When Peter Fonda tweets that we should rip Baron Trump should be ripped from his mothers arms and locked in a cage with a pedophile, or when people who work for the president on the United States are literally being run out of restaurants or harassed in their own homes, when Trump supporters are being chided as Nazis—that might indicate where the hate is actually coming from.
Could anyone have predicted that it would ever get this bad, that people are getting harassed in restaurants, have T.V. shows cancelled, have their children threatened to be placed in cages with pedophiles and riots started on college campuses when a conservative is invited to speak?
Could anyone have predicted it would ever get this bad? And WE are called the Nazis, haters, racists, homophobes. Even on Fluther.
The Right has called an illegal immigrant what they are because they are crossing the border illegally and that is called hate speech, That is calling a specific act what it is, it is not a statement of hatred.
But continually calling conservatives and especially Trump supporters Nazis, racists, homophobes, etc. that is CALLING someone something they are not. It is, in fact, what REAL Nazis did to demonize and marginalize and alienate their political opponents.
JLeslie, I think you should consider whose side your on. Stanley, you are a pretty nice guy on some issues but characterizing or depicting us as racists and Nazis and misquoting or misinterpolating acts of this administration and laws of the land, is hate speech—if it is directed against a group adhering to a particular point of view.
I am particularly leery of people and ‘resistance’ movements who harass and demonize people and caricaturize them as Nazis and Klanspersons. Those acts, and acts of harassment—are too common among the left and too similar to what actual Nazis did