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ragingloli's avatar

[NSFW] If a human male, married to a human female, has sex with another human male, is it cheating?

Asked by ragingloli (52407points) July 7th, 2018

Or is it only cheating when it is with another female?

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25 Answers

NomoreY_A's avatar

I don’t float that way, but I would have to say yes, it still constitutes “cheating”.

chyna's avatar

It’s cheating.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s cheating, definitely !

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

It is cheating. Even if it is a clone. Is it cheating when one has sex with an animal? Can you be jealous of an animal.

syz's avatar

Um, yes.

canidmajor's avatar

It is cheating if they have agreed (tacitly or otherwise) on mutual exclusivity.
It’s not if they haven’t. Sex, gender, stuff like that doesn’t apply.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Like @canidmajor said, it depends entirely on the married couple’s arrangement. If the relationship is strictly monogamous, then having sex with anyone else is cheating (regardless of the outside party’s sex, gender, or whatever). If the relationship involves a permission structure for having extramarital sex with certain people, then it’s only cheating if the person falls outside of that permission structure.

johnpowell's avatar

My dad did it. And sure as shit my mom considered it cheating.

But she wasn’t all that upset. Dad was living 8 hours away and we only made it down a few days a month. At least it was a small Japanese fellow we found in dads bed instead of Pamela Anderson. It was the 80’s..

rebbel's avatar

It’s not cheating, per se.
If male and female have mutual agreement (on sleeping around) you can’t possibly call it cheating.

ragingloli's avatar

What if it is with a non-human?
Or one of the upcoming humanoid self aware robots?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Of course it’s cheating. It would be cheating if the guy screwed his pet polar bear as well.

If you’re having sex with something else (not necessarily human) and you are in a relationship that is not “open”. then it is cheating.

ucme's avatar

Yes it isn’t

canidmajor's avatar

So many unequivocal answers!
I have personally known two marriages where the exact scenario described by the OP happened, and it was not considered cheating. One was a green card marriage, that was in its 20th year because the couple was very compatible, and each found physical satisfaction outside the union.
The other was one where the man came out ten years in, but they were good friends and had a great affection for each other. There were kids involved, so they stayed together in a companionable manner. Neither wanted to split the household, both were fine stepping outside the marriage for things they couldn’t get within.

My point is, there are so many different reasons that people get and stay married that the traditional “cleaving only unto each other” thing is not absolute.

LadyMarissa's avatar

YES, it’s still having sex outside the marriage!!! So even If a human male, married to a human female, has sex with a non-human male or female, is it still cheating!!!

Kardamom's avatar

Yes. Why would it not be considered cheating?

Cheating is cheating regardless of the sex/gender of any of the parties.

I am not “into” open marriage, but some people are OK with that. If all the parties are in complete agreement with the concept, then it’s OK for them, and wouldn’t technically be considered cheating, if it was agreed to before entering into that type of relationship.

MrGrimm888's avatar

This would lie within the couple’s set relationship parameters.

Personally, I am a man, my girlfriends are allowed to be with other females, and it isn’t considered cheating. As long as it isn’t something she’s hiding, or trying to be secretive, or shady…

LadyMarissa's avatar

By definition, cheating is a physical affair in which a male & female engage in sexual activities outside their primary relationship. The fact that the partners in the primary relationship refuse to call it cheating is their personal choice; but by definition, it is still cheating!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Unless, it’s an agreement with the couple. Cheating us subjective. I know a good friend, whose wife essentially counts him masterbating as cheating…

It’s probably different from couple to couple.

canidmajor's avatar

”To act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage”

No, @LadyMarissa, by definition it is not.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Most vows include a promise to remain faithful.

canidmajor's avatar

Most traditional vows, yes, but certainly not all, by any means. And nowadays (well, for decades now) the writing of one’s own vows has made the parameters of what constitutes appropriate behavior within each marriage much broader.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@LadyMarissa “By definition, cheating is a physical affair in which a male & female engage in sexual activities outside their primary relationship.”

This isn’t even remotely true. There’s no such thing as cheating in the absence of rules because what counts as cheating is defined by what rules exist. This is the case whether we are talking about basketball, chess, or relationships. And the only ones who get to decide the rules of a relationship are the people who are in that relationship.

You are also assuming two other big things that aren’t true. First, by saying that “cheating is a physical affair in which a male & female engage in sexual activities outside their primary relationship,” you are assuming that relationships (and cheating) are defined by heterosexuality. But it’s still cheating if one member of a gay couple has sex with another person of the same sex without permission even though it isn’t a case of a male and a female.

Second, you are assuming that everyone treats a particular dyadic relationship as primary. Some people who are in multiple relationships don’t recognize one relationship as primary over the others. And some people who are in multiple relationships do prioritize one relationship over the others, but the one they prioritize is not dyadic.

At the end of the day, fidelity is a matter of adhering to the promises you have made to your partner (or partners)—regardless of whatever promises other people have made to their own partners. Unless they overlap in some way, the parameters of my relationship cannot determine the parameters of anyone else’s relationship (and vice versa).

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