Social Question

longgone's avatar

Should I approach my landlord about this?

Asked by longgone (19946points) June 3rd, 2018

We live on the ground floor of the house, the owners live on the top floor. We are generally on good terms, though not close. We basically all keep to ourselves.

Part of the backyard is officially ours. However, the owners have let us know they will have to walk across our lawn to get to their clothesline.

That’s fine. Their newest idea, on the other hand, we are not happy about: they want to install a path along the edge of our backyard. We don’t want to be looking at a path when we could be looking at plants instead – and we had been planning to turn that part of the yard into a vegetable garden.

They are very excited about their plan. Should I approach them, and risk making our lives less peaceful?

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4 Answers

janbb's avatar

It’s definitely worth discussing your feelings. Maybe an alternative solution can be found – slate stones through the yard??

Inspired_2write's avatar

Its not your backyard its theirs to do with what they wish.
ASK them where you are allowed to grow a vegetable garden of which maybe they could share the costs and the bounty?
Consider a raised Garden bed.
Communicate your ideas and ASK for permission first..

Soubresaut's avatar

Is it possible to have both? (I haven’t seen the yard so I can only guess.) Maybe the vegetable garden can be in front of the path, so what you and your husband see is the garden—but behind it, your landlords have the walking path they wanted? Just a late-night thought, not sure of it would actually work.

marinelife's avatar

It is definitely worth talking to them about. How can they know you had different plans if you don’t talk to them. But if you can’t reach an accommodation, it is their yard in the end

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