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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is president Trump firing people for superficial reasons?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25025points) June 12th, 2018

Like not being able to spell Scaramoucci? Or because the FBI director was taller then him? Also besides interfering with his possible impeachment?

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13 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

Scaramoucci can’t spell Scaramucci…oops, maybe that’s why he’d no longer with us!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t believe so. Irrational, and impulsive reasons maybe.

Sometimeshe fires people because he’s obstructing justice.

Yellowdog's avatar

Trump has never been good at finding a good cabinet—

Considering all of those he has fired, why is Jeff Sessions not fired?
He recused himself from just about everything, and is a lame duck, and if there had been a competent Attorney General the entire Rosenstein/Mueller investigation would be in his favor,

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog once again , you want the investigation to go your way and not to find the truth (‘coz the orange headed once says so)

LostInParadise's avatar

No, Trump fires people over policy differences or, in a few cases like Flynn, because of highly inappropriate behavior.

Yellowdog's avatar

Tropical_Willie My post is because Trump has NOT fired Jeff Sessions.

Considering all he HAS hired, fired, etc Why not Jeff Sessions—a competent AG could make this whole process less convoluted

What exactly DOES Jeff Sessions do for Trump?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I repeat It not what Session can do for TRUMP but what Sessions is doing for the USA and its citizens. SMH
You want TRUMP to be the dictator don’t you? ?

It is not all about TRUMP or the Russian mob.

But it is !

LadyMarissa's avatar

Yellowdog, you drink way too much Koolade!!!

zenvelo's avatar

Trump does not abide any disagreement with him, he views it as disloyalty. He values loyalty well above competence.

Yellowdog's avatar

You can insult me all you want. Your teeth are bared and your vitriol is high. I know.

But you still haven’t answered the question.

Why hasn’t Trump fired Jeff Sessions? If Trump is on a firing spree, why hasn’t he fired Jeff Sessions?
He has done nothing to help Trump. Sessions has disabled himself. Trump could get someone who would support him. He clearly has the authority to do that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Trump could get someone who would support him. He clearly has the authority to do that.”

That is not Session’s job; once again you want you want “all the bad people to go away” and stop bothering your Diktator.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’m wanting YOU—and only YOU because you keep repeating the same misunderstanding of what I’m saying—to get it through your head—

Trump would have fired Sessions if he was on a firing spree because Sessions has not supported Trump. Is that simple enough?

Lets go over it again: Trump would have fired Sessions if he was on a firing spree because Sessions has not supported Trump.

Trump has NOT fired Sessions.

Trump doesn’t fire his opposition as an obstructionist, as you ascertain. Trump fires those whom he can’t work with because there are certain goals that must be reached. Every President does this, Especially those who work against the goals of the administration. But not always even them.

Eric Holder boasted about being Obama’s Wingman. Obama had spies in an opposing political party during an election year. Obama weaponized our tools of intelligence to go against his political opposition. I can assure you, grinning, suave Obama demanded loyalty—just look at who, on his FBI and DOJ are now coming under fire for lying to congress. Trump has several if not dozens of Obama holdovers—who had hoped to be working for Hillary, working against him Trump has the right and the authority to fire them and select his own cabinet, as has every president, especially Obama.

Most of those fired by Trump have not even been his opposition. They have just not been the best for the job, as he sees it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Seems you are WRONG…Sessions has been supporting Trump in the way Trump needed him most!!! Just because it wasn’t in a way YOU could see it, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t satisfying Trump’s needds!!!

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