Gardener types: a question about weeds and grasses (details inside).
Asked by
rojo (
June 21st, 2018
Two years ago I put in a stone patio. I have finally achieved a moss bed between the pavers. Along with the moss has come weeds and grasses unfortunately.
Does anyone know if a weed/grass killer will also kill the moss that has formed? Right now I am pulling them out by hand which tears up the moss bed during the root removal.
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2 Answers
Doesn’t everyone love pavers?
You might try using a weed eater and just skim over the surface of the pavers to take out the weed tops while leaving the moss intact. Of course the weeds will attempt to grow back but each time you go over the pavers with the weed eater the weeds will be weaker and weaker until they die.
Also a product called “weed & feed” may help along with using a weed eater.
FYI: I have about 160 square feet of pavers around our house. I live in Tacoma where moss is king. Every year I presure wash the pavers to clear out the moss in between the pavers. If I don’t do that then within about 3 or 4 years, the moss will completely cover the pavers.
One word “Pre-emergent”
Pre0emerget herbicides are designed for application before the targeted weed germinates, and are an effective preventative method for controlling weeds, but must be applied weeks before the grass and weeds germinate.
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