Did Trump not think that countries would impose retaliatory tariffs on US goods?
Asked by
June 30th, 2018
When he imposed tariffs on their goods?
He has already hurt US farmers with this little stunt, who or what’s next?
This could cost a lot of jobs in all the countries caught in this little mess including the US.
What do you think the out come of all this is going to be?
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15 Answers
“Did Trump not think.” You can stop right there.
As long as it doesn’t hurt him personally, he doesn’t care.
I’m not convinced that he EVER thinks about consequences. Or history or perspective or much of anything else.
I think that his mind works on the level of threats and power. Not strategy.
This country is far behind on several areas of significance because no-one has wanted to face the massive costs involved.
Schools are a prime example.
They need to be completely redesigned, in architecture, resources, lesson planning… virtually every aspect of how we currently fail to meet student needs, including safety.
Taxes, how they are calculated, collected, and distributed needs to be completely remodeled.
There is a longer list than most care to believe, and it is absolutely possible for the US to become a backwards country real quick if extreme measures are not taken.
Lots of people fear big change.
What if it doesn’t work?
What is easy is regularly not what is best.
Trump is clueless about cause and effect; I’m waiting for the GOP leaders to start BLAMING the Democrats for the long term impacts from the tariffs and threatening large corporations with penalty taxes, when the move their business out of the country, like Harley-Davidson.
Going at your trading partners with brass knuckles and baseball bats, will not win friends. They don’t have to play “nice-nice’ anymore.
Exactly @Tropical_Willie what really shocks me is how he treated China, with these tariffs,China holds so much of your countries debt, and he still slapped a tariff on their electronics,and steel, good god I think China makes about 99%of the worlds computers.
China then slapped a tariff on Soy beans coming from the states, you think so what, well China imports 40% of it’s soy bean need from the US that is huge market for US farmers.
The rest they get from Brazil, since this they asked Brazil to make up the difference, now Russia has come forward saying what Brazil can’t do they will happily do the rest,and that just the start.
Trump is going to endanger thousands upon thousands of jobs in all these countries, because he thinks he can play Al Capone of the trading world, this is only going to get worse.
Long term it will impact the farmers, Walmart, and large manufacturing businesses; they in turn will raise prices and raise them again to pay for raw material. But Trump will take the tariffs and taxes and build his wall (using his or closely connected companies). SMH
Shit and people bitched about minimum wage, we can’t increase it because it will drive prices up on everything, well, let’s sit back and see how these tariffs play out.
It will make raising minimum wage look like child’s play.
What shocks me is our local Rep/cons are not here defending ole orange hair with this latest stunt.
Even a few key Rep/cons came out and said they don’t support him on this.
I am just a dumb truck driver, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to piss off China especially when they hold so much of the US’s debt, what would happen if China started calling in those markers?
Trump does not have a CLUE what to do if the China bond holders call the notes.
“You can’t do that” is not going to work with Chinese.
When he’s grand standing, he doesn’t care about anything but how good he perceives himself to be…NOT how good he really is!!!!
Very true, but he is going up against some pretty big countries,and flinging tariffs around,I don’t think he was expecting them to fling some right back at him.
Well hell, I knew it was gonna bite us on the butt & I’m not even qualified to be President!!!
@LadyMarissa :: That is what hurts about about all this. Being President used to be a aspirational thing. Like you told your kids that if you worked hard and studied you could be President. Trump proved that pretty much all you need is racism and Twitter.
If I ever have kids and they they don’t get the job a Taco Bell I can tell them there is always the presidency. Since you can be stupid as fuck and land the job.
And apparently the country sorta functions with the orange thing and turtle in charge.
Hey,hey @johnpowell you forgot being rich helps buy the Presidency as well.
Ross Perot…
And the media didn’t help. I remember CNN (multiple times) showing a empty podium trump would soon spew hate from 30 minutes before he appeared.. While Clinton was giving a actual policy speech at the same time.
But Trump being stupid was easy to cover.
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