Would you mind discussing your choice of avatar and name here?
Sometimes it’s obviousand other times not. Sometimes much thought was given. If you have a special pronunciation you could include that, too.
Thank you.
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75 Answers
I liked the name Mariah when I was 13 and joined AiROW, which is the site I eventually migrated to here from. I didn’t like it anymore when I was 17 and joined Fluther, but I wanted my AiROW buddies to recognize me, so I picked it again. I don’t like it now, but it’s my moniker!
My avatar is a self portrait I painted awhile back when my hair was still short.
When I obtained my very first computer & discovered my very first social site, Marissa was born. Years later I met my husband at the very same social site & he added the Lady. After we met in real, the love only grew & he indeed made me feel like such a Lady. Then he passed away. So, when I returned to socializing online LadyMarissa was born as a tribute to my dearly departed husband..
My avatar…I don’t do stress & I don’t enjoy being unhappy; so, I’ve spent my lifetime searching for MY happiness. The harder somebody tries to poop on my parade, the happier I choose to be. In other words, I “choose” to make my own happiness!!! Anybody can allow sadness in their life; but it takes a special Lady to choose to be happy!!!
How did you choose yours???
I chose my name because I was mocking myself for all the weird random facts my husband and I know and use often.
My avatar was switched to a generic one last year, when I felt I was being dismissed by men here as a dumb blond woman.
@KNOWITALL Any person who judges a woman’s intelligence by her hair color isn’t that smart themself!!!
@LadyMarissa The world is one big men’s club imo. But you are correct, the condescension is much less without a picture.
I don’t remember why I chose mine. I am a fan of ST and particularly of STNG. I have been zen and variations of it for a long time and in different places online.
A long time ago @Rarebear invited me to come post about space technology – he considered me to be a rocket scientist. I was working on a Dish Network satellite at the time.
Butters is a goodie-goodie, which I am at heart.
@RocketGuy Tell @Rarebear he better come back, we miss him! :)
I had no idea I would be here so long when I registered with Fluther and I gave no thought at all to my user name. I chose my avatar because it is colourful and distinctive and because I liked the picture. I have had around half a dozen avatars over the years.
I started with Askville.
It wanted a name, and nothing came to me right off.
I was distracted by hunger. I didn’t feel up to cooking, and wished I could dash out to McDonald’s.
That was how I came up with Jonesn4burgers.
When Askville closed, stubro referred me here.
When I ditched my account, of course the name went with it.
Patty_Melt came to me from the Dead Like Me series. When I heard them arguing over a patty melt, I realized that was my way of hanging on to the cheeseburger reference.
Thanks bunches, now I have to go fire up a skillet.
The pic I have up now is me, before disabilities. I looked just like that for twenty years. You can’t tell the difference between photos of me at sixteen or thirty-five.
Now I look like a bean bag chair with a face.
The avatar I have up most of the time is a stress ball I use, with an emoji face.
I picked it because like fluther, I turn to it in times of stress, and some of those times, just like fluther, I want to THROW it…
HARD, but you know we all feel like that sometimes.
@KNOWITALL – just ask a question about toxic vaccines or homeopathic medicines and he will come back.
@RocketGuy Wellll, he left pretty mad, so I’m not sure, but hopeful. :)
I can’t remember how I came up with my name. My avatar is my dog Jessie.
My avatar is a little doodle I found on another site, though I don’t know where it’s from beyond that. I thought it was cute; kinda looks like a kid drew it. I’d say it more or less looks like me. :)
My username was taken from the “Locke and Demosthenes” segment of Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game where Ender’s siblings use the usernames “Locke” and “Demosthenes” (Demosthenes was an ancient Greek politician of the 3rd century B.C.) to express their political views online. Considering that OSC was writing in 1985, it was remarkably prescient re. the influence of the internet on politics.
I used to be a sergeant in the Civil Air Patrol.
The Queen part is obvious, I am a Queen sooo…...
Willie is a nickname and I love the tropics. The avatar is different tropical flowers usually purple or pink.
Oh yeah, My avatar is the Thunderbirds. Go Air Force!!
When I was a kid Mad Magazine would print letters to the editor, and over time I began to notice that a substantial number of these “letters” were from either a certain Melvin Cowznofski or Stanley B Manly. The image of the cigar smoking fat cat in midstride with the bomb under his arm is one variation of the insignia of the 11th bomb squadron circa 1917. I cannot find this image anywhere nowadays. It certainly is (to me) the most flattering of all the subsequent varieties of the patch and the only one depicting “diamond Jim” without a cane.
I chose my name because for years I had derived it from a zen teaching about bicycle riding.
My avatar I chose from the Gordo comic strip, because I looked like that when I was a kid.
When I first joined people thought I was a new incarnation of @yesitszen
My name is the name of a mouse on a ruler combined with my year of birth. I just discovered the internet and I used that username everywhere.
My avatar says it all. I’m a Mafioso!
I’m not a fan of Wonder Woman.
My avatar was inspired by a recent fluther question about romantic Pokemon interests.
My name is what my grandfather called me when I was a kid.
My avatar is me, in northern Nevada, standing in front of a short tunnel bored through a rock outcropping through which a redwood flume ran to carry water to a small hydroelectric plant that has been out of commission since the 1950’s.
No thought was given to either my name or my avatar, which is unlike me – I normally think too much.
I like the way “longgone” sounds, I like that it’s easy to type, and the picture is from when a box of sprinkles exploded in my kitchen cabinet.
@longgone A box of sprinkles exploded?? Please relate!
@Stanlleybmanly How can you not know what sprinkles are?!?!
you’re talking about the sugary things on cupcakes and cookies? A cabinet stained by exploding sugar?
OMG, now I can’t buy anymore sprinkles out of fear of an explosion in my kitchen!!!
I made a picture of a woman with curly hair out of symbols on the keyboard. A friend here helped me put my name on it, and told me how to make it my avatar.
I’ve been snowberry since I started using the internet.
For all you folks out there with those hazardous cookies & cupcakes, allow uncle stan to relieve you of your worries and anxieties, by taking them off your trembling hands free of charge.
@longgone You still have not explained how/why the darn things exploded. And is it common place for these things to explode??
Welcome back, @yesitszen. I explain both my avatar and name in my Profile.
The late, and sadly missed, Bob (@AdirondackWannabe) once asked me about my moniker. To him, it seemed so obvious that anyone should love his/her dog; why would I even need to say so? I explained that Sadie had been horribly neglected and mistreated in a former life, and that a humane group had obtained a court order to rescue her. So, although the love should be a given, it isn’t always; at least for Sadie, it’s now a fact. Bob understood completely.
What a Jelly asset he was, every day, and a friend to so many of us. I grieved when he passed away, along with the whole Fluther community.
Adirondack was cool. Miss him
I miss him, too. Probably my best friend here for many years, definately one of the only ones that could tell me to chill out in a way that I’d listen to….lol That’s a friend.
I am a food enthusiast and came to Fluther from a food related site that asked us if we wanted to answer some food related questions. I thought I was being directed to another food site. I didn’t even know about Q & A sites.
My name Kardamom is a slightly different spelling of the spice cardamom, of which I am a big fan. It is used mostly in Danish cookies and desserts; and Indian food, two very disparate, but delicious cuisines.
I wanted to use a food related avatar, and I had just been to the county fair, when I signed up, and decided to use my own photo of this little yellow crookneck squash.
Adagio is short for Adagio with Strings, a glorious and moving piece of music by Barber and one I enjoy very much.
Mine appeared spontaneously from my imagination (and long practice of making up random fictional names) and a desire to be able to chat anonymously (without having to think about people I know possibly reading what I write here, though one of them at least is so pathological that I expect they found it anyway). It’s meant to be somewhat mysterious and possibly Indian or African or SE Asian and/or animal (leonine) in flavor, and the original image was from one of the lions in front of the ornate train station in Mumbai as seen in yellow sunlight, though it was a bit hard to discern. Not long ago, I updated the lion image to something a little more clearly a golden lion. (The lion persona aligns with my desire to righteously rant at will.)
“Mr. Grimm” was a character on an old video game called Twisted Metal. He rode a motorcycle, in a game where all other characters had a car, or truck, or enclosure. I have rode, or been on motorcycles since I was a baby. At the time when I got the name, I was a teenager. I was….... Well, an interesting person in society. I am no angel now, but I am not the scourge of the Earth I was anymore.
I am also a lifelong pessimist, so the “grim” part had a double meaning. I have pretty much stuck with one variation of the name or another when gaming, or doing something online. Some of my older friends would remember a time when I actually went by the nickname. Those times seem forever ago, and it’s hard to believe that I somehow survived that lifestyle…
8, is my number. Specifically three 8’s. I actually got three 8’s worked into my sleeve (tatoo) on 8/8/08. I was thrilled to get my digits inked on the actual day.
My avatar is obviously a generic Fluther one. I guess I like it, as homage to this great place. I’m not sure any avatar would do me justice. I am one of the more unique people on this rock, and often feel like I am an alien on my own planet, or don’t belong. I do love animals, so a jellyfish is just as good as anything else…
EDIT: I must have been sidetracked… It should read Adagio For Strings
I live in Red Deer Alberta, and I am a guy. I find PsyDuck adorable. A psychic duck ( My avatar is my Pokémon PsyDuck) . We both get confused from time to time and make honest mistakes, but am capable of great things from time to time.
My name was my reaction to an interview question and the response I wanted to give was my first answer on this site that just so happened to host the same question when I googled it. I hate my name but I just never bothered to pursue changing it. My avatar rotates between looking behind the curtain and closed curtains. Looking behind means I’m currently finding value here and closed means I’m not and a step or two away from leaving. I’m at odds politically with most here and if we can have civil discussions without devolving into petty arguments then I’m all for hearing different point of view but you have to listen to mine openly as well or there is no point. Maybe I’ll learn something new and perhaps at times maybe I’ll be the teacher.
@Are you It is an exercise in patience and a love of learning that keeps me coming back. It can be tough but walking away from a thread gets easier. For me, some people here give me hope that we can help each other evolve.
I really liked this term when I first heard of it hence the name. It’s not related to my job..(just so you know.).
@longgone No response back about the exploding sprinkles. Must have been an embarrassing thing. Like eating the whole box of sprinkles at the cupboard in a single gulp then sneezing violently into the cupboard…
@kritiper Let’s go with that. It’s less embarrassing than the actual story.
See, NOW I need the story.
You must tell.
For me, I was Yellowdog before Fluther, when I was a participant of Askville.
Back then, I used a decades-old picture of me when I was about twenty. For thirty years since then, I have been a counselor or teaching staff person at an American Indian-themed Summer Camp where Yellowdog was my ‘Indian’ name (I say American Indian instead of Native American when distinguishing what we pretended to be as children), Further reasons why I originally used the name Yellowdog was because when I couldn’t come up with an ‘Indian’ name people called me Yellowdog because of my blond hair. Also, I love dogs, and have usually gravitated towards yellow Lab/Golden Retriever and Red Coon Hound mixes. Yellowdog also was a typical name for a democrat or person of uncertain political origin in American folklore, and southern bird dogs. I have used the name ‘Yellowdog’ quite commonly since then as a nickname, and ironically enough, only since I have been on Fluther have people in my daily life started calling me by my real name.
I may eventually go back to my old Askville picture. But I use a contemporary picture nowadays because I didn’t want to be disingenuous about my age. The earlier picture expresses me better, however..
@longgone – Anything related to s*x or related activity in the story?~
^ No, but I’m happy to fuel everyone’s imagination.
^I heard it had something to do with a belly button filled with sprinkles…
@Yellowdog . I always thought that you had your name, because you were a “yellow dog Republican.”
It’s interesting to see that it was different. What a great thread…
I forgot to mention that my avatar is an exact representation of my face from the side. I think I look rather snazzy if I do say so!
Oh yeah, and my hair drips money!
^let us know when you’re going to visit salon..)
When I first came here I had just received a depressing diagnosis was really worried about my treatment options and outcomes. I picked this face because Peter Parker always looked worried to me in the Spiderman movies.
After treatment and getting pretty much perfect results I decided I was very lucky and changed my name. @Anartist modified my avatar as good will gift to me.
Unfortunately, she suddenly passed away shortly thereafter.
I keep this avatar as a symbol of my luck and as a tribute to her.
I remember your health ordeal. You’re a lucky guy, indeed, to be here and doing so well. And, we’re all lucky to know you.
^^^ You’re so cute when you blush.
I wish I could remember which jelly it was years ago who PM’d me and said I should make my avatar a sunflower. I thought it was a great idea. When I was in first grade I wrote a poem about being a sunflower, and it was published in the local paper.
I sometimes switch my avatar with the season. Snowflakes for winter, yarnlady for yarnlady day. You know, the usual. Lol.
If that jelly who PM’d me is on this Q, I hope they let me know who they were.
Our dawg Buddy & i chose a name mostly out of laziness but wanted something that reminded me of my great aunt Beryl…short & punchy.
And where have you been?
(screeched in the manner of Mrs. Weasely)
I’ve been to that London to see the Queen
Ah! She is well, I hope.
And you?
Ahh…err, awkward she just died apparently :D
The good news though…i’m fine & dandy.
Last I heard she had a cold, but she’s better. I hope she is still with us.
I love that lady. She is brimming with pluck.
My avatar
My username is a combination of, obviously, Darth (as in Vader, Maul, etc) and Garth Algar, the character played by Dana Carvey in Wayne’s World.
Qav is merely a single Hebrew word I pulled out of a biblical prophecy of Isaiah’s that fascinates me. Like the English word, “draft,” that has many meanings (draft horse, rough draft, a sudden gust of wind, etc.), qav has many meanings. “Qav laqav,” in the context of Isaiah’s prophecy, however, is simply meaningless nonsense sounds without value. It is like a child’s attempt at using language when the child is not yet mature enough to form actual words. It’s kind of like English “gah-gah-goo-goo.” The prophet Isaiah was basically making fun of something that would happen in the future. Apparently, it may have happened in the Corinthian ekklesia (depending upon one’s interpretation of that Scripture), and it does, indeed, happen today in many churches as it has been since around the beginning of the 1900s. People have used this at other times, and it is not limited to any one single religion or a single people.
Long explanation, short word!
My bumblebee story is in my profile. <grin>
@Qav If you pronounce your name like Kav, as it “should” being that there is no U after the Q, then the word Kav means line in Hebrew. It can also mean route, as in bus or train route.
Yes. Those are some of the other meanings. I mentioned above that it has other meanings. I am presently writing about the context of Isaiah’s prophecy.
@yesitszen, I have wondered, since reading that passage in Isaiah—and since Hebrew, to me, is such a picturesque language—if qav’s meaning is such because “baby-talk” is a “road” or “path” to actual language. Do you happen to know? Thank you!
(Had to look it up) . . . In the English Bible, the context is within Isaiah 28.5–22, specifically verses 10–13. I’m not sure if the references are different in the Hebrew Bible for this, but I’ll check.
And Thank You!
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