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Demosthenes's avatar

What do you think is going on in England re. the Novichok poisonings?

Asked by Demosthenes (15352points) July 8th, 2018

Dawn Sturgess, a women from Amesbury, UK, has just died of poisoning from a nerve agent, the same Russian-developed “Novichok” agent that was used to poison Sergei Skirpal and his daughter. Sturgess and her partner Charlie Rowley, who is currently hospitalized with the same type of poisoning, lived 8 miles from the Skirpals.

Apparently they were poisoned after touching an object contaminated with the nerve agent, but what the object was and where it was hasn’t been determined.

I just find this story so bizarre. It’s hard not to think the poisoning of the Skirpals isn’t connected to this (perhaps some areas were still contaminated from the Skirpal poisoning and Sturgess unwittingly touched something in a contaminated area). As for whether the Russian government is involved, I wouldn’t put it past them.

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5 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think the Russians poisoned the first two. The other two may have stumbled upon the poison somehow.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Of course the Russian government IS involved. The first victims along with the fact that the toxin is produced exclusively in Russia leave little doubt that the Russian government was behind the initial poisonings. And this second pair of victims would appear to indicate that the would be assassin botched the murder of the intended victims only to screw up further by mishandling the toxin and leaving traces of it lying around.

ucme's avatar

I suspect our last chef…just sayin.

Demosthenes's avatar

“On Wednesday, 11 July, a small bottle was recovered during searches of Charlie Rowley’s house in Amesbury. It was taken to the Defence, Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) at Porton Down, Wiltshire, for tests.

Following those tests, scientists have now confirmed to us that the substance contained within the bottle is Novichok. Further scientific tests will be carried out to try and establish whether it is from the same batch that contaminated Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March – this remains a main line of enquiry for police.”

These two were drug addicts and were known to collect various items (like bottles) to sell or trade in. They were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s kind of an odd situation. The toxin, may as well be Missile with made in Russia inscribed on it.

There are two possibilities, to me.

1. Russia is so bold, they don’t care about being found out. Males sense. The annexation of Crimea was far worse, and far bolder…

2. Some other country is framing Russia. This would be odd, because Russia doesn’t need much help making themselves look bad to the international community…

To have left a bottle of poison hanging around, speaks to an amateur assassin, or a professional leaving it for discovery…

The whole thing smells weird, to me…

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