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tan253's avatar

Had anyone got rid of strep throat without taking antibiotics?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) July 2nd, 2018 from iPhone

Hi fluther,
So I’ve just been on antibiotics for 7 days for an infected sebaceous cyst, that’s healed but now 4 days off antibiotics I may have strep throat. Funny thing is is that I think I may have had strep throat whilst on antibiotics and the antibiotics inadvertently cured the strep and infection and then I went off too early (for the strep) and now it’s forming a resistance. That’s my paranoid thinking. So if I have strep throat they will put me back on antibiotics! I really don’t want to go back on antibiotics especially after a couple of months ago I had to take double dose for h pylori. I really think I need a break. I will ask my Dr if I have to take them but… has anyone cured their mild strep throat just through natural means? Anyone know if I could have created a super bug without knowing by taking the antibiotics for one thing when I actually had another thing! I’m really over winter! Thanks guys

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25 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve had them on and off since I had mono in junior high. I burn it out with scalding tea, then soothe with gargling salt water. Good luck. Go see a doctor though for real please.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Antibiotics can not cure a virus. Is only good for bacterial infections. Go back to doctor and explain your symptoms.

si3tech's avatar

If it’s strep throat “quick strep” can diagnose quickly ER or such. IF it’s strep you do not take a chance with the known side affects such as scarlet fever, heart problems, and on and on. You see your doctor to make the diagnosis and treatment. Untreated is too risky. Good luck.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Call your doctor…...

JLeslie's avatar

If you have strep take the proper antibiotics to cure it. Don’t screw around with strep it can be one rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease. Take the drugs.

Get the real deal throat culture not the quick strep test. If the culture is positive take the drugs.

You don’t have a superbug.

tan253's avatar

I have been to the DR and got the culture so will find out tomorrow – unlikely to have a super bug you’re right, I have no cough but no fever, snotty nose and my throat is not as sore now as it was this morning, so if I were a betting woman I would say it’s not strep…. interesting though as I don’t know anyone that would fight it naturally… it’s a scary one. The main reason for asking is because 8 kids are away from my daughters class and out of that 8 – 6 have strep!
My daughter had the culture done too – just so you know I’m a hypochondriac, I will ALWAYS go to my DR first.

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, you don’t have strep. I’d bet money. You don’t get congestion with strep, and usually there is fever. You have a cold. Take an antihistamine decongestant if the congestion gets annoying. A couple of ibuprofen for day time if you have to function. You’ll be better in a week from when your sore throat started. Obviously, only take those meds if you have no problems taking those meds. Check the labels.

NoraMiller's avatar

I have suffered from strep throat when I was in university. I remember that I had recurrent fevers at the same time. I went to see a doctor in my school, and he told me that strep throat is an infectious disease, especially occurring in the group of children (although I was not a child). Also, he gave me some suggestions:
1. To avoid infection, sufferers should wear a face mask or be far away from other susceptible people who are studying or working together.
2. During the treatment, drinking a large amount of warm scalding water and gargling the throat with warm salt water can help to relieve the pain in my throat.
3. Taking antibiotics is the fastest method although it has certain side effects.

I hope these suggestions could give you help as well.

janbb's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 If it’s strep, it is a bacterial infection, that’s why you take the antibiotics for it.

canidmajor's avatar

I have successfully beaten strep in the early stages without antibiotics, with pretty rigorous methods, but you sound far enough along to be better off with the stuff your doctor prescribes.

Strep does not always involve a fever, and does sometimes c9me with congestion if there is a respiratory infection happen8mg at the same time, which is fairly common.

I hope you feel better soon.

Pandora's avatar

I would go to a doctor. Here’s the reason you may want a doctor to treat your strep throat.

si3tech's avatar

Without lab work to confirm the strep diagnosis you have no idea whether or not it is strep.

canidmajor's avatar

@si3tech, she said she’ll find out tomorrow about the culture.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s not going to be strep. She’s stuffed up.

Of course, I could be wrong. Doubtful.

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canidmajor's avatar

Hahaha, @JLeslie, I’m sure glad you weren’t my doctor when I lived in CO! Every time I got strep it was accompanied by a congestion event.

JLeslie's avatar

^^You wouldn’t have to worry. I would culture you if your throat was sore 3 days or more, or even before that if you had a fever. Or, before that if you just wanted the culture. I’m all for testing and not guessing.

I will concede that “runny nose” is more likely to be a symptom with strep than heavy congestion, and she did use the term runny nose.

I said she should get the old fashioned culture. I still think that was a good idea.

Having congestion with strep is fairly rare. It can happen, especially if the person has chronic sinus trouble. My dad has congestion with everything.

The thing is, the way I understood, the OP said the sore throat was fading and she was getting congested with no fever. That’s is a typical cold. Two days of scratchy throat, 6–12 hours of lull, where you think maybe your getting lucky and fighting it, and then you are stuffed for 5 days.

I hope it wasn’t strep so she didn’t need antibiotics. It could be a sinus infection also that needs antibiotics. Bacterial sinus infections can irritate the throat. They often have a cough though, but not necessarily.

tan253's avatar

Hey Guys, sorry it wasn’t strep!!! which is good but still super stuffed up and congested, went to DR again today but said she just said ‘viral deal with it’ issue is is that I get super depressed when I’m sick so here I am – 8 days on and super depressed still battling fatigue and congestion – is this just normal???
Am I just a wimp!

tan253's avatar

@JLeslie you were on the money, honey! – Always are with me!!

JLeslie's avatar

@tan253 Did you develop a cough? Is the mucous clear when you blow your nose?

Usually viral colds are done in a week. An exception is some viruses that cause a cough, bad cough, that can easily be three weeks.

tan253's avatar

Cough yes mucus clear yes! but getting thicker now but that’s a sign of cold ending as the congestion is almost gone! Just feeling so tired!

tan253's avatar

My dr said colds last about 2 weeks or bad ones do which, I think is what you’ve just described.

tan253's avatar

congestion is so annoying, is 4 days of congestion bad?
Back to Dr or just deal with it and stop being a wimp?!

janbb's avatar

Aren’t there over the counter meds like Sudafed that help?

JLeslie's avatar

I’d just get something OTC like @janbb mentioned. Combo antihistamine and decongestant, or buy separately and combine yourself. Just check dosages of course. A pain reliever like ibuprofen will help you feel better too, but not do much for the congestion.

Some brands you can’t take with high blood pressure, so watch that if you have high blood pressure. I don’t remember you ever mentioning that though.

If it’s a regular cold, which is how it sounded to me at first, but then you added the cough so I’m not sure, a regular cold starting with sore throat usually lasts a total of 7 days, which would mean you’re almost done.

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