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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some fictional containment devices?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) June 28th, 2018

Like Pokémon’s poke ball and the Ghostbusters containment field and portable ghost traps? List more please.

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16 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

Would the Delorean in Back To The Future work??? You could capture & immediately send into the future or past to get rid of them!!!

rebbel's avatar

Pandora’s Jar.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LadyMarissa Sure that wouldn’t be to much of a stretch. Flux Capacitor.

filmfann's avatar

In Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep, the brain-safe of Danny contained shining monsters.

ragingloli's avatar

The Rice Cooker from Dragonball, containing Piccolo Daimao.
Majin Buu’s egg, from Dragonball Z.
Cell’s Egg.
The storage pods of C16, C17 and C18
The Dragonballs themselves.
The Capsule Corp Capsules.
The magic lamp containing a Djinn.
The Cursed Sarcophagus containing the Doom Slayer.
The stasis modules on board the Botany Bay containing the frozen Khan Noonien Singh.
The modified transporter system aboard the USS Jenolan, holding the dematerialised Montgomery Scott in its pattern buffer.
Uzumaki Naruto’s belly, containing the Jinchuuriki.
The Clow Cards from Cardcaptor Sakura.
The time travel transport pods from Hinamatsuri.
The compression marbles of Mr. Compress from Boku no Hero Academia.
The DISKs from Marvel Disk Wars, that contain the Marvel Superheroes.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Kryptonite is safely held in a lead container, like uranium and other radioactive materials.

Pinguidchance's avatar

It would be remiss to miss Schrödinger’s cat box.

What a superposition to be in.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Pokemon poke balls are real. I have two dozen of them. Notice my current avatar.

Zaku's avatar

It’s such a broad topic, and there are so many examples…

Djinn in bottles.

Antimatter containment is used in the warp drives of all Star Trek warp drives.

Various cages and floor circles and warding symbols of salt and blood and whatever to contain demons and angels and so on in the TV series Supernatural.

Star Wars light sabers are limited to a blade shape by a containment field

In Star Wars there was a prisoner containment field on Geonosis

In Firefly, ships’ drives are supposed to have reactor containment fields, which the Reavers notably don’t use, giving them more power/speed, but exposing them to radiation.

The film Andromeda Strain is about a containment system for a disease.

In Doctor Who, the Eye of Harmony has a containment sphere under the Cloister Room on Galifrey…

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump’s border wall. Comically ineffective….

imrainmaker's avatar

Have you heard stories of Alladin and magic lamp? Magic lamp was the container for the spirit. By rubbing the lamp it will come out and do whatever he says.

janbb's avatar

The wardrobe was arguably the container for Narnia.

flutherother's avatar

One of the characters in “The Eyes of the Overworld” was imprisoned in a “cyst” 40 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.

And there was the unbreakable bottle in “The Bottle Imp”.

YARNLADY's avatar

The horcrux containers in Harry Potter.
The jewel hanging on a collar worn by a cat in Men In Black contained an entire galaxy, leading to a whole “Orion’s belt” mystery.
Speaking of jewels, I seem to remember some kind of sinister thing trapped in a red jewel on a Star Trek episode.
The many types of “hibernation” pods in various SciFy stories.
The refrigerator that saves Indiana Jones from an atom bomb explosion.
The face of Boe in a giant glass case on Dr Who. The TARDIS.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Oooo, horcrux. Good one!

zenvelo's avatar

The Bottle at the Fortress of Solitude holding the City of Kandor in Superman comics.

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