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luigirovatti's avatar

Let's play a little game: Question Time! According to you, what's the difference (specifically that I have in mind) between Sherlock Holmes and Akagi Shigeru?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) June 18th, 2018

I’ll tell you a little hint: Sherlock he’s an invesigative consultant. Akagi Shigeru is a gambler.
Let’s get further off the hint: Sherlock solves murder cases. Akagi, mmmh, :-/, what does it do?
Also, to help yourselves, reference yourselves toward the renowned TV series Sherlock. Abroad collective fluthers are invited, I’ve read on Wikipedia that the series has sold in more than 180 languages.
You have 30 minutes. Then, I’ll repsond. Good luck!

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