What issues do you think people across the world need 'woke' to?
As asked, see definition and examples below.
Although an incorrect tense of awake, a reference to how people should be aware in current affairs.
“While you are obessing with the Kardashians, there are millions of homeless in the world. STAY WOKE”
Getting woke is like being in the Matrix and taking the red pill. You get a sudden understanding of what’s really going on and find out you were wrong about much of what you understood to be truth.
I understand the extra burden it puts on you but I still feel everyone needs to get woke.
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52 Answers
The ongoing, destructive, pervasive continuation of patriarchy.
That on-going overpopulation leads to the inevitable slow-decay of the world.
The beauty that there is in art, whether literature painting or music.
Religious people should be aware of the GOP using their deepest beliefs to manipulate them into voting for them.
Part of the expression “woke,” is to be aware of who your enemies are. People who manipulate you, are your enemies.
“Stay ‘woke.’
Ni@@as creepin.
They gon find you.
Gon catch u sleepin.
Stay woke!”
Wise words…...
@MrGrimm888 It’s not manipulation if we believe in the same goals, hon. :)
I mean. This is the world. Especially on electronic devices. Lots of traps, and pit falls. You gotta be on your game. Everyone is after you…
@KNOWITALL . You align with ALL the GOP’s agenda?
You’ve admitted to straying from some churches over their intolerance for your homosexual friends. Yet you still support the government party that wishes them the most harm.
With all due respect, this seems to suggest that your political leanings, are more important than your religious ones…
You won’t like going to a place where your “friends,” aren’t welcome. But you vote for people who are trying to hurt them. I just don’t get it…..
@MrGrimm888 But see, this is where it gets tricky. Like everyone else, I have to pick my battles.
My political leanings are more important than my religious ones? Hmmm…I don’t think so, but maybe.. God, Country, Family- you should know the southern motto!
I never believed Trump was a christian, no matter who laid hands on him.
I don’t believe he’s actually a nice person either, or even an actual Republican.
He’s reversed himself on abortion, too.
But I also believe he could be worse….
Climate change.
@KNOWITALL . Sounds like you know what you think is right, but you do swallow the “abortion” bait. I agree with Algar, in that it’s just not a realistic fight to pick. But you can still help hundreds of millions, by simply not voting R… Or not voting at all…
The treatment of immigrants and immigrant families in the USA. The separation of children from their parents at our borders and through ICE raids.
^Excellent point. If conservatives cared about people after they were born. But they don’t…..
@MrGrimm888 Please don’t be mocking after I’m being really honest with you.
Perhaps you should try asking me why I feel as strongly as I do about abortion. I asked you about immigrants and never mocked you once.
Honestly, that all of the little fights that people wage over piddly shit maginify our differences and divide us. It keeps people under complete control. If it’s political and argued on fluther it probably fits the definition of “piddly shit.” Really, we argue over first world problems and it usually boils down to either a difference of perspective, misunderstanding or trivial differences.
False prophets. False leaders.
The fact that Americans’ inability to access healthcare is one of our top 10 causes of death annually.
As a general rule, if every person were able to acknowledge that their life experiences limit them from understanding the lives of people who have different experiences, and that the way to mitigate their ignorance is to listen to the people who are closest to the issues, we would come a very long way as a country. This applies to countless issues.
@AYKM the fact that 40,000+ people are dying annually because they don’t have health insurance is not piddly shit. Your comment is condescending.
The inimitable joy of Hentai.
A shortage of helium with the last bits being wasted on helium balloons in birthday parties.
@Mariah You first have to show me where people on fluther are arguing against healthcare for your statement to make any sense. I stand by my statement, people hate each other more often than not for what amounts to piddly disagreements. The truth is not condescending, it’s actually quite sad and humbling to be honest.
People should woke up to the fact that these things still exist in this modern world – Poverty, Malnutrition, No or very little access to medication, Racism, Environmental Pollution, Global warming and the list can go on.
@KNOWITALL . I did not perceive my statement as mocking.
I understand your position on abortion. I don’t understand your support of a party that is actively hurting millions, and trying to hurt more, in pursuit of making the wealthy wealthier.
I cannot appreciate a difference between a helpless fetus that didn’t choose it’s circumstances , and a decent person needing medical attention for an ailment that they couldn’t control.
I do not understand the difference between a helpless fetus that cannot control it’s circumstances, and a “dreamer,” who also didn’t choose their circumstances.
If your main motivation for sticking up for unborn people is that they are in a position they didn’t put themselves in, I think you should reexamine your support of a party that is deliberately hurting so many people who also have no control over their plight…
Resist all things global.
Resist any and everything and ideas that interfere with the sovereignty of nations.
If you vote GOP you ony want to stop legal and safe abortions.
If you want to reduce the number of abortions you support Planned Parenthood.
People tell me I have no right to be alive because my life depends on other people’s money. Yes, it happens, even on the liberal bastion that is Fluther. Piddly shit, AYKM says. It doesn’t feel so scary to him because he is healthy.
ICE agents rip brown mothers away from their screaming children at the border. Some jellies believe it’s just those job-thievin’ criminals getting what they deserve; arguments ensue. Piddly shit, says AYKM. His family won’t ever be affected by immigration law, so it doesn’t matter.
Schoolchildren are being shot and killed at rates greater than our active military personnel. Some jellies still think the right to use an AK-47 to shoot pigs is more important than our children; arguments ensue. Piddly shit, says AYKM. He survived high school.
Innocent black people get shot down by police on a near-daily basis. Some jellies continue to insist we’re living in a post-racial society; arguments ensue. Piddly shit, says AYKM. He’s white.
Yet, privilege also somehow doesn’t exist.
Keep on hating little sister. I don’t think you see the humans on the other end who may think or have different life experiences than you. I consider hate based on race, economic conditions, misunderstanding of culture, politics, sexual orientation, religion, etc to be piddly reasons that people hate, murder and ostracize others. The actions are serious but the reasons are silly.
Oh, @Mariah, I love you so much right now.
The White Man in America being blind to his own privilege, and assuming others have the same, just boggles me.
Lordy, the gross…naiveté (not the word I would prefer) of these persons astounds me.
Not all men. But the statistics for black on black crime. But the illegals were breaking the laws simply by showing up so they deserve to have their children ripped from their arms and put in cages with concrete floors. But she shouldn’t have dressed like that.
But her emails.
Yeah, to the White Man in America, it’s piddly shit indeed.
“Piddly shit, says AYKM. He’s white”
There it is, of course, the end all be all of leftist arguments that the privilege blind, white male has it in for everyone, does not care or understand and this makes anything they say automatically disregarded.
You just hear what you want and you don’t even understand what it is I’m saying. But continue bashing white “privileged” males.
That argument might make sense if you weren’t literally arguing that the shit that is happening to minorities in this country is trivial.
@Mariah sees the humans on the other end that have different life experiences than she does. She sees that they cannot comprehend what it’s like to be sick and without insurance in America. She sees that they cannot comprehend that all of a sudden, babies are ripped out their mommies arms based on their color. Mariah sees both sides. Too fucking bad the “other” humans can’t see her side.
The reasons are @Mariah. Race, gender, “privilege” and other things that people ostracize each other for but should not. I’m literally telling you the very thing that the left believes, fights for and you completely went off on a tangent. Never said the effects of this were not insignificant.
Walk it back all you want, we heard what you said. “Really, we argue over first world problems.”
You’d have more credibility in this fight if you hadn’t already told me 50 times in other threads that I should calm down over the threats to my life in this country by arguing that the experiences and conversations I’ve had don’t count.
There is no walking that back. Read what it is I wrote. think about your reaction, your preconceived notion about what it meant, what it actually meant and your downright hatefull attack on myself. The response from you, your attitude and clear disregard of my “white male” perspective is exactly the point I was making. There are in reality probably few things we actually disagree on, we likely have different ideas on how to go about them. Thats no reason to hate.
People disagreeing on how healthcare reform should proceed are not (using your words) “people wanting you dead” twist that however you want it will never mean that people have it in for you like that. It just means they have a shitty perspective on healthcare that could lead to larger consequences. I literally don’t understand your need to attack me other than you are just bitter and angry and see me as “the enemy” All I can say then is good luck going through life like that.
AT BEST it means that they can’t be bothered to do the research to understand the deadly consequences of their votes. At worst it means they value their wealth more than my life. It makes literally no difference to me if someone votes for my death because of ignorance of because of malice. I’m just as dead either way. I am allowed to have a problem with people who cast votes that would kill me.
My issue with you is that you constantly try to invalidate my perspective. You cannot possibly understand my point of view because you have not walked in my shoes, yet you continue to tell me how I “should” feel. When I point at your whiteness, or your healthiness, I’m literally just pointing out that you have not walked in my or other people’s shoes. And you don’t even make an attempt to understand how I feel because you’re too busy being defensive.
You attacked me, you don’t
know the state of my health, health issues I have had in the past, family members and loved ones with health issues, my “whiteness” or really anything about me. You presume. Hell, we don’t even disagree on healthcare. The only issue I have taken up with you is that you tend to cast those who have a difference of opinion regarding healthcare as people who are evil. I disagree with that strongly.
Disagree all you want. Don’t tell me how I am or am not allowed to feel.
Don’t publicly state said feelings if you don’t want to get called out for it.
Are you fucking kidding me? So now I have to shut up because I have feelings about the fact that people are voting for policies that would kill me? Your blindness gets more incredible every day.
Health care is a big deal. There’s plenty to be upset about.
Everyone thinks they know what’s really going on, but those statements of what’s really going on contradict each other, so someone has to be wrong, no matter how “woke” they think they are. My awareness of this means that I know what’s really going on (bold and italicized) because I’m like, super ultra woke.
Idk. I just think people should try and step outside of their insular worlds every now and then. If you’re continuously surrounded by a bunch of people who think exactly like you, try stepping out of that comfort zone and looking at issues in less familiar areas. Put yourself in other people’s shoes, don’t just write off the experiences of others because their opinions clash with yours. That kind of desire for increased awareness has probably helped more people become aware of the opioid crisis, the issues faced by immigrants (illegal and not), the people on both sides of the “culture wars”, the concerns of environmentalists, and more. I don’t think being “woke” is about suddenly becoming aware of conspiracy theories, but being aware of a wider variety of problems (and their possible solutions).
The pain and suffering of factory farming. Not just what the animal go through, but the workers as well.
@Mariah you don’t and should not have to hide those feelings. When people disagree with you you have to realize that it’s not personal if you can’t take disagreement or criticism then keep it to yourself. I actually don’t think that’s the best course of action. I think you have to get into little squabbles and try to understand why people think they way they do. More often than not you will not find them as “evil” as you thought.
A couple of good talks on the subject
I am not a member or supporter of any of these groups.
I think you are really missing the point. I do not really care why people vote against universal healthcare. Whether they have good or shit intentions basically does not matter to me. What matters is that they must be convinced to stop doing that, because those votes are directly causing people to die on a massive scale.
And I’m not speaking of healthcare, I did not attempt make this thread about it and it’s not what the OP was asking anyway.
If you want to change minds about healthcare or really anything at all, yes you had better care why they vote the way they do.
That’s the point of a democracy.
You vote for those who represent your beliefs, and will hopefully work towards making them law. If you vote…
But too many vote against their core values, for talking points abused by the Republicans. I assume that it happens on the D side too, but not as an obvious religious manipulation…
I would add, more to the point of the thread, that attempted influencing of sovereign nation’s democratic process, is sadly normal for most 2nd, and 1st world countries.
It is a big deal that Russia interfered with ours. But I’m sure they tried to interfere with all of them. It could be argued, that the US has influence on ALL democratic elections. And likely some dictatorships…
Stay woke. It means being aware.
Being ‘woke’ doesn’t mean we’ll agree. Whether it’s @Mariah‘s healthcare options or the Kim at the White House.
I was simply a question on what YOU think people need to be more aware of current affairs.
Society cannot afford to take care of everybody all the time. Resources are limited.
Not everyone should have kids. A crack mother should not give birth to a drug addicted, brain damaged child This costs “society” a fortune that could be better spent on other things like education or health care or…
At some point, people will have to be responsible for our own actions. This will be painful.
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