How large will the crowd of protesters be in Helsinki when Trump reports to Putin for his job evaluation?
Will the Don pass muster?
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About 1/10 the population of London. And lots of Finns are on summer vacation. And they have a history of playing neutral host between the US and USSR/Russia.
So I think there will be a reasonable display but they won’t shutting down traffic.
Well. Rough timing with the recent indictments, involving Russian hacking…
Some people want Don to hold Putin accountable, and be tough. I have some predictions, that Trump will remain chummy, with his boss/blackmailer. But…
We’ll see. Trump isn’t very smart, and is prone to impulsive behavior. There doesn’t seem to be one single advisor that has Trump’s ear. He behaves most placid, and accommodating, around other “bully” personalities (leaders.) So, there’s a good chance he plays nice. I have to say, I’d be shocked if Trump talked tough to Putin… Not sure I want him to. Trump is in over his head discussing pleasantries with Putin. Let alone bargaining with hundreds of millions of lives. Putin is exponentially more experienced/talented in almost every relevant field to a world leader, than Trump…
Finland;s response to Trump will be similar to Poland and Eastern Europe, who are threatened by Russia.
Germany is the nation too cozy with Putin.
Trump is trying to get Germany to cease energy dependence with Putin, which would bankrupt Russia, so Putin/Trump relations are not too great right now.
Germany, and a growing number of other nations, have lost faith in their relationship with America. Expect more countries like Russia, and China, to start living as if the USA doesn’t exist as a player on the world stage. Our allies have lost most assurances of having productive/healthy diplomatic relations with the US, as a direct result of Trump….
I wouldn’t blame any country for completely abandoning hope for any near future US relations…
As far as Trump/Putin relations go, we’ll see. Putin is expected to push Trump hard to ease sanctions further on Russia, and some top oligarchs.
Trump will arrive, with fresh facts that Russia did indeed try to affect an American presidential election. The heart of our very democracy.
Will he be “tough?”
I can’t guess, but maybe larger than the crowd at the last inauguration. Maybe a crowd like no one has seen before. I’m guessing that our guy would be pleased with a great turnout on his account, no matter the reason. Wouldn’t he hate it if he just got a big shrug?
What I’m wondering is what your life is worth once you’ve served as an interpreter at a private meeting between those two. Novichok cocktail, maybe?
The conservatives NEVER denied Russia’s interference in U.S> elections. The Right (Nunes) has been saying this since 2014, and Obama advised him that the cold war was over. Hillary and Obama both ridiculed Trump about his concerns on November 16. Obama told Trump to quit whining, and that it was impossible for anyone to interfere with a U.S> election because the districts were too decentralized, The day before the election, Hillary said ‘How dare Trump question the integrity of our electoral process.”
Russia has no reason to want Trump as president, and Hillary used Fusion GPS to get quite a bit of support from Russia.
So Hillary paid the Russians, to lose? Great theory…..
She paid for the Steele dossier, who used Russian sources, and was quite effective at getting it planted in U.S. intelligence and media. This is how the entire Russian investigation got started.
Conservatives have been concerned about Russian involvement in the elections and the scope of their hacking (e.g. power grids, through hacking and through EMPs for years, and were treated as crackpots.
After watching the Peter Strzok hearings, I think EVERY American should be concerned about what our own top officials have done—the fix to exonerate Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump—plans that were detailed in Strzok’s own text messages to Lisa Paige, The disgusting, unbecoming personal insults to Trump and Trump supporters were bad enough, but plans to stop Trump or insure a win for Hillary Clinton—by persons and tools within our own intelligence organizations, is far more serious than the piddly things we’ve seen out of Russia.
As for the meeting with Putin, I suspect that Trump will exaggerate its successes as usual and nothing will be accomplished, but thus far, our allies in Europe who favor the EU are far more cozy with Putin than Trump is. The goal is to sever Russia’s energy ties with western Europe,
Also, I suspect that younger Europeans have a much more favorable perception of Putin than of Trump, even though their opinion about Putin isn’t very good, either.
No one in London protested Putin when he visited, nor the Turkish dictator Erdoğan when he visited. Then again, hating Trump and disgusting images and caracatures of Trump are en vogue.
Will kick up a hell-stinky in moderate numbers…too busy ski jumping & shit.
@Yellowdog . You bring up an interesting point. If there were protests of Purin, and Erdogan. Guess that makes Trump the world’s biggest asshole. As far as public perception. They all judge him by his own rhetoric, and actions, so….
Your conspiracy theories about Trump are ridiculous, on a good day… The sheer number of people, on both sides of the aisle and in the world in general, that would have had to coordinate to produce such a conspiracy makes it complete and utter nonsense…
@Jeruba I know that I would turn down that interpreter gig.
@stanleybmanly, I honestly can’t imagine why anyone would take it except under duress. How could anyone pay more for your silence than the governments of a hundred other nations would pay you to break it? I would think your life would be a terrified misery ever after. No matter how much assurance of protection you got, someone would know, and someone has a price.
And if they used some kind of automated translation system—well, then, we’re all in for it. As if we weren’t anyway.
What is the “conspiracy theory” @MrGrimm888 ?
The Strzok hearings were broadcast live on C-Span and the texts were read, and Peter Strzok had to respond to them. I don’t think this information was ever THAT hard for anyone to find.
Everything else I said about the Steele dossier (now there are three versions of it; the one McCaine has, the one Strzok has and the one that Buzzfeed has)—the Steele Dossier was bought and paid for by the Democratic party (Which Hillary was in financial control of, due to her bailing them out)—and was the work of Christopher Steele using Russian sources,
Germany IS energy-dependent on Russia and has made a rather pricey pipeline deal with Putin. This is in violation of the NATO compact, and America is funding over ⅔rds of NATO. What’s so hard about THAT to understand? What is YOUR proposition as to why Trump is over there? I’m sure its QUITE a nefarious theory.
Lets hear it,
Oh my…
I suppose I’ll respond to your last/closest to a legitimate question.
“Why Trump is over there?” He’s doing the rounds. I’m sure that both he, and the world would prefer Trump uninvolved, but he is going through the motions.
Trump is in office to help himself, his family, and his wealthy cohorts (some are voluntary friends, others seem to hold something over Trump.)
His meeting with Putin will potentially be informative. If he isn’t all fire, and brimstone with Putin, he will have exposed himself yet again…
Trump’s entire business history is full if “nefarious” acts, and lawsuits, why would he govern any differently? He’s not…
Trump is in a position where he will basically be forced to be tough on Russia, or give further obvious evidence of their shady relationship…
Trump was one of the wealthiest men in the country. His presidential salary goes to charity. Many other politicians such as the Clintons and Obama, have made millions, if not hundreds of millions, on politics and presidential perk and speakers fees, including speaker fees in Russia
. Why do you think Trump would need to bolster his income the way Obama and the Clintons did? Trump was worth 3 Billion before even campaigning, and campaigned on less than a third what Hillary bankrupt us with.
Trump was one of the wealthiest men in the country.
How do you know that? Do you have a verified list?
Let us know. Thanks in advance.
Your record of weaseling away when asked a direct question is unbroken. Sad.
Actually, Trump is on Social Security and Medicaid / Medicare.
Sorry … (sheepishly walks away).
Some points. Germany along with a lot of Europe gets its natural gas from Russia because it can be readily and cheaply piped around the continent. The United States could not possibly provide the gas in the quantities required at a price anywhere close to the current bargain. Nobody knows what Trump is actually worth, but you can bet your ass that he himself is lying about it, whatever he claims. There are several and significant clues that the Donald is ALL front about his actual worth, beginning with the fact that no reputable bank will lend him money for his projects, and the obvious fact that if he had 3 billion dollars he wouldn’t be desperate for financing. The 3rd tipoff to his probable worth is his propensity to fall back on what amounts to criminal oligarch and gangsters to finace his projects, and I’d bet a dollar to a nickle that it will be the money laundering foundation to his real estate empire that will sink him.
I already told you. He is on Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid and has 44 dollars and 19 cents in the Commerical Bank at Queens, NY
Can’t give an honest answer. Doesn’t that bother you? Integrity means nothing?
But how many times can the man be excused for just plain loudly running his mouth without a clue as to what he’s talking about. The natural gas ouburst merely demonstrates (again) the know nothing nature of our feckless President, but it is but a minor disaster in the overall catastrophe distinguishing the current diplomatic escapade. The country’s interests would be better served if someone kicked his fat ass down the stairs to the White House dungeon and locked him in a closet.
Well, I guess Trump can just tell Putin to turn off the spicket. Bloodless takeover of the EU.
“Why would Trump need to bolster his income?” You can’t be serious….
Because he only has 44 dollars. The rest is lies
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