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MooCows's avatar

Does anybody still use wash cloths or does everyone use those net balls?

Asked by MooCows (3216points) June 16th, 2018

Whoever came up with the idea of making those net balls to shower with instead of wash cloths I am sure is a gazillionaire by now!
Does anyone still use wash cloths?

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24 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

I use a wash cloth to clean up in the sink in between showers. I sometimes use them in the shower too. “Net balls” hold in so much bacteria and yuckiness if you aren’t careful.

Kardamom's avatar

I fear the net balls as carriers of germs and bacteria. I use a wash cloth once, and then it gets laundered.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I use a bar of actual soap.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’ve used washcloths since I was a kid. I remember using one of those scrubber/sponge/loofah things once, but I found it too harsh; it was like washing with steel wool. Washcloth gets the job done and what @Kardamom says about the sponges is true: they do tend to harbor bacteria.

Jeruba's avatar

I still do. I dislike the way those net balls feel. Besides, you can’t just hang them on a towel rack—they require some sort of special accommodation.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I still use the traditional wash cloth. No net balls in the household (yet).

Zaku's avatar

I don’t even know what net balls you mean.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I always use a wash cloth….the cheap ones that come in a bundle. They are thin and work great exfoliating. I use fresh linens with every shower so I like thin towels and washcloths…they don’t take forever in the dryer.

I’m clueless as to what a netball is, but I’m sure I don’t use one. :)

JLeslie's avatar

For all of you who don’t know what it is, here is a link

The net sponges get nice and sudsy. I think they probably mildly exfoliate too.

I change back and forth. Most often I don’t use either.

@Kardamom Doubtful. The balls are full of soap and being scrunched and moved around and then they dry fast. I don’t know if they have actually done bacterial testing on them though.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I always though that wash cloths were great collectors of germs and filth.

anniereborn's avatar

The net balls can get gross if you don’t hang them up in the shower to dry somehow. Some people just shove them back on a shower shelf.

Kardamom's avatar

@elbanditoroso. They don’t if you only use them once, and then launder them.

The net balls, tend to get used over and over again, sitting their in a moist environment, covered in BO and skin cells. Just ripe with bacteria. Unless they are thoroughly rinsed out, and microwaved each time (which most people don’t do) they are festering bacteria petri dishes.

chyna's avatar

I use wash cloths only. I’ve read the net balls are full of bacteria, too.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Interesting about the bacteria. I’ll have to google a little.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Many people still use washcloths in the US. Just ask the executive housekeeper at any hotel that offers them.

In some countries, washcloths aren’t offered in hotels. In some, usually when there is a bidet in the bathroom, a washcloth is hanging on a hook next to it.

I still use them to wash my face and use a net ball on my body.

LadyMarissa's avatar

With my physical limitations, I find it difficult at best to use a wash cloth & I tried the net balls but I didn’t like those either!!! So, I use an antibacterial soap & my hand when I bathe. I get just as clean as I do with the cloth. I have a spinning brush that I use with my exfoliating cleanser to deep clean my face.

@Pied_Pfeffer Just because the guests steal them, it doesn’t mean that they are using them when they bathe. My ex boss used to take them because he felt that he had PAID for them!!!

canidmajor's avatar

I use both.

chyna's avatar

Here is one article on poufs containing bacteria.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@LadyMarissa There was no mention of theft statistics in my post. It’s good to hear that you aren’t working with him any more.

johnpowell's avatar

I didn’t know what a net ball was except the sport. But I love my Exfoliating Bath Sponge.

If you think that is full of germs I would like to know what you wash your dishes with.

And we are assuming germs are bad.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

I use replacable bath sponge that I regularly change every week. I made sure that I disinfect the sponge before and after use with antiseptic soap and leave it on the solution to dry naturally.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Thanks. I’ll have to tell my husband. He uses them more than me. Now, I’m glad I rarely use either.

Also, I’m always wary of using wash clothes at hotels on my eyes or girly parts. I doubt the maids are washing their hands or changing their gloves enough that their hands are clean every time they place towels in the room. The rest of my body I can ignore it generally speaking, but in the shower I have trouble with it.

Adagio's avatar

When you say “net balls” I assume you mean those things made of tutu type material? In NZ here people used them for cleaning the bath, not washing the body!. But I am definitely a face cloth/washcloth gal.

AshlynM's avatar

I use wash cloths when I shower. I feel the body gets more coverage with the soap.

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