Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Can you think of some "Laws of nature" that are not in the text books?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) June 30th, 2018

I was installing a room air condtioner and thought of a few “Laws of Nature” while clearing out the insects that took up residence in the window casing.

These might not written in text books but are true nonetheless.

1) “If there is a hole in it some creature will try to live in it.” Eg. The air conditioner water drain was plugged by a spider nest.
2) “Something always needs killing.” Eg. Grass growing between the cracks of the concrete, ants in the house, mosquitoes in the back yard, deer flies in the garage. mice in the barn.
3) “A weed is any plant growing where you don’t want it.” A maple tree seedling growing in my lawn is a weed. Petunias growing in the alyssum are weeds. Alyssum in the petunias are weeds.
4) “Nature abhors a vacuum and will try to fill it with insects.” Eg. If there are no insects in your house they will tirelessly try to get inside.

Can you think of others?
This is in Social so have at it.

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12 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

For several days, there has been a tiny spider, about the size of a hole in a cracker, building a tiny web in my bathtub. I know its the same one, and gradually his/her legs has grown slightly longer.

Every day I scoop it out and put it in an unused clothes hamper in order for me to take a shower or bath. I’d just hate to see it struggle and die as the waters rise.

And every day, I see that it has left the hamper and gone back to that very same place in the bathtub and built its virtually identical, virtually unseen little web.

What it can find to eat there, and why it insists on having that spot, what goes on in a brain that small, is beyond me.

janbb's avatar

If you water the lawn, it rains that day.

Your children are more aggravating than your grandchildren.

If you live with another person, they will always eat the last potato chip.

Patty_Melt's avatar

If you have a teen, you can rattle their bedroom doorknob and it will cause a flurry of sound and activity which would rival that of a rock concert.
You can stand within two feet of same door and shout that the trash needs to be taken out, and nobody will hear you.

kritiper's avatar

“Murphy’s Law is ALWAYS in effect and it can affect YOU!”

rebbel's avatar

“Wasps can enter your room through holes smaller then their body, but magically lose that ability when you want them out and open wide all windows.”

chyna's avatar

If I wash my car, it will rain.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF I wash my hair, it will definitely rain within 2 hours of getting out of the shower…works better than washing my car!!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

These are great! Just what I wanted.
Keep this in mind for a day or so and add to the list when you find others.

kritiper's avatar

If you hire a guy to clean up the dog shit in your yard before the lawn mowing guy gets there, the lawn mower guy will still get there before the shit scooper!

janbb's avatar

It’s one step forward two steps back in a relationship with your Ex.

Patty_Melt's avatar

If there is one fly in the room, only one, it will manage to find my ear, and try to dive bomb right into it.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Lucas will soon be the only millionaire spider in the world.
All the other spiders just go for blood.

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