Are there any mental or physical illnesses that can be cured with wining big on the lotto?
For me I would eat out more often and would not be having to count my nickels. I would have 4 pouched eggs and toast and chicken wings or beef for supper. I would have enough money to pay for taxis to activities and I wouldn’t mope around the house unless I wanted to. I would Fluther more in the city from having unlimited data on my phone. I would eat more Mac and Cheese.
How much money would It take for you to get over your funk? If you are depressed or what not?
If I won BIG then I would start my own science foundation and make science documentaries for topics that I am interested in. No birds no dinosaur poop. Only Human biology , chemistry, math , and physics. Also space probes lots of info on space probes.
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8 Answers
The short answer is no. Money doesn’t cure illnesses.
The long answer is that you answered in the negative by dreaming of a diet detrimental to your health along with an avoidance of exercise.
No. “Money is the root of ALL evil.” – General Bullmoose.
Money can make mental and/or physical illnesses more tolerable.
@zenvelo I would hope that Fluther would continue to give me advice on how to live though the ordeal? Maybe I could hire a chef to teach me how to cook and eat well and as well as shopping advice. I hope it is not a steep learning curve?
There has been a longitudinal study running for 40 years in NZ, The Dunedin Study . One of the many areas of research was how income affects health outcomes. What they discovered was that children from low income families had poorer health, which was no great surprise, but even following a positive change in economic situation later in life, health did not improve.
Money cannot cure mental or physical illnesses…it can only make them a bit more bearable until the end. In my opinion Steve Jobs is a prime example of how a physical illness cannot be cured with money or Steve would still be with us!!!
With mental illness, having a lot of money only means that you can hire as many “yes people” as you need to tell you that no matter how crazy you are that you are correct in every decision that you make!!!
When I was growing up we had a child’s story entitled “The Emperor’s New Clothes” written by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. It was about 2 weavers who promise the Emperor a new suit of clothes that they claim are invisible to those who are not fit for their positions, or are not wise enough to see. The reality is that they make NO clothes in an attempt to make a fool the Emperor, making everyone believe the clothes are invisible “only to them”. When the Emperor appears before his subjects in his “new clothes”, everyone is afraid to say that they don’t see any suit of clothes on him out of fear that they will be seen as not wise enough to see his new clothes.. Finally, a small child cries out, “But he isn’t wearing anything at all!” before the Emperor realizes that he’s standing there naked. So, NO money will cure mental illness but will only delay the inevitable!!! I’ve been having this dream every night for several years now; but, I am the small child who gives the Emperor his dose of reality…that seems to help me hold on to my sanity!!!
I didn’t know that Hans Christian Andersen’s wrote that story. Thanks for the info. Thanks for sharing.
You made me doubt myself; so I had to go back & check to make I remembered correct. Yep, it was Hans Christian Andersen that wrote it. It was the 3rd & final booklet of the Andersen’s Fairy Tales Told for Children…First Collection written in 1837
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