No, although my mom did have a nice repertoire of things that she made, but there wasn’t a specific day for anything, and I’m pretty sure we had a wider range of things that we ate than some, or maybe most, of my friends.
I always thought it was kind of odd when my friends said it was “spaghetti” night. I also thought it was odd to only eat the same 7 meals, day in and day out.
One of my friend’s families had “pizza” night every Friday, which was unheard of at my house. This was the early to mid 70’s and getting takeout pizza was a rarity that usually only happened on one’s birthday.
On the subject of pizza though, my mom would occassionally get us one of those Chef Boyardee pizza kits where you would mix up the dough and stretch it on a pan, and then add the sauce and parmesan cheese that came in the kit, then bake it. I loved that.
And believe it or not, I actually liked those canned tamales, back in the day. We had those occasionally.
We would mostly have some type of meat, and at least 2 vegetables, plus salad and rolls, or garlic bread. I didn’t like meat at all, so I didn’t eat any meat until I was in my late teens, and then I gave it up completely in my early 20’s.
Thankfully, my parents never forced us to eat anything, but offered us a variety of things. I was a pretty limited eater until I decided to become a vegetarian, and then my horizons were broadened immensely.
Some of the things my mom made were chili, beef stew, Welsh rarebit, chicken and dumplings, roast beef, steak, fried chicken, spaghetti, tacos, enchiladas, burritos, and hamburgers.