If you have a pet, how does it talk to you?
I must admit that this was inspired by another question about talking pets & the responses that leaned toward non-understood language of our pets. So, how does your pet talk to you & how do you know what they’re saying or what do they say to you???
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23 Answers
One bark: “I want to go outside.”
One bark: “Let me in.”
Me: “Do you want to go outside?” “Bark!” (Yes!)
Me: “Do you want to go for a ride?” “Bark!” (Yes!)
Me: “Do you want to go for a walk?” “Bark!” (Yes!)
Two or more barks: “Master, I have cornered a small animal and I need you to come and help me kill it.”
@kritiper My dogs are outdoor dogs & my female rings the doorbell when she’s ready to eat. My male is lazy & waits for her to ring the bell because he knows that I’ll be feeding them at the same time!!!
They have a different bark for when my mail has been delivered than when UPS has delivered.
My dog haaates to go potty. Really hates it. I have bought drool worthy treats to bribe her, but there are times she won’t do it, even though she needs to. She’s like a two year old with the dirty looks she gives me. It’s quite obvious what she’s telling me.
When she first adopted us, she never made a sound. Hubby thought that was pathetic, so he taught her to growl and bark. She now sounds ferocious playing tug-a-war.
This morning after her breakfast she walked up to him, stared at him intently, and finally gave one quiet “woof!” He was dumbfounded until I told him she wanted him to play with her.
Typical day at my house scenario:
Me or my mom or my friend or my neighbor or a relative are doing something like eating a cookie, or talking about some fun thing we’ve just done.
Me (in the voice of one of the dogs): Nobody even asked me if I wanted to taste that cookie.
Nobody even invited me to go beach.
Nobody even asked me to join them at the table when the pie was being served.
Nobody even asked me if I wanted some ice cream.
I can see what my chihuahua is thinking in her face, eyes and movement. I think it can read my mind because when I’m thinking about cooking some bacon she is in the kitchen and when it’s randomly bath time she is hiding which is not normal behavior.
@snowberry When I got home today, my female met me at the gate doing the staring thing. It usually means she wants one of the treats that I keep in my car. I give her the treat & go in the gate. She runs up on the front porch & when I get there she’s doing a low jump at me doing the “woof” thing. I asked her what she wanted & she did the “woof” again & ran off to eat her treat. I’ve had her for 10 years & she’s just started trying to talk to me within the last 2 months. I just haven’t figured out what she’s saying…just yet!!!
@Kardamom Years ago I had one dog that loved cookies. When I was enjoying one, he’d take his nose, punch my elbow, lay his head in my lap & then roll his eyes up at me as he cocked his head to one side. That was his “I’m so cute, how can you say no?” look!!!
@ARE_you_kidding_me I think I have the ONLY Black Lab in the country who hates water!!! I look at the hose & he disappears, it rains & he’s nowhere to be found!!! My cat beats me to the kitchen when he is ready to eat.
He’s trained to rag the balls off jehovas witnessessessessess & unruly housestaff.
If chef burns my fish fingers he looks up at me & winks knowingly.
Sometimes it is as simple as body language, sometimes a bit more deliberate. Example: I’ll be lounging and watching tv. The dog will get up and put his front paws on me and look at me, usually with his tail wagging. I will pet him and ask what he wants. He will shift his eyes quickly towards the door and back to me….just his eyes, not his head. I will then ask “Do you want to go….Out?” He will jump down and bark once. I will then ask “For a….Walk?” He will bark twice and run in a circle. As soon as I start to move he will run to either the front door or the back door, depending on which way he wants to go.
@seawulf575 I recognize that signal. I had one dog who loved cheeseburgers so much that I had to spell where I was going to eat or he’d just about knock me down rushing me out the door!!! Then he learned to understand the spelling of his favorite fast food place!!!
Yes, we can’t talk about taking ours for a walk…we have to talk about taking him for a W. But mine also has other signals. Sometimes he wants something and is acting like he wants to go out. I ask if he wants to go for a walk and he lays down meaning no…wrong guess. I ask if he wants to go out and he stands up. I ask if he wants to go across the street to play with the other dogs….that’s the right guess.
Body language. My dog doesn’t bark. We have subtle understanding of silent moving. We used to live in a couple rough places. So. I had to hide her. People wanted to steal her (she’s a pit.) So. We got used to being really quiet…
@seawulf575 Isn’t it amazing how hard they work at training us??? ;)
@MrGrimm888 I understand the quite connection as back when I lived in an apartment we were allowed to have a dog but the dog wasn’t allowed to make any noises or they had to go. Took a lot of work to keep him quite but we eventually got there!!! I woke up one night feeling very uncomfortable as if someone was watching me. I opened my eyes & there is my dog staring intently at me.I looked at him & said “What?” He spun around in circles & then ran for the bedroom door. I got up & he was waiting at the outside door when I got downstairs. That was his first time waking me up quietly. It became a regular occurrence!!!
Yes, @LadyMarissa it is. I just hope I meet his expectations. Sometimes I think I’m a bit slow and he has to show his patience with me.
I wish Dakota would bark, but she doesn’t. We have to decipher heavy panting, which usually means I GOTTA POOP NOW!!!! It’s hard to hear in the middle of the night.
Other times she just stares at us, willing us to read her mind. It usually works.
Each and every day around four thirty Aimee just stares at me: “I want a snack.” It’s my fault. I started this.
Each day around noon she starts whimpering and following me around: “I want you in the kitchen cooking something and I want it NOW.” Then she plops on the sofa, staring at me while I fix something.
Most days around five pm she stares at me: “I want to cuddle up in the chair with you, Mom, now!” But she needs a grooming so I’ll ignore this for the time being.
I have a 3-year-old cat.
-When my alarm clock rings every morning, “Meow…Meowww…” (Wake, wake, you will be late.)
-When he is hungry, he will be walking around near his bowl, and “Meow! Meow!! Meow!!!!” (I am soooo hungry!)
-When I go back home, open the door, “Meowww…Meowww…Meowwwww….” (Mom, welcome back)
-When he messes up my room, I catch him, “Meoo…” (oops…)
He is my best companion, and we communicate in two languages every day. Haha
He is an Emotional Support Animal and gives me much emotional assistance when I feel depressed, scared, and lonely.
Last year, my friend recommended me to register my cat as an ESA. I have traveled with my cat by airplane last month. I am sooo happy! I pose the web for everyone wanna know. https://www.supportdogcertification.org/esa
My cat tries to kill me, every day.
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^ What did you do to the cat to create such hatred???
You talking to me @LadyMarissa??? If so, I didn’t do anything but rescue her. Twice. Her mom was feral. Feral seems to be in her genes. She can scratch and claw without warning but she’s slowly getting better. We’ve had her for about 5 years. Last year she just started curling up in my lap, but it took 6 months for her to actually get comfortable with it.
Why would you assume I did something to her???
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