted a long distance relationship. I also had feelings for him at the time.We had our ups and downs as his girlfriend came between us but he always came back after our fights to make our friendship work. Now, our friendship is the best it’s been. But, every time we talk he mentions his girlfriend. Like, everytime! I ignore it, but I dont know why he does it. Could he still like me? Or is he trying to hint that his relationship is still strong?
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5 Answers
No idea. Could be he’s trying to make you jealous. Could be he’s trying to remind himself he has a girlfriend. Many things. I’d straight up ask him. What could go wrong? If he doesn’t like you, then you know and can move on.
He is trying to tell you he is unavailable without actually coming out and saying it. Drop it. He has an intimate relationship with someone else at this time.
If he mentions that they have broken up, then is the time for action on your part otherwise accept that he is taken and do not try to horn in on their relationship.
Of course not. Fact: he has a girlfriend now that he keeps on talking about (presumably out of admiration?). If you know that he has a girlfriend and feel that he might have a feeling for you then I’m sure you are wise enough to stay away from a man like that regardless of whatever possible romantic advances he might offer you.
The only person who knows the answer to this is your friend himself. Maybe he’ll answer you here. Do you think so?
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