Dogs and cats
Walking in the forest
Lingering over a wonderful meal with friends
Reading a good book, and drinking Earl Grey tea on a rainy day
Certain exquisite pieces of classical music
Ice skating
Watching ice skating on TV
Cooking for fun (rather than necessity)
Listening to British people talk
Binge watching really good shows on Netflix
Walking around lakes
Thunder and rain storms
Traveling with my brother, or my best friend
The smells of campfires, grapefruit, pine trees, cinnamon rolls baking, cardamom, pizza baking, pumpkin pie, hose water on a hot sidewalk, cedar wood, Earl Grey tea, coffee, garlic bread, cat tummies
Jingle bells tinkling
Bagpipe music
Watching re-runs of The Nanny
Going to Disneyland
Snow in the mountains
Writing restaurant reviews
Banjo music
Taking photographs
Looking up recipes and reading cookbooks
Reading a really good book
Listening to woodpeckers in the woods
Going to Palm Springs
Christmas music