Have the dems done enough to win in the midterms?
Heard any plans? Heard any strategies?
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17 Answers
I’m afraid they’re using the “we aren’t the Republicans, strategy” again. This was how Trump slithered into office…
The world is in trouble,if Trump gets to keep the house and Congress.
Nope. There is a lot of work to be done between now and November.
@MrGrimm888 The Democrats never learn anything. Now some of them seem to think “abolish ICE” is a winning strategy. Ridiculous.
Not nearly enough. They need to a full court press – and play nasty – all the way to November. Because you know the republicans will
^Right? Well? I haven’t heard a big effort from the left. At all…..
This is ,perhaps , their (dems) biggest opportunity in a long time. But I don’t hear anything that’s going to get people to vote D. And, honestly, why would anyone? Just because Trump is SO bad? Is that our democracy now?.......
If begging for money will put them ahead, then they certainly should win by landslide margins.
We’ll see. There is still time, after all…
And, if the Dems have learned, as they should have, “Fool me once…”
“Fool me once, shame on you.” (Long pause, dumb look on face.)
“But I will not be fooled again.”
(Smile, look of accomplishment.)
—-George W. Bush.
I think it will be a case by case scenario. Look at what happened in the Bronx. I’m not certain of a Blue Wave at all and the gerrymandering doesn’t help anything. The Dems have to make a case to the workers who “will get fooled again.”
No. The Dems are fucked as long as they’re run by corporate shills: Pelosi, Shumer, Feinstein, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Tom Perez etc. are all scum and are willing to destroy this country to try to keep power for themselves and their political consulting cronies. They will fight/smear and even pretend to be part of the progressive wing of the party, all to defend the status quo of money in politics. Ocasio-Cortez and progressives like her are the only hope to defeat Trump and the Republicans. Selling-out, incrementalism, and trying to tear down Trump without championing popular policy is a recipe for failure (just ask Hillary). Actually don’t ask Hillary, she’ll blame the Russians, progressives, young people, men, etc. everyone else except for herself and her uninspired, vapid policies.
the gorilla speaks the truth. The Democrats have credibility on most of the social issues, but as the economic issues grow ever more critical to those falling behind the question looms: Whose interests are served when we are governed by millionaires? Or whose interests WILL be served IF a seat in government is an all but certain path to wealth.
When a politician seems out of touch with his constituency or with reality, he (or she) is likely to lose the election. Look at George H.W. Bush. During one of the debates with Clinton and Perot, he was asked what he was going to do about the economy. His response was short and to the point: “I’m not going to do anything because there is nothing wrong with the economy.”. He was absolutely correct, but people that were struggling took it as being insensitive to their needs. He was trying to say that the economy was cyclic and was on a rebound and doing anything was probably the wrong thing. But he didn’t. Bill Clinton spoke at length about “his plan”. His Plan was going to do this and His Plan was going to do that. But he never actually explained what His Plan was….no details at all. In the end, Clinton won the election and did….nothing. He rode the wave of the cyclic economy. So if Dems today are not in touch with the voters they need to get elected, then they have not done enough. They need to get out there and get in touch with what people want/need and explain how they are going to help. But unfortunately for those that are hoping for Dems to sweep the elections, many of the Dems are pushing socialism and are running on a “hate Trump” platform. I don’t believe that will win the day in many places in this country.
@seawulf575 ”...many of the Dems are pushing socialism…”
Democratic Socialism. Huge difference. Like modern day Scandanavia vs. Cultural Revolution China different. I know it’s the hip thing to try to pretend they’re the same thing, but there are zero Dems that think the US government should take over sneaker and car production for example.
People like @seawulf575 don’t actually understand socialism. Or they’d be up in arms over keeping farmers afloat, and military spending (which is essentially welfare for military contractors.) They only see government aid as a bunch of minorities living the good life without working (a complete lie.)
Trump’s wall, will likely go to some crony’s company to build. I’d be shocked, if it doesn’t eventually get funded. Somebody paid him a lot, to get that contract. They won’t forget…
People like @gorillapaws understand that there are several types of Socialism. (I counted about 20 at one time.)
Every single democracy throughout history has only lasted a maximum of 200 years before evolving into something else. And I think Socialism is the something else. What kind? Who knows! Everybody comes up with a style they think will work and, someday, they just might get it right. And it doesn’t have to be a bad thing…
@kritiper the 200 year cycle you are talking about is called the Tytler cycle. Here is
a really good article explaining it and how a nation cycles through its governmental style.
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