Was Mary (mother of Jesus,) a prostitute?
I’ve heard, or red, multiple times, that she was.
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According to most legends, it was Mary Magdaline, a “camp follower” and witness to the empty burial chamber, not Mary of Nazareth, the legendary mother of Jesus.
^Could you please elaborate?
This is just a note about “common” knowledge. There are hundreds of “official” sites with the information you are asking about. My personal belief is there is no evidence any of this ever happened, thus me calling it “according to legend”.
@MrGrimm888 is not asking about Mary Magdalen. He is asking about Mary, Jesus’ mother
The Mother of Jesus was a virgin. How could she be a prostitute if she was a virgin?
Where have you heard “multiple times” that Mary, Mother of Jesus, was a prostitute?
“The mother of Jesus was a virgin. How could she be a prostitute if she were a virgin ?”
Yes. That’s the point.
@Yellowdog I mentioned it because there is often a lot of confusion between the two.
@YARNLADY MrGrimm888 is not confused—he does not mean Mary Magdalen, He means Mary the Mother of Jesus.
@MrGrimm888 YOU are the one bringing up “The Point”. I am not Roman Catholic,
nor do I venerate Mary—but lets make it clear—YOU are ascertaining that Jesus’ mother was a prostitute, and that its some kind of common knowledge.
Scripture, and Christianity, assert that Mary was a virgin. Roman Catholics believe that she was a virgin all of her life and that Jesus’ brothers and sisters were from a previous marriage Joseph had. Protestants and other Christians believe that Mary and Joseph had their own children after Jesus was born, and that Jesus was born while Mary was still a virgin. Liberal Christians do not believe in the virgin birth, but that Jesus was born of natural relations with Joseph and the rest is legend.
You are asserting that its common knowledge that Mary the mother of Jesus’ vocation was a prostitute.
Maybe MrGrimm888 has been around people who either:
A) Like to antagonize Christians by calling the Mary mom o’ Jesus a prostitute.
B) Are confused and/or don’t get that the Bible has more than one character named Mary in it (and are also confused thinking any of them were prostitutes).
Neither Mary Magdalene nor Mary mom o’ Jesus were prostitutes, except… Mary Magdalene was for a long time (in Medieval Europe, after something Pope Gregory the Great said in the year 591 ) confused/combined with Mary of Bethany. And… Mary of Bethany ALSO seems not to have been a prostitute , though she appears in the Book o’ Luke near the mention of an unnamed woman who was mentioned as a “sinful woman”.
I mentioned all this information on another thread to @MrGrimm888 and he disagreed and started this thread.
There are, in fact, no Marys in scripture who were prostitutes. Not even Mary Magdalen, who was rumored in the Middle Ages but no scriptural inferences
Didn’t know the woman so couldn’t possibly say
Actually, I have heard that Jesus’ mother, Mary, was of a decent family and was a young girl. Of course there is that whole virgin thing.
Also, none of us, believers, or non-believers, were there at the time.
It’s all, for believers, or non-believers, hearsay.
She was whatever the author of the story wanted her to be.
We do know that the Orici was an immaculate conception by the hands of the Ori.
Though I am pretty sure that Vala was not a virgin by any stretch of the imagination.
The same with Darth Vader.
King Arthur’s conception is even more mysterious.
I’ve been reading the dialogue here, @MrGrimm888 , and I keep asking myself – “why does it matter?”.
Whether Mary was a prostitute or not, she gave birth to Jesus (according to the story), and it was Jesus who went and did what he did, started Christianity, became the son of god, and so on and so forth.
It is Jesus (if you believe that religion) that made a difference. His mother and father are, at best, secondary or tertiary players in the whole drama.
Looks the only reason to care is to try and have some internal consistency between Isaiah and various other prophecies, and the actual story of the birth. But since the bible was written/rewritten as a result of the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, and was written for more-or-less political purposes, we can’t take the story as accurate in the first place.
^It seemed relevant, in another thread. It wasn’t spur of the moment “was God’s Mom a whore?”...
I didn’t want to pollute another thread, as @Yellowdog mentioned.
There is a thread about banning prostitutes, from attending religious universities….
Rumor has it that when the early Roman Catholic Church put their collective male heads together part of their goal was to discredit women, to keep them subservient and powerless. Mary Magdaline didn’t become a prostitute until then.
Mary wasn’t a virgin, either. She couldn’t have been a virgin if she was pregnant. Of course, the men didn’t want to think of her doing the nasty so they made her a pregnant virgin at the same time they made MM a prostitute. And they made Jesus, the male, a god.
@elbanditoroso this is a continuation of a discussion that started in another thread.
The patriarchal world of men, back in the days of Jesus, and before that, and even now can pretty much be summed up in this song by Berlin, on how women are viewed. Not as they are, but how they are perceived.
I’m not sure which is more unbelievable – the notion that Mary was a virgin and got impregnated by a spirit, or that Joseph actually bought this story.
I don’t know, but I think it doesn’t matter. Let’s say Jesus was the son of God, let’s say Jesus was the son of a prostitute, let’s say Jesus was the son of a girl who was raped, let’s say Jesus was the son of a young girl who had sex with a boy she fancied.
I don’t think it matters.
It doesn’t because none of it’s true anyway!
^^Well, most people believe Mary and Jesus existed.
Actually, only 33 percent of humans are christian.
^^I’m pretty sure over 50% of the world identifies with one of the Abrahamic religions. My stats might be off. All of the Abrahamic religions have Jesus as an important person. Maybe some people even in the other religions around the world believe he existed.
“All of the Abrahamic religions have Jesus as an important person”
Yeah, no.
To Jews, he is a false prophet, if they assume he existed at all, and to Muslims, he is just a prophet, and neither of them buy the whole virgin birth demigod nonesense.
I didn’t mean everyone believes Mary was a virgin. I just meant that Jesus existed. Like I said, I don’t care what Mary did it didn’t do. I don’t care if Jesus was the son of God or just some guy nailed to a cross like so many other men back then.
I don’t think Mary’s favorite john was the Baptist, but instead was the Holy Ghost! ;-)
I never could keep all the Marys straight and never tried. Growing up an Episcopalian She wasn’t discussed.
Now that I’m an old lady I’ve been formulating my “new” beliefs and I agree with a few of you that I simply do not care if she was one or not. Forgiveness is what matters to me. I try to not harbor bad feelings about people, I try to understand why they are the way they are and I swear it makes you sleep better. Gradually, I find myself caring a lot about animals and the feelings of our fellow humans and try not to judge them. They are who they are for varied and complex reasons. I have no right to judge people. My slate isn’t that clean. ...zzzzzzz..
Jesus’ Mom was NOT a prostitute.
Gives new meaning to the term “eat, drink, and be Mary”
Loli. We don’t know there wasn’t consent.
@MrGrimm888 15 year old cant give consent. I’m assuming that she was 15 at the time.
15? Well. That was middle aged, back then. She was almost too old…
She knows @JLeslie. She was making a joke. A pun. A play on words.
Well you are a fool and that is from my direct observation.
You really need to be specific about who you’re talking to @LogicHead.
^I assume, he’s talking to me. I started the thread….
According to the account itself there was no sexual intercourse involved on the angel Gabrial’s part, or the Holy Spirit
Well wait…there had to be sexual intercourse between God (the Holy Spirits) and Mary..right?
Like any good work of fiction that has plot points that don’t really hold up to scrutiny – just go with it.
@Dutchess_III Intercourse would require a physical body. This is not possible with a spirit,
A virgin birth by definition would mandate that no sexual intercourse was involved prior to that supposed birth.
“Intercourse would require a physical body. This is not possible with a spirit,”
With God all things are possible.
^With prostitution, especially 2,000 years ago, impregnation, was VERY possible.
It is of no consequence by what means you impregnate a child, rape is rape.
@MrGrimm888, there were lots of “Marys” in those days. Jesus mother was Mary, but it was Mary Magdala who was the prostitute. Jesus Christ, Superstar. I don’t know how to love him.. I was becoming sexually aware when this came out. “I’ve loved so many men before in so many different ways…..” I remember thinking “IT’S JESUS LADY!!!”
Loli, I not sure what rape has to do with this thread.
@Yellowdog . The only thing that I am convinced of, is that there was no immaculate conception.
I don’t have any clue about Mary, or her life…
I started this thread, to see if anyone could help me understand the story.
I’m not trying to paint any picture. I’m fairly ignorant, when it comes to most of the details of organized religions. And VERY skeptical about information passed down from thousands of years ago…..
Mary did not consent to the sex or to having a baby. That’s rape.
Good on you @MrGrimm888. Even as a practicing Christian I didn’t go for the “immaculate conception” thing, or even that he rose from the dead thing. Or the flood, or the fishes and the bread stuff. I voiced my doubts to a co-church member once. You’d think I’d murdered someone. She was SO aghast and shocked. She said, “But you have to believe those things when you’re a Christian.”
^So. You’re saying that “God” raped Mary?....
I need some clarification, or elaboration.
And. Why Mary?
Joseph, had to have his doubts as well….
There has to be something wrong with the story.
The only thing that’s wrong with it is it isn’t true. God did not impregnate Mary. Zeus didn’t come down from Olympus and have sex with Aix, Deino, Himalia, Hora, Callirhoe, Carme, Othreis, Plouto, Sinope, and Thaleia, as well as an unnamed African Nymph.
Didn’t happen.
Well, how do you explain the electric eel, huh?
Checkmate, atheist!
I have a problem with the Mary story too. Supposedly she was only 14 is that right? Anyway, it’s abuse. Either a virgin girl has to go through pregnancy and birthing a baby, which I find terrifying and horrific having been a virgin girl in my youth, or she was raped, or her pregnancy was magic. Then, the idea of original sin I completely don’t understand. It’s an innocent baby, what sin?
Why can’t God just appear on Earth? Why does He, or His son, need to be born, brutalized and killed?
Such horrors glorified. Nailed to a cross.
I never understood it.
But, if you believe it that’s all fine with me.
Well she was married to Joseph.
@Dutchess_III I thought there was question about that. I’ll need to research it. Did he marry her after she showed up preggers?
If God really wanted to impress me with his miracles he would have impregnated Joseph, not an unmarried teenage girl. That shit happens all the time.
14, wasn’t too young then. My father’s first wife was 13.
I’m not saying that I agree with the arrangement.
Romeo and Juliette, were like 11, and 12 years old.
Times have changed, in certain cultures.
Females, were greatly oppressed, then and now. It may have been her only way to make money..
I just don’t know, the circumstances.
Does anyone?
@MrGrimm888 That girls get married and get pregnant at 14 doesn’t change that it is terrifying for them. Girls are afraid of having sex for the first time, nervous about their first vagina exam. Imagine if the first thing in there girly part is a baby being pushed through. Men have no idea. The Christian God seems to be fine with fear and suffering though.
I had sex the first time when I was 15. I was curious, but not terrified. It was a major let down, though. I couldn’t figure out what all the hoop la was about.
BUT, on the other hand, it was my choice. I wasn’t forced into it. Anyone here see “Coal Miner’s Daughter,” with Sissy Spacek?
@Dutchess_III I was 15, but it was with my boyfriend and we were fooling around all the time anyway. I wasn’t terrified either, just apprehensive. That’s different than being forced to have sex with someone or pushing a baby out when you’ve never had sex before.
I don’t think delivering a baby is in any way comparable to sexual intercourse.
@Dutchess_III I just think it goes to familiarity with our bodies.
Mary consented. She said, “Let it be”
That’s not just in the Beatles song. Its in scripture.
To give birth to the promised one was a great honor and would have been for any 1st century Jewish woman,
BTW I still don’t get how a whore could be a Virgin, except in the magical world of Fluther.
@Yellowdog Isn’t there a story of Mary having unwed sex and to not be given a scarlet letter or worse, she said it was immaculate conception and the son of God.
I don’t know.
The story wasn’t believable even in the first century.
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