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Is there a Shazam-like app that can transcribe music? (Details inside)
As you may know, there are apps out there that can turn audio into text. As an example, there are apps that can transcribe a voicemail message (audio) into text.
And then there are apps like Shazam on a smart phone where you can point the phone at a song playing on the radio and it can tell you the name of the song.
I’m looking for an app or software that is sort of a combination of the two. The app should be able to “listen” to a song and transcribe it into musical notes that I can save and print out.
Is there such an app? If not, and if you’re good at coding and have the time, would you give it a shot to code such an app? (Not for my sake, but because you agree it would make a good app and you might make money from it.)
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