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Dutchess_III's avatar

Did Obama ever find himself under a legal order, from the courts, to stop doing something?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) June 28th, 2018

The Trump White House is under yet another court ordered to negate a recent executive order, this one regarding his heartless and immoral zero tolerance policy.
Did this ever happen to Obama…or any other president on such a regular basis? Has any other president broken the law on such a regular basis? Yes, Nixon did. So did Clinton. But they weren’t breaking the law all through their term on a regular basis.

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16 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Can’t recall anything right now. Maybe never happened. But then he was a sane and humane President.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Define “ordered to stop doing something.” President Obama had executive orders blocked by the courts, if that’s what you’re asking. Pretty much any president who uses them for more than routine or ceremonial things will get at least one injunction, and injunctions are frequently upheld. It’s just how the system works.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can you give me some examples of executive orders blocked by the court? I found this, but it’s not suggesting it was an executive order, just a “plan.”

Yellowdog's avatar

Are you referring to Trump’s executive order to stop separating families at the border?
That was only good for twenty days, and it was pretty well known that Democratic judges would rule it unconstitutional because it runs against the Flores Settlement.

That settlement, reached in 1997, required the government to limit the time it keeps unaccompanied minors in detention and to keep them in the least restrictive setting possible. The settlement was later modified to say that children should not be held longer than 20 days.

Under the Obama administration, many families caught were merely released without incident. But as photos and footage taken in 2014 attest, the practice of separating families and children persisted even then. The only things that changed under the current administration is a Zero Tolerance policy enacted in April, and an executive order by Trump to stop the practice of separating children from parents.

Of course, Obama, Bush II and Bill Clinton did nothing about the Flores Settlement Mandate.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Not so fast. That’s not the ONLY thing that changed. Trump launched a drive to bear down on refugees without any preparation or even anticipation of the consequences. It is almost unbelievable just how irresponsible he has been. The fool ripped into this without ANY coordination between Federal agencies and the consequences are catastrophic. For example, hundreds of kids are now misplaced, without the agencies holding them having any clue about the whereabouts or even the identity of their parents. And the folks separating kids from parents passed the kids along without any record of who went where. This court order forcing Trump to unite kids with their parents puts his ass on the hot seat, and the bad press from this fkup is going to dog his silly ass for months to come. The man’s lack of perception is DANGEROUS.

Yellowdog's avatar

The overwhelming majority of ‘misplaced’ juveniles were not with adults who were their parents. As with catch and release, most will disappear into the country. They don’t want to be ‘found’.

stanleybmanly's avatar

even the toddlers and infants?

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes….regarding immigration, recounts, what federal contractors paid workers, recess appointments, and some others.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Even toddlers and infant’s.
These children are used as shields for criminals who expect entry to the country will be easier if they appear to be family. Some of those kids are taken from their parents by these criminals, sometimes the parents are told the child will be brought to this country for a better life, and they actually pay a fee to the criminals for the “service”.
Just this week authorities picked up a six year old boy near the border. He had been ditched by the “coyote” alone in the desert with a bottle of pop.
Those crossings are far more common than actual family crossings. When there is no DNA match for the kids, it is going to be tough to get them with their parents.

JLeslie's avatar

^^As far as I know, previously we tried to get children crossing without their parents back to their parents. We even did it at gun point in the case of Elian Gonzales and that kid probably technically had the right to stay under asylum rules for Cubans at the time. That was under Bill Clinton.

I’ve see a video being passed around by republicans of Hillary Clinton talking about finding the parents and reuniting the children with their parents. For the life of me I don’t see why republicans think showing that video helped the Trump rhetoric before he signed the order to keep kids with parents. They felt it showed Democrats previously were just as tough on immigration. I think most people know Obama was called the deporter-in-chief by many Latin Americans. Well, I guess maybe not. Republicans seem to think Obama and the Clintons would just let people pour into the country without vetting, without any border patrol, that was incorrect. If immigration is one of your top three issues, you could have voted for the democrat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When previous presidents separated kids from parents it’s because there was a pressing reason to. For example, if the child wasn’t theirs, or they actually had some reason to believe the child was in danger.

@stanleybmanly He implemented the original Muslim ban with the same utter lack of planning. No one knew what the hell was going on. We may as well have a spoiled, clueless 5 year old as our president.

Yellowdog's avatar

It looked pretty much like a children’s zoo in 2014. With children in cages, that is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You still aren’t making sense.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog For the life of me
I cannot understand how you and the wulf expect to muster any credibility through the hopeless tactic of constantly holding Obama up for comparison with the current fool.

Yellowdog's avatar

Its not just Obama.

Bill Clinton, Bush II for two terms, and Obama for two terms, did NOTHING.

This was going on in 2000 and 2014. Nobody cared.
We were told that the border patrol was doing all that they could.
Not until they saw an opportunity to blame this on Trump.

Most of the images being shown, even now, were part of an expose’ from in 2014, Obama said on several occasions that he could not just sign an executive order because it was a congressional act.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What are you talking about?

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