Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Is Trump a total jerk for cancelling the invitation to the Eagles to visit the White House?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) June 6th, 2018 from iPhone

I think he is. But, then, I think he’s an idiot for not stating that people have the right not to stand, going way back when all this taking a knee during the national anthem started.

I told my husband yesterday, before hearing the full story, that I bet some of the players were planning not to go, and so Trump beat them to the punch.

Assuming the invite was still on, do you think Eagles players should have refused the invitation in protest to Trump’s policies and position regarding the national anthem situation? Or, should they go, because it’s an honor to be invited to The White House? Or, have a chance to possibly have a say.

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90 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Really, yeah, he is. It’s a slap in the face to the players that wanted to come, and deserved to.
More importantly, he probably just lost their votes and support.

I think they should be able to do what they want as far as the invite goes. Protest or not, enjoy visiting the White House even if they’re not fans, whatever they want.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor What about the optics for the players who completely disagree with Trump’s policies and his rhetoric? Should they be worried about being in a photo op with the President if they had gone to the WH? I think people feel peer pressure not to show any type of support for the president in any way.

I agree they should do whatever they want if the invitation was still on, but I just wondered your thoughts about accepting an invitation to the WH in the face of feeling the President is actually working against you, your people, and the country.

canidmajor's avatar

In the past, players have gone to th WH when they have vigorously objected to policies of the then current POTUS. My point is that they should be able to decide if they want to, the invitation should not have been withdrawn.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’m curious to see if anyone thinks the president was right to pull the invitation. I probably should watch Fox News this morning.

LostInParadise's avatar

I go along with your husband’s point of view. Those missing players may have become conspicuous by their absence. Trump may have been making the best of a bad situation.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I made that point to my husband. My husband just thinks Trump is a jerk period. He doesn’t even give Trump any benefit of any doubt, he doesn’t bother to think Trump has a rational reason about much of anything.

Not that I was giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, I was just coming up with what Trump night have been worried about.

Trump has a huge ego. I don’t think he would want to risk what he thinks might be embarrassing. You know, like talking about having the biggest crowds at the inauguration. This is the same sort of thing. People not turning out for an event.

JLeslie's avatar

From what I understand now, Trump implied it was because of the disrespect for the flag, but then it was learned none of the Eagles players had taken a knee during the anthem, so Trump switched the story.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Having only one or two players show would hurt the EGO Bigly !

Yellowdog's avatar

Ego or not, having one or two players show is a huge and intentional insult. It was a deliberate slap in the face of the president, meant to get national attention. All was on and all was well until the eleventh hour.

Then they wanted to reschedule the event to conflict with the Summit meeting next week.

I’m not sure where you are getting the idea that this was Trump’s rudeness. It is an honor to get an invitation to the White House.

Although NONE of the Eagles took a knee during the National Anthem, the team decided to
insult Trump in protest to his standing for the National Anthem—Trump maintains that standing for the National Anthem as showing respect for all Americans, especially for the Veterans and the Fallen, and the current serving Military.

This was a last-minute stunt by the Eagles to insult the president. Only two or three players would actually be in attendance.

I think most Americans are tired of the protests, Most people do not like political insults mixed with their sporting events. Most (former) NFL supporters support the President.

The alternate event was actually very inspirational, but I doubt YOUR media gave it much heed. Too busy with fake news about saying the First Lady is being abused by the President, and whether the President should be subpoenaed for potential abuse of the First Lady (at least two public appearances of her have been ignored to push the fake narrative)

Again, I’m really not sure where you are getting the idea that this insult at the President was Trump’s rudeness.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog The propaganda picture the WH used of the praying Eagle players, saying they took a knee during the National Anthem; apparently pissed off the Eagles!

Tit for Tat

Yellowdog's avatar

I was not aware of this.

Sounds more like an error than a propaganda stunt. They are still protesting their right to protest the anthem, even though none of them kneeled during the anthem.

That is a factor I was not aware of. Even though I was wrong, I kinda feel better about the intent of the Eagles. Thanks, and apologies.

kritiper's avatar

Trump cannot be more of a jerk than he already is. I think the whole thing was BS to begin with.

zenvelo's avatar

Trump has had a resentment against the NFL for many years, after it was decided he would never be allowed to become an NFL team owner. Once again, he nurses a grudge against those who didn’t want a gimcrack landlord from Queens to think he could get into an exclusive club.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s just as well. It relieves the more outspoken and less temperate players of the obligation to tell the Don “go fuck yourself” in person.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@zenvelo, do you have details? I never heard about a curfuffle between him and the NFL. How did it come about?

Darth_Algar's avatar


In the early to mid-1980’s Donald Trump was a team owner in a rival league, the United States Football League. His goal was for the USFL to merge with the NFL, thus making him an NFL team owner. To that end he began undermining his own league and when it finally went bankrupt (as per usual with Trump’s businesses) the NFL had no interest in picking up dead weight. Trump’s harbored a grudge against the NFL ever since.

marinelife's avatar

Only a few Eagles players had declared that they would not go. Remember, in the NFL, there is a 53-man roster. That still leaves a large number. Malcolm Jenkins explained why he wasn’t going why on Twitter. I agree with what he said. Trump had no right to call them “SOBs,” no right to ask suggest protesters be fired, and certainly no right to say they should be deported. He does not act or talk very presidentially. It is tradition for winning teams to be invited to the White House. He is a disgrace for pulling the plug at the last minute. As for so many things that he does and says.

zenvelo's avatar

@Patty_Melt Here is a timeline of forty years of Trump enmity with the NFL.

snowberry's avatar

Maybe it was an intended insult and maybe there was something else that came up and they had to cancel. As per usual with the media and with administration in general, you will never know all the details.

One thing you can count on though. The media will only make money on what sells. People love drama, and people are notorious for believing everything the media puts out as truth, especially (and sometimes only) if it’s their favorite brand of media. You can count on it!

After long personal experience with the media, I hear about this and other News stories, and I always ask myself, “How much of this story is true?”

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump’s childlike, fragile ego at play here. The little bitch can’t take any criticism.
It’s all about appearing to have absolute control. He’s very much the closest thing to a dictator the country has ever had.

Several NFL owners had conceded that Trump “squeezed” the league to change the rules. For a man who claims to want the government to have less power over private businesses, he really proved his hypocrisy here.
I guess, in the future, all businesses will have to change policies to whatever Trump wants. Now that’s making America great again. What a fucking pathetic crock of shit.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

You don’t understand that having the right to do something doesn’t mean you should. It doesn’t mean it’s ethical or moral. Getting that straight makes like in this country easier.

Everyone has the right to stand or not for the national anthem.

No, he’s not a jerk for canceling. The Eagles team has shown no class as Super Bowl winners. I admit I expected more from that team. I would not have been surprised had it been the 49ers, Raiders, Browns, Bears, or Chargers.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It was a peaceful form of protest. It harmed nobody.

Trump is far worse than a jerk. Representatives from both NBA teams currently playing for that championship have already agreed that they will not be going to the Whitehouse either.

Our nation’s athletes are role models. I’m proud that they are not supporting Trump. I’m proud that they were using their platforms for a good cause. Trump. Just another example of how petty, and pathetic he is…


chyna's avatar

A bit off topic, but the super bowl was in February. Why are they just now being honered?

filmfann's avatar

Q: Is Trump a total jerk for cancelling the invitation to the Eagles to visit the White House?
A: That’s not the only reason.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@chyna . It’s just customary. Most professional sports teams Champions, have a sort of celebration at the Whitehouse, with the sitting POTUS. It’s often months after the actual event.

Darth_Algar's avatar

It’s also not unheard of for an athlete to decline attending when they disagree with the president’s politics. Cases-in-point: Tom Brady and Jake Arrieta, during the Obama administration (though Arrieta made up some half-baked family excuse).

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh yeah. It’s a great way to protest, I think. To turn down the commander and chief? Woooooo! What a great way to show decent.

Darth_Algar's avatar

They’re not military, so the commander-in-chief really isn’t relevant to them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct. Like I said, they are private citizens, working for a private company.

seawulf575's avatar

Honestly, I could care less. He canceled an event with the Philadelphia Eagles that most of the Eagles had already declined. If you throw a party and everyone declines, are you a jerk for not having the party?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^No. You’re a pouty bitch. (Trump.)

Yellowdog's avatar

It still seems that a lot of you are finding highly scurrilous and obscure ulterior motives here.

Isn’t the most obvious cause and effect the most likely to be the correct one? At some point late, it was discovered that only two or three players were attending, in protest.

This is totally classless but intended as an insult to the president.

Whatever the depiction about supposedly praying players being depicted as kneeling protesters. this was a deliberate affront at the president, and those who stand for the national anthem. It would seem to me that if the depicted kneelers were praying, they would understand what the image appeared to be.

There is no reason to have the event if twenty-something members of the team decided not to come. And the reason they decided not to come was protest over the national anthem.
The NBA and NFL are both private franchises and are supported by the fans and the sponsors. Kneeling at the national anthem has cost a lot of sponsorship. More losses of sponsorship are to come.

This latest stunt, even if the kneelers were praying, was an affront to the president and those who stand for the anthem. There is no reason to cry and appease for them to still come because the event is open. The Eagles showed where they stand on the issue, and the media is the only one who profits.

notwonderwoman's avatar

@Yellowdog Everything you are saying is exactly what I’ve heard from Fox news. Where is your source that says only 2 or 3 players were going to show up?

Trump cancelled because he didn’t want everyone to see how few were going to show up. He’s a pouty bitch.

Yellowdog's avatar

It is already—— W I D E L Y —— known how few were going to show up.
The liberal news pundits like to gloat about it.
It was done last minute by the team to blindside the president.

What’s the point of doing the event—now that its been modified to insult and protest the President?.
Why honor a team that would pull a stunt like this?
Isn’t this a new low in disrespect/ affront of the president

Darth_Algar's avatar


The current president is an affront to the presidency who manages to reach a new low each and every day.

Jaxk's avatar

The majority of the Eagles didn’t want to go so now they didn’t go. The only thing lost was their opportunity to try and embarrass Trump. Getting invited to the White House is not a right, it is a privilege. Trump has no obligation to set himself up to be disrespected.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I can’t recall any President so widely shunned and abhorred by so many of celebrity status, not that it matters much. And I agree that Trump of course is better off avoiding opportunities to be insulted and belittled. It’s too bad that he can’t help himself in providing us so very many.

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, the nfl has had butt sores about Trump for over thirty years, and he still considered having some of the disrespectful punks in his home?
Gee, what a bitch move.
I am sure none of us would have a problem having dinner guests in our home who have publicly disrespected us.
Some bitch cut in front of me in the grocery line a while back. Darn! I should have invited her over.
So many perfect people here.
You pick on his skin color, but if anybody else does that, it is racist.
You make fun of his hair, his hands, and things you THOUGHT he said.
How glad I am to be associated with so many people with no faults.
the whole playground sass talk is really getting tiresome.

snowberry's avatar

^^ I couldn’t have said it better.

Darth_Algar's avatar

And there it is: the dumbest post I’ve read all week…

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes, there it is. Why did you post it if you thought it was so DUMB ???

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You can’t fix STUPIDD !

Yes I know too many D’s.

I’m on Darth’s side.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Those who see Trump as a “victim,” in ANY scenario, are not paying attention…

JLeslie's avatar

What does the NFL not being nice to Trump have anything to do with Trump feeling justified at “getting back at them.” He’s President! This is a tradition. If my mom and dad were divorced and hated each other I would expect them to both be at my wedding and be nice to each other. If I were president I would go along with the tradition of the WH Christmas trees, even though I never set up a Christmas tree for myself in my Jewish home.

For some things it’s not personal, it’s about the position you are in, and rising above petty BS, or doing things for others. America First, not me first. I hope the next president invites this team to the WH. It will be late, but better late than never.

Makes me think about how my SIL wasn’t thrilled Bush signed her naturalization papers. Lol. She values that document, but wishes it had been a different president.

Trump used this moment to do his militaristic schtick with the whole bit about taking a knee, which appeals to a portion of his devoured followers, and then he changed his story when he realized that team wasn’t taking a knee, he just made assumptions.

He’s childish and brilliant.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie that logic cuts both ways. What does the NFL not agreeing with President Trump on a policy have anything to do with them feeling justified in snubbing his invitation? This is tradition. But it seems funny that we will use that argument against President Trump but not the players that snubbed him in the first place, which was most of the team.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Another example of Trump being polarizing. That’s what Putin wanted. He got it…

Darth_Algar's avatar

@seawulf “What does the NFL not agreeing with President Trump on a policy have anything to do with them feeling justified in snubbing his invitation?”

Why are you conflating individual players with the league (or even the team) as an organization?

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I think the team should go if invited. It is an honor to go to the WH. If a few individuals choose not to I can’t control that, some might not on principle and some might not from peer pressure. My point is the president I do hold to a certain standard. It’s a given the president is over 35, has some life experience, has advisors telling him etiquette rules, traditions, historical significance, perceptions by others, and should understand consequences. If some football player doesn’t want to go, well I think he is probably making a mistake, but I’m not flabbergasted by it.

I guess for people who really are terrified by Trump, the idea of giving him any positive reinforcement or a photo with him is just impossible.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, gosh, the way I was raised, an “invitation” is a request, not an order.
Go figure.

Jaxk's avatar

@JLeslie – The Eagles turned this into a political event. It is no longer a sports event. When they declined his invitation he called it off. Seems pretty natural.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Jaxk You missed what I said to @Yellowdog :^^^“The propaganda picture the WH used of the praying Eagle players, saying they took a knee during the National Anthem; apparently pissed off the Eagles!

Tit for Tat”

The kneeling members of Eagles, the White House published was a pray group from before a game. Someone in the White House said go find a picture of the Eagles on their knees and claim it was during the National Anthem.

Jaxk's avatar

I didn’t miss it, it simply doesn’t matter. The invitation went out, the Eagles began saying they would not attend, The White House erroneously blamed it on the picture. So what? the event had already been politicized.

Look at it like this: You decide to have a birthday party for a Friend/significant Other/relative, and start sending invitations to all their friends. Surprisingly you begin receiving ‘will not attend’ notices. How many would it take before you cancel the event? That’s what Trump did. They didn’t win the Superbowl with half a team and they won’t be invited to the WhiteHouse with half a team.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Are there any meetings at the Whitehouse, that aren’t “politicized?” Some people are blaming the players for taking a stand on an issue that our divisive POTUS instigates.

I’ve heard the word “honor” thrown around on this thread. There is no such thing with the current administration.

People are absolutely fed up with things, and Trump makes everything worse. There’s no conspiracy. No one is trying to make Trump look bad. There just aren’t a lot of people who want to associate themselves with the asshole. Simple.

Asshole throws party. Nobody wants to go to asshole’s party. Nothing more.

Jaxk's avatar

Well then you are successful. There is no party or reason to scream like and asshole.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So @Jaxk You have your hands over your eyes when the President incited the Eagles with false and intention photos RIGHT!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jaxk . I wasn’t screaming. But I am an asshole…
If you keep insulting me, I’m never going to sing at your wedding…..

stanleybmanly's avatar

Has anyone noticed that Trump has converted the Presidency into a tasteless grade B “reality” tv show? It’s diabolical, but pop culture luminaries and events appear to be his only reference points to the real world. For his fans, none of this apparently matters, but now it’s the entire world tuned in to an inferior ripoff of “Arrested Development.” His government amounts to slapstick appointments of no talent and criminal “guest stars” distinguished primarily for their unsuitability in the roles assigned them. The breathtaking unprecedented turnover in Trump’s revolving door White House reduces the country to running more or less on inertia (which is probably a good) thing, leaving us at risk primarily on those matters where the Don chooses to engage personally. Things like diplomacy (God help us) and willy-nilly passing out pardons. It’s a show where kanye & the kardashians are now Presidential advisors, and those of us ashamed of the farce can only pray for early cancellation.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The American people, have converted it. Many have been easily manipulated. Others are simply bad people.

This is, to me, more of an indication of a change in our society. The signs are not good. We are showing similar symptoms of the nationalist movement in Europe. Regardless of what fueled it, Trump fuels the division now.

Trump“s supporters mostly claim that they aren’t racist. Well. Prove it. It’s time for midterms.

Do you align with the worst of our society? Or are you, who you say you are? Your vote, will express your true colors.

I have heard a lot of conservatives saying, “calling us bad won’t make us vote different. ”

Think about this statement.

They’re saying that because they feel insulted, they will still vote for the worst people. Nice. That’s going to “Make America Great Again.”

If you support Trump, and the GOP, you are a bad person. Sorry.

Well. Not that sorry.

Sorry that you they are a part of such a terrible part of history.

Sorry that they allow themselves to be used by the Republican party.

Sorry that Trump so easily diverts his followers’ attention, with nonsense…

I always thought that my country, was too educated, and ethically steadfast, to fall victim to such a character. I was wrong…

Yellowdog's avatar

The President is the President, and was elected by half the people in the country and more than half the states.

When you attack someone who IS what they are, YOU are the one polarizing. YOU are the one dissenting. YOU are the one tearing down.

Those who started the protests and who have vehemently opposed this president and slandered everything he has said or done, is the one who is polarizing.

notwonderwoman's avatar

Half the people in the country didn’t vote for Trump. Almost half of the people who voted did. Yuge difference.

You are victim blaming, @Yellowdog. Trump is a womanizing bigot. He’s a disgrace. The people standing up for the victims of his policies and actions are not the ones causing the problem.

Yellowdog's avatar

I know that you really believe that you MUST repeat that line, along with others like with you, it will eventually become true. But that is delusional thinking. Repeating something ad nausium may make the line familiar to people, but it does not make it any more true. Planting smoke doesn’t mean there was a fire,

I’ve seen the access Hollywood cut—about twenty years old, taken when Trump entertained you with Hollywood soft porn that is still pretty much a mainstay of Hollywood. But that was a tape made off the cuff in private, and was one line said in private. Some Hollywood entertainers like Jimmy Kimmel say and do worse things as regular prime time television entertainment (uh, right up until recently, when he was elected to lecture us on how we should respect women),

The women of the Trump family are fair game for anything. Hoping the baby dies. A Feckless Cunt. Virtually everything that can draw a hoot and holler from the left. After all, Trump does worse against everyone at every opportunity (yeah, I know you think this is accurate), calling women names and making sexual exclamations.

Bill Clinton is under far more more scrutiny for what he did in the oval office than what Trump did in his beauty pageant history—no matter what some people want to keep vocalizing,

Trump was never called a racist before he won the Republican nomination, and there has never been any evidence for it, except that people like you keep saying it, making sure the idea is drilled into people’s heads. In fact, Trump is more than twice as popular among African Americans than when he was elected, and received twice the African American vote than Mitt Romney.

Keep on going on with your rants about Trump at every opportunity, He’s a RACIST! He’s a DISGRACE! He’s a WOMANIZER!!! He’s a POUTING BITCH!!! He’s a WOMANIZING RACIST BIGGOT! He’s a FUCKIN’ POUTING BITCH !!! He’s A GAY-BASHING, FUCKING IDIOT!!! He IS A BULLY WHO CALLS PEOPLE NAMES !!!

Really, I never see someone have to keep repeat the same litany every time every one defends against an attack on Trump. All of those are name-calling labels and you seem to be compelled to repeat them ad nauseum.

Prior to the election, most on the Left believed Hillary Rodham Clinton would win by a landslide. In fact, they believed it right up until the electoral college numbers revealed that a win for Hillary was impossible. Because you could drive across the country among almost any route and see nothing but Trump signs and NONE for Hillary. When what should have been obvious bore out and Trump won, it sent the Left in a kind of shock trauma that will probably eventually be written about in psychology books as Trump Derangement Syndrome—a type of Mass Hysteria,

Do you actually believe half the country is Texas Chainsaw Masogynists who want to kill homosexuals and deport “immigrants;? (only illegal immigrants who have committed felonies are being deported), Do you really believe that half the nation is “a Basketful of Deplorables?”

I don’t come on Fluther to be antagonized with hate speech and name calling of the nation’s leaders, including Trump.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie If only a few of the players had declined, I would agree with you wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, the fact is that only about 5 players DIDN’T decline. The media wants to make you believe that Trump invited them and then dropped them for no reason. And to be honest, his childish tweets don’t help him. But the fact is that he invited them as a celebration. As you said, it’s a tradition. But the team, breaking with tradition for political reasons, declined, almost to a man. So why throw a celebratory dinner for 5 out of 52 players? I would have canceled the dinner as well. You might want to ask the question though….why doesn’t the media actually report all the facts? Why do they try to present only a part of the story?

chyna's avatar

@yellowdog. If you want to talk about repeating something over and over let’s examine how many times trump days fake news, crooked Hillary among many many others in his very limited vocabulary.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog ”. But that was a tape made off the cuff in private, and was one line said in private.”

No, it was not. It was on a film set, mic’ed and with cameras around, being taped as part of televised program. That is not private.

“The women of the Trump family are fair game for anything.”

No, just Ivanka. She’s not innocent bystander. She’s a 37 year-old woman who chooses to insert her into her father’s shame of an administration. Notice that no one’s calling Tiffany Trump a “feckless cunt”. Now why do you suppose that is?

“Trump was never called a racist before he won the Republican nomination, and there has never been any evidence for it”

“In fact, Trump is more than twice as popular among African Americans than when he was elected, and received twice the African American vote than Mitt Romney.”

So like, what, 4 black people voted for him instead of 2?

notwonderwoman's avatar

@Yellowdog I don’t come on Fluther to be antagonized with hate speech.

You poor thing. You are getting a miniscule taste for what it’s like for black people, LGBT, Muslims, Mexicans IRL every damn day in this country. At least you can’t be physically harmed by users of Fluther. I really feel for you. ~

seawulf575's avatar

@notwonderwoman You are getting a miniscule taste for what it’s like for black people, LGBT, Muslims, Mexicans IRL every damn day in this country. So how many times have I heard about my white privilege? How many times have I been called a racist for absolutely no reason? How many times have I been compared to, and in fact called, a nazi or a white supremacist? Pretty much every day on these pages. You might want to consider that while people are using terms like this, they are spreading racism probably more than all the “racists” in this country every day in this country because they are using these terms for no apparent reason. Meanwhile, I have not one bad word to say about black people, LGBT, Muslims, or Mexicans IRL. I reserve the right to say I don’t agree with them or their gripes or even their life styles. But that doesn’t mean I am slamming them…just that I disagree with them. I certainly don’t call them names…unlike most of the liberal posters on these pages do to me.

Yellowdog's avatar

Someone in an apartment near me is from Indonesia.

She brought her mother over. Her mother came over here in August of 2017 and since October of 2017 has been living on Social Security. There is nothing wrong with her, and she did not pay into the system at any point. I was shot in a robbery in 2011 and left for dead but could not get disability until four years, and have paid into the system for 35 years.

So, why does an Indonesian woman get free Social Security and I don’t without four years worth of appeals and medical proof?

The official answer is, well, obviously. I am a racist,

Stop the namecalling and hate speech. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they are a gay-bashing misogynist pouting bitch (and any other name you’re limited I.Q. can parrot) that doesn’t know what its like to be black in America.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog you are mistaken; she doesn’t have a SS# !

So blah blah blah lies all the way to the end.

You are in your own words a racist !

notwonderwoman's avatar

@seawulf575 You not agreeing with black people, LGBT, Muslims and Mexicans because of their “lifestyles” makes you racist. I know you don’t want to hear this but it’s the truth. These people can’t change who they are and they are targeted every day by not only the public but by Republicans who try to make their lives a living hell. This includes the worst of them all, Trump.

You might not march with a hood and a tiki torch but I’ve observed enough of your comments to know you are indeed a bigot.

Yellowdog's avatar

Everyone who becomes a U.S, Citizen is assigned a SSN

Of course, anyone who supports this administration is a bigot, in your view.

And no, there are no bigoted postings by Seawolf or by me.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

August of last year and she is now a citizen, you are still a racist and don’t know what you are talking about.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog not necessarily a bigot. Not every Hitler enthusiast was a Nazi. I prefer to consider the 2 of you misguided.

Yellowdog's avatar

I have found that most people who are calling out racism where there is none, nor any evident, is one of the three following:

(1) They have latent racism themselves, and, knowing on some level that it is wrong, allieve the guilt by projecting it onto others. They see it everywhere, especially on their own race. Or, they presume everyone is a racist like themselves and hide it.

(2) They like namecalling, and in today’s climate, being called a racist is the worse thing they can think of.

(3) They are trying to shock others— Oh MY! So-in-so says his nemesis is a RACIST! He MUST be wrong!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

.@Yellowdog your are making things up to support your views. You are the shocker – - – ”(3) They are trying to shock others— Oh MY! So-in-so says his nemesis is a RACIST! He MUST be wrong!” with the lady from Indonesia (an alien ). I know you believe all that you say but… you’re making it up to support your feelings about aliens.

She doesn’t have a SS# AND is not receiving payments from Social Security and stop following the blogs you follow !

Darth_Algar's avatar

If the woman only came here in August of last year she cannot possibly be a citizen. Nor will she be drawing Social Security. You’re ether flagrantly making shit up, or grossly misunderstanding whatever the situation actually is.

notwonderwoman's avatar

@Yellowdog You are blind to the struggles of those I speak of. You are certainly misguided and a lost cause for me to continue any dialogue with you.

Yellowdog's avatar

I never asked you for dialogue. Please, DO go away.

notwonderwoman's avatar

You ask for it when you give an opinion on the internet. Sorry if the truth is so hurtful but it is what it is.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Something you would do well to remember yourself.
It is a shame you have so much difficulty discerning the truth.
Funny, sometimes, which people think they know something about struggles.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The wealthiest 1% got 83% of the recent tax “breaks.” Ironically, some players will potentially benefit financially. Bit they have/had the strength of character, that few of our politicians do.

As I’ve tried to bring up on this thread, it is now not an option during the anthem. Trump put pressure on a private business, and bent it to his will. All conservatives backing Trump because they want less government control over private companies, can now stop supporting the hypocrite. Or be hypocritical themselves…

seawulf575's avatar

@notwonderwoman Thank you for making my point so well for me. You are in such a rush to call me a racist that you make all sorts of assumptions about me to do so. Let me fill you in a little. I am a white guy. I have a black neighbor that I absolutely love. He is a wonderful man that I like spending time with. He is friendly and caring and funny. We have a hispanic family that moved into the neighborhood last year…great people. Friendly and open with very happy children. We have gay friends that, unfortunately, we don’t see as often as we used to (We moved a few years back). But we used to go out together often. One was a musician that would play local bars and we would go see him. Some of the bars were gay bars and that was alright too. Let me fill you in on something: That isn’t racist. Let me help you since you seem to be struggling. There are two definitions of racism that apply. 1) prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. and 2) the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
So let’s break that down a little. If I were racist, I wouldn’t have friends that were black or hispanic. I wouldn’t associate with them at all. I certainly wouldn’t have nice things to say about them. As for the gays, you are conflating homosexuality as a race. I’m not there…I don’t see them as a race so I will not allow you to create something to try to make a point. I understand it helps you when you want to spew hate.
You not agreeing with black people, LGBT, Muslims and Mexicans because of their “lifestyles” makes you racist. This statement tells me a lot about you. You see any disagreement as racism. You might want to revisit that. I can disagree with someone and not feel superior to them or hate them. Especially with lifestyles. I can see things wrong in lifestyle choices and still not hate the people. Example: my own daughter and her boyfriend became heroin addicts. That was their lifestyle…getting high. That was the focus of their lives. I disagree with that. Does that make me a racist? In your definition, it does, even though they are white and one is my own daughter. Because I disagreed with their lifestyle. You disagree with me and my lifestyle, even though you know nothing about either. Does that make you a racist? By your definition, it does. And, in fact, you are closer to the textbook definition than I am. You feel superior to me because you have classified me into some niche in your mind of what a “white” person is. You are basing it on race and you are assigning a set of beliefs to all white people. That sounds pretty racist to me. I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s true.

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog If the Indonesian woman is getting money it can’t be regular old age SS. You have to pay in 40 quarters for that. You don’t have to be a citizen, but you do have to have worked in the US and paid in 40 quarters. Or, be the spouse of someone who paid in 40 quarters. Possibly, she is getting something else??

The only exception I know of is the Vietnamese get some special things, I don’t remember the details of that though.

chyna's avatar

@yellowdog Do you want to address the comments that the woman from Indonesia could not possibly be receiving social

Jaxk's avatar

Social Security offers a number of different benefits. Disability doesn’t have the same requirements and SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Doesn’t require that you have ever worked, let alone 40 quarters. I have no idea if @Yellowdog‘s example is real but saying that it is impossible isn’t real either.

chyna's avatar

@jaxk It is absolutely real to say Yellowdogs example is impossible. To say a person came from Indonesia in September and started receiving a social security Check in October is not even a real time period for an American citizen who has paid into social security. It takes about 3 months to process such a request.

canidmajor's avatar

I don’t know how long it takes to acquire “documented” status (more than a month!!!)
”Unauthorized immigrants, who are not granted any deferred-action status, are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits or any other federal means-tested benefits. But they pay taxes and pay into the Social Security system.” from “this”: would suggest that @chyna’s assertion is spot on.

canidmajor's avatar

Crap, link didn’t load. I’ll try again. Nope, ain’t gonna happen, sorry.

Brian1946's avatar

Let me try this.

Apparently decimal points can’t be used in term hex code (should be term=2351c533f86f, not .2351c533f86f).

JLeslie's avatar

@Jaxk is right. That’s what I meant by possibly receiving something besides regular “old age” SS.

The timing does seem impossible, but maybe there is some detail missing.

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