Social Question

ucme's avatar

Trump enters the Queen of England's private chamber tomorrow, who do you believe will get the most out of this, err..."encounter"?

Asked by ucme (50052points) July 12th, 2018

Off he went with a trumpety trump…trump…trump…trump.

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35 Answers

flutherother's avatar

The last Queen of England died sometime in the 17th century so I don’t think she would mind too much.
The present Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms is appalled at the prospect and would rather entertain Mick Fagan in her private quarters than meet with Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’ll be interesting…

ragingloli's avatar

Hmm, the Orangutan, who is used to banging porn stars and russian prostitutes?
Or the Queen, who can only expect a tiny needle dick?
Hopefully, he will try to grab her pussy, so she can have him executed.
Then would be the world who gets the most out of it.

rojo's avatar

GA @ragingloli and something to look forward to.

Trump will gain prestige from meeting the Queen while she gains nothing from the encounter; nothing positive anyway..

If I were her I would ask that the Baby Trump balloon be brought over and tied to the palace gates, just for grins.

ucme's avatar

Hmm typical pedantic celt, I simplified her title to suit an american audience so wind ya neck in @flutherother there’s a good chap.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The poor Queen. Unlike normal people she just can’t say “Get the hell out!!!”

I find it hilarious, or maybe idiotic, that a good percentage of England is protesting (I’ve got it running live on Youtube,) yet trump’s response is “I think they like me a lot in the UK.” Jesus. Get a grip, man. They hate you almost more than we do.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m expecting to hear that he told her she looks great: ”“You’re in such great shape.”

“Don’t you think she’s in great shape?” he’ll say to whoever is close at hand.

I’ll be she thinks: The colonies, yep, they’re still revolting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I second @Jeruba. He’ll lavish her with fake compliments and she’ll think the colonies have become revolting.

rojo's avatar

@Jeruba I picture her shaking Trump violently from side to side and yelling “Bloody Peasant!” ALA King Arthur in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He will probably want to discuss his penis size with her.

Jeruba's avatar

@Dutchess_III, way to kill my pun.

Patty_Melt's avatar

She will be pleasantly surprised to find he is more cordial than billed by US media. He will impress her as an intelligent man, rough about the edges, but gentleman all the same.

Of course, nobody will be sleeveless.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So Sorry @Jeruba…. :(

janbb's avatar

I don’t think she suffers fools gladly but I think she will be very coldly cordial after years of practice..

Yellowdog's avatar

Thus far, no one on the world stage has reacted badly to Donald Trump except German Chancellor Angela Merkel What makes you think this will be different than the response of other world leaders?

ragingloli's avatar

We do not have a prime minister.

Yellowdog's avatar

A greater concern for Her Majesty might be the tastelessness of her own people. There has been some pretty vile stuff said and planned. What has become of the U.K.?

England used to respect tradition and decorum. Even if one HAD bad feelings or revulsion

Trump has made an impressive appearance on the world stage, and The Queen is probably the most respected, dignified, monarch in history and this meeting, in reality, should be one of class and dignity. Looks like the meeting will virtually be in hiding.

ragingloli's avatar

what parallel universe do you inhabit?

Yellowdog's avatar

Hey, even Obama had class. Like royalty.
And even Trump is doing SOMETHING right earning the respect of most world leaders.

And now, even England (not the Queen but the people) is acting like a bunch of 13 year olds when the Study Hall teacher didn’t return from the bathroom.

ragingloli's avatar

NO ONE is respecting the Orangutan.
Every “appearance on the world stage” of his has been an unmitigated disaster and embarassment.
Retracted his agreement to the G7 outcome over twitter, achieved nothing on his little publicity get-together with Kim (he is basically doing nothing to denuclearise), and threw a tantrum at the NATO summit, forcing a special session in which nothing was accomplished.
All the world leaders are simply holding back, because they do not want to go down to his level. The orange baby really needs a good “Zusammenscheißen”

Patty_Melt's avatar

Threw a tantrum? He stood his ground on behalf of his country, and the citizens of that nation, including the whining, dispirited, self absorbed masses who resist his efforts.

If my candidate of choice had lost a run for the presidency to both the very first black man to be US President, and the very first bloated white man who starred in his own reality TV series, I believe I would shut my mouth and listen to people who apparently have a better understanding of how to choose a winner.
So President Trump doesn’t fit your sensitive natures. Whaw! His way is working. Watch and learn.
All the crap I hear spouted from snowflakes completely buries any inappropriate verbiage he may have uttered, ever.


Inspired_2write's avatar

The general public should be wary of anything Trump says about this meeting.
The Queen has advisers in etiquette who will brief Trump on strict roles of protocol in addressing the Queen, any deviation from those and she will leave the room and cut the meeting short.

Yellowdog's avatar

@ragingloli what does Germany not having a Prime Minister have to do with how the Queen of England would respond to Trump, compared to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s reaction? I missed that one a few posts back,

rojo's avatar

Naw, @Patty_Melt Threw a tantrum is pretty much right on. Stood his ground? For his country? I think not in both cases. He was showboating. He came in spoiling for a fight to prove to his base how tough he is and came out claiming he won while others in the meeting are wondering what the hell he is talking about as the French president did, flat out denying that anything at all happened or changed. You, me, the rest of the country got nothing out of his little tirade regardless of his grandiose claims. Some will claim he got more money out of NATO but, by NATO’s own admission all they did was agree to continue to meet the agreed upon 2% budget by the agreed upon time of 2024.

As for him not fitting our sensitive nature, in his words, deeds and actions he is an embarrassment to two thirds of the American citizenry. The fact that these very same qualities endear him and makes him a hero in the eyes of the other third tells you all you need to know about America at this period in time. These people have confused bluster for power, bellicosity for strength, rudeness for “truthiness” and repeated lying for facts.

Not sure what you see as working either, I keep hearing how much better things are but I see no evidence of this in my part of the world. Gas is going up, as are prices on other goods and we haven’t even begun to feel the impact of the impending trade war. We are losing protections from corporate greed. We are giving/selling public lands so that a few can profit. Health care is being undermined. We are looking at removing all the social protections for the poor and elderly. Hardly any wage increases to speak of except in the offices of the managerial class. We are the laughingstock of the world when it comes to our president. Our foreign policy is in tatters with career professionals leaving due to a lack of support from the administration. We have a record number of countries without proper staffing in our embassies and even without ambassadors. Some will bring up North Korea and I don’t disagree that interactions between the parties are necessary but there are yet to be any tangible results. Trump refuses to impose sanctions on Russia even though Congress has called for them. So much winning, so much progress in a backwards direction.

And please be careful with the pejorative “snowflake”. I believe John Cleese hit the nail on the head when he said “….sociopaths use it in an attempt to discredit the notion of empathy”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yep. Only Trump, and his supporters think he is doing well. That’s because he tells them he’s doing well.

Reality is VASTLY different. Not really sure what to expect anymore. Just nothing good…

ragingloli's avatar

You maliciously called Merkel a “prime minister, I corrected you.

ragingloli's avatar

Here are some quotes from the German Foreign Minister, and the former chairman of the SPD

Current Foreign Minister Maas
__“This is not about the boldest tweet, or the highest TV ratings, but about our common security. “__
__“Europe can not tolerate, that what has been built over the decades, is being intentionally damaged because of a lust for provocation.“__
__“We are not prisoners, neither of Russia nor the USA. Decisions about our budget, energy supply and trade relations will be made freely, sovereign, and based on facts.“__

Former SPD chairman Schulz
__“Trump, with his intentional fissuring of the western alliance and his contempt for its values, jeopardises world peace.“__
__“We are not militarily naive, and can not allow ourselves to be treated like vassals.“__

So much for “respect”.
And then the Orangutan had the gall to sexually assault Merkel on Thursday, while she was speaking.
And he did something similar to Prime Minister May.

But go on, continue to believe, that the world loves your “daddy”.

ragingloli's avatar

The subtitles are wrong, intentionally so.
What she is really laughing about is the decline of the tradional skill of egg scratching.
“Eier”, meaning “eggs”, is also a slang term for testicles. That is why she is laughing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“_Trump earning the respect of world leaders….” now that’s funny!

Patty_Melt's avatar

John Cleese can say whatever he likes. In order to determine the accurate diagnosis for my condition, I have to endure quite a battery if tests, including mental evaluation, and we can all be certain I am no sociopath.

Jeruba's avatar

@ragingloli, it’s not parallel. It’s at right angles.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ragingloli what did he do to Merkel and May?

ragingloli's avatar

Forced a kiss on Merkel and grabbed May’s hand.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Guess I missed it.

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