Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

If we are able to flip the House of Representatives and a good portion of the Senate to Democrat, will it honestly make a difference?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47209points) July 11th, 2018

If so, how will it make a difference?

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30 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Could it get any worse, do you mean?

Whatever will happen will take its course, and no, nothing will make any difference.
Sorry for the pessimism. I am probably on polar opposites than you, but I share your sentiment with the polarization and dysfunction. There is hope that things will be whatever they will be, and eventually, times will get better, no matter where we end up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It will be harder for ole orange hair to bulldoze his way through the free world, but he will have a wheel borrow full of executive orders at the ready to fling like frisbees .

Yellowdog's avatar

Does he even do executive orders? He seems to be the most paralyzed presidency in history.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You are kidding I hope^^^?
I know you really like the guy, but come on he has done quite a few so far, maybe you should at least clean your rose coloured glasses.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes he does executive orders and they keep getting over turned as unconstitutional.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It would make a HUGE difference in that it would result in an obstructionist Congress of the sort which defied any momentum for advancement of Obama’s agenda. It would bottle up Trump the way McConnel & Ryan thwarted Obama.

Pandora's avatar

It really depends. If it’s a landslide for the dems than Trump has a big problem. I believe a lot of republicans really don’t like him because he makes them look bad but they were on board to try to work with him so that they won’t be kicked out. It if proves that he was dead weight, they will do what everyone would do. Cut him loose and try to hang in until 2020.The survivors will burrow back to their dark little holes trying to make life difficult for Dems. Hopefully the dems will do to them exactly what they did. Override a bunch a crap because they have the majority vote. Provided they can continue to enjoy public support, they can get pushy and corner Trump if he desires to pass anything. All they have to do is do like Un. Call him clever and promise him something way in the future. Get someone with a russian name to give him bills to sign and say it was Russian approved.
But we have to win the senate and congress, or it will just be 2 years of nothing getting passed.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’ll slow the bleeding, not stop it. Plenty of damage has already been done…

Yellowdog's avatar

What would be the reason to want to flip the house and impede or impeach Trump, or put the Democrats in power?

—Revoking Tax cuts?
—Eliminating ICE and other law enforcement?
—Eliminating U,S. Borders?
—Free Guaranteed income for everyone, free college for everyone, free income for people who have served time in prison or committed felonies?
—Returning to an Obama-era economy with under 2.0 percent economic growth?
—Re-entering the Iran deal and giving more hundreds of billions to Mullahs?
—Israel gives up Jerusalem and goes back to its pre-1967 borders?
—Letting Elizabeth Warren be our first Native American president?
—abolishing the military?

I really don’t see what the advantage is to doing this, Be careful what you wish for. You may get it,

notnotnotnot's avatar

^ Most of that sounds like a great start!

Yellowdog's avatar

Think what would happen if ANY of that happened.

And remember, this is what your plan REALLY is.
Would you absolve all of our ties in the middle east just to appease Mullahs and other terror-supporting regimes?
Do you support weaponizing the government’s anti-terror agencies to use against political opponents or others who do not share your view?
Would you want to go back to 2.0 percent economic growth?
Would you absolve U.S. borders and protection from drug cartels and kidnappings/human trafficking?

These things WERE happening, and will happen again if you do what you propose and flip the house.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Yellowdog – I think these are all very big topics. But I just want to point out that when I said that most sounded like a great start, going back to anything Obama-related is not one of them. Also, Warren can disappear.

But I sense that you’re insinuating that this list is somehow the Democratic platform or popular within mainstream Democratic establishment. It’s not. You’ve heard of these things, like abolishing ICE or pro-Palestine positions only because there are challenges from the left (Octavio-Cortez, for example) to the Democratic establishment. A Democratic majority currently would leave us with a disgusting military budget, bad immigration policy, free-market solutions, and the perpetual slide right and an increase in inequality.

Yellowdog's avatar

If we could HAVE a mainstream Democratic establishment, as the Democrat party once was, I’m with you there. But I see a lot of radical positions becoming mainstream.

Trump was not my first choice. You probably wouldn’t have liked my first choice, either—that would have been Mike Huckabee and then Ted Cruz. Trump would have been third or fourth. But now that we have Trump, I see the Left as it has become being far more radical and militant than even I imagined. I don’t think any Republican besides Trump could have withstood this kind of ‘resistance’ and abuse.

We have all endured central right and central left presidencies that were of the other party and things have turned out okay or even better than we expected, I hope that you can see that even under Trump, some things on the world stage and in our own economy have improved. I don’t think a Democratic senate would provide much more than resistance and more conflict which is what some responders in this thread evidently want.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Yellowdog: “But now that we have Trump, I see the Left as it has become being far more radical and militant than even I imagined.”

I hope you are right, although I don’t necessarily share your optimism. There are glimmers of hope that liberals might start radicalizing or turning left. But most of the anti-Trump effort has been attacking him from either a non-policy angle (calling him orange, orangutan, crude, without manners, Russia conspiracy obsession, etc), or attacking him politically from the right. The #Resistance is the first obstacle the left has been fighting to overcome.

But yes, a few people have broken through. But the party’s leadership is shit. Absolute dogshit.

@Yellowdog: ” I hope that you can see that even under Trump, some things on the world stage and in our own economy have improved.”

There is literally nothing related to the “world stage” (whatever that means) or “our own” economy that has improved for working people, the poor, immigrants, children, the environment, labor, health care, etc. The bad news onslaught daily is difficult. Things are looking pretty awful for most of the country, and they will continue to get worse.

Yellowdog's avatar

I know a lot of companies that are hiring, and a lot of people who have gotten raises, and a lot of tax cuts. And a lot of alliances in the Middle East. Lets hope for North Korea, as they were sending ever-increasing missiles with nuclear capacities our way a year ago. Nevada or the West Coast would have been hit by now under different leadership.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Yellowdog: “I know a lot of companies that are hiring, and a lot of people who have gotten raises, and a lot of tax cuts.”

I had an ice cream last night.

Not one thing you stated has anything to do with improvements for anyone other than the uber-rich.

@Yellowdog: “And a lot of alliances in the Middle East.”

Yep, the same old alliances with dictators and brutal regimes that Obama, the Bushes, and the Clintons had.

@Yellowdog: “Lets hope for North Korea, as they were sending ever-increasing missiles with nuclear capacities our way a year ago.”

Umm…yes, let’s hope we can denuclearize the world, including the US.

@Yellowdog: “Nevada or the West Coast would have been hit by now under different leadership.”

Okayyyy…. I’m out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

ICE was formed in 2003. @Yellowdog seems to be under the impression that the agency was some sort of Trump invention. It’s not. It was a much more decent and humane agency under other presidents.

Yellowdog's avatar

Ice was formed after 9/11 for good reasons. and there are demonstrations by the democrats everywhere to abolish it. Trump says no.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Yellowdog: “Ice was formed after 9/11 for good reasons. and there are demonstrations by the democrats everywhere to abolish it.”

C’mon. Don’t just make stuff up. “Abolish ICE” just made it into the dialog of a small minority of Democrats via the recent win of Octavio-Cortez. Where are the “demonstrations by the democrats everywhere” that you speak of?

Oh, and ICE is – and has always been (sorry, @Dutchess_III) – a terrorist organization.

Yellowdog's avatar

That line of reasoning is too messed up with to even debate.

Anti-ICE protests are everywhere. They are not a fringe group. They were all over my city on July 4th. They were all over Washington D.C. and the Statue of Liberty in New York.

They were even in Sacramento where they interfered with the apprehension of a child sex-trafficking ring.

They are the only defense you have against terror attacks decimating YOU.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Yellowdog: “Anti-ICE protests are everywhere. They are not a fringe group. They were all over my city on July 4th. They were all over Washington and the Statue of Liberty.”

You said democrats. Why do you assume these are Democrats suddenly?

@Yellowdog: “They are the only defense you have against terror attacks decimating YOU.”

ICE. are. terrorists.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is with all the claims, yet refusing to provide proof? There was one ONE woman displaying protest over Trumps immigration policy who climbed the outside of the statue. That’s hardly ”...all over…the Statue of Liberty.”

He is assuming they’re democrats because we’re the only ones with brains and compassion.

Yellowdog's avatar

Most of the Democrats are no longer Democrats. The left is totally unhinged at the moment, as stopping Trump (because he represents conservatives) is about the only agenda they have, even if it means terrorizing children and families of Republicans, posting threats in tweets and late-night comedy, and creating mayhem in restaurants and in public.

But your own postulations on these issues identifies who you are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh brother. This goofy, made up crap is wearing me out. I’m gone.

notnotnotnot's avatar

@Yellowdog: “But your own postulations on these issues identifies who you are.”

Who am I?

Yellowdog's avatar

Looks like ICE is doing its job.

It is NOT the border patrol. But they are apprehending drug cartels, human traffickers, international gangs, and terrorists. You are calling ICE the terrorists. How more plain can that be?

notnotnotnot's avatar

^ ICE terrorizes people and families, and we lick their boots because we are told it makes us safer from…

- “drug cartels”: Stop creating and strengthening the drug cartels if you’re so concerned about them.

- “human traffickers”: Having ICE thugs out there makes certain populations more vulnerable to trafficking, since they can’t seek help from authorities.

- “international gangs”: Please. Bogeyman meant to strike fear into community for compliance. MS-13? Homegrown gang that was exported and came back. Dealing with gang activity doesn’t require a fascist state with ICE thugs.

- “terrorists”: Well, fuck. How does terrorizing a population to fight terrorism work exactly?

If you were the least bit interested in terrorism, you’d know where we need to start: our foreign policy. If you were the least bit interested in drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, etc – you wouldn’t be suggesting that adding to the problem is a reasonable solution.

I’m curious, however…
@Yellowdog: “But your own postulations on these issues identifies who you are.”

Who am I?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I personally have not seen any anti-ICE stuff. And I lean pretty far left. Have not seen anything about that…. I’ve only heard of it from conservatives. Seriously…

ICE, as with any agency, is simply following orders. They’re being ordered to be a nazi-like secret police. It starts at the executive branch…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Unlike Ice protests weather or not they really are, if the Rep/cons and especially Trump are not held to account and get this Trade war under control, it could get real messy for the entire world not just the states.
And as one conservative tried to scare people with all the democrats want is a free for all, NOT TRUE, but keep chanting that with LOCK HER UP,and enough no minds might believe it.
How about an affordable health care act, that everyone can afford not just the wealthy.
How about making industry accountable for their actions, not polluting to their hearts content.
How about bringing wages up to where someone working 40 plus hours a week can afford a roof over their heads and food on the table,I know SHOCK,but putting people to work for slave wages do nothing for the lower class.
Has no one heard about Smoot and Hawley,in history class???
Trump is taking the States full steam towards the cliff, but don’t believe me just look at the 1920’s and what the Rep/cons did at the end of that decade, and gave the world the wonderful thirties?
Are we ready for another depression?

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