What might possibly happen when Trump goes to England to meet the queen?
Deary me. When this news popped up on the radar, my stomach dropped. Is it possible that Trump might behave and follow the protocol for meeting with the queen?
Might something good come out of it? What is the imaginable worst that could happen?
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52 Answers
Wow—I can’t wait to see what the answers ON FLUTHER will be—
He might have to go to Madame Tussauds wax museum in London. I don’t think he can “book himself” an audience with Her Highness, like getting a ticket for the museum.
I think that when gets to passport control, he will be turned away as undesirable.
I would like to think his advisers will brief hm on what type of protocol he should use when meeting the Queen, will just have to see if he uses it.
He’ll have to sneak around. He won’t be welcome on the streets. He’s been to Scotland and he had to land on a Trump golf course to avoid the public. Only authoritarians and dictators even pretend to like Trump.
Just like George Bush, who can’t travel overseas today.
I would bet real money the Queen will never quite find the time to greet the America’s shame.
He will find some way to show off his bad manners. I don’t think he can help it. He was raised to be a snob, but he was not raised to be gracious and genteel, like Obama. He’s way too old to learn now. He’s certain that anything he does is The Right Thing To Do.
I think we may be treated to the spectacle of Her Majesty at maximum frost.
The funny part is, he won’t notice. But others will.
And the British populace is not famous for its shyness about expressing opinions.
Why would The Queen agree to meet with him? She doesn’t have to
The worst that could happen? He could just grab her pussy. You know. He can’t help himself. Or he might try to kiss her and cop a feel. Because he can’t help it.
I’m sure everything will go smoothly and without fuck-ups….......
@Yellowdog, your rather snide post notwithstanding, what do you think would happen?
I believe the Queen has refused to meet with him.
Good for her, now let’s see how Trump and his minions spin that.^^^
Trump intends to visit the UK on Friday 13 July, an appropriate date you might say. The planned state visit was abandoned due to public opposition and it is likely that Trump will be shielded from the hostile British public for the duration of his stay.
The Queen naturally, is appalled at the prospect of meeting Trump. She spends her mornings in Buckingham Palace trying to smile into a mirror while gritting her teeth.
What is it he once said, grab em by the….
sorry could not resist
@Darth_Algar False.
Did Queen Elizabeth Refuse to Retract an Invitation to President Donald Trump?
A misleading article twists standard practice for the Queen into an attack on Sadiq Khan and gets important details wrong.
Lorna Roberts / Shutterstock.com
Queen Elizabeth contradicted London Mayor Sadiq Khan by “refusing to retract” an invitation to Donald Trump to visit the UK.
The UK Prime Minister invited Donald Trump to visit the country; Queen Elizabeth did not intervene to cancel that invitation.
That has not a thing to do with what I said. Donald Trump visiting the UK is not the same as the Queen personally meeting with him.
The invitation for him to visit the UK in a governmental capacity is not hers to extend, cancel or confirm, but does not mean or imply that she has to meet with him herself.
“A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace confirmed to us that a formal invitation to visit the UK had not been extended to Donald Trump by Britain’s royal family; Sean Spicer appears to be mistaken in referring to “Her Majesty’s gracious invitation.”
“Queen Elizabeth has not refused to retract her invitation, because she never formally extended one. ”
Won’t it be a spectacle! Both arrogant, both powerful, both rather known for independent natures. Sounds fun!
Because we all know by now how reliable the claims of the Trump administration are…
Fun! Trump is such a fun guy with his cute little phrases like “Grab them by the pussy!!!” and “shithole!!”
Tee hee! So cute!
If he screws up, it’ll be by not referring to her majesty properly, if at all.
Hopefully they’ll lock him in the Tower of London and never let him out.
I think the Queen is aware of how our media and so many haters try to make something hateful and offensive out of everything Trump does, but I think she is aware of what he does on the world stage and his successes in bringing about change in an insane and unsafe world. Isis has been all but eliminated on his watch, and there is a new alliance in the Middle East, and NK may be giving up its Nukes except China is interfering with this (not in our favor).
But the Queen represents England and all things England and all things British tradition, so yes, there probably will be some gracious but reticient coldness—and Trump probably WILL do some Faux Pas which will be blown into HUGE proportions by the American media, no matter what is accomplished.
If the Queen is offended by Trump or finds him repulsive already, she will have class and we will not see it.
“If the Queen is offended by Trump” is the wrong phase, she is repulsed by the gentleman with small hands.
The U.S. Ambassador is the only one saying Trump will meet with the Queen.
I’m not sure you were the one asking the question or asking me to answer. But I’ll take your remarks into consideration.
Uh, say what @Yellowdog? Isis has been all but eliminated? That link is just today. I’d say it’s more likely that Trump is ignoring ISIS because he’s too chicken to deal with it. Since our president hasn’t mentioned it, or anything else of importance, it leaves people like you with the idea it’s all been taken care of.
@Yellowdog You mean the Queen may put HER country and HER people first? Kinda like @MEGA? lol, what a concept!
I hope it’s an embarrassing disaster for Trump.
Isis was crawling all over the middle east in 2015. They have been effectively wiped out for almost eighteen months now.
@KNOWITALL—Trump doesn’t demand OTHERS put America first. That is the responsibility of the AMERICAN commander in chief. The Queen will deal with Trump with dignity and class and probably respect. Trump tends to do better on the world stage than others give him credit for in the U.S. so I imagine he’ll treat the Queen with respect and dignity—though he could very conceivably say or do something inappropriate. He knows how to address important people, however.
@Dutchess III Nothing new from you, but it won’t be an embarrassing disaster. Hasn’t yet.
@Yellowdog Yeah, the G7 was a massive success, with lots of respect shown by the President, especially to Trudeau.
Believe me, abroad he’s not given much credit either.
ISIS wiped out you say? Last eighteen months?
Check some stats on what the first 6 months of 2018 has been brought by them.
World wide attacks, with hundreds of casualties and more wounded.
They may have been moved from their cities, but they are not wiped out, I’m afraid.
@Yellowdog, you might want to poll the Jellies here who are not American before you make statements like ”Trump tends to do better on the world stage than others give him credit for in th U.S….” You know, like @rebbel, who is Dutch.
I got to hand it to you @Yellowdog you surely do like the guy, and see none of his flaws.
I think he has the diplomacy of a bumble bee.
I don’t know how you can admire a guy that screwed so many hard working trades people and labourers out of hard earned income with his shady bankruptcies .
He has a hobby of alienating all of your countries closest allies, but hey the guy can do no wrong.
As for wiping out Isis, good luck they are still there just lying low for now, I truly wish he could wipe that scum lot out.
If he does meet the queen he will probably be able to pull it off, but tweet something stupid after.
Well, I agree with your last line very much so.
Your perspective is fine with me. I don’t come on Fluther to be accepted by anyone. And if my view is anathema to you, I appreciate knowing where you stand on the issues, at least. Yes, I do wish Trump didn’t screw up relations with Canada. I know you are much more liberal than my type of people in the U.S. but what you are is very well for Canada, and I DO appreciate having Canada distinct from America. Same goes for the U.K., Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand. Canada is a charming, liberal, natural and humane neighbor and very beautiful, from the Pacific Rim to the Appalachian Canadian Maritime.
Embarrassing us is ALL he does
Well do you agree he screwed a whole lot of people out of hard earned income with his shady bankruptsies?
I call them shady, because he then bought those projects back for pennies on the dollar, what would you call it, clever bussiness tactics?
Pants on fire lie charts he stands around 42% of out right lies, Obama was around 11% of out right lies and Obama is still the dishonest one in your books?
He’s got to be at more than 42%!
He lies about 9 to 11 times a day.
I hear he lies in bed at night too, but he represents my values more than Hillary.
So a lying President is your idea of perfection of government.
I’m sorry for you.
Exactly what values would those be @Yellowdog? Racism? Hatred? Mocking others? Picking fights over nothing? Exactly what values are you referring to?
@Yellowdog Sorry I had to look up the meaning of “anathema” I don’t dislike you at all, I can’t understand how you can like a person like Trump thats all.
I know you think he is doing a bang up job, he is NOT going to bring back manufacturing jobs from over seas, the labor cost, and the lack of pollution laws, plus the tax costs will never see those jobs return to North America.
You never did answer do you admire the guy from screwing those labourers, and trades people out of their earnings with his so called bankruptcies?
Do you admire the guy from his total lack of any care for the environment?
By totally gutting those departments,and making them as effective as a 15 year old toothless hound dog.
Do you admire him for trying to destroy anything you guys have that resembles universal health care?
I can totally understand why the wealthy and rich like him,but he is all for them while throwing the lower class under the bus.
I can’t understand how the low and working class like the guy.
That’s all, but I don’t dislike you at all,if you ever come for dinner lets just not discuss politics ok??
I meant conservatism itself as anathema.
Sometimes, I find that people who hold beliefs, doctrines, and practices very different than my own to be somewhat the allure of foreign cultures. I see that the issues you are bringing up is part of something between Blue and Green. I actually like to think of ALL of Canada that way.
America is more multicultural and I recognize the Trump crowd as being the Reaganesque Constitutional Republicans or Populists. The geographic capitol of this mindset is Branson, Missouri—and it DOES include diverse populations (there are a lot of gays in nearby Eureka Springs. as well as many spiritualities such as Buddhists—but is mostly Christian conservatives).
When politics are recognized as part of cultural diversity and indigenous cultures, differences are a lot easier to stomach. I don’t see Trump as the epicenter or Trump’s America—that would go to someone like Mike Huckabee or Ronald Reagan (who also are probably hated). Trump is far from ideal but he represents the conservative republicans who have long been under attack in the U.S,
“Reaganesque”? “Constitutional”?
Reagan would, I have no doubt, find Trump repugnant. And Trump himself demonstrates a contempt for the Constitution.
Reagan would, I have no doubt, find Trump repugnant
?? Why?
Reagan opened his 1980 campaign with a thinly veiled celebration of lynching in Philadelphia Mississippi. He spit on civil rights and stomped on working people.
Trump is just the latest manifestation of Reagan’s “movement conservatism”.
Virtually 100% of Trump voters who voted in the 80s voted for Reagan. Virtually 0.0% of Trump voters will disparage Reagan.
Same rotten values. Same bigot voters.
I agree^^ that’s what I don’t get why working class identify Republican, when that party obviously favours the higher class and wealthy.
Oh don’t get me wrong – I’m no fan of Reagan by any stretch, but I do believe the man would find Trump’s vulgarity, overall lack of civility, and his sucking up to an old hold-over from the Soviet regime, off-putting, to say the least.
Trump’s politics are Reagan’s on Viagra.
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