Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

What’s a solution to children being separated from parents at the border?

Asked by Demosthenes (15393points) June 19th, 2018 from iPhone

What should be done? What’s a viable solution?

I’m not interested in political blame games. Just would like to hear some ideas, because clearly the way it’s being handled now is not adequate.

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82 Answers

notnotnotnot's avatar

not separating children from their parents

Patty_Melt's avatar

Jail them with their parents. Send them back across the border together.

chyna's avatar

@Patty_Melt I hope you are kidding.

Jeruba's avatar

This wasn’t happening until recently, and suddenly now we can’t think of any other way to deal with it? Really?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Maybe not separate them? That sounds like a place to start.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Should keep mothers and any children under the age of 10 together.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It has been happening for years.
If they don’t want to be separated, they shouldn’t bring their kids on an illegal border jump. The only alternative to separating them, is to keep them together.
I don’t force them to come here. They do it knowing the probable outcome.

If I said one of my neighbors a few years back threw her baby out a third story window, you would likely be shocked and outraged.
If I told you our building was on fire, and she was screaming for someone to please catch her baby, you would be glad the baby survived, and ask if the mother was rescued.

Knowing all the details makes a huge difference in perceptions about situations.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Assign the children to next of kin.

Jeruba's avatar

I wonder if the people who favor this policy would like it better if this country were a place that people want to escape from, a place so terrible that refugees would rather die where they are than try to get here.

Because that’s where we’re headed.

This morning a neighbor of ours posted an everything-for-sale notice on our neighborhood bulletin board. He has to sell his furniture, tools, belongings, everything, and flee the country before federal agents come for him.

Is that what we want for our communities?

Patty_Melt's avatar

If he was here illegally, I want him picked up.

canidmajor's avatar

Why? If he’s not not committing criminal acts, if he’s a good neighbor who pays his taxes and volunteers at his kid’s ball games, what do you care? He’s not getting government benefits (welfare, Medicaid) if he’s undocumented, so what do you care? The majority of undocumented people in this country are not tak8ng anything from you.
Is it because they are brown? Maybe speak more languages than you? Why?

janbb's avatar

Children need to be with their parents. I can’t see any reason to separate them and traumatize them.

What happened to the principles of welcome and inclusion that our country grew on?

And who is doing the hard work that new immigrants are willing to do?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Does no-one understand the word legal?

How do you feel about a family that has six children, and are deep and debt, and decide to have more children? Some of the children steal food because they are hungry, and there’s no food for them?
Let’s go a little further now. Shopping day comes. The kids go home from school knowing they will have an actual dinner.
When they get home, they see some kids they don’t know are in the kitchen eating their food.

Our resources are finite.
Our generosity must not outweigh those resources.

And, this is not new. It has been the standard practice for years.

If I robbed a bank, I would go to prison (actually not, because I am too clever to get caught.).
My daughter would not be jailed with me.
Double standard for border jumpers, I guess.

chyna's avatar

@Patty_Melt Apparently even Trump doesn’t understand the word illegal. He’s hired many of the illegal immigrants at his hotels.
But you pretending that these people are taking food from anyone’s mouth is ludicrous. They are not eligible for food stamps, Medicaid, or WIC.

kritiper's avatar

First of all, listen to all sides of the story before deciding what the truth is.
Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen seems to be the only person telling the truth, IMO. Listen to her!
Everything is being done that should be done to secure our borders and something does need to be done, no matter how extreme it may seem.
I used to make light of “The Wall” but now I’m a firm believer in it’s need. We need the control it would provide and we need it now! The only other option is to shoot all kill all illegal crossers, and THAT is not an option!
Children cry. It doesn’t mean their crying is a sign of inhuman duress. So don’t be fooled by people who want to make a major issue out of their wails.
President Trump is a buffoon. But his handling of this is spot on!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Welfare and food stamps are not our only resources.
In speaking of resources, I mean what this country has available for the citizens. Real estate, crops, water, jobs, classrooms, heck, elbow room for gosh sakes, all resources we are using ourselves, thin out and become inadequate for legal citizens as we allow more and more come trampling up across the border.
I never once said government programs.
I said resources. That involves real, tangible necessities and commodities.
I am not responsible for the whole world. Neither is our government.
I can care about the struggles of others, but I also care about the struggles of our own citizens at home.
More people = less grain, less milk, less real estate, less everything for those who are already here, and those who work through coming here legally.

johnpowell's avatar

Deport Pablo ASAP.. Patty needs the econ 101 class he is currently enrolled in.

Adagio's avatar

I don’t mean to be offensive Patty but I have a hard time believing there is any shortage of food in the US, one only has to look at photographs of many of your citizens to see anything but evidence of food shortage.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Some of you seem to be making the mistaken assumption that a Republican will watch Mexican children suffering with any feeling other than glee.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ya know to go off topic just a bit, even if the u.s is successful at this so called wall, you will have u.s citizens sneeking in illegals themselves to do the labor intense farm work these people do because u.s citizens won’t do them for the dirt minimum wage these jobs pay, and a side bonus if any of these illegals get hurt ya just ship them back south of the border no threat in them claiming workers compensation for their injuries .

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Patty_Melt's avatar

I happen to like my country, my president, my heritage.
I served my country in the military.
I belong here, from thousands of years back.

notnotnotnot's avatar

Fucking xenophobia and racism. Good stuff.

johnpowell's avatar

Didn’t know Patty was a Native American. Sorry about stealing your land 400 years ago.

janbb's avatar

I’ve heard there are thousands of citizens lining up,for jobs picking avocados and mowing lawns, ~

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Hey Jay, the subject right now isn’t even Mexicans. Catch up, baby. Oh wait, to you everyone south of us is Mexican. You racists can never tell your Spanish speaking people apart.

Mexican is not a race. And I didn’t mention race.

Whatever their nationality, it doesn’t excuse your enthusiasm for tormenting children.

kritiper's avatar

Just because there is a wall doesn’t mean we will keep everybody out. They just need to enter the legal way.

johnpowell's avatar

@janbb :: That is the funny thing. We are at full employment. If you were to remove everyone illegal there actually would be food shortages.

How about this Patty… How about going after the small business and corps that hire undocumented people?

notnotnotnot's avatar

Patty – when your fucking disgusting country stops putting its hands on other countries, you can start to talk about borders.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I didn’t say Mexican is a race.
I said racists can’t tell apart the Spanish speaking peoples.

See, there is the problem.
People keep processing simple statements all twisted around.

You guys are angry about a situation that you don’t understand the details.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Watch your language.
Agreeing with you is not a mandate for membership here.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Patty_Melt But what if the reason these people are coming here is because our policies have rendered it impossible to for them to survive as farmers in places where farming was the only option?

Unofficial_Member's avatar

If the orphange systems have been doing well to handle this issue then why changes should be made? At least I can say for sure that orphanages in US are a lot better than the ones in poorer countries. It’s only a temporary matter until they reach legal age anyway. I know that not all people agree that their tax money should be used that way and to minimize that perhaps having a stricter border inspection would be viable.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You all keep jumping to other subjects, because you don’t even understand the aspects of the question.
You don’t understand the situation, so you look around for what you can be pissed about.
All the cursing and name calling is tiresome.

janbb's avatar

How can you say that we don’t understand the situation when perhaps our understanding is just different from yours? There’s not a lot to understand anyway about the immorality of separating young children from their parents.

stanleybmanly's avatar

One thing is certain. This is greatest crisis thus far in Trump’s reign. His decision to ramp up detentions and prosecutions without providing the resources to carry them out has resulted in a P R nightmare without precedent.

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, jail them with their parents is better?

Patty_Melt's avatar

This is not Trump’s doing.
The situation is years old.
It isn’t new.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes, he keeps telling us “this is not my fault.” Of course we all believe whatever he says.

kritiper's avatar

All Trump is doing is closing loopholes and not side-stepping the law like former presidents did.

Demosthenes's avatar

More or less, that’s true. Trump has been enforcing laws that have been on the books for a while. This has brought the problems with these laws to the forefront. That’s why it seems like to me like something needs to change. The problem is both sides want more out of any immigration legislation and will use this as political leverage.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

You all keep jumping to other subjects

The subject was tearing children from their parents, and you launched into the nonexistent issues of food and land shortages, and your love of the president.

johnpowell's avatar

So people do actually believe the dumb shit he spews. Taking notes.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Patty_Melt: “Watch your language.”

Civility fetish. The tone and language used to oppose harmful, racist ideas needn’t be civil. In fact, it shouldn’t be.

Watch your ideas.

Jeruba's avatar

So here’s a related question: If Trump is telling the truth when he says the Democrats are to blame for this horrendous situation, why is it that the ones defending it are all Republicans? They’re saying they support his policy, and he’s trying to persuade people that it isn’t his policy. Weird, isn’t it?

Patty_Melt's avatar

His policy is zero tolerance. That means illegals are being jailed.
While they wait to be deported, they are separated from their children except the very young.
It is a situation in place already, but zero tolerance enforcement has made it more populated.

notwonderwoman's avatar

All 5 living first ladies spoke out today against this horrendous atrocity. Those damn racist bitches.~

Patty_Melt's avatar

So, here is the deal, Trump wants to change the system to make the wait time less painful.
I stated way up at the top of the thread, jail them with their parents. That is the alternative to separating them.
I have stayed consistent with everything I said.
And everything I said is in concert with what Trump is trying to make happen.
Look up the timeline, and you will see how long the current policy has been in place.

notwonderwoman's avatar

@Patty_Melt “they are separated from their children except the very young.”

That’s a big fat false.

Patty_Melt's avatar

There are lots of children who are not with their parents, because their parents did not come with them.
That does include very young, but they were not taken from their parents in the US. They were brought here by non family criminals.
Hey, if you hate this, write your congressperson and tell them. All they have to do is change the law.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I am often awed at the mental leaps people will make to defend the indefensable.

chyna's avatar

Putting small children in jail is a great idea, if you want to mess with their minds for life.

seawulf575's avatar

Build the wall. Dig a moat. Stop bringing them illegally into this country.

rebbel's avatar

I hope that all who are so strongly opposed to people coming (legally or illegally) into their country, because of (fear of) prosecution, fear for their livelihood, or that of their children, who have to be afraid of speaking their mind, who are in hunger, or in need of medical care, I hope they never will have to face similar hardship (in the event that theír country suddenly has something against thém).
Rest assured though, I would welcome you, with open arms.
Yeah, even you.

flutherother's avatar

Anything else would be preferable. There can be no justification for removing a child from its parents. We wouldn’t even do it with an animal. It is a cruel and unusual punishment without a crime.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Keeping them from coming into the country illegally with their parents.

Demosthenes's avatar

Here’s an article suggesting that separating children from parents (by putting the children in “tent cities”) actually costs more than keeping the families together:

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@Demosthenes It’s not about cost.

Patty_Melt's avatar

At a ratio of five to one, the vast majority of the children detained did not come with their parents.
How are you going to keep together people who didn’t come together?
The small portion who did come with family, some are in danger because of someone in that family.

The issue is not Mexicans, it is South Americans, seeking asylum.

If you look up the details, rather than some weird pictures which were actually obtained five and six years ago, (remember?) these kids are well cared for, but the resources available for medical staff, food etc., are biting in to what was made available for the people arriving legally.

Trump really is amazing. He has you grumbling not about him, but something which took place all through Obama’s entire term.
You people are slamming Obama’s doings.
If you hate it so much, for gosh sakes, contact your congresspersons.
I did, you know, while all of you were complaining.

notwonderwoman's avatar

@Patty_Melt Source please? FYI- they are coming from Central America which is part of North America, not South America.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Source for what?
Turn on your TV right now.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The issue is not Mexicans, it is South Americans

It is Central Americans.

You said getting the nationality wrong was egregious racism? What changed?

canidmajor's avatar

My TV is showing that that it is happening right now. I am concerned about that.

notwonderwoman's avatar

“At a ratio of five to one, the vast majority of the children detained did not come with their parents.”
“DID NOT COME WITH ANY ADULT FAMILY MEMBER.” “The small portion who did come with family, some are in danger because of someone in that family.”

notwonderwoman's avatar

^I want a source for these quotes. Fox News is not a source.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t even watch Fox News.

notwonderwoman's avatar

Then source please. Back up your statements.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I will just sit here and laugh at you mixed up people.

Yes, Central America.
Knew someone would finally get it right, if I went beyond that.

I don’t care if you people are convinced or not. I am on record with the right story.
People will be able to look back later and say, yup, she was right.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I don’t even watch Fox News.

Where do you get your news?

And “I look at a variety of sources and draw my own conclusions” is a common dodge, don’t bother with that one.

notwonderwoman's avatar

You have no source. Got it.

canidmajor's avatar

I get that being right and laughing at us is important to you, @Patty_Melt, but really, citing some sources would be more helpful.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not running for office.
I don’t care if anyone believes me.
I am just informing you that you haven’t got the facts.
Anyone who really does care about what goes on at the border, will bother to check the facts.
I did. I’m not providing a bunch of links for lazy people.
I searched, you search to. Or, is your big thing not truth, but just complaining?
I have Done too much typing today already. I’m in too much pain to do any more right now.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The solution is economic and social viability in the lands of their origin. Other than CERTAIN death for the migrants or the reduction of our standard of living to levels approaching their own, there is no solution. We may not have that long to wait before that living standard reduction thing bates fruit.

notwonderwoman's avatar

@Patty_Melt All this typing since I asked for a source and all you had to do is link to one source. You would have had us with this truth you claim and you wouldn’t have had to struggle with more typing. You can’t back up your claims. Admit it.

notnotnotnot's avatar

Trump to sign execute order to “keep families together”.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@notwonderwoman Patty Melt said she’s taking a break.

A lack of response now is not avoiding the question, she has other things to do.

notwonderwoman's avatar

I am not expecting an immediate response, if any. I have things to do as well. I wanted to make a point. That’s what I did.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Try this: VOTE!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Trump walked it back today. Basically proving that he was, as most knew, lying about it being the dems, and congress’s fault. Also disproving any conservative positions on what the “facts” were.

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