Can we draw any theological insight from this event?
A pastor was performing a baptism in a lake in Ethiopia.
A large crocodile swims up, grabs the pastor, swims away, kills the pastor. Corpse was later recovered.
What are the theological messages from this?
- the pastor was a sinner and god wanted to punish him?
- you should check whether lakes are infested with crocs before you do religious ceremonies?
- it doesn’t matter whether the pastor died or not because the crocodile is another of god’s creatures?
- if the pastor being dragged away was god’s will, then when the people tried to save the pastor, were they defying the will of the almighty?
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41 Answers
You should check whether lakes are infested with crocs before entering,
Was the pastor a white man? According to Obama’s minister, Jeremiah Wright, ALL white people deserve to die. What a powerful Christian lesson for those Ethiopians, who, after all, have had Christian churches and missions since the first century c.e.
Clerics are supposed to have high wisdom. Doesn’t seem wise to baptize people without first checking for crocs. Lucky he tastes bad or the croc would have eaten him. Its a miracle that he was found.
Well. It’s definitely Obama’s fault…..
Conservatives can find a negative reason to insert Obama into any story. This is a shinning example. It is such a stretch of reason to even think of Obama in this context… Such a stretch, that I am actually amused…
@Yellowdog .
I was hoping to hear from some real theists, about the subject of the thread. Do have any actual theological opinions about the instance?
@Yellowdog: “According to Obama’s minister, Jeremiah Wright, ALL white people deserve to die.”
Looking forward to the citation…
MrGrimm: The theological insight is You should check whether lakes are infested with crocs before entering,
In the good ol’ U.S.A. you check for Water Moccaisins
notnotnotnot: Just do a Wikipedia search on Jeremiah Wright, or watch some of his videos. The main topic of his messages is how evil white people are. He really means conservatives, but he lumps all white people together,
^ Nice. The old, ”You do the research on an assertion I made.”
I am familiar with Mr. Wright. I am wondering if you are. You made a claim about him, and you should be able to provide a citation.
@Yellowdog: “According to Obama’s minister, Jeremiah Wright, ALL white people deserve to die.”
I do not have the technology to post a link
But Jeremiah Wright is all over the internet, and his rantings against white people and America are extremely familiar to those who remember when the Towers fell, and when Obama became president,
@Yellowdog: “According to Obama’s minister, Jeremiah Wright, ALL white people deserve to die.”
@Yellowdog: [posting comment on internet] “I do not have the technology to post a link”
If you want to walk back your statement, you can. Nobody will think less of you. Maybe you just got carried away and didn’t expect to be called on it.
Jeremiah Wright is Obama’s ex minister.
I guess watch your back, especially when you’re doing God’s work, because Satan always tries to come after God’s warriors hard.
The pastor knew where he would end up, Heaven, so all is well. Has a great story for St Peter.
@Yellowdog f you can answer a question on the internet you have the technology to post a link.
@notwonderwoman Nah, some of us using our phones actually don’t have that capability all the time.
The theological insight I draw is that all the persons involved had no theological insight. There’s the whole “free will” and “choice” thing which seems to have been entirely overlooked. :-)
Don’t perform baptisms in crocodile infested waters.
Why is the crocodile trying to eat, an “evil” thing?
It’s just following it’s “program.” Eat, and thrive…
@KNOWITALL I have an ancient phone and I can do it, but if you say so. I’m talking 8 years old. That’s ancient for a smart phone. Usually when people say they can’t provide a link it’s because they don’t want to do the work or they have no link to provide.
^I’ve never been able to do it on my phone. Several threads in Meta, suggested it isn’t possible with certain devices…
Best I can do is say “look this up on YouTube. What do you think? ”
I seem to recall that the ancient Egyptians numbered crocodiles among their major gods. It would appear that proponents of that “good ol time religion” are unwilling to tolerate heretical blasphemies perpetrated blatantly in front of them.
And Reverend Wright should receive no criticism for his judgement after his pronouncement of White people being worthy of death. After all, they perish by the thousands daily. I’ve been told (over and over) that it’s “God’s will”.
I assume the Croc is a filthy atheist.
Crocodiles are descendants of survivors from the epoch where dinosaurs lived, which is physical evidence that Biblical literalism is inaccurate. It could make an apt meme for pointing that out.
And/or it could be taken as God liking that minister enough to slurp him up to heaven so he won’t have to suffer on this world any more.
The difference between the crocodiles over there and the alligators we have here in the South of the U.S. is, our ‘gators say “see you later” and the Crocodiles over there say, ”{see you) After a while.”
But no theological implications I am aware of,
Theological insight, bar humbug! What does it have to do with ttheology, it’s just common sense, plain and simple.
“bar humbug”
@Adagio: Isn’t that where Scrooge used to drink?
I’m not exactly looking for one. You can find a lot of quotes from Jeremiah Wright—for instance, America developed the AIDS virus to kill people of color.
(Actually, it came from Haiti and Africa).
Liberation Theologians usually ARE anti-white and anti-American. Jeremiah Wright is even anti-Hillary—she was never called the N-word
@Yellowdog: “According to Obama’s minister, Jeremiah Wright, ALL white people deserve to die.”
[request for citation]
@Yellowdog: “I’m not exactly looking for one.”
Ok. Looks like you’ve reconsidered.
The theological insight we can we can draw from this event is that Sebek was angered by such blasphemy befouling his waters.
@cookieman I have no idea, it is not something I’ve ever written, thought or said before. It just flew into my head as I was writing, perhaps as a way to keep it clean, instead of saying “what a lot of bullshit!”, I suppose I could have said “what a load of codswallop!”. I know there is some association with Scrooge but I don’t know what exactly. Maybe someone can inform us both : ^)
(And what in the everloving fuck does Obama or his former pastor have to do with this? Goddamn…)
The lesson to be learned is that even when we are doing right, evil can still befall us, good, bad, or tasty.
That Christianity is wrong and Jesus, had he ever existed in the first place, was a false prophet.
My take is don’t go into the crocodile infested waters, but I’m an atheist.
Probably @KNOWITALL is the most religious person on the Q, so her take probably represents how a lot of religious people would view it.
@JLeslie Oh no, I bet I’m not since @Yellowdog is a pastor or former pastor.
I love the teachings of Jesus but I don’t attend church often (small town churches can get extremely invasive in your personal space) and tbh, ever since the LGBTQ situation, I won’t go anywhere my LGBTQ friends aren’t welcome.
As others have said (and as I said at the beginning), the lesson is don’t go into Crocodile infested waters.
Christians are not immune to the attacks of wild animals. Many Martyrs even in the first century died to lion, wolf, and bear attacks imposed by Nero and others.
I would not baptize anyone in gator infested waters, or waters where there are brain-eating bacteria as is becoming rampart in untreated waters all over the continent. I would not encourage someone who claims to be so faithful that they don’t need their inoculations or vaccines for missionary service. These are part of living in a fallen world.
Snakes, bacteria, disease, are a part of a fallen universe.
There are those who would say that, in some way that is beyond our understanding, the event was necessary for this to remain the best of all possible worlds. The consequences of the pastor not being eaten by a crocodile are worse than our current world.
Yawn. Everything is Obama or Hillary with conservatives. But say anything negative about crotch grabbing Golden Boy and your an evil polarizing liberal. These people are full of shit as a holiday turkey.
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