General Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

President Trump suggested that all people who cross the border illegally (“invade” was the term he used) should be deported summarily, without a court hearing. Not Constitutional Law but is it another step in Trump running the country his way?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31562points) June 25th, 2018

No due process of law, just do what the President says laws are for losers. I understand his reasoning but only if he is a third world dictator. Does the mean we no longer a constitution because of Trump?

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69 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I mean, the guy did say that he would like people to treat him like the North Koreans treat Kim.
He wants to be a dictator.

Strauss's avatar

@ragingloli He wants to be a dictator.

And since he can’t get that, he’s imprisoning with no access to the process not to mention the family separations.

Jaxk's avatar

This would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Trump is the one asking for congressional action while Schumer and Pelosi are demanding an executive order. Meanwhile you are accusing Trump of being a dictator. Hell, Schumer is even demanding that Trump appoint a ‘Czar’ to oversee this mess. Don’t you have this backwards?

imrainmaker's avatar

Next level could be shoot at sight..who knows?

flutherother's avatar

Trump represents the people of the United States or rather the worst of the people of the United States. His tweets on immigration express views you would expect to hear from drunks arguing in a downtown bar. Policies based on raw emotions are inevitably flawed and heartless and are usually regretted when you wake up sober the following morning. But there is little sign of dawn breaking over this long night of drunken madness

Yellowdog's avatar

I have nit looked into this, but I know there is a backlog of over 600,000 cases of asylum alone.Those are LEGAL requests.

I doubt with a ‘catch and release’ mindset that many of those crossing at will would show up for a hearing or trial six or seven months later. So the only other option is to detain them. Meanwhile, we are getting more and more masses charging the border. Deporting seems more humane than detaining them.

Jaxk's avatar

@imrainmaker – Nice try. When you can’t find a logical argument, make up your own strawman then shoot it down.

@flutherother – I would love it if the democrats would argue logically instead of the drunken brawl they seem to prefer. Spitting on people, screaming to get them removed from restaurants, etc. No wonder they don’t want a democratic solution to any of our problems, they can’t win a logical argument.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He can “suggest” all he wants, and in fact he has an entire slew of unconstitutional suggestions that will land him in the Federal courts faster than he can lie about them. His idea is straight up denial of due process and even the dummies advising him know this one.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk Again, these aren’t necessarily Democrats flying in Trump’s face. And it isn’t the Democrats who are out to undermine the democratic process. It’s his orange highness who repeatedly attempts to go around as well as undermine the Constitution with one extrajudicial decree after another.

Jaxk's avatar

@stanleybmanly – Sounds like the ideal solution would be to call his bluff and come up with legislation instead of resolutely sitting on their hands demanding a dictatorial solution. That was Obama’s solution to everything. Remember “I have a phone and a pen”?

kritiper's avatar

It would be better than summarily shooting them…
...because we are being invaded…

Jaxk's avatar

@kritiper – As far as I can tell, the democrats are the only ones advocating violence. Maybe you should get your own house in order before you start making up things about others.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk Nobody is “demanding” a dictatorial solution. The Democrats might suggest it to Trump in hope that he will swallow the bait (again), and they can then hoot while the courts slap his silly ass around. Trump’s problem (this time) is that what he’s asking is for the repeal of a sacred provision with us since the inception of the country and responsible for most of us being here. Trump of course doesn’t see any point to it, because he is a truly ignorant man. But no one from the left and fewer folks than you think on the right are going to touch it let alone screw with the 14th amendment.

imrainmaker's avatar

@Jaxk – Reason is something you can’t associate with Donald Trump. If you’re his true supporter then please enlighten us what’s he’s gonna do next after all these faux pas.

Jaxk's avatar

@imrainmaker – Sorry but I’m not a ‘true supporter of anyone. I just look for policies that will work to solve problems. I see uncontrolled immigration as a problem. If you want open borders with uncontrolled immigration then I would expect us to look for different solutions. As long as you see anything Trump does as evil we’ll never come to any consensus. As long as the democrats stick to their policy that they will not support any legislation we won’t solve any problems. Catch and release will only serve to attract more illegal entries. Democrats have no solution and seemingly only want the flood of illegal immigration to continue. I don’t expect Trump to support that. He has given you all the executive order you wanted which will keep families together while they go through the court hearings. Of course the 9th circuit has already ruled this to be illegal so if you all choose to contest this in court I expect the court to strike it down. It’s really difficult to do anything unless the democrats are willing to help solve this or at least tell us what they want for a solution.

kritiper's avatar

@Jaxk I’m not making that up! If your house was being invaded by unwanteds, some being extremely violent, deadly types, you might whip out the gun, too!
But that was a very extreme option I presented, not a viable one. You should have realized that…
You want a solution to the problem? BUILD THAT WALL! And let them come through the ports-of-entry like they should, legally.

flutherother's avatar

“We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order.”

Trump’s latest muddleheaded tweet on immigration. Dispensing with judges and courts will promote law and order!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Send his mother back to Scotland!

No doubt about it !

Jaxk's avatar

@kritiper – I would agree with building the wall to solve the problem.

@flutherother – When a mexican is caught crossing the boarder illegally, they are turned around and sent back. No court needed. Trump is merely saying we need to do the same with those countries that don’t border on the US (Central/South America). You’re screaming before actually looking at the policy. I’m not surprised.

flutherother's avatar

I was just pointing out the unconscious irony in Trump’s tweet. But more seriously, who decides if they are crossing the border illegally? Asylum seekers for example have a right to have their case heard.

Jaxk's avatar

Asylum seekers are supposed to go through a border station, not through the desert. Illegal vs legal is fairly well defined.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It astonishes me that some people support that ridiculous wall, and then call for others to use logic…

It’s not an invasion. It’s waves of refugees. Now. If you want to talk.invasion, you should be talking Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc… Hypocrites…

The world should be trying to wall off America…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 ^^^^^I think that has started. ^^^^^

MrGrimm888's avatar

Indeed. Trump is severing many ties. Unfortunately, I think the world was trying not to punish our citizens, for Trump’s behavior. Now we’re going to start feeling the effects of his agenda. The tariffs are already affecting lots of businesses. The consumer will feel it soon. One way or the other, the whole world seems to be suffering from Trump’s policies. Except Russia, and North Korea…

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk I’ll tell you what’s “well defined”: Any asylum seeker who manages to plant a toe on U.S. territory ANYWHERE is entitled to a hearing and due process.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Agreed. If they don’t have enough judges, and lawyers, whose fault is that?

kritiper's avatar

@MrGrimm888 OK, so no wall is built. What then? Get overrun? The wall is the best option, really. Let people in the legal way, at the ports-of-entry.
And “wall off America?” Really? Then no one could get in or out.

MrGrimm888's avatar

IF a tens of thousands of years old technology would be effective, I would have more support for a wall.

IF it wasn’t mostly through uninhabitable, desert, hilly, brutal land, that is already a huge obstacle. I would have more support, for a wall.

The cost, is also astronomical (in large part because the terrain is so inhospitable) and because of the difficult terrain and environment, will most definitely run over time/budget constraints.

I’m also still not getting why we don’t need a wall on the Canadian(white) border, if immigration is so important. Trump used national security, as a reason to impose the new tariffs on metals. But they aren’t worthy of a wall?

The wall will not work. The area is currently patrolled by drones, and Border Patrol. Even some nut job right wingers, who carry guns…
Putting money into more drones, or agents, I would support.

I’ve said before. After all these people went through, just to get to a stupid wall, it will be their easiest obstacle to overcome…

And of course. Mexico will NOT be paying for it…

kritiper's avatar

A wall is better than nothing…
...and nothing isn’t working…
I would prefer a wall like the Berlin wall, if maximum effectiveness was REALLY wanted…
Something IS needed. Machine gun pillboxes, snipers and Claymore mines aren’t the answer.
These “waves of refugees” are never ending and we don’t have room for them all.
Something is needed!!
A wall makes perfect sense.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I disagree. The wall will be a financial nightmare, at a time when our debt is skyrocketing into crazy numbers. If Trump needed his wall SO bad, he should have built it, rather than give billions to the wealthy with his tax raping of us all.

It’s predictable ineffectiveness, will never justify such costs.

And, as far as room. There’s plenty of room. America is a massive country, and the population is mainly pocketed in urban, or coastal areas. There are billions of people packed into much smaller countries.

These people need a life boat. “No room,” is selfish, to me. If they’re willing to contribute, I welcome all…

stanleybmanly's avatar

Realistically, Trump is correct in stating we can’t take everyone who wants to come here, but choosing the mean way is paltry disincentive, and only goes to show his lack of understanding just how desperate these people are. The only way punitive measures will have any effect is if those measures are more brutal than the conditions driving people here. And as this episode demonstrates we are not callous enough (yet) to tolerate executing migrants at the border. Eventually it’s going to come down to the choice between eliminating the circumstances driving migrants North or “eliminating” the migrants when they arrive. And believe me, the latter choice has occurred to the Donald,

MrGrimm888's avatar

US policy, and drug consumption are huge factors in why there is so much unrest south of the border. The cartels are fighting over trade routes to the US, for instance. If the US legalized drugs, the cartels would no longer have a market, or reason to fight for trade routes. It would dramatically decrease the instability in the region. With far less violence, people wouldn’t be fleeing the region. And without the money that drug trafficking makes, corruption should also decrease dramatically.

Not to mention the alleged roles our intelligence agencies have played in destabilizing parts of the region.

Essentially, America is the reason for the refugees, and wants to punish them…

kritiper's avatar

@MrGrimm888 So you have all of the whys and wherefores, what would you suggest the US do to stop and/or control the problem?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Legalize the most highly trafficked drugs from the region. That would benefit almost everyone on the continent.

Instead of a wall, more drones, cameras, and patrols along the border.

Stop destabilizing countries to better control their resources.

Legalizing prostitution should reduce human trafficking.

Making it easier to apply for citizenship, should reduce the amount of people trying to seek in. The zero tolerance strategy is NOT an effective deterrent. It just makes the people more desperate, and likely to resort to desperate actions to avoid deportation.

When people apply for asylum or citizenship, slap an ankle bracelet on them, give them a court date, and move on. Each case will be heard eventually. Give them the ability to work legally while here. That way, we get income tax from them, even if they end up leaving. And they will of course pay sales tax when paying for goods and services. The addition revenue couldn’t hurt. We’d essentially be making money off of potential citizens. Currently the country is spending piles of money to detain, and transport them.

kritiper's avatar

How would you keep the undesirables, terrorists, and criminals, like MS-13, out? How would you tell them apart from the others?
Slapping a ankle monitor on them is a great idea, but what about the illegals who come in unknown and unseen that bypass the ankle monitor? It’s not the legals we want to control, it’s the illegals.

MrGrimm888's avatar

You can’t STOP illegal immigrants. Nor can you STOP “undesirables.”
You just filter them out as best you can.

I don’t really want all drugs to be legal. But my suggestions would make vast improvements to a situation that doesn’t really have any realistic answers.

If, like I suggested, it was an easier process, and people weren’t scared of the process, most people would go through a vetting process.

Legalizing drugs would also severely drop the number of violent gangs. As with the cartels in Mexico, most gang violence is over turf for the illegal drug trade. If drugs were legal, most drug dealers would be out of a job overnight. There would no longer be a reason to kill for street corners.

We’d also have far less people in prison. Prison is where such gangs really fester.

How could we tell them apart from others? Most of the Latino gangs from south of the border have gang tattoos. Those with ink that suggests gang membership, would be more carefully vetted. No system is perfect.

The number of criminals entering the country is completely unverifiable. But the conservative propaganda of waves of them, is preposterous.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Actually, I did have a thought. We could just dump radioactive junk, on our side of the border. Maybe a crop dusting of harmful isotopes. Then, it would be a wall, of sorts. Even if someone made it through, they would die of radiation poisoning.

The majority of the region to be walled is uninhabitable anyway…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@kritiper some of the best tunnel makers in the world work for the drug cartels/MS-13.

The answer of build a higher wall is useless. Trump is looking for a “friend” to run the company to build them; are you interested?

stanleybmanly's avatar

The extent of American responsibilty for the flood of refugees at our borders is huge. Everything from Nafta making it impossible to survive as farmers in lands where farming was the only option straight through to MS-13 the gang WE inadvertantly created. MS-13 was edtablished and honed by kids WE deported after learning the “trade” in our cities.

kritiper's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Do you have an idea that is better than a wall?

kritiper's avatar

@MrGrimm888 and @Tropical_Willie If the population of the United States was 7.5 billion, would you still think the same way?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The wall will make money for Trump and company, Drug cartels and MS-13 use other ways to get into the country, like Canada. I know an ex-DEA agent that worked in Canada, Grand Cayman and other places not at El Paso border crossing.

Yup you got it over-population is going to be a bitch, your number is the WHOLE world’s population not USA.

kritiper's avatar

It was hypothetical. So the question remains: would you still think the same way??

ragingloli's avatar

And what about if Mexico was filled with firebreathing dragons and hordes of vicious zombies?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@kritiper You are dreaming and making things up !

@ragingloli or a “country full of rapists an murders”, sez the Prez.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@kritiper . Do you realistically think that the number won’t eventually probably be that?

I’m just fine with seeing that, and the world will be a very different, very crowded place. And we’re going to have to figure out how to live together, not kill each other. Or it will be a place of great misery, and suffering.

No one can change the fact that, change is inevitable.

Before Trump, I was working on my spanish, and excited to learn it fully. One of my half sisters, is Puerto Rican. She is fluent, but I can’t understand because she talks so fast.

kritiper's avatar

@Tropical_Willie No, I’m thinking up possible solutions!

kritiper's avatar

@MrGrimm888 OK, now you’re dreaming! The world will be a place of great misery if something isn’t done about the population boom. Nature will take care of a lot of it, but why make the situation worse by adding more people?? And accepting it doesn’t change the problem of our being overrun by people coming into the US illegally.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@kritiper Give one solution not just another problem.

kritiper's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Come up with a better one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay in your way of looking at things; 50 caliber machine guns at the border with extra points for killing under 5 year olds manned by Trump supporters in pill boxes. j.k.

But you are not part of the solution! You have no solutions only quote more problems !
And you want to blame someone else for where we are placed by Trump.

stanleybmanly's avatar

30 years ago it was understood that migration was likely to be the issue dominating this century.

kritiper's avatar

I’m not blaming anyone. And you haven’t done better, only create more problems yourself, problems that aren’t realistic, thus more problematic. I repeat: Come up with a better one!
I don’t believe a wall is perfect. But it is a start. I laughed at the idea at first, but it has grown on me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You haven’t commented on my multiple suggestions. Other than the ankle bracelets.

Increased drone presence, would be far more effective.

As far as the population boom, what do you suggest? I think it can be managed by science, and coexistence.

With all due respect. I frequently feel like you are more willing to reduce the population, than find out how to make it work. If properly managed, we could live with way more people.

Maybe your just suggesting that it’s impossible for humanity to be able to make the societal changes necessary to make such organization, and coexistence possible. On that, you would have my reluctant/disappointed agreement…

stanleybmanly's avatar

once again, any remedy that is less severe than the suffering pushing them here is a waste of time, and fixed obstacles such as multi billion dollar walls are a particularly useless waste of time and money. In the long run it might be cheaper to simply confiscate Honduras or Guatemala, administrate it as a protectorate, and see how THAT works out.

Yellowdog's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You seem to be assuming that we are NOT a diverse society, which we are. Maybe not where you live. But Asians, Hispanics, Middle-Easterners, all are common in our society. African Americans are still considered a minority but have been an ubiquitous part of American culture for hundreds of years, and have been on equal terms with Caucasians at least since the 1970s or 1980s.

Furthermore, it is incorrect to assume that all ethnoi and cultures in the world share the same values as people in the U.S.A. If current trends continue—in a few decades you will find the U.S.A. overpopulated, largely impoverished, very much like the third-world countries—you will be a minority in your own land and politicians will not be bound by the Constitution but will rule primarily to special interest groups and specific poplations.

Even so, I find it odd that the Democrats/left are the only ones talking about race . and religion. The Republican side has always supported freedom and liberty for those who embrace American values. Part of that is “From Many, One.”

The Democrats have targeted women, children, and multi-ethnic persons and called them White Supremacists (even a Chinese woman) and are calling to harass and terrorize them in public. Is this the Banana Republic you are asking for?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh my… “overpopulated, largely impoverished,” “politicians will not be bound by the constitution, but will rule primarily to special interest groups and specific populations.”

There you go. That’s a conservatives opinion of how the country will be with more brown people… Frankly that’s one of the nicer ridiculous predictions I’ve heard…

ragingloli's avatar

“overpopulated, largely impoverished,” “politicians will not be bound by the constitution, but will rule primarily to special interest groups and specific populations.”
So, no change compared to the state of things under the current regime.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. They think people from “shit hole” countries, will make America a shit hole….

stanleybmanly's avatar

Which is stupid. virtually everyone here, excluding the slaves, came here from shit hole situations. That’s why I cringe when Trump brings it up and wishes aloud for immigrants from places like Norway. The poor man completely misses the point that for a Norwegian America is now the shithole.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. America is the shit hole now… I hope that Trump/Trumpers don’t erode our reputation so bad that I can’t move to another country, when I can’t stand it here anymore.

If not for the protests, and people like the restaurant owner who kicked out Sarah, I would seriously be looking into leaving. Yes. Leaving my home, and family, because I can’t watch what Trump and the GOP are doing. I damn sure can’t watch the democrats rudderlessly, aimlessly, sit by as an idiot runs the country into the ground…

If it weren’t my country, it might be funny, in a way. You would think that it would have taken some evil genius to do what Trump has done. Instead, it was an absolute moron, who had enough gullible people start listening to the loudest voice. If “the empty cam rattles the most,” Trump is the “emptiest can” around. Interesting…

Yellowdog's avatar

It appears as if you have switched the subject again.

If you import 40,000 Somali Muslims into Minnesota, or eight to twelve million from third and fourth world South American countries into Arizona and New Mexico, you do not get a diverse Star Trek society. You get pretty much a duplication of where these people were from, because communities are made up of people, not a change in Geographic location.

You will also find that many of these populations do not share your values of diversity, inclusion, and tolerance. The very elements some of these refugees are fleeing from, you have no problem with letting in.

How do you expect Single Payer health insurance to cover all these undocumented refugees?

Trump has decades of business, economic, and international commerce experience that has built empires—not exactly an ‘empty can’ that you are espousing You don’t even seem to compute that we cannot have universal health care and unlimited, unrestricted in-migration of the world’s poor, drug cartels, gangs, and legitimate refugees

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wrong again. People in those other countries didn’t make them that way. Their governments did. Many of their governments are in terrible shape as a result of US manipulation.

Trump would be nobody without his father’s money , influence, and teachings.

Health insurance. See. You automatically assume that migrants wouldn’t be able to work and pay for their own.

No. I have no problems letting them in. We have plenty of our own problems. These refugees will be highly motivated to start a new life. The last thing they will want, are the problems they fled. They will likely improve the quality and competition of the US workforce. No more gas station clerks talking on phones. Not when there are people willing to work.

I’ve never said we let everyone in. But we should put all who show up through the process of seeing if they can stay. In the time it takes for their trial, let them work legally, and take taxes from them. If they eventually don’t end up staying, at least we got something in return.

There are many reasonable ways to accommodate plenty of people. I just see a few greedy dogs, with a bone far too big for them to eat…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@yellowdog if all the Trump followers had a fourth grade education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it would a miracle.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Tropical_Willie When I was IN fourth grade I knew someone who made comments like you. His name was Dougga (sp?) Poe. He is now a wrestler and goes by another name but makes similar comments against just about everyone. You really can make a career out of this.

He was an annoyance but only in fourth grade.

MrGrimm888's avatar

When I was in 4th grade, my teacher spoke to me me like Trump. Well, she spoke to all of us like that… Trump clearly is either stupid, or talking down to his base. No other option…

Yellowdog's avatar

Great answer.

And, what I would consider a miracle is not having a fourth grade education (pretty common actually—a miracle is, like, a dog turning into a cat, or vise versa—or the wheels on your car suddenly turning into green eraser junk.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Or Trump, turning into something less than a soulless monster….

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