So the Republicans in the Congress have nominated Trump for the Nobel peace prize?
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33 Answers
Haven’t heard that but I read that a few tea party type Norwegians have.
18 Republicans back in May. Just in time for Stormy Daniels.
Any random person, that sees a homeless guy, and decides not to punch him in the face, deserves the Nobel Peace prize more than the Orangutan.
This is a joke right?
Trump and peace are just two words that don’t go together.
I will be shocked if that idiot doesn’t start some kind of a major conflict before his term is finished.
No it isn’t a joke. The 18 formally submitted the nomination on May 3rd.
^Really?? Can’t believe it..
Nothing to see here. The Nobel Peace Prize is shit. Kissinger, for Christ’s sake. And Obama? Really?
Yeah, I’m losing some faith in the relevance of some of the Nobels (Obama did not deserve it and neither does Trump. And Bob Dylan for Literature? He didn’t even want the thing. Yes, I’m an elitist).
Haven’t heard of that yet but if true, the Nobel committee is just as screwed up as the Republicans!
No, it’s The Noble Pees Prize. Trump gets that for pissing all over American citizens.
He also gets Noble Golden Showers prize for pissing all over the Republican apologists, and Republicans who look the other way while Trump grabs the pussy of America. Only difference is that these Republicans actually enjoy being urinated on by Trump.
The Nobel Prize has become a joke. We saw that when they gave it to Obama for campaign promises.
I love the smell of sycophancy in the morning.
The Nobel Prize has been a joke since they awarded it to Henry Kissinger decades ago.
@Darth_Algar That is true too, though there was at least something Kissinger did that could be said to have led to the decision. Obama did nothing before he was nominated. Think about it. The laureates are named in the beginning of October. The nomination forms are sent out the year before and have a deadline of being back by Jan 31 of the award year. That means Obama was nominated before he was even elected president. The nomination forms at best could have been returned 10 days after he was sworn into office. He had done nothing of significance to even earn being nominated…except making campaign promises.
@seawulf575: “He had done nothing of significance to even earn being nominated…except making campaign promises.”
That’s not fair. If they had waited until he had actually started bombing the shit of people, then it would’ve been more difficult to explain the “peace” award.
As yes, a “peace” treaty that even the other side regarded as bullshit. Yeah, that’s really something.
Anyway, I’m not going to argue that Obama did anything to deserve it. I never felt so and frankly, he himself did not ether. My only point is that the award was a joke long before Obama was anyone.
But it is of small concern ether way. The Nobel is a private committee and the prize is paid out of an endowment sustained through private funds. They can give it to whomever they wish.
Obama was actually embarrassed to receive the award. The committee went a little nuts (understandably) at the idea that a black man was actually elected President of the United States. The award should have gone to the electorate.
@Darth_Algar I’m in agreement with you concerning Kissinger. That was a bogus award. I think my point is that it has gone downhill from there.
I agree that Obama did not earn the prize, when it was given. I would have perhaps supported the award after his terms. I thought he did a great job of not getting the US onto multiple wars, despite the warmongers calling him feckless, and weak all the time. Even then, the Nobel would have been given for inaction. That doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of the prize.
Trump. Currently, if he were awarded it, the Nobel would have lost all relevance. It would be a joke. He currently deservesa anti-peace prize.
However, if he can parlay these talks with NK into doing away with the work/prison camps, and freeing hundreds of thousands of North Koreans, I will hand him the Nobel my self.
I don’t see that as very likely, but stranger things have happened in history…
Not sure if it’s went downhill from there, but yeah, there’s little credibility to them. Personally I regard the Nobel Peace Prize as serving little purpose beyond providing answers to Jeopardy! questions.
It also allows publicity and tries to lend itself as a legitimizing thing. “He is a Nobel winning…” It used to mean something but has lost all credibility as you say.
Legislators in Norway have nominated Trump for the Nobel. I have not read about members of our Congress doing so. The prize lost its distinction beginning with awarding it to Obama who had done nothing but get elected. I don’t know if it is still in that irrelevant spot or not.
To all you Obama haters,Obama actually was embarrassed to receive the award.
Ole Orange hair will probably think he deserves it, this comes from a nut that said the possibility of using nukes is never off the table, WOW sign this guy up for a peace prize.
The possibility of using nukes is never off the table….you can believe that! I’m neither a hater nor a lover of presidents. It does seem that many people prefer comforting lies to scary truths. I prefer the truths myself.
@SQUEEKY2 so far, the conversation has been about the legitimacy of the Nobel Prize these days. Obama was an example of a hokey award. That isn’t a slam on Obama, that is a slam on the Nobel Prize. Of course, Obama could have refused the award with the excuse that he hadn’t done anything to earn it. But that is a minor thing, really. If someone wanted to give me a pile of money, I’d probably take it too. It is interesting, though, that you went right to “Obama haters”. Speaks more about you than those you are attempting to brand.
Every time I hear you guys(rep/cons) bitching about Obama it sure sounds like you truly hate the guy, but you keep saying it isn’t the man you hate it was his policies.
Well I am man enough to tell you I hate Trump, and here is just off the top why, he screwed a lot of honest hard working labourers , and trades people out of hard earned income when he pulled his shady bankruptcies
Trump is ridiculously thin skinned he can bad mouth, shout down, and insult everyone, but gets super mad when it is done to him.
He lies so much, and his loyal followers don’t seem to care(I personally don’t get that).
He is out to protect the very rich and powerful, the rest he has no problem throwing under the bus(and yet those people under the bus still think he is great)I don’t get that either.
Those are just off the top. Oh and as for the Nobel peace prize, as you said it is a joke as of late, but if ole orange hair actually wins he will think he truly deserves it, where as Obama was embarrassed to get it, but as you pointed out if someone wanted to hand you a pile of money you would probably take it too, only difference, is you and Obama, and even myself would know we didn’t deserve it, I can’t say the same for ole Trump.
Wow @SQUEEKY2 . It would suck to be you. Happiness never comes from hate. That stuff will eat you alive.
Oh don’t get me wrong @MollyMcGuire I am happy to hate Trump, he truly deserves it. :)
Happiness can be synonymous, to ignorance…
For the record, if Trump—excuse me—-if President Trump were actually able to negotiate the elimination of North Korea’s nuclear threat, he would DESERVE the Nobel prize and any other accolade he craves. My point is that there isn’t a chance in hell of him pulling it off, but I credit him for his ego driven ill conceived effort, aside from its predictable consequences in pulling Kim and his “Republic” from the dungeon of despised “rogue outlaw” states into the sunshine of respectability at absolutely no cost to himself. What Trump—President Trump actually accomplished by meeting Kim in Singapore was the vindication of Kim’s goals and strategy. He was right to nuke up, and Trump proved it by going there to see him! This is the problem with an ego driven know nothing head of state. It never even occurred to Trump that Kim would appear to blackmail the President into meeting with him personally through waving his nukes around. And poor Donald went for it, hook, line and sinker.
Whoa! President Trump? That is progess. I’m impressed.
yes, it’s a small consideration to avoid hurting your feelings. Too bad more than the title is required to bring the man up to the job.
You guys should get along. You’re both highly passionate, about the subjects you argue the most about…
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