What do you think about IHOP's new name?
IHOP is announcing their new mane on 6/11/18 and I’m wondering what you think about it?
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43 Answers
I am one of those people who don’t like change. But at least it is similar to what it was.
I heard that the “B” in IHOB is supposed to be some big ass secret. I think it’s probably “breakfast” but I think it’s mostly about having the signage be so similar as to not confuse.
Outrageous. They should be condemned in the strongest words. Boycott them!
What is this “IHOP”, by the way?
^ IHOP is International House of Pancakes. They are changing it to IHOb, yes the b is little. I am with @canidmajor in thinking it will mean “breakfast” and I don’t get why it’s such a secret. No one cares.
Well, the publicity it has generated is pretty sure to be good for business. The fact that we’ve even heard about it has probably generated some custom.
And yeah, it’s dumb.
There are so many more important things to think about. This is a complete non-issue.
Although it raises possibilities:
1) International House of Boobs (turning into a strip club)
2) International House of Bumpkins (only rednecks allowed in)
3) International House of Bellies (was bought by gastroenterologists)
4) International House of Bills (was bought by Ducks Unlimited)
5) International House of Bitches (bought by the American Kennel Society)
6) International House of Baptists (needs no explanation)
7) International House of Baseball (the official MLB restaurant)
Geez! Another place with a new name that I won’t be able to keep track of!
“Hey! You want to go to IHOP??”
“Where the hell is that??”
“Perhaps you’d rather go to Pete’s Pancakes??”
“Where the hell is that??”
It’s a marketing campaign. The “b” is for bullshit. For a few days there will be a spike in business, but there are aspects to the chain that irritate me, beginning with the fact that for several years now, eating at the franchise has not been good value for the money. I like the “harvest grain & nut” pancakes,
@ragingloli It’s a step above Denny’s which is a step above Waffle house or “awful house.” When it’s three in the morning on a Saturday, you’re still a little drunk from the concert or bar you just left and are ravenously hungry IHOP is a likely destination because nothing but these three restaurants are open.
So it is like all the other corporate fast food chains?
no. they are a tad beyond McDonald’s or KFC. There are waitpeople attending the tables. But the 3 examples given are at the very bottom of the corporate dine-in lineup.
So it is like all the other corporate fast food chains.
yes and no. It’s equivalent to asking “So loli is like all other Germans?” The answer is yes and no. Yes, you look forward to the next invasion of France, but no you don’t flaunt your Prussian heritage.
Restaurants here in the states can be plotted in terms of quality and it will reveal a smooth upward distribution rather than discrete steps. In the end though 60% is “corporate fast food” just dressed up with a little better quality, service and of course price. That’s your Applebee’s, Chili’s, steakhouses and such. IHOP is about one tier from the bottom of the “dressed up” fast food market. I avoid it and other corporate chains as much as I can. There are too many good, independently owned restaurants that serve the real deal for chain establishments to be on my radar.
International house of bidness, gonna sideline in drug trafficking.
Dumb. “IHOP” has decades of built-up brand recognition and rolls off the tongue well. “IHOb” just looks dumb and sounds goofy to say. But whatevs, it’s no skin off my ass ether way.
What’s in a name?
Still have badass omlets.
Apparently it’s not really an actual name change, but is just some marketing campaign to promote burgers offered at their restaurants.
My understandingv is that they are taking the “P” & flipping it superimposing it over the original “P” so it appears yto be a “B”. What I was reading was very vague about what the “B” was going to stand for.
I used to eat at IHOP daily; but, over the years, the quality had gone straight down hill. The one that opened in my little town really, really sux!!! I ate there about a month after they opened & I won’t go back. I’ve switched over to our Waffle House…not as much variety but LOT better food…plus they are open 24/7/365!!!
Bad publicity is better than NO publicity at all!!!
The “B” evidently stands for ‘Burgers’
IHOP just lost something in my mind.
We DON’T need another burger joint. Ihop has been where I’ve gone to get away from the endless litany of ‘Burgers Burgers Burgers.
Those of you who hate me on Fluther will be very happy for the change, because I am not,
What is it with you and @seawulf575 that convinces you we just drip with hatred for you? I never met 2 people so convinced of their certain persecution.
I’m pretty sure IHOP has offered burgers for a few decades now.
And Jesus jumped-up Christ….persecution complex much?
I always went for their Silver Dollar Pancakes Never even thought of looking for a burger there. They could have been selling them for a century & I wouldn’t have noticed.I don’t go to a steakhouse to eat fish, a fishhouse for a good steak, a burger joint for breakfast or a breakfast joint for a decent burger!!!
Where did you hear that the B stands for burger, @Yellowdog? Seems “Breakfast” would make more sense.
And I said that up t, so accusing me of saying it out of hatred would be silly. :-P
They’re starting to put up signs that say, “Burgers, Burgers, Burgers” (and shows a stack of them) where they used to say, “Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes.”
I have nothing against hamburgers and HAVE eaten a few there. They have the international “open faced” sandwich concept thus far.
Its just that IHOP was a place where you can go for a good breakfast at midnight if you want to. Who needs another burger joint with about five chains of them in many cities ?
My understanding is that they will still have pancakes, of course And I hope they don’t drop the international concept. We once had a Dutch House of Pancakes that I think was part of the original IHOP concept— so an “international” concept for hamburgers might not be so bad, especially if they retain their former menu items along with it.
Thank you, I hadn’t heard that.
It’s probably just a stunt to promote a full service menu. I doubt there will be people holding (registered and legal, of course) guns to your head forcing you to order burgers.
Or forcing you to enter for that matter.
Customers are going to determine…Check Twitter…
The company also posted a Twitter poll with four options on what the “b” could stand for, asking customers to choose between biscuits, bacon, butternut squash and barnacles.
Sound better than butternut squash or barnacles so it works for me!!!
International House of Brunch?
Since pancakes has been the unofficial breakfast of Fluther, I wish we had been consulted. Or maybe we were, and it’s International House Of Ben.
It’s supposed to be revealed today.
But I oppose any name change with IHOP. Its too iconic—and pancakes are are the only thing that will do for identity with IHOP.
Sorta like the summer of 1985 all over again, when Coke stopped making Coke and gave us New Coke.
You mean when Coke stopped using Cocaine in their brew. You know, the stuff that gave it its name.
So, today’s announcement is the B stands for Burgers, and the change is a temporary promotion.
Dammit. I just got an IHOb tattoo…......
@Yellowdog I went through DT’s when they brought out New Coke. I’m still cursing them for screwing me up!!!
Yeah, we went an entire summer.
For those of you too young to remember or weren’t alive yet, in 1985 it was discovered in taste tests (“The Pepsi Challenge”) in random places such as grocery stores that most people preferred the taste of Pepsi over Coke. even though Coke sales were much, much higher than Pepsi.
So the Coca Cola company changed the formula of Coke and called it ‘New Coke’. New Coke tasted a lot like Pepsi (but was a little sweeter than Pepsi—tasted more like Pepsi than even Pepsi did).
It was a VERY bad decision and very bad for Coke’s P.R. Nobody bought the stuff. Coke realized they had made a mistake. By the end of the summer or early fall—theystarted making the old regular Coke again. Although it wss NOT exactly the same as they started using Corn Syrup insead of Cane Sugar, otherwise it was regular Coke we have today. For a while they made both the old coke (:Coke Classic) and “New Coke”
Eventually they stopped making “New Coke” altogether, gradually phasing it out in the late 1980s, and “Coke Classic” is regular coke.
The ONLY time I’ve ever wanted to STOP buying a Coke product!!!
It was one of the BIGGEST BLUNDERS in history!!!
I think the taste depends on whether you drank from the cup or the can. The sample size affected the taste.
New Coke tasted pretty good, actually.
But it wasn’t Coke, and when you want a Coke, that’s what you want.
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