Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Are there any US news net works that don't lean way right ,or left?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) July 8th, 2018

That actually try and show both sides of the story?
I found our Canadian news pretty good at trying to show both sides of any given story.
I dislike any news net work that tends to lean one way or the other.
Is there a trusted news site, channel, network, that you trust hands down?

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34 Answers

rebbel's avatar

For me, these days, it’s The Onion.

janbb's avatar

The weekly magazine digest called “The Week” gives short abstracts from various published points of view. I find it worthwhile reading.

ragingloli's avatar

Depends on who you ask.
For some, any news outlet that is not extreme far right extremist, is automatically leftist.

Kropotkin's avatar

Which lean “way left”?

stanleybmanly's avatar

MSNBC has a leftward bias. The right has succeeded in moving the needle considerably. Nixon and Eisenhower would be burned at the stake by the current crop of conservatives.

johnpowell's avatar

The NewsHour on PBS is pretty good.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Not according to our conservative friends. Nothing “mainstream” but the bible. Everything from Scientific American thru the Wall St. Journal smacks with the taint of liberalism

Aster's avatar

Oh, Stanley that was funny.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Aster But it is true, what @stanleybmanly said.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The weather network. Ha! well actually the news hour on pbs has less drama and is objective.

Aster's avatar

I just love watching CNN and Fox News. I skip around . lol

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So it’s a balancing act @Aster left,right,left,right,left type thing?

johnpowell's avatar

Is balance really necessary when once side is proud of “alternative facts”?

Having a person on the right spout lies to balance the other side doesn’t make the news better. It makes it much worse.

The fact the question was asked as a left/right thing is sign we have problems. It should have been “What news source tells the least lies?”.

Aster's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I like to hear both sides, that’s why I do it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Aster The news shouldn’t lean RIGHT,or LEFT, they should report the news in an objective unbiased format telling it from both sides of the story.
But I guess that isn’t good for revenue or ratings.

Aster's avatar

I don’t think being unbiased is possible in politically based tv shows.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree,but it should be for the news though.
Unless they want to be a political show and NOT a news broadcast.

Aster's avatar

I guess they’re both, Squeaky.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry,they fail when they say it’s news and deliver it in a very biassed forum, it turns more into a political show rather than the news.

ragingloli's avatar

Listen, even the very reporting and debunking of the Orangutan’s daily lies is seen as “political”.

johnpowell's avatar

Really.. The NewsHour. It is pretty much “here is what happened today”. That is the good part of only needing to be on the air a hour a day. They did have Shields and Brooks on for 15 minutes each Friday and they would sort of HARDBALL/CROSSFIRE each other.

When you need to kill 24 hours a day covering 30 minutes of news it makes sense to have idiots argue for filler.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But when you step back and look at it, what is meant when you hear those words “mainstream media” is what the average person when I was growing up considered credible journalism. I mean both ends of the political spectrum would watch Walter Cronkite without fear of being snookered. But nowadays, every outlet you and I depended on for news and information is supposedly infested with liberal bias, except of course FOX, the fair & balanced network. How come & exactly when did the communists take over Time, Newsweek & CBS?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@stanleybmanly ~My guess it is when they hired Mikhail Gorbachev as a writer?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Faux News has been caught more times then I try to remember “MAKING STUFF UP” in support of the Orange one (with bad make-up)!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Being a Canadian I have caught Fox lying more than once, I still can’t understand how they have such a loyal following, they spin and lie almost as much as ole orange hair himself.
They should label themselves as news entertainment,instead of a credible news source.

johnpowell's avatar

@Tropical_Willie :: And Fox News has done a lot of shit like this…

Dude is a Republican. They have done it so many times it can not be a accident.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The deal is that all legitimate news outlets have to be biased beyond belief if you are going to have ANY chance of even considering the horseshit from far right field. Here’s the way it works. Trump announces in front of a bizillion microphones that Mexico is sending us murderers and rapists. The speech is broadcast on your local news. You tell your Trump loving neighbor “the Donald says that Mexico is sending us murderers and rapists. By now even my neighbor knows better than to challenge the fact that Trump said something both stupid and patently untrue, so he replies “where did you hear that”? And no matter what the answer—-unless you say “I read it in the bible” or “its all over FOX”, your explanation is instantly dismissed with “everyone knows that (fill in the blank) is a liberal propaganda outlet.” That way the issue of whether or not the President is (once again) spouting nonsense not even a fool would believe is dismissed as liberal slander.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 The weather channel is under the thumb of the liberal elite, because of accumulating evidence of global warming. In fact as the evidence becomes ever more undeniable, the logical conclusion will switch from liberals lying about global warming to liberals being responsible for the weather itself. And you know what? There are people out there who WILL believe it. Just watch.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sad but so true @stanleybmanly that is if they can’t blame China for it first.^^

notnotnotnot's avatar

If you look at what the mass media is (large corporations), it isn’t difficult to figure out what “angle” they are pushing. Hint: It isn’t left or right – it’s corporate profit and power. These corporations are institutions that act exactly how a corporation should. Any fantasy about “objective” news is a distraction.

More importantly, what would “objective” news look like, and is it the least bit desirable?

@stanleybmanly: “MSNBC has a leftward bias.”

MSNBC is a conservative status quo corporation, and is strictly center/right with a healthy dose of Fox News-style conspiracy theory. The biggest threats to progress come from this style of nonsense. Joy Reid and Maddow ignore the left far more than even Fox News. And when they do cover anything remotely left, it takes the form of left-punching. These pundits – and the corporation as a whole – contributed in a very big way to the fact that we have a Republican administration. I can’t stress enough how much more dangerous Joy Reid and Maddow are than anyone on Fox News.

It’s a bit old at this point, but I still highly recommend the classic Chomsky/Herman Manufacturing Consent.

And keep in mind that a “both sides” approach is not very desirable – even it were possible. First, there are not two sides to be represented – there are many. Second, when corporate media present “both sides”, it’s a reflection of a tiny Overton window, and usually ends up weighted very right-wing. It’s no mistake that the left is completely unrepresented by corporate media. Left voices represent a direct threat to these corporations’ profits and existence. Institutions act to secure their survival and profit.

Zaku's avatar

@notnotnotnot Great answer! Yes!

JLeslie's avatar

I like Fareed Zakaria. He’s on CNN, and honestly I don’t watch anything else on CNN I don’t think, so I can’t comment on the network as a whole. I think Fareed leans left in his own personal view, but he seems very fair to me in his reporting, and open.

I used to really like Morning Joe for daily news, but it has become so one sided I don’t recognize it anymore. That’s on MSNBC.

I’ve been thinking about tuning into C-Span again. I used to watch it, but the last couple years I watch very little politics.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Zakaria is truly an exceptional journalist in his depth of understanding so many varied topics. In fact I think he is unmatched when it comes to a comprehensive understanding of whatever issue is placed in front of him. In fact he is so well versed on international situations that he would be a superb Secretary of State.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Morning Joe IS one sided, and it is a side with which I have strong agreement. So immediately I will be relegated to the pile of irrational one sided Trump haters —fair enough on the surface But you folks who pride yourselves on the futile exercise of a balanced viewpoint this time miss the implications in what is required to sustain that posture. It is as though a donkey occupied the White House, and you are asked in the interests of neutrality to ignore the fact that it is indeed a donkey at the wheel while day after day the barnyard events pile up on one another right in front of you. And let me make this as clear as I can. My ranting on this is not one bit about questioning the animal’s good intentions. In fact I am convinced he believes he is acting in the best interests of the country. BUT HE’S A DONKEY. THERE IS ONLY ONE SIDE TO THAT. And every time he does something to prove it, you end up sounding lopsidedly bigoted for constantly pointing it out. It is admittedly tiresome to rag constantly on Trump, but it’s essential, even when people tire of the loud exhortations of “it’s a donkey”, the proper response should not be “so what”.

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