Social Question

janbb's avatar

What crowd were you in in high school?

Asked by janbb (63346points) June 19th, 2018

I was in the smarty, arty drama club crowd. Were you a jock, a loner, a cheerleader or a stoner? Just for fun and curiosity.

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25 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Social butterfly. Class clown. Science class I enjoyed too much and got spit balled lots.

chyna's avatar

I was a stoner.

janbb's avatar

^^ You?

chyna's avatar

Yes, but I quit when I went to college.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I belonged to no crowd. I didn’t fit in anywhere. You may call me a loner but I didn’t see any loner in my high school.

notwonderwoman's avatar

An artsy loner stoner who hung out with other artsy stoner types.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Artsy played in Symphony Band (student director when teacher was out), Dance band, Jazz Ensemble and Drama Club (back drop, make-up and sound).

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I skipped school to play video games and do major projects in the library. I just told the librarian that I had a double spare. I’m retaking high school over starting with summer school in July.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I thought myself a loner, but I got latched onto a lot.

Demosthenes's avatar

I was friends with stoners and nerds and floated between the two groups (my best friend was in the same boat). Having a twin brother, I was constantly being compared to him. He was a definite jock and I was his awkward twin who looked younger. I became more popular toward the end of junior year because I started drinking and going to parties. That got me recognized and I ended up partying with popular girls and “jocks” (we never called them that, but that’s what they were). Still stayed true to my original group; it just expanded toward the end there.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My parents moved a lot. I ended up being in a different group each time.

Yellowdog's avatar

I was actually a special ed student. After I was out of school, however, I went to a technical school and was transferred later to a university and eventually into a graduate-level theological seminary. Also, I was born a hermaphrodite—although there was no way anyone in my high school could have known this, there was also a RUMOR that I was a hermaphrodite—so I was pretty much picked on by everyone.

There was one group which was best described as the “leftovers”—they were an okay crowd that didn’t really fit in anywhere. But even in that group, there were a few who made it their point to ostracize others. Our school had both a planetarium and radio station and eventually I found solace there—with like-minded creative and productive students—which is about the only way I survived IN and got OUT of high school. Had those mediums not been there, I would have likely only gotten a Special Ed certificate (my guidance counselor urged me to settle for that).

yesitszen's avatar

(Not really Meta) I had a good friend and we hung out a lot together. I had a g/f in high school and never hung out with groups.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was one of the nerdy, science kids. I did not hang with a crowd. I had 2 close friends and did things with them.

marinelife's avatar

I was a smart kid.

PIN_24's avatar

I was a lone such that I had very few friends. I mostly spent my personal time watching movies and playing video games. Even though it was not a choice to live that way, still, given a choice, I would love to live like that all over again.

zenvelo's avatar

I generally was part of the Intelligentsia end of the “Socialites”; the girls I knew were all going to end up at small liberal arts colleges in Oregon, the few jocks I knew were aware they would not play college level sports.

Strauss's avatar

Band geek/science nerd. My term paper in physics had to do with the physics of music.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I guess I was what would have been referred to as a thug or a hood. But I grew up. Oh well.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Primus inter pares of my gossipers and shopaholic group until the school forced me to change class upon graduation, from that point on I turned in to a lone wolf.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I was weird- friends with everyone in across social groups. Tried everything from punk to preppy clothes just to see what I liked. I’d sneak a smoke in the bathroom stall with the stoners and hoods, friendly with all of them in class and halls, then party with the rich kids.

I was a little nerdy in that I refused to date around in school or wear blue jeans…lol-they all knew I was the virgin and made fun of me a bit. I was in Science Club, Math Club, Journalism, Principals office helper (teachers loved me) and travelled half the day to another school in town for special Japanese language classes. Finally allowed myself one boyfriend my senior year.

cookieman's avatar

I went to a technical high school, so I had my shop buddies (studied drafting).

Outside of that, I had a group of nerd and geek friends. Monty Python, comic books, science, and art.

Aster's avatar

We actually had no stoners back then before the wheel was invented. So I was in the “weekend drinkers and school crazies” crowd. No wonder my liver enzymes are elevated. Serves me right. Fun, though.

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