Roseanne fired - Backpack kid immortalized - how does this happen?
I think we all know I think the reaction to Roseanne’s postings were premature, and excessive.
The Backpack kid has been boosted by Rhianna, Katy Perry, SNL, and thousands of instagramers.
This punk is irritating to say the least, but now he is the mascot of the Olympics?
Good grief people, please tell me how this figures.
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35 Answers
Context.. What is this goat boy thing about? (googled it) still trying to figure out how the Olympics are involved. Got a link. My searches are coming up empty.
“shot goat in face olyympics mascot” NOTHING
And to be clear.. You are saying hunting is worse than racism…
This is an era where some types of people are starting to get held accountable for their activities.
If you’re racist, at least don’t make stupid, racist, declarative statements on social media.
I have no empathy, for people being shamed for being racist.
Back pack kid. Goat assassin! Lol… I wasn’t aware. I guess, to me, it depends on the context. If he just shot a goat, like for fun, I hate him worse than Roseanne.
But…... I don’t pick who is successful, in “showbiz.”
Back pack kid. He seems a little young, to have guns….
He is all over the place.
He shot a goat IN the eye with a BB gun.
How are words worse than blinding some goat for kicks?
Whatever happened to sticks and stones?
NBC has this kid all over fb for the Olympics. He has been on SNL.
Look up flossing, or Backpack kid.
He posted a video of himself doing it, then took it down when he got angry feedback.
Jesus fucking Christ, who cares? Some has-been old comedian who made a career out of being as obnoxious as possible finally obnoxious’es herself out of a job. Who cares? Some kid shots a goat, or what the fuck ever, and gets on TV. Who cares?
I mean really. Why does it matter so much who some private companies choose to associate with or not? It’s no skin off your back or money out of your pocket ether way, so why get so bothered about it? This shit is trivial.
I would rather a child shoot a goat, than be empowered to be hateful. If we get racism solved, I will stand with any Goat Lives Matter movement.
Until then, I will stick with the “shame them” crowd.
I take it “all over the place” is Fox News and AM radio.
Oh, that kid. I googled. I remember seeing him when Katy Perry brought him on Saturday night live.
He made a funny video of himself dancing, and by chance someone with a huge Twitter following linked, and it blew up and he was famous for a minute.
No idea what the goat thing is. It doesn’t show in Google results. If it’s on Facebook and conservatives are inflamed by it, odds are good that it’s a false rumour.
Not false. He posted it on his instagram.
Yeah, why am I so pissed? I’m sure the goat could have defended himself if he wanted to.
He probably is the barnyard stud now, what with his eyepatch and all.
Funny thing, on fb all the snowflakes are hating him, but I worded my question the way I did, and that makes you guys okay with it.
Okay with what? I have no clue who this goat kid is. Why should I care?
Then why did you bother clicking back to this thread? To belittle what I care about?
Is that your joy?
Why do you care? None of this matters, so why fret over it?
Patty, I think you need to go find that instagram post and show them. Looks like no one can find that post and they are making assumptions.
I would add, Trump’s behavior, is worse than backpack boy. He gets no pushback, from his supporters.
And this is definitely ALL Obama’s fault…
It’s pop culture PM. You can’t allow it to get your goat.
Why are you asking mimi for chat instead of posting a link? POST A FUCKING LINK OR STFU.
Your history with the truth is questionable. Put up or go away.
Shows how bright some people are.
Snowflakes are not the conservatives.
Secondly, I specifically stated facebook, instagram, NBC, SNL.
I don’t listen to AM radio or Fox News.
I said Backpack kid, not goatboy, because Backpack kid it what he goes by. The goat is not the mascot, the punk is. The goat is just blind.
I also stated that he removed the goat video after complaints. How the hell can I post it now?
And, to sum up, you are so quick to hate and disbelieve me just because I am a Trump supporter, that you did a full reversal from all the other snowflakes, who happen to be angry a bout it.
Now I know who got report cards which said “does not pay attention in class”.
This Q was not about that stupid runt kid, the animal activists can have him. It is to point out how quickly you will pounce on anything associated with Trump, or anyone who supports him, and defend what you think we are against.
You have successfully proved yourselves aimless and easily manipulated.
You made my week.
@Darth_Algar It matters to some obviously. Stop being a bully and just go to another question.
I know I know, it’s only important if it’s important to you. That’s the epidemic disease at the moment. The cure is to shut up.
@Johnny, none of your business why I wanted to chat with Mimi. Trust me, it had nothing to do with you.
Interesting to see the college educated computer genius can’t figure out how to search backpack kid shoots goat, or backpack kid Olympics.
I googled harder and the story is linked below.
It’s seriously ridiculous to tie this to Roseanne and Trump. Just a weird leap.
The need to defend her only says loud and clear that you see an outspoken racist as “my team”.
May 30, 2017 – ... [Backpack Kid] — Russell Horning — posted a very strange video on Instagram. Apparently, the clip shows Horning using a gun to shoot a freaking goat in the eye.
After people starting calling him out, Horning deleted the video, then denied its existence. The internet remembers everything, however, and other people are reuploading the video online. Forced to confess, Horning posted an “apology video”, in which he says he’s sorry, but the goat is totally fine. He adds that the goat is “just afraid of humans”, as if that’s sufficient reason to torture an animal.
Seems like you asked this simply to fight, @Patty_Melt. If you had asked solely about the kid, it would have been a very different Q with a different discussion, but you knew that, didn’t you? Not a very clever set-up.
Like stanley said. It’s pop culture. So there is some relation between the two.
I feel like backpack kid, is more of a global thing, and Roseanne more American. But if you’re going to compare two people, I guess there could be stranger comparisons. Both willing displayed something that they should be ashamed of….
I would say that I just honestly never heard the story about the goat…
I guess I never liked Roseanne. I find her voice, or more appropriately the way she speaks, highly irritating. When I found out she was tweeting racist stuff, I wasn’t surprised, and it was easy to full on hate her… Again, like Trump, she wouldn’t be in so much hot water, if she didn’t publicly display her bigotry…
@Molly Stop being a bully and just go to another question.
Take your own advice. You are never helpful. All your answers are crotchety.
@Patty_Melt …Snowflakes are not the conservatives.
I beg to differ. It was used disparagingly to criticize some people as to easily offended, but it is now used to point out how precious and delicate many conservatives are when they are demonstrated as being racist or intolerant.
Perfect examples are conservative darlings Martin Shkreli or Milo Yannopoulis , both of who can dish it out but can’t take it coming back at them.
^I agree. I think the term is now an ironic/mocking term for the conservatives. At least in my circles. It was a negative term for a liberal. It’s been thrown back in their faces. Deservedly so…
If you had asked solely about the kid, it would have been a very different Q with a different discussion
That’s a good way to say it.
Maybe. Q on back pack kid. Then bring up Roseanne…
Is this a thread about sandwiches?
I going to fix a salmon sandwich. Mayo, chili sauce, pepper, and lots of red pepper flakes, on wheat. Deuces….
^ The classic caprese sandwich doesn’t get enough love. Tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, basil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar. Note: it fits in a backpack and is good to eat while watching olympics.
@canidmajor, yes, how I asked the question was exactly the whole point.
Lots of questions are being asked that way on fluther, and I am pointing out how biased most questions are getting to be, before they are even answered.
I am offended by this practice, no matter who the hate is aimed for.
Now that I have the attention of some jellies, and got you to prove my point for me, let’s get to the point.
You don’t a pear smarter, or better framing questions with a purpose to direct opinions into your pockets.
Oh, and demanding links for something so easily found by anyone, just makes you look small and incapable. I feel neither threatened, not motivated by those demands.
Just read down through this thread and see yourselves.
Really, are you proud?
I like fluther when it is a community ready for intelligent discussion and debate, not baited divisiveness.
Thankyou for your time, and cooperation.
Well, aren’t you just so clever, behaving like an “I told you so” ten year old. Good for you. is this the part where we start the “I know you are but what am I?” chanting?
I also had not heard of the kid and goat thing, and I would have liked some context. ou got your fight, you must be so proud. <eyeroll>
Thank you for reminding me to ignore your stuff in the future, as I am sure now that even “genuine” request for help will be a set-up.
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