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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is Trump really wanting a trade war with his trading countries, or is it a distraction to get peoples focus off the Mueller investigation?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23603points) June 27th, 2018

This will hurt the US as much as the countries this idiot wants to punish.
As retaliation from the tariffs he slapped on China.
China just put a huge tariff on Soy beans, China imports 40% of it’s Soy beans from the US, the rest they get from Brazil.
China just asked Brazil if they could supply 100% of the Soy Beans.
Think that might hurt US farmers if Brazil can supply the 100%?
And that was just one example.

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15 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Over a billion dollars worth of trade flows back and forth between Canada, and the US , weekly and this idiot thinks the US is getting the short end of the stick.
Economists world wide, including from the US are saying he is going about it all wrong, but then again you can’t tell ole Orange hair anything, he is going to hurt a lot of US jobs with this as well.
The US is a HUGE economy ,but they are not the only economy, maybe those other countries will trade more amongst themselves leaving the US isolated, has he thought that through at all?
China is drooling for Canadian lumber, oil, coal, and Natural gas and it’s a huge market, things like that should make ole Trump pay attention NOT want to rip up trade agreements.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I think he is experimenting with new ways to raise revenue to pay down the debt. I think he means to blame the world for the $21—$22 trillion dollar debt.

si3tech's avatar

At the summit did he not say that all trade should be free? Actual free trade. He did and they chose not to hear it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

We are in for some interesting times…....

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He doesn’t understand that by putting tariffs on imports he is causing a trade war.

HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND ECONOMICS He is running the country into the ground and doesn’t care about impact to others.
He is delusional about how international trade works.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Totally agree @Tropical_Willie ,another thing when Obama used an executive order the Rep/cons bitched to high heaven he was by passing due order and it was wrong, Trump flings these things around like frisbees and they are fine with it, go figure.

kritiper's avatar

Neither. He wants all countries trading with the US to treat us fairly, as we treat them. (That’s what he says, I believe he means it that way, right or wrong.)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@kritiper He is CLUELESS about economics; count the number of businesses he bankrupted.

He is wrong.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just read on the internet what Brazil can’t supply in the soy beans Russia will happily make up the difference.
There are going to be a lot of hurt US farmers over this, hope they thank Trump.

flutherother's avatar

Everything Trump does is a distraction from the fact that the emperor has no clothes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Does he not think those countries won’t retaliate with tariffs of their own?
So far this is already hurting US farmers, who is next?
A few key Rep/cons have already come out and said they don’t support Trump in this, and yet ole orange hair presses on.

mazingerz88's avatar

My guess is both.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You say both^^ he wants a trade war and a distraction?
Is he really that screw ball nuts?

mazingerz88's avatar

Others might say he is that screwballing brilliant in achieving his goals.

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