What is the worst thing that you have done as a child?
I was told not to tell anyone anymore of what stupid things I did as a toddler ? Yes it is that bad. You?
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16 Answers
As a 2 year old I pushed my baby brother’s bassinet over, with him inside.
My Mother was a seamstress & me & my brother were NOT allowed to play with her scissors. Of course, that made them the most tempting item in our house. I slipped her scissors into my room & in the process of using them, I managed to drop them & they quite easily went straight into my hand. I was scared to death because I knew I would get a whipping; so, I pulled them out, pressed a Kleenex against the would trying to keep the blood from giving me away.I think I was 6 at the time & I knew enough to know it might get infected; so, I slipped into the medicine cabinet, got the alcohol & cleaned the wound. Damn if that alcohol didn’t burn; but, I couldn’t afford the luxury of crying out.
I think I was 25 before I ever told anyone that story & my Mother’s jaw dropped because she never had a clue as to what I had done!!!
Tried to kill my brother.
Instead he ran screaming into the house, blood pouring from the top of his head.
OMG @Patty_Melt , I’m sorry for laughing at your trash can story!!! Forgive me???
That was a real long time ago.
My influences were westerns, Mission Impossible, and Dragnet.
I viewed my brother as an enemy, one of the bad guys. The good guys get rid of the bad guys.
I now understand a warning should be called out first.
I’m not an objective judge when it comes to such matters. And besides, the list of offenses is long and arduous.
I had forgotten about this one until @Patty_Melt told her story. In the late 50’s or early 60’s. Me & my brother were playing around on my Gramp’s really old pickup truck. My brother was standing on the back bed looking over the cab of the truck. I jumped in the truck. Just as I slammed the door my brother said very sternly “Open the door. Listen to me, open the door.” I opened the door & he screamed bloody murder. Turned out that his finger had fallen within the door jam of the door I slammed. There was NO molding around the door so it was just bare metal. When I opened the door the feeling returned to his finger & the tip of his finger was hanging by a small piece of skin. The doctor shoved the tip of the finger back in place & wrapped it with tape padded with cotton & wrapped with gauze.
I did NOT do it on purpose; so I don’t consider it as part of the worst thing that “I” ever did; but it was the worst thing that I ever “caused”!!!
I don’t recall our exact age, but my cousin and I put our grandmas Siamese cat in her dryer once. Just gave a little spin and let it out, but we could never get near it again without getting clawed to shreds.
When I was about 3, I stole little toys from another little boy. I knew it was wrong and I hid my crime. Later in grade school I cheated, sole and lied and made everyone’s lives miserable until I was about 8. Then I switched gears and became a good kid. But it was too late. I did too much damage to my mother and older sisters. I’m always the spoiled little baby.
When I was 7 I made fun of a girl at school for being fat. I still cringe looking back on that.
That was worse than the time I pooped in a urinal on a dare (which was just the next year). I went through a “bad” phase for a couple of years there. And most of the things I did no one even found out about; it’s not like I was getting in trouble at school. But I was a little hellion there for a couple of years. I’ve since mellowed out.
Gosh. 3rd grade I called one of my classmates, who I also considered a friend, a “nigger.” I will never forget the look of pain and betrayal that went over his face….
In 4th grad my girlfriend and I went on a thieving spree at the local Shop Ez, ALL summer long. It finally ended when Dad busted me with some Zig Zag rolling papers…..
I stole a piece of gum at the convenience store once. Got marched back to apologize.
I told everyone at a new school that I had a brain tumor and they called my mom.
Got caught playing doctor once.
Oh geez, i forgot, i also joined in with people when they made fun of other kids, sometimes.
I regret that more than biting my sister.
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